Deprecated: Please use consts in:
const ( Breakpoint_CAPTURE = src.Breakpoint_CAPTURE Breakpoint_ERROR = src.Breakpoint_ERROR Breakpoint_INFO = src.Breakpoint_INFO Breakpoint_LOG = src.Breakpoint_LOG Breakpoint_WARNING = src.Breakpoint_WARNING StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_AGE = src.StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_AGE StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION = src.StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_EXPRESSION = src.StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_EXPRESSION StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LOCATION = src.StatusMessage_BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LOCATION StatusMessage_UNSPECIFIED = src.StatusMessage_UNSPECIFIED StatusMessage_VARIABLE_NAME = src.StatusMessage_VARIABLE_NAME StatusMessage_VARIABLE_VALUE = src.StatusMessage_VARIABLE_VALUE )
Deprecated: Please use vars in:
var ( Breakpoint_Action_name = src.Breakpoint_Action_name Breakpoint_Action_value = src.Breakpoint_Action_value Breakpoint_LogLevel_name = src.Breakpoint_LogLevel_name Breakpoint_LogLevel_value = src.Breakpoint_LogLevel_value File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_controller_proto = src.File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_controller_proto File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_data_proto = src.File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_data_proto File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_debugger_proto = src.File_google_devtools_clouddebugger_v2_debugger_proto StatusMessage_Reference_name = src.StatusMessage_Reference_name StatusMessage_Reference_value = src.StatusMessage_Reference_value )
func RegisterController2Server(s *grpc.Server, srv Controller2Server)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
func RegisterDebugger2Server(s *grpc.Server, srv Debugger2Server)
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Represents the breakpoint specification, status and results.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Breakpoint = src.Breakpoint
Actions that can be taken when a breakpoint hits. Agents should reject breakpoints with unsupported or unknown action values.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Breakpoint_Action = src.Breakpoint_Action
Log severity levels.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Breakpoint_LogLevel = src.Breakpoint_LogLevel
Controller2Client is the client API for Controller2 service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Controller2Client = src.Controller2Client
func NewController2Client(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) Controller2Client
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Controller2Server is the server API for Controller2 service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Controller2Server = src.Controller2Server
Represents the debugged application. The application may include one or more replicated processes executing the same code. Each of these processes is attached with a debugger agent, carrying out the debugging commands. Agents attached to the same debuggee identify themselves as such by using exactly the same Debuggee message value when registering.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Debuggee = src.Debuggee
Debugger2Client is the client API for Debugger2 service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Debugger2Client = src.Debugger2Client
func NewDebugger2Client(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) Debugger2Client
Deprecated: Please use funcs in:
Debugger2Server is the server API for Debugger2 service.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Debugger2Server = src.Debugger2Server
Request to delete a breakpoint.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type DeleteBreakpointRequest = src.DeleteBreakpointRequest
Represents a message with parameters.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type FormatMessage = src.FormatMessage
Request to get breakpoint information.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetBreakpointRequest = src.GetBreakpointRequest
Response for getting breakpoint information.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type GetBreakpointResponse = src.GetBreakpointResponse
Request to list active breakpoints.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListActiveBreakpointsRequest = src.ListActiveBreakpointsRequest
Response for listing active breakpoints.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListActiveBreakpointsResponse = src.ListActiveBreakpointsResponse
Request to list breakpoints.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListBreakpointsRequest = src.ListBreakpointsRequest
Wrapper message for `Breakpoint.Action`. Defines a filter on the action field of breakpoints.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListBreakpointsRequest_BreakpointActionValue = src.ListBreakpointsRequest_BreakpointActionValue
Response for listing breakpoints.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListBreakpointsResponse = src.ListBreakpointsResponse
Request to list debuggees.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListDebuggeesRequest = src.ListDebuggeesRequest
Response for listing debuggees.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type ListDebuggeesResponse = src.ListDebuggeesResponse
Request to register a debuggee.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegisterDebuggeeRequest = src.RegisterDebuggeeRequest
Response for registering a debuggee.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type RegisterDebuggeeResponse = src.RegisterDebuggeeResponse
Request to set a breakpoint
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetBreakpointRequest = src.SetBreakpointRequest
Response for setting a breakpoint.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SetBreakpointResponse = src.SetBreakpointResponse
Represents a location in the source code.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type SourceLocation = src.SourceLocation
Represents a stack frame context.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StackFrame = src.StackFrame
Represents a contextual status message. The message can indicate an error or informational status, and refer to specific parts of the containing object. For example, the `Breakpoint.status` field can indicate an error referring to the `BREAKPOINT_SOURCE_LOCATION` with the message `Location not found`.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StatusMessage = src.StatusMessage
Enumerates references to which the message applies.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type StatusMessage_Reference = src.StatusMessage_Reference
UnimplementedController2Server can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedController2Server = src.UnimplementedController2Server
UnimplementedDebugger2Server can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UnimplementedDebugger2Server = src.UnimplementedDebugger2Server
Request to update an active breakpoint.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateActiveBreakpointRequest = src.UpdateActiveBreakpointRequest
Response for updating an active breakpoint. The message is defined to allow future extensions.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type UpdateActiveBreakpointResponse = src.UpdateActiveBreakpointResponse
Represents a variable or an argument possibly of a compound object type. Note how the following variables are represented: 1) A simple variable: int x = 5 { name: "x", value: "5", type: "int" } // Captured variable 2) A compound object: struct T { int m1; int m2; }; T x = { 3, 7 }; { // Captured variable name: "x", type: "T", members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" }, members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" } } 3) A pointer where the pointee was captured: T x = { 3, 7 }; T* p = &x; { // Captured variable name: "p", type: "T*", value: "0x00500500", members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" }, members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" } } 4) A pointer where the pointee was not captured: T* p = new T; { // Captured variable name: "p", type: "T*", value: "0x00400400" status { is_error: true, description { format: "unavailable" } } } The status should describe the reason for the missing value, such as `<optimized out>`, `<inaccessible>`, `<pointers limit reached>`. Note that a null pointer should not have members. 5) An unnamed value: int* p = new int(7); { // Captured variable name: "p", value: "0x00500500", type: "int*", members { value: "7", type: "int" } } 6) An unnamed pointer where the pointee was not captured: int* p = new int(7); int** pp = &p; { // Captured variable name: "pp", value: "0x00500500", type: "int**", members { value: "0x00400400", type: "int*" status { is_error: true, description: { format: "unavailable" } } } } } To optimize computation, memory and network traffic, variables that repeat in the output multiple times can be stored once in a shared variable table and be referenced using the `var_table_index` field. The variables stored in the shared table are nameless and are essentially a partition of the complete variable. To reconstruct the complete variable, merge the referencing variable with the referenced variable. When using the shared variable table, the following variables: T x = { 3, 7 }; T* p = &x; T& r = x; { name: "x", var_table_index: 3, type: "T" } // Captured variables { name: "p", value "0x00500500", type="T*", var_table_index: 3 } { name: "r", type="T&", var_table_index: 3 } { // Shared variable table entry #3: members { name: "m1", value: "3", type: "int" }, members { name: "m2", value: "7", type: "int" } } Note that the pointer address is stored with the referencing variable and not with the referenced variable. This allows the referenced variable to be shared between pointers and references. The type field is optional. The debugger agent may or may not support it.
Deprecated: Please use types in:
type Variable = src.Variable