
Text file src/sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/mkdocs.yml

Documentation: sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api

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    32        'references/implementers-guide.md': 'reference/implementers-guide.md'
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    53  - tables
    55  - Overview:
    56    - Introduction: index.md
    57    - Concepts:
    58        API Overview: concepts/api-overview.md
    59        GAMMA: concepts/gamma.md
    60        Conformance: concepts/conformance.md
    61        Implementation Guidelines: concepts/guidelines.md
    62        Roles and Personas: concepts/roles-and-personas.md
    63        Service Facets: concepts/service-facets.md
    64        Security Model: concepts/security-model.md
    65        Use Cases: concepts/use-cases.md
    66        Versioning: concepts/versioning.md
    67    - Implementations: implementations.md
    68    - FAQ: faq.md
    69    - Glossary: concepts/glossary.md
    70  - Guides:
    71    - Getting started: guides/index.md
    72    - Simple Gateway: guides/simple-gateway.md
    73    - HTTP routing: guides/http-routing.md
    74    - HTTP redirects and rewrites: guides/http-redirect-rewrite.md
    75    - HTTP header modifier: guides/http-header-modifier.md
    76    - HTTP traffic splitting: guides/traffic-splitting.md
    77    - Cross-Namespace routing: guides/multiple-ns.md
    78    - TLS: guides/tls.md
    79    - TCP routing: guides/tcp.md
    80    - gRPC Routing: guides/grpc-routing.md
    81    - Migrating from Ingress: guides/migrating-from-ingress.md
    82  - Reference:
    83    - Implementer's Guide: reference/implementers-guide.md
    84    - API Types:
    85        GatewayClass: api-types/gatewayclass.md
    86        Gateway: api-types/gateway.md
    87        HTTPRoute: api-types/httproute.md
    88        ReferenceGrant: api-types/referencegrant.md
    89        GRPCRoute: api-types/grpcroute.md
    90    - API specification: reference/spec.md
    91    - Policy Attachment: reference/policy-attachment.md
    92    - Enhancement Proposals:
    93      - Overview: geps/overview.md
    94      - Declined:
    95        - geps/gep-735.md
    96        - geps/gep-1282.md
    97      - Provisional:
    98        - geps/gep-1619.md
    99        - geps/gep-1867.md
   100        - geps/gep-2162.md
   101      # - Implementable:
   102      #   -
   103      - Experimental:
   104        - geps/gep-713.md
   105        - geps/gep-957.md
   106        - geps/gep-1016.md
   107        - geps/gep-1324.md
   108        - geps/gep-1426.md
   109        - geps/gep-1651.md
   110        - geps/gep-1686.md
   111        - geps/gep-1709.md
   112        - geps/gep-1742.md
   113        - geps/gep-1748.md
   114        - geps/gep-1897.md
   115        - geps/gep-1911.md
   116        - geps/gep-2257.md
   117      - Standard:
   118        - geps/gep-709.md
   119        - geps/gep-718.md
   120        - geps/gep-724.md
   121        - geps/gep-726.md
   122        - geps/gep-746.md
   123        - geps/gep-820.md
   124        - geps/gep-851.md
   125        - geps/gep-917.md
   126        - geps/gep-922.md
   127        - geps/gep-1323.md
   128        - geps/gep-1364.md
   129      - Glossary: concepts/glossary.md
   130  - Contributing:
   131    - How to Get Involved: contributing/index.md
   132    - Developer Guide: contributing/devguide.md
   133    - Enhancement Requests: contributing/enhancement-requests.md
   134    - Contributor Ladder: contributing/contributor-ladder.md
   135  - Blog:
   136    - Index: blog/index.md
   137    - 2023:
   138      - blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md
   139    - 2022:
   140      - blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md
   141    - 2021:
   142      - blog/2021/introducing-v1alpha2.md

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