
Text file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/client-side-encryption/unified/addKeyAltName.yml

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/client-side-encryption/unified

     1description: addKeyAltName
     3schemaVersion: "1.8"
     6  - csfle: true
     9  - client:
    10      id: &client0 client0
    11      observeEvents:
    12        - commandStartedEvent
    13  - clientEncryption:
    14      id: &clientEncryption0 clientEncryption0
    15      clientEncryptionOpts:
    16        keyVaultClient: *client0
    17        keyVaultNamespace: keyvault.datakeys
    18        kmsProviders:
    19          local: { key: { $$placeholder: 1 } }
    20  - database:
    21      id: &database0 database0
    22      client: *client0
    23      databaseName: &database0Name keyvault
    24  - collection:
    25      id: &collection0 collection0
    26      database: *database0
    27      collectionName: &collection0Name datakeys
    30  - databaseName: *database0Name
    31    collectionName: *collection0Name
    32    documents:
    33      - &local_key_doc
    34        _id: &local_key_id { $binary: { base64: bG9jYWxrZXlsb2NhbGtleQ==, subType: "04" } }
    35        keyMaterial: { $binary: { base64: ABKBldDEoDW323yejOnIRk6YQmlD9d3eQthd16scKL75nz2LjNL9fgPDZWrFFOlqlhMCFaSrNJfGrFUjYk5JFDO7soG5Syb50k1niJoKg4ilsj0L4mpimFUtTpOr2nzZOeQtvAksEXc7gsFgq8gV7t/U3lsaXPY7I0t42DfSE8EGlPdxRjFdHnxh+OR8h7U9b8Qs5K5UuhgyeyxaBZ1Hgw==, subType: "00" } }
    36        creationDate: { $date: { $numberLong: "1641024000000" } }
    37        updateDate: { $date: { $numberLong: "1641024000000" } }
    38        status: 1
    39        masterKey:
    40          provider: local
    43  - description: add keyAltName to non-existent data key
    44    operations:
    45      - name: addKeyAltName
    46        object: *clientEncryption0
    47        arguments:
    48          # First 3 letters of local_key_id replaced with 'A' (value: "#alkeylocalkey").
    49          id: &non_existent_id { $binary: { base64: AAAjYWxrZXlsb2NhbGtleQ==, subType: "04" } }
    50          keyAltName: new_key_alt_name
    51        expectResult: { $$unsetOrMatches: null }
    52    expectEvents:
    53      - client: *client0
    54        events:
    55          - commandStartedEvent:
    56              databaseName: *database0Name
    57              command:
    58                findAndModify: *collection0Name
    59                query: { _id: *non_existent_id }
    60                update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: new_key_alt_name } }
    61                writeConcern: { w: majority }
    62    outcome:
    63      - collectionName: *collection0Name
    64        databaseName: *database0Name
    65        documents:
    66          - *local_key_doc
    68  - description: add new keyAltName to data key with no keyAltNames
    69    operations:
    70      - name: addKeyAltName
    71        object: *clientEncryption0
    72        arguments:
    73          id: *local_key_id
    74          keyAltName: local_key
    75        expectResult: *local_key_doc
    76      - name: find
    77        object: *collection0
    78        arguments:
    79          filter: {}
    80          projection: { _id: 0, keyAltNames: 1 }
    81        expectResult:
    82          - keyAltNames: [local_key]
    83    expectEvents:
    84      - client: *client0
    85        events:
    86          - commandStartedEvent:
    87              databaseName: *database0Name
    88              command:
    89                findAndModify: *collection0Name
    90                query: { _id: *local_key_id }
    91                update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: local_key } }
    92                writeConcern: { w: majority }
    93          - commandStartedEvent: { commandName: find }
    95  - description: add existing keyAltName to existing data key
    96    operations:
    97      - name: addKeyAltName
    98        object: *clientEncryption0
    99        arguments:
   100          id: *local_key_id
   101          keyAltName: local_key
   102        expectResult: *local_key_doc
   103      - name: addKeyAltName
   104        # Attempting to add a duplicate keyAltName to the data key should not be an error.
   105        object: *clientEncryption0
   106        arguments:
   107          id: *local_key_id
   108          keyAltName: local_key
   109        expectResult:
   110          _id: *local_key_id
   111          keyAltNames: [local_key]
   112          keyMaterial: { $$type: binData }
   113          creationDate: { $$type: date }
   114          updateDate: { $$type: date }
   115          status: 1
   116          masterKey:
   117            provider: local
   118      - name: find
   119        object: *collection0
   120        arguments:
   121          filter: {}
   122          projection: { _id: 0, keyAltNames: 1 }
   123        expectResult:
   124          - keyAltNames: [local_key]
   125    expectEvents:
   126      - client: *client0
   127        events:
   128          - commandStartedEvent:
   129              databaseName: *database0Name
   130              command:
   131                findAndModify: *collection0Name
   132                query: { _id: *local_key_id }
   133                update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: local_key } }
   134                writeConcern: { w: majority }
   135          - commandStartedEvent:
   136              databaseName: *database0Name
   137              command:
   138                findAndModify: *collection0Name
   139                query: { _id: *local_key_id }
   140                update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: local_key } }
   141                writeConcern: { w: majority }
   142          - commandStartedEvent: { commandName: find }
   144  - description: add new keyAltName to data key with keyAltNames
   145    operations:
   146      - name: addKeyAltName
   147        object: *clientEncryption0
   148        arguments:
   149          id: *local_key_id
   150          keyAltName: local_key
   151        expectResult: *local_key_doc
   152      - name: addKeyAltName
   153        object: *clientEncryption0
   154        arguments:
   155          id: *local_key_id
   156          keyAltName: another_name
   157        expectResult:
   158          _id: *local_key_id
   159          keyAltNames: [local_key]
   160          keyMaterial: { $$type: binData }
   161          creationDate: { $$type: date }
   162          updateDate: { $$type: date }
   163          status: 1
   164          masterKey:
   165            provider: local
   166      - name: aggregate
   167        object: *collection0
   168        arguments:
   169          pipeline:
   170            # Ensure keyAltNames are in deterministically sorted order.
   171            - $project: { _id: 0, keyAltNames: $keyAltNames }
   172            - $unwind: $keyAltNames
   173            - $sort: { keyAltNames: 1 }
   174        expectResult:
   175          - keyAltNames: another_name
   176          - keyAltNames: local_key
   177    expectEvents:
   178      - client: *client0
   179        events:
   180          - commandStartedEvent:
   181              databaseName: *database0Name
   182              command:
   183                findAndModify: *collection0Name
   184                query: { _id: *local_key_id }
   185                update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: local_key } }
   186                writeConcern: { w: majority }
   187          - commandStartedEvent:
   188              databaseName: *database0Name
   189              command:
   190                findAndModify: *collection0Name
   191                query: { _id: *local_key_id }
   192                update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: another_name } }
   193                writeConcern: { w: majority }
   194          - commandStartedEvent: { commandName: aggregate }

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