1 // Copyright 2022 Google LLC 2 // 3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at 6 // 7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 8 // 9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13 // limitations under the License. 14 15 // Code generated by aliasgen. DO NOT EDIT. 16 17 // Package debugger aliases all exported identifiers in package 18 // "cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb". 19 // 20 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb. 21 // Please read https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/blob/main/migration.md 22 // for more details. 23 package debugger 24 25 import ( 26 src "cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb" 27 grpc "google.golang.org/grpc" 28 ) 29 30 // Deprecated: Please use consts in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 31 const ( 32 Breakpoint_CAPTURE = src.Breakpoint_CAPTURE 33 Breakpoint_ERROR = src.Breakpoint_ERROR 34 Breakpoint_INFO = src.Breakpoint_INFO 35 Breakpoint_LOG = src.Breakpoint_LOG 36 Breakpoint_WARNING = src.Breakpoint_WARNING 37 StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_AGE = src.StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_AGE 38 StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION = src.StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION 39 StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_EXPRESSION = src.StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_EXPRESSION 40 StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LOCATION = src.StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LOCATION 41 StatusMessage_UNSPECIFIED = src.StatusMessage_UNSPECIFIED 42 StatusMessage_VARIABLE_NAME = src.StatusMessage_VARIABLE_NAME 43 StatusMessage_VARIABLE_VALUE = src.StatusMessage_VARIABLE_VALUE 44 ) 45 46 // Deprecated: Please use vars in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 47 var ( 48 Breakpoint_Action_name = src.Breakpoint_Action_name 49 Breakpoint_Action_value = src.Breakpoint_Action_value 50 Breakpoint_LogLevel_name = src.Breakpoint_LogLevel_name 51 Breakpoint_LogLevel_value = src.Breakpoint_LogLevel_value 52 File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_controller_proto = src.File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_controller_proto 53 File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_data_proto = src.File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_data_proto 54 File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_debugger_proto = src.File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_debugger_proto 55 StatusMessage_Reference_name = src.StatusMessage_Reference_name 56 StatusMessage_Reference_value = src.StatusMessage_Reference_value 57 ) 58 59 // Represents the breakpoint specification, status and results. 60 // 61 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 62 type Breakpoint = src.Breakpoint 63 64 // Actions that can be taken when a breakpoint hits. Agents should reject 65 // breakpoints with unsupported or unknown action values. 66 // 67 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 68 type Breakpoint_Action = src.Breakpoint_Action 69 70 // Log severity levels. 71 // 72 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 73 type Breakpoint_LogLevel = src.Breakpoint_LogLevel 74 75 // Controller2Client is the client API for Controller2 service. For semantics 76 // around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to 77 // https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream. 78 // 79 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 80 type Controller2Client = src.Controller2Client 81 82 // Controller2Server is the server API for Controller2 service. 83 // 84 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 85 type Controller2Server = src.Controller2Server 86 87 // Represents the debugged application. The application may include one or 88 // more replicated processes executing the same code. Each of these processes 89 // is attached with a debugger agent, carrying out the debugging commands. 90 // Agents attached to the same debuggee identify themselves as such by using 91 // exactly the same Debuggee message value when registering. 92 // 93 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 94 type Debuggee = src.Debuggee 95 96 // Debugger2Client is the client API for Debugger2 service. For semantics 97 // around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to 98 // https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream. 99 // 100 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 101 type Debugger2Client = src.Debugger2Client 102 103 // Debugger2Server is the server API for Debugger2 service. 104 // 105 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 106 type Debugger2Server = src.Debugger2Server 107 108 // Request to delete a breakpoint. 109 // 110 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 111 type DeleteBreakpointRequest = src.DeleteBreakpointRequest 112 113 // Represents a message with parameters. 114 // 115 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 116 type FormatMessage = src.FormatMessage 117 118 // Request to get breakpoint information. 119 // 120 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 121 type GetBreakpointRequest = src.GetBreakpointRequest 122 123 // Response for getting breakpoint information. 124 // 125 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 126 type GetBreakpointResponse = src.GetBreakpointResponse 127 128 // Request to list active breakpoints. 129 // 130 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 131 type ListActiveBreakpointsRequest = src.ListActiveBreakpointsRequest 132 133 // Response for listing active breakpoints. 134 // 135 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 136 type ListActiveBreakpointsResponse = src.ListActiveBreakpointsResponse 137 138 // Request to list breakpoints. 139 // 140 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 141 type ListBreakpointsRequest = src.ListBreakpointsRequest 142 143 // Wrapper message for `Breakpoint.Action`. Defines a filter on the action 144 // field of breakpoints. 145 // 146 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 147 type ListBreakpointsRequest_BreakpointActionValue = src.ListBreakpointsRequest_BreakpointActionValue 148 149 // Response for listing breakpoints. 150 // 151 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 152 type ListBreakpointsResponse = src.ListBreakpointsResponse 153 154 // Request to list debuggees. 155 // 156 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 157 type ListDebuggeesRequest = src.ListDebuggeesRequest 158 159 // Response for listing debuggees. 160 // 161 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 162 type ListDebuggeesResponse = src.ListDebuggeesResponse 163 164 // Request to register a debuggee. 165 // 166 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 167 type RegisterDebuggeeRequest = src.RegisterDebuggeeRequest 168 169 // Response for registering a debuggee. 170 // 171 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 172 type RegisterDebuggeeResponse = src.RegisterDebuggeeResponse 173 174 // Request to set a breakpoint 175 // 176 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 177 type SetBreakpointRequest = src.SetBreakpointRequest 178 179 // Response for setting a breakpoint. 180 // 181 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 182 type SetBreakpointResponse = src.SetBreakpointResponse 183 184 // Represents a location in the source code. 185 // 186 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 187 type SourceLocation = src.SourceLocation 188 189 // Represents a stack frame context. 190 // 191 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 192 type StackFrame = src.StackFrame 193 194 // Represents a contextual status message. The message can indicate an error 195 // or informational status, and refer to specific parts of the containing 196 // object. For example, the `Breakpoint.status` field can indicate an error 197 // referring to the `BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LOCATION` with the message `Location not 198 // found`. 199 // 200 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 201 type StatusMessage = src.StatusMessage 202 203 // Enumerates references to which the message applies. 204 // 205 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 206 type StatusMessage_Reference = src.StatusMessage_Reference 207 208 // UnimplementedController2Server can be embedded to have forward compatible 209 // implementations. 210 // 211 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 212 type UnimplementedController2Server = src.UnimplementedController2Server 213 214 // UnimplementedDebugger2Server can be embedded to have forward compatible 215 // implementations. 216 // 217 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 218 type UnimplementedDebugger2Server = src.UnimplementedDebugger2Server 219 220 // Request to update an active breakpoint. 221 // 222 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 223 type UpdateActiveBreakpointRequest = src.UpdateActiveBreakpointRequest 224 225 // Response for updating an active breakpoint. The message is defined to allow 226 // future extensions. 227 // 228 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 229 type UpdateActiveBreakpointResponse = src.UpdateActiveBreakpointResponse 230 231 // Represents a variable or an argument possibly of a compound object type. 232 // Note how the following variables are represented: 1) A simple variable: int 233 // x = 5 { name: "x", value: "5", type: "int" } // Captured variable 2) A 234 // compound object: struct T { int m1; int m2; }; T x = { 3, 7 }; { // Captured 235 // variable name: "x", type: "T", members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" 236 // }, members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" } } 3) A pointer where the 237 // pointee was captured: T x = { 3, 7 }; T* p = &x; { // Captured variable 238 // name: "p", type: "T*", value: "0x00500500", members { name: "m1", value: 239 // "3", type: "int" }, members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" } } 4) A 240 // pointer where the pointee was not captured: T* p = new T; { // Captured 241 // variable name: "p", type: "T*", value: "0x00400400" status { is_error: true, 242 // description { format: "unavailable" } } } The status should describe the 243 // reason for the missing value, such as `<optimized out>`, `<inaccessible>`, 244 // `<pointers limit reached>`. Note that a null pointer should not have 245 // members. 5) An unnamed value: int* p = new int(7); { // Captured variable 246 // name: "p", value: "0x00500500", type: "int*", members { value: "7", type: 247 // "int" } } 6) An unnamed pointer where the pointee was not captured: int* p = 248 // new int(7); int** pp = &p; { // Captured variable name: "pp", value: 249 // "0x00500500", type: "int**", members { value: "0x00400400", type: "int*" 250 // status { is_error: true, description: { format: "unavailable" } } } } } To 251 // optimize computation, memory and network traffic, variables that repeat in 252 // the output multiple times can be stored once in a shared variable table and 253 // be referenced using the `var_table_index` field. The variables stored in the 254 // shared table are nameless and are essentially a partition of the complete 255 // variable. To reconstruct the complete variable, merge the referencing 256 // variable with the referenced variable. When using the shared variable table, 257 // the following variables: T x = { 3, 7 }; T* p = &x; T& r = x; { name: "x", 258 // var_table_index: 3, type: "T" } // Captured variables { name: "p", value 259 // "0x00500500", type="T*", var_table_index: 3 } { name: "r", type="T&", 260 // var_table_index: 3 } { // Shared variable table entry #3: members { name: 261 // "m1", value: "3", type: "int" }, members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: 262 // "int" } } Note that the pointer address is stored with the referencing 263 // variable and not with the referenced variable. This allows the referenced 264 // variable to be shared between pointers and references. The type field is 265 // optional. The debugger agent may or may not support it. 266 // 267 // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 268 type Variable = src.Variable 269 270 // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 271 func NewController2Client(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) Controller2Client { 272 return src.NewController2Client(cc) 273 } 274 275 // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 276 func NewDebugger2Client(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) Debugger2Client { 277 return src.NewDebugger2Client(cc) 278 } 279 280 // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 281 func RegisterController2Server(s *grpc.Server, srv Controller2Server) { 282 src.RegisterController2Server(s, srv) 283 } 284 285 // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2/debuggerpb 286 func RegisterDebugger2Server(s *grpc.Server, srv Debugger2Server) { 287 src.RegisterDebugger2Server(s, srv) 288 } 289