site_name: Kubernetes Gateway API repo_url: repo_name: kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api site_dir: site docs_dir: site-src hooks: - hack/ watch: - geps theme: name: material icon: repo: fontawesome/brands/git-alt logo: images/k8s-favicon.png favicon: images/k8s-favicon.png features: - search.highlight - navigation.tabs - edit_uri: edit/main/site-src/ plugins: - search - awesome-pages - macros: include_dir: examples j2_line_comment_prefix: "#$" - redirects: redirect_maps: 'guides/': 'guides/' 'contributing/': 'contributing/' 'contributing/': 'concepts/' 'references/': 'reference/' 'references/': 'reference/' 'references/': 'reference/' - mermaid2 markdown_extensions: - admonition - meta - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.highlight - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.superfences: custom_fences: - name: mermaid class: mermaid format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format - pymdownx.snippets - toc: permalink: true - tables nav: - Overview: - Introduction: - Concepts: API Overview: concepts/ GAMMA: concepts/ Conformance: concepts/ Implementation Guidelines: concepts/ Roles and Personas: concepts/ Service Facets: concepts/ Security Model: concepts/ Use Cases: concepts/ Versioning: concepts/ - Implementations: - FAQ: - Glossary: concepts/ - Guides: - Getting started: guides/ - Simple Gateway: guides/ - HTTP routing: guides/ - HTTP redirects and rewrites: guides/ - HTTP header modifier: guides/ - HTTP traffic splitting: guides/ - Cross-Namespace routing: guides/ - TLS: guides/ - TCP routing: guides/ - gRPC Routing: guides/ - Migrating from Ingress: guides/ - Reference: - Implementer's Guide: reference/ - API Types: GatewayClass: api-types/ Gateway: api-types/ HTTPRoute: api-types/ ReferenceGrant: api-types/ GRPCRoute: api-types/ - API specification: reference/ - Policy Attachment: reference/ - Enhancement Proposals: - Overview: geps/ - Declined: - geps/ - geps/ - Provisional: - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ # - Implementable: # - - Experimental: - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - Standard: - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - geps/ - Glossary: concepts/ - Contributing: - How to Get Involved: contributing/ - Developer Guide: contributing/ - Enhancement Requests: contributing/ - Contributor Ladder: contributing/ - Blog: - Index: blog/ - 2023: - blog/2023/ - 2022: - blog/2022/ - 2021: - blog/2021/