1# GEP-713: Metaresources and Policy Attachment
3* Issue: [#713](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/issues/713)
4* Status: Experimental
6> **Note**: This GEP is exempt from the [Probationary Period][expprob] rules of
7> our GEP overview as it existed before those rules did, and so it has been
8> explicitly grandfathered in.
12## TLDR
14This GEP aims to standardize terminology and processes around using one Kubernetes
15object to modify the functions of one or more other objects.
17This GEP defines some terms, firstly: _Metaresource_.
19A Kubernetes object that _augments_ the behavior of an object
20in a standard way is called a _Metaresource_.
22This document proposes controlling the creation of configuration in the underlying
23Gateway data plane using two types of Policy Attachment.
24A "Policy Attachment" is a specific type of _metaresource_ that can affect specific
25settings across either one object (this is "Direct Policy Attachment"), or objects
26in a hierarchy (this is "Inherited Policy Attachment").
28Individual policy APIs:
29- must be their own CRDs (e.g. `TimeoutPolicy`, `RetryPolicy` etc),
30- can be included in the Gateway API group and installation or be defined by
31 implementations
32- and must include a common `TargetRef` struct in their specification to identify
33 how and where to apply that policy.
34- _may_ include either a `defaults` section, an `overrides` section, or both. If
35 these are included, the Policy is an Inherited Policy, and should use the
36 inheritance rules defined in this document.
38For Inherited Policies, this GEP also describes a set of expected behaviors
39for how settings can flow across a defined hierarchy.
42## Goals
44* Establish a pattern for Policy resources which will be used for any policies
45 included in the Gateway API spec
46* Establish a pattern for Policy attachment, whether Direct or Inherited,
47 which must be used for any implementation specific policies used with
48 Gateway API resources
49* Provide a way to distinguish between required and default values for all
50 policy API implementations
51* Enable policy attachment at all relevant scopes, including Gateways, Routes,
52 Backends, along with how values should flow across a hierarchy if necessary
53* Ensure the policy attachment specification is generic and forward thinking
54 enough that it could be easily adapted to other grouping mechanisms like
55 Namespaces in the future
56* Provide a means of attachment that works for both ingress and mesh
57 implementations of this API
58* Provide a consistent specification that will ensure familiarity between both
59 included and implementation-specific policies so they can both be interpreted
60 the same way.
62## Out of scope
64* Define all potential policies that may be attached to resources
65* Design the full structure and configuration of policies
67## Background and concepts
69When designing Gateway API, one of the things we’ve found is that we often need to be
70able change the behavior of objects without being able to make changes to the spec
71of those objects. Sometimes, this is because we can’t change the spec of the object
72to hold the information we need ( ReferenceGrant, from
73[GEP-709](https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/geps/gep-709/), affecting Secrets
74and Services is an example, as is Direct Policy Attachment), and sometimes it’s
75because we want the behavior change to flow across multiple objects
76(this is what Inherited Policy Attachment is for).
78To put this another way, sometimes we need ways to be able to affect how an object
79is interpreted in the API, without representing the description of those effects
80inside the spec of the object.
82This document describes the ways we design objects to meet these two use cases,
83and why you might choose one or the other.
85We use the term “metaresource” to describe the class of objects that _only_ augment
86the behavior of another Kubernetes object, regardless of what they are targeting.
88“Meta” here is used in its Greek sense of “more comprehensive”
89or “transcending”, and “resource” rather than “object” because “metaresource”
90is more pronounceable than “metaobject”. Additionally, a single word is better
91than a phrase like “wrapper object” or “wrapper resource” overall, although both
92of those terms are effectively synonymous with “metaresource”.
94A "Policy Attachment" is a metaresource that affects the fields in existing objects
95(like Gateway or Routes), or influences the configuration that's generated in an
96underlying data plane.
98"Direct Policy Attachment" is when a Policy object references a single object _only_,
99and only modifies the fields of or the configuration associated with that object.
101"Inherited Policy Attachment" is when a Policy object references a single object
102_and any child objects of that object_ (according to some defined hierarchy), and
103modifies fields of the child objects, or configuration associated with the child
106In either case, a Policy may either affect an object by controlling the value
107of one of the existing _fields_ in the `spec` of an object, or it may add
108additional fields that are _not_ in the `spec` of the object.
110### Direct Policy Attachment
112A Direct Policy Attachment is tightly bound to one instance of a particular
113Kind within a single namespace (or to an instance of a single Kind at cluster scope),
114and only modifies the behavior of the object that matches its binding.
116As an example, one use case that Gateway API currently does not support is how
117to configure details of the TLS required to connect to a backend (in other words,
118if the process running inside the backend workload expects TLS, not that some
119automated infrastructure layer is provisioning TLS as in the Mesh case).
121A hypothetical TLSConnectionPolicy that targets a Service could be used for this,
122using the functionality of the Service as describing a set of endpoints. (It
123should also be noted this is not the only way to solve this problem, just an
124example to illustrate Direct Policy Attachment.)
126The TLSConnectionPolicy would look something like this:
129apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2
130kind: TLSConnectionPolicy
132 name: tlsport8443
133 namespace: foo
135 targetRef: # This struct is defined as part of Gateway API
136 group: "" # Empty string means core - this is a standard convention
137 kind: Service
138 name: fooService
139 tls:
140 certificateAuthorityRefs:
141 - name: CAcert
142 port: 8443
146All this does is tell an implementation, that for connecting to port `8443` on the
147Service `fooService`, it should assume that the connection is TLS, and expect the
148service's certificate to be validated by the chain in the `CAcert` Secret.
150Importantly, this would apply to _every_ usage of that Service across any HTTPRoutes
151in that namespace, which could be useful for a Service that is reused in a lot of
154With these two examples in mind, here are some guidelines for when to consider
155using Direct Policy Attachment:
157* The number or scope of objects to be modified is limited or singular. Direct
158 Policy Attachments must target one specific object.
159* The modifications to be made to the objects don’t have any transitive information -
160 that is, the modifications only affect the single object that the targeted
161 metaresource is bound to, and don’t have ramifications that flow beyond that
162 object.
163* In terms of status, it should be reasonably easy for a user to understand that
164 everything is working - basically, as long as the targeted object exists, and
165 the modifications are valid, the metaresource is valid, and this should be
166 straightforward to communicate in one or two Conditions. Note that at the time
167 of writing, this is *not* completed.
168* Direct Policy Attachment _should_ only be used to target objects in the same
169 namespace as the Policy object. Allowing cross-namespace references brings in
170 significant security concerns, and/or difficulties about merging cross-namespace
171 policy objects. Notably, Mesh use cases may need to do something like this for
172 consumer policies, but in general, Policy objects that modify the behavior of
173 things outside their own namespace should be avoided unless it uses a handshake
174 of some sort, where the things outside the namespace can opt–out of the behavior.
175 (Notably, this is the design that we used for ReferenceGrant).
177### Inherited Policy Attachment: It's all about the defaults and overrides
179Because a Inherited Policy is a metaresource, it targets some other resource
180and _augments_ its behavior.
182But why have this distinct from other types of metaresource? Because Inherited
183Policy resources are designed to have a way for settings to flow down a hierarchy.
185Defaults set the default value for something, and can be overridden by the
186“lower” objects (like a connection timeout default policy on a Gateway being
187overridable inside a HTTPRoute), and Overrides cannot be overridden by “lower”
188objects (like setting a maximum client timeout to some non-infinite value at the
189Gateway level to stop HTTPRoute owners from leaking connections over time).
191Here are some guidelines for when to consider using a Inherited Policy object:
193* The settings or configuration are bound to one containing object, but affect
194 other objects attached to that one (for example, affecting HTTPRoutes attached
195 to a single Gateway, or all HTTPRoutes in a GatewayClass).
196* The settings need to able to be defaulted, but can be overridden on a per-object
197 basis.
198* The settings must be enforced by one persona, and not modifiable or removable
199 by a lesser-privileged persona. (The owner of a GatewayClass may want to restrict
200 something about all Gateways in a GatewayClass, regardless of who owns the Gateway,
201 or a Gateway owner may want to enforce some setting across all attached HTTPRoutes).
202* In terms of status, a good accounting for how to record that the Policy is
203 attached is easy, but recording what resources the Policy is being applied to
204 is not, and needs to be carefully designed to avoid fanout apiserver load.
205 (This is not built at all in the current design either).
207When multiple Inherited Policies are used, they can interact in various ways,
208which are governed by the following rules, which will be expanded on later in this document.
210* If a Policy does not affect an object's fields directly, then the resultant
211 Policy should be the set of all distinct fields inside the relevant Policy objects,
212 as set out by the rules below.
213* For Policies that affect an object's existing fields, multiple instances of the
214 same Policy Kind affecting an object's fields will be evaluated as
215 though only a single Policy "wins" the right to affect each field. This operation
216 is performed on a _per-distinct-field_ basis.
217* Settings in `overrides` stanzas will win over the same setting in a `defaults`
218 stanza.
219* `overrides` settings operate in a "less specific beats more specific" fashion -
220 Policies attached _higher_ up the hierarchy will beat the same type of Policy
221 attached further down the hierarchy.
222* `defaults` settings operate in a "more specific beats less specific" fashion -
223 Policies attached _lower down_ the hierarchy will beat the same type of Policy
224 attached further _up_ the hierarchy.
225* For `defaults`, the _most specific_ value is the one _inside the object_ that
226 the Policy applies to; that is, if a Policy specifies a `default`, and an object
227 specifies a value, the _object's_ value will win.
228* Policies interact with the fields they are controlling in a "replace value"
229 fashion.
230 * For fields where the `value` is a scalar, (like a string or a number)
231 should have their value _replaced_ by the value in the Policy if it wins.
232 Notably, this means that a `default` will only ever replace an empty or unset
233 value in an object.
234 * For fields where the value is an object, the Policy should include the fields
235 in the object in its definition, so that the replacement can be on simple fields
236 rather than complex ones.
237 * For fields where the final value is non-scalar, but is not an _object_ with
238 fields of its own, the value should be entirely replaced, _not_ merged. This
239 means that lists of strings or lists of ints specified in a Policy will overwrite
240 the empty list (in the case of a `default`) or any specified list (in the case
241 of an `override`). The same applies to `map[string]string` fields. An example
242 here would be a field that stores a map of annotations - specifying a Policy
243 that overrides annotations will mean that a final object specifying those
244 annotations will have its value _entirely replaced_ by an `override` setting.
245* In the case that two Policies of the same type specify different fields, then
246 _all_ of the specified fields should take effect on the affected object.
248Examples to further illustrate these rules are given below.
250## Naming Policy objects
252The preceding rules discuss how Policy objects should _behave_, but this section
253describes how Policy objects should be _named_.
255Policy objects should be clearly named so as to indicate that they are Policy
258The simplest way to do that is to ensure that the type's name contains the `Policy`
261Implementations _should_ use `Policy` as the last part of the names of object types
262that use this pattern.
264If an implementation does not, then they _must_ clearly document what objects
265are Policy metaresources in their documentation. Again, this is _not recommended_
266without a _very_ good reason.
268## Policy Attachment examples and behavior
270This approach is building on concepts from all of the alternatives discussed
271below. This is very similar to the (now removed) BackendPolicy resource in the API,
272but also borrows some concepts from the [ServicePolicy
275### Policy Attachment for Ingress
276Attaching a Directly Attached Policy to Gateway resources for ingress use cases
277is relatively straightforward. A policy can reference the resource it wants to
278apply to.
280Access is granted with RBAC - anyone that has access to create a RetryPolicy in
281a given namespace can attach it to any resource within that namespace.
285An Inherited Policy can attach to a parent resource, and then each policy
286applies to the referenced resource and everything below it in terms of hierarchy.
287Although this example is likely more complex than many real world
288use cases, it helps demonstrate how policy attachment can work across
293### Policy Attachment for Mesh
294Although there is a great deal of overlap between ingress and mesh use cases,
295mesh enables more complex policy attachment scenarios. For example, you may want
296to apply policy to requests from a specific namespace to a backend in another
301Policy attachment can be quite simple with mesh. Policy can be applied to any
302resource in any namespace but it can only apply to requests from the same
303namespace if the target is in a different namespace.
305At the other extreme, policy can be used to apply to requests from a specific
306workload to a backend in another namespace. A route can be used to intercept
307these requests and split them between different backends (foo-a and foo-b in
308this case).
312### Policy TargetRef API
314Each Policy resource MUST include a single `targetRef` field. It must not
315target more than one resource at a time, but it can be used to target larger
316resources such as Gateways or Namespaces that may apply to multiple child
319As with most APIs, there are countless ways we could choose to expand this in
320the future. This includes supporting multiple targetRefs and/or label selectors.
321Although this would enable compelling functionality, it would increase the
322complexity of an already complex API and potentially result in more conflicts
323between policies. Although we may choose to expand the targeting capabilities
324in the future, at this point it is strongly preferred to start with a simpler
325pattern that still leaves room for future expansion.
327The `targetRef` field MUST have the following structure:
330// PolicyTargetReference identifies an API object to apply policy to.
331type PolicyTargetReference struct {
332 // Group is the group of the target resource.
333 //
334 // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
335 // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
336 Group string `json:"group"`
338 // Kind is kind of the target resource.
339 //
340 // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
341 // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
342 Kind string `json:"kind"`
344 // Name is the name of the target resource.
345 //
346 // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
347 // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
348 Name string `json:"name"`
350 // Namespace is the namespace of the referent. When unspecified, the local
351 // namespace is inferred. Even when policy targets a resource in a different
352 // namespace, it may only apply to traffic originating from the same
353 // namespace as the policy.
354 //
355 // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
356 // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
357 // +optional
358 Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
362### Sample Policy API
363The following structure can be used as a starting point for any Policy resource
364using this API pattern. Note that the PolicyTargetReference struct defined above
365will be distributed as part of the Gateway API.
368// ACMEServicePolicy provides a way to apply Service policy configuration with
369// the ACME implementation of the Gateway API.
370type ACMEServicePolicy struct {
371 metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
372 metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
374 // Spec defines the desired state of ACMEServicePolicy.
375 Spec ACMEServicePolicySpec `json:"spec"`
377 // Status defines the current state of ACMEServicePolicy.
378 Status ACMEServicePolicyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
381// ACMEServicePolicySpec defines the desired state of ACMEServicePolicy.
382type ACMEServicePolicySpec struct {
383 // TargetRef identifies an API object to apply policy to.
384 TargetRef gatewayv1a2.PolicyTargetReference `json:"targetRef"`
386 // Override defines policy configuration that should override policy
387 // configuration attached below the targeted resource in the hierarchy.
388 // +optional
389 Override *ACMEPolicyConfig `json:"override,omitempty"`
391 // Default defines default policy configuration for the targeted resource.
392 // +optional
393 Default *ACMEPolicyConfig `json:"default,omitempty"`
396// ACMEPolicyConfig contains ACME policy configuration.
397type ACMEPolicyConfig struct {
398 // Add configurable policy here
401// ACMEServicePolicyStatus defines the observed state of ACMEServicePolicy.
402type ACMEServicePolicyStatus struct {
403 // Conditions describe the current conditions of the ACMEServicePolicy.
404 //
405 // +optional
406 // +listType=map
407 // +listMapKey=type
408 // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=8
409 Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
413### Hierarchy
414Each policy MAY include default or override values. Default values are given
415precedence from the bottom up, while override values are top down. That means
416that a default attached to a Backend will have the highest precedence among
417default values while an override value attached to a GatewayClass will have the
418highest precedence overall.
422To illustrate this, consider 3 resources with the following hierarchy:
423A > B > C. When attaching the concept of defaults and overrides to that, the
424hierarchy would be expanded to this:
426A override > B override > C override > C default > B default > A default.
428Note that the hierarchy is reversed for defaults. The rationale here is that
429overrides usually need to be enforced top down while defaults should apply to
430the lowest resource first. For example, if an admin needs to attach required
431policy, they can attach it as an override to a Gateway. That would have
432precedence over Routes and Services below it. On the other hand, an app owner
433may want to set a default timeout for their Service. That would have precedence
434over defaults attached at higher levels such as Route or Gateway.
436If using defaults _and_ overrides, each policy resource MUST include 2 structs
437within the spec. One with override values and the other with default values.
439In the following example, the policy attached to the Gateway requires cdn to
440be enabled and provides some default configuration for that. The policy attached
441to the Route changes the value for one of those fields (includeQueryString).
444kind: CDNCachingPolicy # Example of implementation specific policy name
446 override:
447 cdn:
448 enabled: true
449 default:
450 cdn:
451 cachePolicy:
452 includeHost: true
453 includeProtocol: true
454 includeQueryString: true
455 targetRef:
456 kind: Gateway
457 name: example
459kind: CDNCachingPolicy
461 default:
462 cdn:
463 cachePolicy:
464 includeQueryString: false
465 targetRef:
466 type: direct
467 kind: HTTPRoute
468 name: example
471In this final example, we can see how the override attached to the Gateway has
472precedence over the default drainTimeout value attached to the Route. At the
473same time, we can see that the default connectionTimeout attached to the Route
474has precedence over the default attached to the Gateway.
476Also note how the different resources interact - fields that are not common across
477objects _may_ both end up affecting the final object.
481#### Supported Resources
482It is important to note that not every implementation will be able to support
483policy attachment to each resource described in the hierarchy above. When that
484is the case, implementations MUST clearly document which resources a policy may
485be attached to.
487#### Attaching Policy to GatewayClass
488GatewayClass may be the trickiest resource to attach policy to. Policy
489attachment relies on the policy being defined within the same scope as the
490target. This ensures that only users with write access to a policy resource in a
491given scope will be able to modify policy at that level. Since GatewayClass is a
492cluster scoped resource, this means that any policy attached to it must also be
493cluster scoped.
495GatewayClass parameters provide an alternative to policy attachment that may be
496easier for some implementations to support. These parameters can similarly be
497used to set defaults and requirements for an entire GatewayClass.
499### Targeting External Services
500In some cases (likely limited to mesh) we may want to apply policies to requests
501to external services. To accomplish this, implementations can choose to support
502a reference to a virtual resource type:
505apiVersion: networking.acme.io/v1alpha1
506kind: RetryPolicy
508 name: foo
510 default:
511 maxRetries: 5
512 targetRef:
513 group: networking.acme.io
514 kind: ExternalService
515 name: foo.com
518### Merging into existing `spec` fields
520It's possible (even likely) that configuration in a Policy may need to be merged
521into an existing object's fields somehow, particularly for Inherited policies.
523When merging into an existing fields inside an object, Policy objects should
524merge values at a scalar level, not at a struct or object level.
526For example, in the `CDNCachingPolicy` example above, the `cdn` struct contains
527a `cachePolicy` struct that contains fields. If an implementation was merging
528this configuration into an existing object that contained the same fields, it
529should merge the fields at a scalar level, with the `includeHost`,
530`includeProtocol`, and `includeQueryString` values being defaulted if they were
531not specified in the object being controlled. Similarly, for `overrides`, the
532values of the innermost scalar fields should overwrite the scalar fields in the
533affected object.
535Implementations should not copy any structs from the Policy object directly into the
536affected object, any fields that _are_ overridden should be overridden on a per-field
539In the case that the field in the Policy affects a struct that is a member of a list,
540each existing item in the list in the affected object should have each of its
541fields compared to the corresponding fields in the Policy.
543For non-scalar field _values_, like a list of strings, or a `map[string]string`
544value, the _entire value_ must be overwritten by the value from the Policy. No
545merging should take place. This mainly applies to `overrides`, since for
546`defaults`, there should be no value present in a field on the final object.
548This table shows how this works for various types:
550|Type|Object config|Override Policy config|Result|
552|string| `key: "foo"` | `key: "bar"` | `key: "bar"` |
553|list| `key: ["a","b"]` | `key: ["c","d"]` | `key: ["c","d"]` |
554|`map[string]string`| `key: {"foo": "a", "bar": "b"}` | `key: {"foo": "c", "bar": "d"}` | `key: {"foo": "c", "bar": "d"}` |
557### Conflict Resolution
558It is possible for multiple policies to target the same object _and_ the same
559fields inside that object. If multiple policy resources target
560the same resource _and_ have an identical field specified with different values,
561precedence MUST be determined in order of the following criteria, continuing on
564* Direct Policies override Inherited Policies. If preventing settings from
565 being overwritten is important, implementations should only use Inherited
566 Policies, and the `override` stanza that implies. Note also that it's not
567 intended that Direct and Inherited Policies should overlap, so this should
568 only come up in exceptional circumstances.
569* Inside Inherited Policies, the same setting in `overrides` beats the one in
570 `defaults`.
571* The oldest Policy based on creation timestamp. For example, a Policy with a
572 creation timestamp of "2021-07-15 01:02:03" is given precedence over a Policy
573 with a creation timestamp of "2021-07-15 01:02:04".
574* The Policy appearing first in alphabetical order by `{namespace}/{name}`. For
575 example, foo/bar is given precedence over foo/baz.
577For a better user experience, a validating webhook can be implemented to prevent
578these kinds of conflicts all together.
580## Status and the Discoverability Problem
582So far, this document has talked about what Policy Attachment is, different types
583of attachment, and how those attachments work.
585Probably the biggest impediment to this GEP moving forward is the discoverability
586problem; that is, it’s critical that an object owner be able to know what policy
587is affecting their object, and ideally its contents.
589To understand this a bit better, let’s consider this parable, with thanks to Flynn:
591### The Parable
593It's a sunny Wednesday afternoon, and the lead microservices developer for
594Evil Genius Cupcakes is windsurfing. Work has been eating Ana alive for the
595past two and a half weeks, but after successfully deploying version 3.6.0 of
596the `baker` service this morning, she's escaped early to try to unwind a bit.
598Her shoulders are just starting to unknot when her phone pings with a text
599from Charlie, down in the NOC. Waterproof phones are a blessing, but also a
602**Charlie**: _Hey Ana. Things are still running, more or less, but latencies
603on everything in the `baker` namespace are crazy high after your last rollout,
604and `baker` itself has a weirdly high load. Sorry to interrupt you on the lake
605but can you take a look? Thanks!!_
607Ana stares at the phone for a long moment, heart sinking, then sighs and
608turns back to shore.
610What she finds when dries off and grabs her laptop is strange. `baker` does
611seem to be taking much more load than its clients are sending, and its clients
612report much higher latencies than they’d expect. She doublechecks the
613Deployment, the Service, and all the HTTPRoutes around `baker`; everything
614looks good. `baker`’s logs show her mostly failed requests... with a lot of
615duplicates? Ana checks her HTTPRoute again, though she's pretty sure you
616can't configure retries there, and finds nothing. But it definitely looks like
617clients are retrying when they shouldn’t be.
619She pings Charlie.
621**Ana**: _Hey Charlie. Something weird is up, looks like requests to `baker`
622are failing but getting retried??_
624A minute later they answer.
626**Charlie**: 🤷 _Did you configure retries?_
628**Ana**: _Dude. I don’t even know how to._ 😂
630**Charlie**: _You just attach a RetryPolicy to your HTTPRoute._
632**Ana**: _Nope. Definitely didn’t do that._
634She types `kubectl get retrypolicy -n baker` and gets a permission error.
636**Ana**: _Huh, I actually don’t have permissions for RetryPolicy._ 🤔
638**Charlie**: 🤷 _Feels like you should but OK, guess that can’t be it._
640Minutes pass while both look at logs.
642**Charlie**: _I’m an idiot. There’s a RetryPolicy for the whole namespace –
643sorry, too many policies in the dashboard and I missed it. Deleting that since
644you don’t want retries._
646**Ana**: _Are you sure that’s a good–_
648Ana’s phone shrills while she’s typing, and she drops it. When she picks it
649up again she sees a stack of alerts. She goes pale as she quickly flips
650through them: there’s one for every single service in the `baker` namespace.
652**Ana**: _PUT IT BACK!!_
654**Charlie**: _Just did. Be glad you couldn't hear all the alarms here._ 😕
656**Ana**: _What the hell just happened??_
658**Charlie**: _At a guess, all the workloads in the `baker` namespace actually
659fail a lot, but they seem OK because there are retries across the whole
660namespace?_ 🤔
662Ana's blood runs cold.
664**Charlie**: _Yeah. Looking a little closer, I think your `baker` rollout this
665morning would have failed without those retries._ 😕
667There is a pause while Ana's mind races through increasingly unpleasant
670**Ana**: _I don't even know where to start here. How long did that
671RetryPolicy go in? Is it the only thing like it?_
673**Charlie**: _Didn’t look closely before deleting it, but I think it said a few
674months ago. And there are lots of different kinds of policy and lots of
675individual policies, hang on a minute..._
677**Charlie**: _Looks like about 47 for your chunk of the world, a couple hundred
680**Ana**: 😱 _Can you tell me what they’re doing for each of our services? I
681can’t even_ look _at these things._ 😕
683**Charlie**: _That's gonna take awhile. Our tooling to show us which policies
684bind to a given workload doesn't go the other direction._
686**Ana**: _...wait. You have to_ build tools _to know if retries are turned on??_
690**Charlie**: _Policy attachment is more complex than we’d like, yeah._ 😐
691_Look, how ‘bout roll back your `baker` change for now? We can get together in
692the morning and start sorting this out._
694Ana shakes her head and rolls back her edits to the `baker` Deployment, then
695sits looking out over the lake as the deployment progresses.
697**Ana**: _Done. Are things happier now?_
699**Charlie**: _Looks like, thanks. Reckon you can get back to your sailboard._ 🙂
701Ana sighs.
703**Ana**: _Wish I could. Wind’s died down, though, and it'll be dark soon.
704Just gonna head home._
706**Charlie**: _Ouch. Sorry to hear that._ 😐
708One more look out at the lake.
710**Ana**: _Thanks for the help. Wish we’d found better answers._ 😢
712### The Problem, restated
713What this parable makes clear is that, in the absence of information about what
714Policy is affecting an object, it’s very easy to make poor decisions.
716It’s critical that this proposal solve the problem of showing up to three things,
717listed in increasing order of desirability:
719- _That_ some Policy is affecting a particular object
720- _Which_ Policy is (or Policies are) affecting a particular object
721- _What_ settings in the Policy are affecting the object.
723In the parable, if Ana and Charlie had known that there were Policies affecting
724the relevant object, then they could have gone looking for the relevant Policies
725and things would have played out differently. If they knew which Policies, they
726would need to look less hard, and if they knew what the settings being applied
727were, then the parable would have been able to be very short indeed.
729(There’s also another use case to consider, in that Charlie should have been able
730to see that the Policy on the namespace was in use in many places before deleting
733To put this another way, Policy Attachment is effectively adding a fourth Persona,
734the Policy Admin, to Gateway API’s persona list, and without a solution to the
735discoverability problem, their actions are largely invisible to the Application
736Developer. Not only that, but their concerns cut across the previously established
742From the Policy Admin’s point of view, they need to know across their whole remit
743(which conceivably could be the whole cluster):
745- _What_ Policy has been created
746- _Where_ it’s applied
747- _What_ the resultant policy is saying
749Which again, come down to discoverability, and can probably be addressed in similar
750ways at an API level to the Application Developer's concerns.
752An important note here is that a key piece of information for Policy Admins and
753Cluster Operators is “How many things does this Policy affect?”. In the parable,
754this would have enabled Charlie to know that deleting the Namespace Policy would
755affect many other people than just Ana.
757### Problems we need to solve
759Before we can get into solutions, we need to discuss the problems that solutions
760may need to solve, so that we have some criteria for evaluating those solutions.
762#### User discoverability
764Let's go through the various users of Gateway API and what they need to know about
765Policy Attachment.
767In all of these cases, we should aim to keep the troubleshooting distance low;
768that is, that there should be a minimum of hops required between objects from the
769one owned by the user to the one responsible for a setting.
771Another way to think of the troubleshooting distance in this context is "How many
772`kubectl` commands would the user need to do to understand that a Policy is relevant,
773which Policy is relevant, and what configuration the full set of Policy is setting?"
775##### Application Developer Discoverability
777How does Ana, or any Application Developer who owns one or more Route objects know
778that their object is affected by Policy, which Policy is affecting it, and what
779the content of the Policy is?
781The best outcome is that Ana needs to look only at a specific route to know what
782Policy settings are being applied to that Route, and where they come from.
783However, some of the other problems below make it very difficult to achieve this.
785##### Policy Admin Discoverability
787How does the Policy Admin know what Policy is applied where, and what the content
788of that Policy is?
789How do they validate that Policy is being used in ways acceptable to their organization?
790For any given Policy object, how do they know how many places it's being used?
792##### Cluster Admin Discoverability
794The Cluster Admin has similar concerns to the Policy Admin, but with a focus on
795being able to determine what's relevant when something is broken.
797How does the Cluster Admin know what Policy is applied where, and what the content
798of that Policy is?
800For any given Policy object, how do they know how many places it's being used?
802#### Evaluating and Displaying Resultant Policy
804For any given Policy type, whether Direct Attached or Inherited, implementations
805will need to be able to _calculate_ the resultant set of Policy to be able to
806apply that Policy to the correct parts of their data plane configuration.
807However, _displaying_ that resultant set of Policy in a way that is straightforward
808for the various personas to consume is much harder.
810The easiest possible option for Application Developers would be for the
811implementation to make the full resultant set of Policy available in the status
812of objects that the Policy affects. However, this runs into a few problems:
814- The status needs to be namespaced by the implementation
815- The status could get large if there are a lot of Policy objects affecting an
816 object
817- Building a common data representation pattern that can fit into a single common
818 schema is not straightforward.
819- Updating one Policy object could cause many affected objects to need to be
820 updated themselves. This sort of fan-out problem can be very bad for apiserver
821 load, particularly if Policy changes rapidly, there are a lot of objects, or both.
823##### Status needs to be namespaced by implementation
825Because an object can be affected by multiple implementations at once, any status
826we add must be namespaced by the implementation.
828In Route Parent status, we've used the parentRef plus the controller name for this.
830For Policy, we can do something similar and namespace by the reference to the
831implementation's controller name.
833We can't easily namespace by the originating Policy because the source could be
834more than one Policy object.
836##### Creating common data representation patterns
838The problem here is that we need to have a _common_ pattern for including the
839details of an _arbitrarily defined_ object, that needs to be included in the base
842So we can't use structured data, because we have no way of knowing what the
843structure will be beforehand.
845This suggests that we need to use unstructured data for representing the main
846body of an arbitrary Policy object.
848Practically, this will need to be a string representation of the YAML form of the
849body of the Policy object (absent the metadata part of every Kubernetes object).
851Policy Attachment does not mandate anything about the design of the object's top
852level except that it must be a Kubernetes object, so the only thing we can rely
853on is the presence of the Kubernetes metadata elements: `apiVersion`, `kind`,
854and `metadata`.
856A string representation of the rest of the file is the best we can do here.
858##### Fanout status update problems
860The fanout problem is that, when an update takes place in a single object (a
861Policy, or an object with a Policy attached), an implementation may need to
862update _many_ objects if it needs to place details of what Policy applies, or
863what the resultant set of policy is on _every_ object.
865Historically, this is a risky strategy and needs to be carefully applied, as
866it's an excellent way to create apiserver load problems, which can produce a large
867range of bad effects for cluster stability.
869This does not mean that we can't do anything at all that affects multiple objects,
870but that we need to carefully consider what information is stored in status so
871that _every_ Policy update does not require a status update.
873#### Solution summary
875Because Policy Attachment is a pattern for APIs, not an API, and needs to address
876all the problems above, the strategy this GEP proposes is to define a range of
877options for increasing the discoverabilty of Policy resources, and provide
878guidelines for when they should be used.
880It's likely that at some stage, the Gateway API CRDs will include some Policy
881resources, and these will be designed with all these discoverabiity solutions
882in mind.
885### Solution cookbook
887This section contains some required patterns for Policy objects and some
888suggestions. Each will be marked as MUST, SHOULD, or MAY, using the standard
889meanings of those terms.
891Additionally, the status of each solution is noted at the beginning of the section.
893#### Standard label on CRD objects
895Status: Required
897Each CRD that defines a Policy object MUST include a label that specifies that
898it is a Policy object, and that label MUST specify the _type_ of Policy attachment
899in use.
901The label is `gateway.networking.k8s.io/policy: inherited|direct`.
903This solution is intended to allow both users and tooling to identify which CRDs
904in the cluster should be treated as Policy objects, and so is intended to help
905with discoverability generally. It will also be used by the forthcoming `kubectl`
908##### Design considerations
910This is already part of the API pattern, but is being lifted to more prominience
913#### Standard status struct
915Status: Experimental
917Policy objects SHOULD use the upstream `PolicyAncestorStatus` struct in their respective
918Status structs. Please see the included `PolicyAncestorStatus` struct, and its use in
919the `BackendTLSPolicy` object for detailed examples. Included here is a representative
922This pattern enables different conditions to be set for different "Ancestors"
923of the target resource. This is particularly helpful for policies that may be
924implemented by multiple controllers or attached to resources with different
925capabilities. This pattern also provides a clear view of what resources a
926policy is affecting.
928For the best integration with community tooling and consistency across
929the broader community, we recommend that all implementations transition
930to Policy status with this kind of nested structure.
932This is an `Ancestor` status rather than a `Parent` status, as in the Route status
933because for Policy attachment, the relevant object may or may not be the direct
936For example, `BackendTLSPolicy` directly attaches to a Service, which may be included
937in multiple Routes, in multiple Gateways. However, for many implementations,
938the status of the `BackendTLSPolicy` will be different only at the Gateway level,
939so Gateway is the relevant Ancestor for the status.
941Each Gateway that has a Route that includes a backend with an attached `BackendTLSPolicy`
942MUST have a separate `PolicyAncestorStatus` section in the `BackendTLSPolicy`'s
943`status.ancestors` stanza, which mandates that entries must be distinct using the
944combination of the `AncestorRef` and the `ControllerName` fields as a key.
946See [GEP-1897][gep-1897] for the exact details.
948[gep-1897]: /geps/gep-1897
951// PolicyAncestorStatus describes the status of a route with respect to an
952// associated Ancestor.
954// Ancestors refer to objects that are either the Target of a policy or above it in terms
955// of object hierarchy. For example, if a policy targets a Service, an Ancestor could be
956// a Route or a Gateway.
958// In the context of policy attachment, the Ancestor is used to distinguish which
959// resource results in a distinct application of this policy. For example, if a policy
960// targets a Service, it may have a distinct result per attached Gateway.
962// Policies targeting the same resource may have different effects depending on the
963// ancestors of those resources. For example, different Gateways targeting the same
964// Service may have different capabilities, especially if they have different underlying
965// implementations.
967// For example, in BackendTLSPolicy, the Policy attaches to a Service that is
968// used as a backend in a HTTPRoute that is itself attached to a Gateway.
969// In this case, the relevant object for status is the Gateway, and that is the
970// ancestor object referred to in this status.
972// Note that a Target of a Policy is also a valid Ancestor, so for objects where
973// the Target is the relevant object for status, this struct SHOULD still be used.
974type PolicyAncestorStatus struct {
975 // AncestorRef corresponds with a ParentRef in the spec that this
976 // RouteParentStatus struct describes the status of.
977 AncestorRef ParentReference `json:"ancestorRef"`
979 // ControllerName is a domain/path string that indicates the name of the
980 // controller that wrote this status. This corresponds with the
981 // controllerName field on GatewayClass.
982 //
983 // Example: "example.net/gateway-controller".
984 //
985 // The format of this field is DOMAIN "/" PATH, where DOMAIN and PATH are
986 // valid Kubernetes names
987 // (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names).
988 //
989 // Controllers MUST populate this field when writing status. Controllers should ensure that
990 // entries to status populated with their ControllerName are cleaned up when they are no
991 // longer necessary.
992 ControllerName GatewayController `json:"controllerName"`
994 // Conditions describes the status of the Policy with respect to the given Ancestor.
995 //
996 // +listType=map
997 // +listMapKey=type
998 // +kubebuilder:validation:MinItems=1
999 // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=8
1000 Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
1004// PolicyStatus defines the common attributes that all Policies SHOULD include
1005// within their status.
1006type PolicyStatus struct {
1007 // Ancestors is a list of ancestor resources (usually Gateways) that are
1008 // associated with the route, and the status of the route with respect to
1009 // each ancestor. When this route attaches to a parent, the controller that
1010 // manages the parent and the ancestors MUST add an entry to this list when
1011 // the controller first sees the route and SHOULD update the entry as
1012 // appropriate when the relevant ancestor is modified.
1013 //
1014 // Note that choosing the relevant ancestor is left to the Policy designers;
1015 // an important part of Policy design is designing the right object level at
1016 // which to namespace this status.
1017 //
1018 // Note also that implementations MUST ONLY populate ancestor status for
1019 // the Ancestor resources they are responsible for. Implementations MUST
1020 // use the ControllerName field to uniquely identify the entries in this list
1021 // that they are responsible for.
1022 //
1023 // A maximum of 32 ancestors will be represented in this list. An empty list
1024 // means the Policy is not relevant for any ancestors.
1025 //
1026 // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=32
1027 Ancestors []PolicyAncestorStatus `json:"ancestors"`
1031##### Design considerations
1033This is recommended as the base for Policy object's status. As Policy Attachment
1034is a pattern, not an API, "recommended" is the strongest we can make this, but
1035we believe that standardizing this will help a lot with discoverability.
1037Note that is likely that all Gateway API tooling will expect policy status to follow
1038this structure. To benefit from broader consistency and discoverability, we
1039recommend transitioning to this structure for all Gateway API Policies.
1041#### Standard status Condition on Policy-affected objects
1043Support: Provisional
1045This solution is IN PROGRESS and so is not binding yet.
1047This solution requires definition in a GEP of its own to become binding.
1049**The description included here is intended to illustrate the sort of solution
1050that an eventual GEP will need to provide, _not to be a binding design.**
1052Implementations that use Policy objects MUST put a Condition into `status.Conditions`
1053of any objects affected by a Policy.
1055That Condition must have a `type` ending in `PolicyAffected` (like
1057and have the optional `observedGeneration` field kept up to date when the `spec`
1058of the Policy-attached object changes.
1060Implementations _should_ use their own unique domain prefix for this Condition
1061`type` - it is recommended that implementations use the same domain as in the
1062`controllerName` field on GatewayClass (or some other implementation-unique
1063domain for implementations that do not use GatewayClass).)
1065For objects that do _not_ have a `status.Conditions` field available (`Secret`
1066is a good example), that object MUST instead have an annotation of
1067`gateway.networking.k8s.io/PolicyAffected: true` (or with an
1068implementation-specific domain prefix) added instead.
1071##### Design Considerations
1072The intent here is to add at least a breadcrumb that leads object owners to have
1073some way to know that their object is being affected by another object, while
1074minimizing the number of updates necessary.
1076Minimizing the object updates is done by only having an update be necessary when
1077the affected object starts or stops being affected by a Policy, rather than if
1078the Policy itself has been updated.
1080There is already a similar Condition to be placed on _Policy_ objects, rather
1081than on the _targeted_ objects, so this solution is also being included in the
1082Condiions section below.
1084#### GatewayClass status Extension Types listing
1086Support: Provisional
1088This solution is IN PROGRESS, and so is not binding yet.
1090Each implementation MUST list all relevant CRDs in its GatewayClass status (like
1091Policy, and other extension types, like paramsRef targets, filters, and so on).
1093This is going to be tracked in its own GEP, https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/discussions/2118
1094is the initial discussion. This document will be updated with the details once
1095that GEP is opened.
1097##### Design Considerations
1099This solution:
1101- is low cost in terms of apiserver updates (because it's only on the GatewayClass,
1102 and only on implementation startup)
1103- provides a standard place for all users to look for relevant objects
1104- ties in to the Conformance Profiles design and other efforts about GatewayClass
1105 status
1107#### Standard status stanza
1109Support: Provisional
1111This solution is IN PROGRESS and so is not binding yet.
1113This solution requires definition in a GEP of its own to become binding.
1115**The description included here is intended to illustrate the sort of solution
1116that an eventual GEP will need to provide, _not to be a binding design. THIS IS
1119An implementation SHOULD include the name, namespace, apiGroup and Kind of Policies
1120affecting an object in the new `effectivePolicy` status stanza on Gateway API
1123This stanza looks like this:
1125kind: Gateway
1128 effectivePolicy:
1129 - name: some-policy
1130 namespace: some-namespace
1131 apiGroup: implementation.io
1132 kind: AwesomePolicy
1133 ...
1136##### Design Considerations
1138This solution is designed to limit the number of status updates required by an
1139implementation to when a Policy starts or stops being relevant for an object,
1140rather than if that Policy's settings are updated.
1142It helps a lot with discoverability, but comes at the cost of a reasonably high
1143fanout cost. Implementations using this solution should ensure that status updates
1144are deduplicated and only sent to the apiserver when absolutely necessary.
1146Ideally, these status updates SHOULD be in a separate, lower-priority queue than
1147other status updates or similar solution.
1149#### PolicyBinding resource
1151Support: Provisional
1153This solution is IN PROGRESS and so is not binding yet.
1155This solution requires definition in a GEP of its own to become binding.
1157**The description included here is intended to illustrate the sort of solution
1158that the eventual GEP will need to provide, _not to be a binding design. THIS IS
1161Implementations SHOULD create an instance of a new `gateway.networking.k8s.io/EffectivePolicy`
1162object when one or more Policy objects become relevant to the target object.
1164The `EffectivePolicy` object MUST be in the same namespace as the object targeted
1165by the Policy, and must have the _same name_ as the object targeted like the Policy.
1166This is intended to mirror the Services/Endpoints naming convention, to allow for
1167ease of discovery.
1169The `EffectivePolicy` object MUST set the following information:
1171- The name, namespace, apiGroup and Kind of Policy objects affecting the targeted
1172 object.
1173- The full resultant set of Policy affecting the targeted object.
1175The above details MUST be namespaced using the `controllerName` of the implementation
1176(could also be by GatewayClass), similar to Route status being namespaced by
1179An example `EffectivePolicy` object is included here - this may be superseded by
1180a later GEP and should be updated or removed in that case. Note that it does
1181_not_ contain a `spec` and a `status` stanza - by definition this object _only_
1182contains `status` information.
1185kind: EffectivePolicy
1186apiVersion: gateway.networkking.k8s.io/v1alpha2
1188 name: targeted-object
1189 namespace: targeted-object-namespace
1191- controllerName: implementation.io/ControllerName
1192 objects:
1193 - name: some-policy
1194 namespace: some-namespace
1195 apiGroup: implementation.io
1196 kind: AwesomePolicy
1197 resultantPolicy:
1198 awesomePolicy:
1199 configitem1:
1200 defaults:
1201 foo: 1
1202 overrides:
1203 bar: important-setting
1207Note here that the `resultantPolicy` setting is defined using the same mechanisms
1208as an `unstructured.Unstructured` object in the Kubernetes Go libraries - it's
1209effectively a `map[string]struct{}` that is stored as a `map[string]string` -
1210which allows an arbitrary object to be specified there.
1212Users or tools reading the config underneath `resultantPolicy` SHOULD display
1213it in its encoded form, and not try to deserialize it in any way.
1215The rendered YAML MUST be usable as the `spec` for the type given.
1217##### Design considerations
1219This will provide _full_ visibility to end users of the _actual settings_ being
1220applied to their object, which is a big discoverability win.
1222However, it relies on the establishment and communication of a convention ("An
1223EffectivePolicy is right next to your affected object"), that may not be desirable.
1225Thus its status as EXPERIMENTAL DO NOT USE YET.
1227#### Validating Admission Controller to inform users about relevant Policy
1229Implementations MAY supply a Validating Admission Webhook that will return a
1230WARNING message when an applied object is affected by some Policy, which may be
1231an inherited or indirect one.
1233The warning message MAY include the name, namespace, apiGroup and Kind of relevant
1234Policy objects.
1236##### Design Considerations
1240- This gives object owners a very clear signal that something some Policy is
1241 going to affect their object, at apply time, which helps a lot with discoverability.
1245- Implementations would have to have a webhook, which is another thing to run.
1246- The webhook will need to have the same data model that the implementation uses,
1247 and keep track of which GatewayClasses, Gateways, Routes, and Policies are
1248 relevant. Experience suggests this will not be a trivial engineering exercise,and will add a lot of implementation complexity.
1250#### `kubectl` plugin or command-line tool
1251To help improve UX and standardization, a kubectl plugin will be developed that
1252will be capable of describing the computed sum of policy that applies to a given
1253resource, including policies applied to parent resources.
1255Each Policy CRD that wants to be supported by this plugin will need to follow
1256the API structure defined above and add a `gateway.networking.k8s.io/policy: true`
1257label to the CRD.
1259### Conditions
1261Implementations using Policy objects MUST include a `spec` and `status` stanza, and the `status` stanza MUST contain a `conditions` stanza, using the standard Condition format.
1263Policy authors should consider namespacing the `conditions` stanza with a
1264`controllerName`, as in Route status, if more than one implementation will be
1265reconciling the Policy type.
1267#### On `Policy` objects
1269Controllers using the Gateway API policy attachment model MUST populate the
1270`Accepted` condition and reasons as defined below on policy resources to provide
1271a consistent experience across implementations.
1274// PolicyConditionType is a type of condition for a policy.
1275type PolicyConditionType string
1277// PolicyConditionReason is a reason for a policy condition.
1278type PolicyConditionReason string
1280const (
1281 // PolicyConditionAccepted indicates whether the policy has been accepted or rejected
1282 // by a targeted resource, and why.
1283 //
1284 // Possible reasons for this condition to be True are:
1285 //
1286 // * "Accepted"
1287 //
1288 // Possible reasons for this condition to be False are:
1289 //
1290 // * "Conflicted"
1291 // * "Invalid"
1292 // * "TargetNotFound"
1293 //
1294 PolicyConditionAccepted PolicyConditionType = "Accepted"
1296 // PolicyReasonAccepted is used with the "Accepted" condition when the policy has been
1297 // accepted by the targeted resource.
1298 PolicyReasonAccepted PolicyConditionReason = "Accepted"
1300 // PolicyReasonConflicted is used with the "Accepted" condition when the policy has not
1301 // been accepted by a targeted resource because there is another policy that targets the same
1302 // resource and a merge is not possible.
1303 PolicyReasonConflicted PolicyConditionReason = "Conflicted"
1305 // PolicyReasonInvalid is used with the "Accepted" condition when the policy is syntactically
1306 // or semantically invalid.
1307 PolicyReasonInvalid PolicyConditionReason = "Invalid"
1309 // PolicyReasonTargetNotFound is used with the "Accepted" condition when the policy is attached to
1310 // an invalid target resource
1311 PolicyReasonTargetNotFound PolicyConditionReason = "TargetNotFound"
1315#### On targeted resources
1317(copied from [Standard Status Condition][#standard-status-condition])
1319This solution requires definition in a GEP of its own to become binding.
1321**The description included here is intended to illustrate the sort of solution
1322that an eventual GEP will need to provide, _not to be a binding design.**
1324Implementations that use Policy objects MUST put a Condition into `status.Conditions`
1325of any objects affected by a Policy.
1327That Condition must have a `type` ending in `PolicyAffected` (like
1329and have the optional `observedGeneration` field kept up to date when the `spec`
1330of the Policy-attached object changes.
1332Implementations _should_ use their own unique domain prefix for this Condition
1333`type` - it is recommended that implementations use the same domain as in the
1334`controllerName` field on GatewayClass (or some other implementation-unique
1335domain for implementations that do not use GatewayClass).)
1337For objects that do _not_ have a `status.Conditions` field available (`Secret`
1338is a good example), that object MUST instead have an annotation of
1339`gateway.networking.k8s.io/PolicyAffected: true` (or with an
1340implementation-specific domain prefix) added instead.
1342### Interaction with Custom Filters and other extension points
1343There are multiple methods of custom extension in the Gateway API. Policy
1344attachment and custom Route filters are two of these. Policy attachment is
1345designed to provide arbitrary configuration fields that decorate Gateway API
1346resources. Route filters provide custom request/response filters embedded inside
1347Route resources. Both are extension methods for fields that cannot easily be
1348standardized as core or extended fields of the Gateway API. The following
1349guidance should be considered when introducing a custom field into any Gateway
1350controller implementation:
13521. For any given field that a Gateway controller implementation needs, the
1353 possibility of using core or extended should always be considered before
1354 using custom policy resources. This is encouraged to promote standardization
1355 and, over time, to absorb capabilities into the API as first class fields,
1356 which offer a more streamlined UX than custom policy attachment.
13582. Although it's possible that arbitrary fields could be supported by custom
1359 policy, custom route filters, and core/extended fields concurrently, it is
1360 recommended that implementations only use multiple mechanisms for
1361 representing the same fields when those fields really _need_ the defaulting
1362 and/or overriding behavior that Policy Attachment provides. For example, a
1363 custom filter that allowed the configuration of Authentication inside a
1364 HTTPRoute object might also have an associated Policy resource that allowed
1365 the filter's settings to be defaulted or overridden. It should be noted that
1366 doing this in the absence of a solution to the status problem is likely to
1367 be *very* difficult to troubleshoot.
1369### Conformance Level
1370This policy attachment pattern is associated with an "EXTENDED" conformance
1371level. The implementations that support this policy attachment model will have
1372the same behavior and semantics, although they may not be able to support
1373attachment of all types of policy at all potential attachment points.
1375### Apply Policies to Sections of a Resource
1376Policies can target specific matches within nested objects. For instance, rather than
1377applying a policy to the entire Gateway, we may want to attach it to a particular Gateway listener.
1379To achieve this, an optional `sectionName` field can be set in the `targetRef` of a policy
1380to refer to a specific listener within the target Gateway.
1383apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
1384kind: Gateway
1386 name: foo-gateway
1388 gatewayClassName: foo-lb
1389 listeners:
1390 - name: bar
1391 ...
1393apiVersion: networking.acme.io/v1alpha2
1394kind: AuthenticationPolicy
1396 name: foo
1398 provider:
1399 issuer: "https://oidc.example.com"
1400 targetRef:
1401 name: foo-gateway
1402 group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
1403 kind: Gateway
1404 sectionName: bar
1407The `sectionName` field can also be used to target a specific section of other resources:
1409* Service.Ports.Name
1410* xRoute.Rules.Name
1412For example, the RetryPolicy below applies to a RouteRule inside an HTTPRoute.
1415apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2
1416kind: HTTPRoute
1418 name: http-app-1
1419 labels:
1420 app: foo
1422 hostnames:
1423 - "foo.com"
1424 rules:
1425 - name: bar
1426 matches:
1427 - path:
1428 type: Prefix
1429 value: /bar
1430 forwardTo:
1431 - serviceName: my-service1
1432 port: 8080
1434apiVersion: networking.acme.io/v1alpha2
1435kind: RetryPolicy
1437 name: foo
1439 maxRetries: 5
1440 targetRef:
1441 name: foo
1442 group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
1443 kind: HTTPRoute
1444 sectionName: bar
1447This would require adding a `name` field to those sub-resources that currently lack a name. For example,
1448a `name` field could be added to the `RouteRule` object:
1450type RouteRule struct {
1451 // Name is the name of the Route rule. If more than one Route Rule is
1452 // present, each Rule MUST specify a name. The names of Rules MUST be unique
1453 // within a Route.
1454 //
1455 // Support: Core
1456 //
1457 // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
1458 // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
1459 // +optional
1460 Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
1461 // ...
1465If a `sectionName` is specified, but does not exist on the targeted object, the Policy must fail to attach,
1466and the policy implementation should record a `resolvedRefs` or similar Condition in the Policy's status.
1468When multiple Policies of the same type target the same object, one with a `sectionName` specified, and one without,
1469the one with a `sectionName` is more specific, and so will have all its settings apply. The less-specific Policy will
1470not attach to the target.
1472Note that the `sectionName` is currently intended to be used only for Direct Policy Attachment when references to
1473SectionName are actually needed. Inherited Policies are always applied to the entire object.
1474The `PolicyTargetReferenceWithSectionName` API can be used to apply a direct Policy to a section of an object.
1476### Advantages
1477* Incredibly flexible approach that should work well for both ingress and mesh
1478* Conceptually similar to existing ServicePolicy proposal and BackendPolicy
1479 pattern
1480* Easy to attach policy to resources we don’t control (Service, ServiceImport,
1481 etc)
1482* Minimal API changes required
1483* Simplifies packaging an application for deployment as policy references do not
1484 need to be part of the templating
1486### Disadvantages
1487* May be difficult to understand which policies apply to a request
1489## Examples
1491This section provides some examples of various types of Policy objects, and how
1492merging, `defaults`, `overrides`, and other interactions work.
1494### Direct Policy Attachment
1496The following Policy sets the minimum TLS version required on a Gateway Listener:
1498apiVersion: networking.example.io/v1alpha1
1499kind: TLSMinimumVersionPolicy
1501 name: minimum12
1502 namespace: appns
1504 minimumTLSVersion: 1.2
1505 targetRef:
1506 name: internet
1507 group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
1508 kind: Gateway
1511Note that because there is no version controlling the minimum TLS version in the
1512Gateway `spec`, this is an example of a non-field Policy.
1514### Inherited Policy Attachment
1516It also could be useful to be able to _default_ the `minimumTLSVersion` setting
1517across multiple Gateways.
1519This version of the above Policy allows this:
1521apiVersion: networking.example.io/v1alpha1
1522kind: TLSMinimumVersionPolicy
1524 name: minimum12
1525 namespace: appns
1527 defaults:
1528 minimumTLSVersion: 1.2
1529 targetRef:
1530 name: appns
1531 group: ""
1532 kind: namespace
1535This Inherited Policy is using the implicit hierarchy that all resources belong
1536to a namespace, so attaching a Policy to a namespace means affecting all possible
1537resources in a namespace. Multiple hierarchies are possible, even within Gateway
1538API, for example Gateway -> Route, Gateway -> Route -> Backend, Gateway -> Route
1539-> Service. GAMMA Policies could conceivably use a hierarchy of Service -> Route
1540as well.
1542Note that this will not be very discoverable for Gateway owners in the absence of
1543a solution to the Policy status problem. This is being worked on and this GEP will
1544be updated once we have a design.
1546Conceivably, a security or admin team may want to _force_ Gateways to have at least
1547a minimum TLS version of `1.2` - that would be a job for `overrides`, like so:
1550apiVersion: networking.example.io/v1alpha1
1551kind: TLSMinimumVersionPolicy
1553 name: minimum12
1554 namespace: appns
1556 overrides:
1557 minimumTLSVersion: 1.2
1558 targetRef:
1559 name: appns
1560 group: ""
1561 kind: namespace
1564This will make it so that _all Gateways_ in the `default` namespace _must_ use
1565a minimum TLS version of `1.2`, and this _cannot_ be changed by Gateway owners.
1566Only the Policy owner can change this Policy.
1568### Handling non-scalar values
1570In this example, we will assume that at some future point, HTTPRoute has grown
1571fields to configure retries, including a field called `retryOn` that reflects
1572the HTTP status codes that should be retried. The _value_ of this field is a
1573list of strings, being the HTTP codes that must be retried. The `retryOn` field
1574has no defaults in the field definitions (which is probably a bad design, but we
1575need to show this interaction somehow!)
1577We also assume that a Inherited `RetryOnPolicy` exists that allows both
1578defaulting and overriding of the `retryOn` field.
1580A full `RetryOnPolicy` to default the field to the codes `501`, `502`, and `503`
1581would look like this:
1583apiVersion: networking.example.io/v1alpha1
1584kind: RetryOnPolicy
1586 name: retryon5xx
1587 namespace: appns
1589 defaults:
1590 retryOn:
1591 - "501"
1592 - "502"
1593 - "503"
1594 targetRef:
1595 kind: Gateway
1596 group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
1597 name: we-love-retries
1600This means that, for HTTPRoutes that do _NOT_ explicitly set this field to something
1601else, (in other words, they contain an empty list), then the field will be set to
1602a list containing `501`, `502`, and `503`. (Notably, because of Go zero values, this
1603would also occur if the user explicitly set the value to the empty list.)
1605However, if a HTTPRoute owner sets any value other than the empty list, then that
1606value will remain, and the Policy will have _no effect_. These values are _not_
1609If the Policy used `overrides` instead:
1611apiVersion: networking.example.io/v1alpha1
1612kind: RetryOnPolicy
1614 name: retryon5xx
1615 namespace: appns
1617 overrides:
1618 retryOn:
1619 - "501"
1620 - "502"
1621 - "503"
1622 targetRef:
1623 kind: Gateway
1624 group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
1625 name: you-must-retry
1628Then no matter what the value is in the HTTPRoute, it will be set to `501`, `502`,
1629`503` by the Policy override.
1631### Interactions between defaults, overrides, and field values
1633All HTTPRoutes that attach to the `YouMustRetry` Gateway will have any value
1634_overwritten_ by this policy. The empty list, or any number of values, will all
1635be replaced with `501`, `502`, and `503`.
1637Now, let's also assume that we use the Namespace -> Gateway hierarchy on top of
1638the Gateway -> HTTPRoute hierarchy, and allow attaching a `RetryOnPolicy` to a
1639_namespace_. The expectation here is that this will affect all Gateways in a namespace
1640and all HTTPRoutes that attach to those Gateways. (Note that the HTTPRoutes
1641themselves may not necessarily be in the same namespace though.)
1643If we apply the default policy from earlier to the namespace:
1645apiVersion: networking.example.io/v1alpha1
1646kind: RetryOnPolicy
1648 name: retryon5xx
1649 namespace: appns
1651 defaults:
1652 retryOn:
1653 - "501"
1654 - "502"
1655 - "503"
1656 targetRef:
1657 kind: Namespace
1658 group: ""
1659 name: appns
1662Then this will have the same effect as applying that Policy to every Gateway in
1663the `default` namespace - namely that every HTTPRoute that attaches to every
1664Gateway will have its `retryOn` field set to `501`, `502`, `503`, _if_ there is no
1665other setting in the HTTPRoute itself.
1667With two layers in the hierarchy, we have a more complicated set of interactions
1670Let's look at some tables for a particular HTTPRoute, assuming that it does _not_
1671configure the `retryOn` field, for various types of Policy at different levels.
1673#### Overrides interacting with defaults for RetryOnPolicy, empty list in HTTPRoute
1675||None|Namespace override|Gateway override|HTTPRoute override|
1677|No default|Empty list|Namespace override| Gateway override Policy| HTTPRoute override|
1678|Namespace default| Namespace default| Namespace override | Gateway override | HTTPRoute override |
1679|Gateway default| Gateway default | Namespace override | Gateway override | HTTPRoute override |
1680|HTTPRoute default| HTTPRoute default | Namespace override | Gateway override | HTTPRoute override|
1682#### Overrides interacting with other overrides for RetryOnPolicy, empty list in HTTPRoute
1683||No override|Namespace override A|Gateway override A|HTTPRoute override A|
1685|No override|Empty list|Namespace override| Gateway override| HTTPRoute override|
1686|Namespace override B| Namespace override B| Namespace override<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically | Namespace override B | Namespace override B|
1687|Gateway override B| Gateway override B | Namespace override A| Gateway override<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically | Gateway override B|
1688|HTTPRoute override B| HTTPRoute override B | Namespace override A| Gateway override A| HTTPRoute override<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically|
1690#### Defaults interacting with other defaults for RetryOnPolicy, empty list in HTTPRoute
1691||No default|Namespace default A|Gateway default A|HTTPRoute default A|
1693|No default|Empty list|Namespace default| Gateway default| HTTPRoute default A|
1694|Namespace default B| Namespace default B| Namespace default<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically | Gateway default A | HTTPRoute default A|
1695|Gateway default B| Gateway default B| Gateway default B| Gateway default<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically | HTTPRoute default A|
1696|HTTPRoute default B| HTTPRoute default B| HTTPRoute default B| HTTPRoute default B| HTTPRoute default<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically|
1699Now, if the HTTPRoute _does_ specify a RetryPolicy,
1700it's a bit easier, because we can basically disregard all defaults:
1702#### Overrides interacting with defaults for RetryOnPolicy, value in HTTPRoute
1704||None|Namespace override|Gateway override|HTTPRoute override|
1706|No default| Value in HTTPRoute|Namespace override| Gateway override | HTTPRoute override|
1707|Namespace default| Value in HTTPRoute| Namespace override | Gateway override | HTTPRoute override |
1708|Gateway default| Value in HTTPRoute | Namespace override | Gateway override | HTTPRoute override |
1709|HTTPRoute default| Value in HTTPRoute | Namespace override | Gateway override | HTTPRoute override|
1711#### Overrides interacting with other overrides for RetryOnPolicy, value in HTTPRoute
1712||No override|Namespace override A|Gateway override A|HTTPRoute override A|
1714|No override|Value in HTTPRoute|Namespace override A| Gateway override A| HTTPRoute override A|
1715|Namespace override B| Namespace override B| Namespace override<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically | Namespace override B| Namespace override B|
1716|Gateway override B| Gateway override B| Namespace override A| Gateway override<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically | Gateway override B|
1717|HTTPRoute override B| HTTPRoute override B | Namespace override A| Gateway override A| HTTPRoute override<br />first created wins<br />otherwise first alphabetically|
1719#### Defaults interacting with other defaults for RetryOnPolicy, value in HTTPRoute
1720||No default|Namespace default A|Gateway default A|HTTPRoute default A|
1722|No default|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|
1723|Namespace default B|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|
1724|Gateway default B|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|
1725|HTTPRoute default B|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|Value in HTTPRoute|
1728## Removing BackendPolicy
1729BackendPolicy represented the initial attempt to cover policy attachment for
1730Gateway API. Although this proposal ended up with a similar structure to
1731BackendPolicy, it is not clear that we ever found sufficient value or use cases
1732for BackendPolicy. Given that this proposal provides more powerful ways to
1733attach policy, BackendPolicy was removed.
1735## Alternatives
1737### 1. ServiceBinding for attaching Policies and Routes for Mesh
1738A new ServiceBinding resource has been proposed for mesh use cases. This would
1739provide a way to attach policies, including Routes to a Service.
1741Most notably, these provide a way to attach different policies to requests
1742coming from namespaces or specific Gateways. In the example below, a
1743ServiceBinding in the consumer namespace would be applied to the selected
1744Gateway and affect all requests from that Gateway to the foo Service. Beyond
1745policy attachment, this would also support attaching Routes as policies, in this
1746case the attached HTTPRoute would split requests between the foo-a and foo-b
1747Service instead of the foo Service.
1751This approach can be used to attach a default set of policies to all requests
1752coming from a namespace. The example below shows a ServiceBinding defined in the
1753producer namespace that would apply to all requests from within the same
1754namespace or from other namespaces that did not have their own ServiceBindings
1759#### Advantages
1760* Works well for mesh and any use cases where requests don’t always transit
1761 through Gateways and Routes.
1762* Allows policies to apply to an entire namespace.
1763* Provides very clear attachment of polices, routes, and more to a specific
1764 Service.
1765* Works well for ‘shrink-wrap application developers’ - the packaged app does
1766 not need to know about hostnames or policies or have extensive templates.
1767* Works well for ‘dynamic’ / programmatic creation of workloads ( Pods,etc - see
1768 CertManager)
1769* It is easy to understand what policy applies to a workload - by listing the
1770 bindings in the namespace.
1772#### Disadvantages
1773* Unclear how this would work with an ingress model. If Gateways, Routes, and
1774 Backends are all in different namespaces, and each of those namespaces has
1775 different ServiceBindings applying different sets of policies, it’s difficult
1776 to understand which policy would be applied.
1777* Unclear if/how this would interact with existing the ingress focused policy
1778 proposal described below. If both coexisted, would it be possible for a user
1779 to understand which policies were being applied to their requests?
1780* Route status could get confusing when Routes were referenced as a policy by
1781 ServiceBinding
1782* Introduces a new mesh specific resource.
1784### 2. Attaching Policies for Ingress
1785An earlier proposal for policy attachment in the Gateway API suggested adding
1786policy references to each Resource. This works very naturally for Ingress use
1787cases where all requests follow a path through Gateways, Routes, and Backends.
1788Adding policy attachment at each level enables different roles to define
1789defaults and allow overrides at different levels.
1793#### Advantages
1794* Consistent policy attachment at each level
1795* Clear which policies apply to each component
1796* Naturally translates to hierarchical Ingress model with ability to delegate
1797 policy decisions to different roles
1799#### Disadvantages
1800* Policy overrides could become complicated
1801* At least initially, policy attachment on Service would have to rely on Service
1802 annotations or references from policy to Service(s)
1803* No way to attach policy to other resources such as namespace or ServiceImport
1804* May be difficult to modify Routes and Services if other components/roles are
1805 managing them (eg Knative)
1807### 3. Shared Policy Resource
1808This is really just a slight variation or extension of the main proposal in this
1809GEP. We would introduce a shared policy resource. This resource would follow the
1810guidelines described above, including the `targetRef` as defined as well as
1811`default` and `override` fields. Instead of carefully crafted CRD schemas for
1812each of the `default` and `override` fields, we would use more generic
1813`map[string]string` values. This would allow similar flexibility to annotations
1814while still enabling the default and override concepts that are key to this
1817Unfortunately this would be difficult to validate and would come with many of
1818the downsides of annotations. A validating webhook would be required for any
1819validation which could result in just as much or more work to maintain than
1820CRDs. At this point we believe that the best experience will be from
1821implementations providing their own policy CRDs that follow the patterns
1822described in this GEP. We may want to explore tooling or guidance to simplify
1823the creation of these policy CRDs to help simplify implementation and extension
1824of this API.
1826## References
1829* [Extensible Service Policy and Configuration](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/issues/611)
1832* [Policy Attachment and Binding](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13fyptUtO9NV_ZAgkoJlfukcBf2PVGhsKWG37yLkppJo/edit?resourcekey=0-Urhtj9gBkGBkSL1gHgbWKw)
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