/* Copyright 2024 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package ktesting import ( "errors" "fmt" "testing" "time" "github.com/onsi/gomega" ) func TestAssert(t *testing.T) { for name, tc := range map[string]testcase{ "eventually-timeout": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) int { // Canceling here is a nop. tCtx.Cancel("testing") return 0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1)) }, expectDuration: time.Second, expectError: `Timed out after x.y s. Expected : 0 to equal : 1`, }, "eventually-final": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { gomega.StopTrying("final error").Now() return 0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: 0, expectError: `Told to stop trying after x.y s. final error`, }, "eventually-error": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { tCtx.Fatal("some error") return 0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: time.Second, expectError: `Timed out after x.y s. The function passed to Eventually returned the following error: <*errors.joinError | 0xXXXX>: some error { errs: [ <*errors.errorString | 0xXXXX>{s: "some error"}, ], }`, }, "eventually-success": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { return 1.0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: 0, expectNoFail: true, expectError: ``, }, "eventually-retry": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Eventually(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { gomega.TryAgainAfter(time.Millisecond).Now() return 0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: time.Second, expectError: `Timed out after x.y s. told to try again after 1ms`, }, "consistently-timeout": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { // Canceling here is a nop. tCtx.Cancel("testing") return 0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: 0, expectError: `Failed after x.y s. Expected : 0 to equal : 1`, }, "consistently-final": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { gomega.StopTrying("final error").Now() tCtx.FailNow() return 0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: 0, expectError: `Told to stop trying after x.y s. final error`, }, "consistently-error": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { tCtx.Fatal("some error") return 0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: 0, expectError: `Failed after x.y s. The function passed to Consistently returned the following error: <*errors.joinError | 0xXXXX>: some error { errs: [ <*errors.errorString | 0xXXXX>{s: "some error"}, ], }`, }, "consistently-success": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { return 1.0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: time.Second, expectNoFail: true, expectError: ``, }, "consistently-retry": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { Consistently(tCtx, func(tCtx TContext) float64 { gomega.TryAgainAfter(time.Millisecond).Wrap(errors.New("intermittent error")).Now() return 0 }).WithTimeout(time.Second).Should(gomega.Equal(1.0)) }, expectDuration: time.Second, expectError: `Timed out while waiting on TryAgainAfter after x.y s. told to try again after 1ms: intermittent error`, }, "expect-equal": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.Expect(1).To(gomega.Equal(42)) }, expectError: `Expected : 1 to equal : 42`, }, "expect-no-error-success": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.ExpectNoError(nil) }, expectNoFail: true, }, "expect-no-error-normal-error": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.ExpectNoError(errors.New("fake error")) }, expectError: `Unexpected error: fake error`, expectLog: `: Unexpected error: <*errors.errorString | 0xXXXX>: fake error {s: "fake error"} `, }, "expect-no-error-failure": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error"})) }, expectError: `doing something: fake error`, }, "expect-no-error-explanation-string": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error"}), "testing error checking") }, expectError: `testing error checking: doing something: fake error`, }, "expect-no-error-explanation-printf": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error"}), "testing %s %d checking", "error", 42) }, expectError: `testing error 42 checking: doing something: fake error`, }, "expect-no-error-explanation-callback": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error"}), func() string { return "testing error checking" }) }, expectError: `testing error checking: doing something: fake error`, }, "expect-no-error-backtrace": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error", FullStackTrace: "abc\nxyz"})) }, expectError: `doing something: fake error`, expectLog: `: Failed at: abc xyz `, }, "expect-no-error-backtrace-and-explanation": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.ExpectNoError(fmt.Errorf("doing something: %w", FailureError{Msg: "fake error", FullStackTrace: "abc\nxyz"}), "testing error checking") }, expectError: `testing error checking: doing something: fake error`, expectLog: `: testing error checking : Failed at: abc xyz `, }, "output": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.Log("Log", "a", "b", 42) tCtx.Logf("Logf %s %s %d", "a", "b", 42) tCtx.Error("Error", "a", "b", 42) tCtx.Errorf("Errorf %s %s %d", "a", "b", 42) }, expectLog: `: Log a b 42 : Logf a b 42 `, expectError: `Error a b 42 Errorf a b 42`, }, "fatal": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.Fatal("Error", "a", "b", 42) // not reached tCtx.Log("Log") }, expectError: `Error a b 42`, }, "fatalf": { cb: func(tCtx TContext) { tCtx.Fatalf("Error %s %s %d", "a", "b", 42) // not reached tCtx.Log("Log") }, expectError: `Error a b 42`, }, } { tc := tc t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tc.run(t) }) } }