17 package ktesting
19 import (
20 "errors"
21 "fmt"
22 "testing"
23 "time"
25 "github.com/onsi/gomega"
26 )
28 func TestAssert(t *testing.T) {
29 for name, tc := range map[string]testcase{
30 "eventually-timeout": {
31 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
32 Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) int {
34 tCtx.Cancel("testing")
35 return 0
36 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1))
37 },
38 expectDuration: time.Second,
39 expectError: `Timed out after x.y s.
40 Expected
41 <int>: 0
42 to equal
43 <int>: 1`,
44 },
45 "eventually-final": {
46 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
47 Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
48 gomega.StopTrying("final error").Now()
49 return 0
50 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
51 },
52 expectDuration: 0,
53 expectError: `Told to stop trying after x.y s.
54 final error`,
55 },
56 "eventually-error": {
57 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
58 Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
59 tCtx.Fatal("some error")
60 return 0
61 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
62 },
63 expectDuration: time.Second,
64 expectError: `Timed out after x.y s.
65 The function passed to Eventually returned the following error:
66 <*errors.joinError | 0xXXXX>:
67 some error
68 {
69 errs: [
70 <*errors.errorString | 0xXXXX>{s: "some error"},
71 ],
72 }`,
73 },
74 "eventually-success": {
75 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
76 Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
77 return 1.0
78 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
79 },
80 expectDuration: 0,
81 expectNoFail: true,
82 expectError: ``,
83 },
84 "eventually-retry": {
85 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
86 Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
87 gomega.TryAgainAfter(time.Millisecond).Now()
88 return 0
89 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
90 },
91 expectDuration: time.Second,
92 expectError: `Timed out after x.y s.
93 told to try again after 1ms`,
94 },
95 "consistently-timeout": {
96 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
97 Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
99 tCtx.Cancel("testing")
100 return 0
101 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
102 },
103 expectDuration: 0,
104 expectError: `Failed after x.y s.
105 Expected
106 <float64>: 0
107 to equal
108 <float64>: 1`,
109 },
110 "consistently-final": {
111 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
112 Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
113 gomega.StopTrying("final error").Now()
114 tCtx.FailNow()
115 return 0
116 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
117 },
118 expectDuration: 0,
119 expectError: `Told to stop trying after x.y s.
120 final error`,
121 },
122 "consistently-error": {
123 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
124 Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
125 tCtx.Fatal("some error")
126 return 0
127 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
128 },
129 expectDuration: 0,
130 expectError: `Failed after x.y s.
131 The function passed to Consistently returned the following error:
132 <*errors.joinError | 0xXXXX>:
133 some error
134 {
135 errs: [
136 <*errors.errorString | 0xXXXX>{s: "some error"},
137 ],
138 }`,
139 },
140 "consistently-success": {
141 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
142 Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
143 return 1.0
144 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
145 },
146 expectDuration: time.Second,
147 expectNoFail: true,
148 expectError: ``,
149 },
150 "consistently-retry": {
151 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
152 Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 {
153 gomega.TryAgainAfter(time.Millisecond).Wrap(errors.New("intermittent error")).Now()
154 return 0
155 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0))
156 },
157 expectDuration: time.Second,
158 expectError: `Timed out while waiting on TryAgainAfter after x.y s.
159 told to try again after 1ms: intermittent error`,
160 },
162 "expect-equal": {
163 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
164 tCtx.Expect(1).To(gomega.Equal(42))
165 },
166 expectError: `Expected
167 <int>: 1
168 to equal
169 <int>: 42`,
170 },
172 "expect-no-error-success": {
173 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
174 tCtx.ExpectNoError(nil)
175 },
176 expectNoFail: true,
177 },
178 "expect-no-error-normal-error": {
179 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
180 tCtx.ExpectNoError(errors.New("fake error"))
181 },
182 expectError: `Unexpected error: fake error`,
183 expectLog: `<klog header>: Unexpected error:
184 <*errors.errorString | 0xXXXX>:
185 fake error
186 {s: "fake error"}
187 `,
188 },
189 "expect-no-error-failure": {
190 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
191 tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error"}))
192 },
193 expectError: `doing something: fake error`,
194 },
195 "expect-no-error-explanation-string": {
196 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
197 tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error"}), "testing error checking")
198 },
199 expectError: `testing error checking: doing something: fake error`,
200 },
201 "expect-no-error-explanation-printf": {
202 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
203 tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error"}), "testing %s %d checking", "error", 42)
204 },
205 expectError: `testing error 42 checking: doing something: fake error`,
206 },
207 "expect-no-error-explanation-callback": {
208 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
209 tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error"}), func() string { return "testing error checking" })
210 },
211 expectError: `testing error checking: doing something: fake error`,
212 },
213 "expect-no-error-backtrace": {
214 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
215 tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error", FullStackTrace: "abc\nxyz"}))
216 },
217 expectError: `doing something: fake error`,
218 expectLog: `<klog header>: Failed at:
219 abc
220 xyz
221 `,
222 },
223 "expect-no-error-backtrace-and-explanation": {
224 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
225 tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error", FullStackTrace: "abc\nxyz"}), "testing error checking")
226 },
227 expectError: `testing error checking: doing something: fake error`,
228 expectLog: `<klog header>: testing error checking
229 <klog header>: Failed at:
230 abc
231 xyz
232 `,
233 },
235 "output": {
236 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
237 tCtx.Log("Log", "a", "b", 42)
238 tCtx.Logf("Logf %s %s %d", "a", "b", 42)
239 tCtx.Error("Error", "a", "b", 42)
240 tCtx.Errorf("Errorf %s %s %d", "a", "b", 42)
241 },
242 expectLog: `<klog header>: Log a b 42
243 <klog header>: Logf a b 42
244 `,
245 expectError: `Error a b 42
246 Errorf a b 42`,
247 },
248 "fatal": {
249 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
250 tCtx.Fatal("Error", "a", "b", 42)
252 tCtx.Log("Log")
253 },
254 expectError: `Error a b 42`,
255 },
256 "fatalf": {
257 cb: func(tCtx TContext) {
258 tCtx.Fatalf("Error %s %s %d", "a", "b", 42)
260 tCtx.Log("Log")
261 },
262 expectError: `Error a b 42`,
263 },
264 } {
265 tc := tc
266 t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
267 t.Parallel()
268 tc.run(t)
269 })
270 }
271 }
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