description: addKeyAltName schemaVersion: "1.8" runOnRequirements: - csfle: true createEntities: - client: id: &client0 client0 observeEvents: - commandStartedEvent - clientEncryption: id: &clientEncryption0 clientEncryption0 clientEncryptionOpts: keyVaultClient: *client0 keyVaultNamespace: keyvault.datakeys kmsProviders: local: { key: { $$placeholder: 1 } } - database: id: &database0 database0 client: *client0 databaseName: &database0Name keyvault - collection: id: &collection0 collection0 database: *database0 collectionName: &collection0Name datakeys initialData: - databaseName: *database0Name collectionName: *collection0Name documents: - &local_key_doc _id: &local_key_id { $binary: { base64: bG9jYWxrZXlsb2NhbGtleQ==, subType: "04" } } keyMaterial: { $binary: { base64: ABKBldDEoDW323yejOnIRk6YQmlD9d3eQthd16scKL75nz2LjNL9fgPDZWrFFOlqlhMCFaSrNJfGrFUjYk5JFDO7soG5Syb50k1niJoKg4ilsj0L4mpimFUtTpOr2nzZOeQtvAksEXc7gsFgq8gV7t/U3lsaXPY7I0t42DfSE8EGlPdxRjFdHnxh+OR8h7U9b8Qs5K5UuhgyeyxaBZ1Hgw==, subType: "00" } } creationDate: { $date: { $numberLong: "1641024000000" } } updateDate: { $date: { $numberLong: "1641024000000" } } status: 1 masterKey: provider: local tests: - description: add keyAltName to non-existent data key operations: - name: addKeyAltName object: *clientEncryption0 arguments: # First 3 letters of local_key_id replaced with 'A' (value: "#alkeylocalkey"). id: &non_existent_id { $binary: { base64: AAAjYWxrZXlsb2NhbGtleQ==, subType: "04" } } keyAltName: new_key_alt_name expectResult: { $$unsetOrMatches: null } expectEvents: - client: *client0 events: - commandStartedEvent: databaseName: *database0Name command: findAndModify: *collection0Name query: { _id: *non_existent_id } update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: new_key_alt_name } } writeConcern: { w: majority } outcome: - collectionName: *collection0Name databaseName: *database0Name documents: - *local_key_doc - description: add new keyAltName to data key with no keyAltNames operations: - name: addKeyAltName object: *clientEncryption0 arguments: id: *local_key_id keyAltName: local_key expectResult: *local_key_doc - name: find object: *collection0 arguments: filter: {} projection: { _id: 0, keyAltNames: 1 } expectResult: - keyAltNames: [local_key] expectEvents: - client: *client0 events: - commandStartedEvent: databaseName: *database0Name command: findAndModify: *collection0Name query: { _id: *local_key_id } update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: local_key } } writeConcern: { w: majority } - commandStartedEvent: { commandName: find } - description: add existing keyAltName to existing data key operations: - name: addKeyAltName object: *clientEncryption0 arguments: id: *local_key_id keyAltName: local_key expectResult: *local_key_doc - name: addKeyAltName # Attempting to add a duplicate keyAltName to the data key should not be an error. object: *clientEncryption0 arguments: id: *local_key_id keyAltName: local_key expectResult: _id: *local_key_id keyAltNames: [local_key] keyMaterial: { $$type: binData } creationDate: { $$type: date } updateDate: { $$type: date } status: 1 masterKey: provider: local - name: find object: *collection0 arguments: filter: {} projection: { _id: 0, keyAltNames: 1 } expectResult: - keyAltNames: [local_key] expectEvents: - client: *client0 events: - commandStartedEvent: databaseName: *database0Name command: findAndModify: *collection0Name query: { _id: *local_key_id } update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: local_key } } writeConcern: { w: majority } - commandStartedEvent: databaseName: *database0Name command: findAndModify: *collection0Name query: { _id: *local_key_id } update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: local_key } } writeConcern: { w: majority } - commandStartedEvent: { commandName: find } - description: add new keyAltName to data key with keyAltNames operations: - name: addKeyAltName object: *clientEncryption0 arguments: id: *local_key_id keyAltName: local_key expectResult: *local_key_doc - name: addKeyAltName object: *clientEncryption0 arguments: id: *local_key_id keyAltName: another_name expectResult: _id: *local_key_id keyAltNames: [local_key] keyMaterial: { $$type: binData } creationDate: { $$type: date } updateDate: { $$type: date } status: 1 masterKey: provider: local - name: aggregate object: *collection0 arguments: pipeline: # Ensure keyAltNames are in deterministically sorted order. - $project: { _id: 0, keyAltNames: $keyAltNames } - $unwind: $keyAltNames - $sort: { keyAltNames: 1 } expectResult: - keyAltNames: another_name - keyAltNames: local_key expectEvents: - client: *client0 events: - commandStartedEvent: databaseName: *database0Name command: findAndModify: *collection0Name query: { _id: *local_key_id } update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: local_key } } writeConcern: { w: majority } - commandStartedEvent: databaseName: *database0Name command: findAndModify: *collection0Name query: { _id: *local_key_id } update: { $addToSet: { keyAltNames: another_name } } writeConcern: { w: majority } - commandStartedEvent: { commandName: aggregate }