
Source file src/github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/repo_test.go

Documentation: github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf

     1  package tuf
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"crypto"
     6  	"crypto/elliptic"
     7  	"crypto/rand"
     8  	"encoding/hex"
     9  	"encoding/json"
    10  	"errors"
    11  	"fmt"
    12  	"log"
    13  	"os"
    14  	"path"
    15  	"path/filepath"
    16  	"reflect"
    17  	"sort"
    18  	"strings"
    19  	"testing"
    20  	"time"
    22  	"github.com/secure-systems-lab/go-securesystemslib/cjson"
    23  	"github.com/secure-systems-lab/go-securesystemslib/encrypted"
    24  	"github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/data"
    25  	"github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/internal/sets"
    26  	"github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/pkg/keys"
    27  	"github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/pkg/targets"
    28  	"github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/util"
    29  	"github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf/verify"
    30  	"golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519"
    31  	. "gopkg.in/check.v1"
    32  )
    34  // Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
    35  func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
    37  type RepoSuite struct{}
    39  var _ = Suite(&RepoSuite{})
    41  func (RepoSuite) TestNewRepo(c *C) {
    42  	testNewRepo(c, NewRepo)
    43  }
    45  func (RepoSuite) TestNewRepoIndent(c *C) {
    46  	testNewRepo(c, func(local LocalStore, hashAlgorithms ...string) (*Repo, error) {
    47  		return NewRepoIndent(local, "", "\t")
    48  	})
    49  }
    51  // UniqueKeys returns the unique keys for each associated role.
    52  // We might have multiple key IDs that correspond to the same key.
    53  func UniqueKeys(r *data.Root) map[string][]*data.PublicKey {
    54  	keysByRole := make(map[string][]*data.PublicKey)
    55  	for name, role := range r.Roles {
    56  		seen := make(map[string]struct{})
    57  		roleKeys := []*data.PublicKey{}
    58  		for _, id := range role.KeyIDs {
    59  			// Double-check that there is actually a key with that ID.
    60  			if key, ok := r.Keys[id]; ok {
    61  				verifier, err := keys.GetVerifier(key)
    62  				if err != nil {
    63  					continue
    64  				}
    65  				val := verifier.Public()
    66  				if _, ok := seen[val]; ok {
    67  					continue
    68  				}
    69  				seen[val] = struct{}{}
    70  				roleKeys = append(roleKeys, key)
    71  			}
    72  		}
    73  		keysByRole[name] = roleKeys
    74  	}
    75  	return keysByRole
    76  }
    78  // AssertNumUniqueKeys verifies that the number of unique root keys for a given role is as expected.
    79  func (*RepoSuite) assertNumUniqueKeys(c *C, root *data.Root, role string, num int) {
    80  	c.Assert(UniqueKeys(root)[role], HasLen, num)
    81  }
    83  func testNewRepo(c *C, newRepo func(local LocalStore, hashAlgorithms ...string) (*Repo, error)) {
    84  	meta := map[string]json.RawMessage{
    85  		"root.json": []byte(`{
    86  		  "signed": {
    87  		    "_type": "root",
    88  		    "version": 1,
    89  		    "expires": "2015-12-26T03:26:55.821520874Z",
    90  		    "keys": {},
    91  		    "roles": {}
    92  		  },
    93  		  "signatures": []
    94  		}`),
    95  		"targets.json": []byte(`{
    96  		  "signed": {
    97  		    "_type": "targets",
    98  		    "version": 1,
    99  		    "expires": "2015-03-26T03:26:55.82155686Z",
   100  		    "targets": {}
   101  		  },
   102  		  "signatures": []
   103  		}`),
   104  		"snapshot.json": []byte(`{
   105  		  "signed": {
   106  		    "_type": "snapshot",
   107  		    "version": 1,
   108  		    "expires": "2015-01-02T03:26:55.821585981Z",
   109  		    "meta": {}
   110  		  },
   111  		  "signatures": []
   112  		}`),
   113  		"timestamp.json": []byte(`{
   114  		  "signed": {
   115  		    "_type": "timestamp",
   116  		    "version": 1,
   117  		    "expires": "2014-12-27T03:26:55.821599702Z",
   118  		    "meta": {}
   119  		  },
   120  		  "signatures": []
   121  		}`),
   122  	}
   123  	local := MemoryStore(meta, nil)
   124  	r, err := newRepo(local)
   125  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   127  	root, err := r.root()
   128  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   129  	c.Assert(root.Type, Equals, "root")
   130  	c.Assert(root.Version, Equals, int64(1))
   131  	c.Assert(root.Keys, NotNil)
   132  	c.Assert(root.Keys, HasLen, 0)
   134  	targets, err := r.topLevelTargets()
   135  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   136  	c.Assert(targets.Type, Equals, "targets")
   137  	c.Assert(targets.Version, Equals, int64(1))
   138  	c.Assert(targets.Targets, NotNil)
   139  	c.Assert(targets.Targets, HasLen, 0)
   141  	snapshot, err := r.snapshot()
   142  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   143  	c.Assert(snapshot.Type, Equals, "snapshot")
   144  	c.Assert(snapshot.Version, Equals, int64(1))
   145  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, NotNil)
   146  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 0)
   148  	timestamp, err := r.timestamp()
   149  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   150  	c.Assert(timestamp.Type, Equals, "timestamp")
   151  	c.Assert(timestamp.Version, Equals, int64(1))
   152  	c.Assert(timestamp.Meta, NotNil)
   153  	c.Assert(timestamp.Meta, HasLen, 0)
   154  }
   156  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestInit(c *C) {
   157  	local := MemoryStore(
   158  		make(map[string]json.RawMessage),
   159  		map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")},
   160  	)
   161  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   162  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   164  	// Init() sets root.ConsistentSnapshot
   165  	for _, v := range []bool{true, false} {
   166  		c.Assert(r.Init(v), IsNil)
   167  		root, err := r.root()
   168  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   169  		c.Assert(root.ConsistentSnapshot, Equals, v)
   170  	}
   172  	// Add a target.
   173  	generateAndAddPrivateKey(c, r, "targets")
   174  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
   176  	// Init() fails if targets have been added
   177  	c.Assert(r.Init(true), Equals, ErrInitNotAllowed)
   178  }
   180  func genKey(c *C, r *Repo, role string) []string {
   181  	keyids, err := r.GenKey(role)
   182  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   183  	c.Assert(len(keyids) > 0, Equals, true)
   184  	return keyids
   185  }
   187  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestGenKey(c *C) {
   188  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), nil)
   189  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   190  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   192  	// generate a key for an unknown role
   193  	_, err = r.GenKey("foo")
   194  	c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrInvalidRole{"foo", "only support adding keys for top-level roles"})
   196  	// generate a root key
   197  	ids := genKey(c, r, "root")
   199  	// check root metadata is correct
   200  	root, err := r.root()
   201  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   202  	c.Assert(root.Roles, NotNil)
   203  	c.Assert(root.Roles, HasLen, 1)
   204  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "root", 1)
   205  	rootRole, ok := root.Roles["root"]
   206  	if !ok {
   207  		c.Fatal("missing root role")
   208  	}
   209  	c.Assert(rootRole.KeyIDs, HasLen, 1)
   210  	c.Assert(rootRole.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, ids)
   211  	for _, keyID := range ids {
   212  		k, ok := root.Keys[keyID]
   213  		if !ok {
   214  			c.Fatal("missing key")
   215  		}
   216  		c.Assert(k.IDs(), DeepEquals, ids)
   217  		pk, err := keys.GetVerifier(k)
   218  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   219  		c.Assert(pk.Public(), HasLen, ed25519.PublicKeySize)
   220  	}
   222  	// check root key + role are in db
   223  	db, err := r.topLevelKeysDB()
   224  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   225  	for _, keyID := range ids {
   226  		rootKey, err := db.GetVerifier(keyID)
   227  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   228  		c.Assert(rootKey.MarshalPublicKey().IDs(), DeepEquals, ids)
   229  		role := db.GetRole("root")
   230  		c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, sets.StringSliceToSet(ids))
   232  		// check the key was saved correctly
   233  		localKeys, err := local.GetSigners("root")
   234  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   235  		c.Assert(localKeys, HasLen, 1)
   236  		c.Assert(localKeys[0].PublicData().IDs(), DeepEquals, ids)
   238  		// check RootKeys() is correct
   239  		rootKeys, err := r.RootKeys()
   240  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   241  		c.Assert(rootKeys, HasLen, 1)
   242  		c.Assert(rootKeys[0].IDs(), DeepEquals, rootKey.MarshalPublicKey().IDs())
   243  		pk, err := keys.GetVerifier(rootKeys[0])
   244  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   245  		c.Assert(pk.Public(), DeepEquals, rootKey.Public())
   246  	}
   248  	rootKey, err := db.GetVerifier(ids[0])
   249  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   251  	// generate two targets keys
   252  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
   253  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
   255  	// check root metadata is correct
   256  	root, err = r.root()
   257  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   258  	c.Assert(root.Roles, HasLen, 2)
   259  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "root", 1)
   260  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "targets", 2)
   261  	targetsRole, ok := root.Roles["targets"]
   262  	if !ok {
   263  		c.Fatal("missing targets role")
   264  	}
   265  	c.Assert(targetsRole.KeyIDs, HasLen, 2)
   266  	targetKeyIDs := make(map[string]struct{}, 2)
   267  	db, err = r.topLevelKeysDB()
   268  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   269  	for _, id := range targetsRole.KeyIDs {
   270  		targetKeyIDs[id] = struct{}{}
   271  		_, ok = root.Keys[id]
   272  		if !ok {
   273  			c.Fatal("missing key")
   274  		}
   275  		verifier, err := db.GetVerifier(id)
   276  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   277  		c.Assert(verifier.MarshalPublicKey().ContainsID(id), Equals, true)
   278  	}
   279  	role := db.GetRole("targets")
   280  	c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, targetKeyIDs)
   282  	// check RootKeys() is unchanged
   283  	rootKeys, err := r.RootKeys()
   284  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   285  	c.Assert(rootKeys, HasLen, 1)
   286  	c.Assert(rootKeys[0].IDs(), DeepEquals, rootKey.MarshalPublicKey().IDs())
   288  	// check the keys were saved correctly
   289  	localKeys, err := local.GetSigners("targets")
   290  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   291  	c.Assert(localKeys, HasLen, 2)
   292  	for _, key := range localKeys {
   293  		found := false
   294  		for _, id := range targetsRole.KeyIDs {
   295  			if key.PublicData().ContainsID(id) {
   296  				found = true
   297  				break
   298  			}
   299  		}
   300  		if !found {
   301  			c.Fatal("missing key")
   302  		}
   303  	}
   305  	// check root.json got staged
   306  	meta, err := local.GetMeta()
   307  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   308  	rootJSON, ok := meta["root.json"]
   309  	if !ok {
   310  		c.Fatal("missing root metadata")
   311  	}
   312  	s := &data.Signed{}
   313  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(rootJSON, s), IsNil)
   314  	stagedRoot := &data.Root{}
   315  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(s.Signed, stagedRoot), IsNil)
   316  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Type, Equals, root.Type)
   317  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Version, Equals, root.Version)
   318  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Expires.UnixNano(), Equals, root.Expires.UnixNano())
   320  	// make sure both root and stagedRoot have evaluated IDs(), otherwise
   321  	// DeepEquals will fail because those values might not have been
   322  	// computed yet.
   323  	for _, key := range root.Keys {
   324  		key.IDs()
   325  	}
   326  	for _, key := range stagedRoot.Keys {
   327  		key.IDs()
   328  	}
   329  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Keys, DeepEquals, root.Keys)
   330  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Roles, DeepEquals, root.Roles)
   331  }
   333  func addPrivateKey(c *C, r *Repo, role string, key keys.Signer) []string {
   334  	err := r.AddPrivateKey(role, key)
   335  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   336  	keyids := key.PublicData().IDs()
   337  	c.Assert(len(keyids) > 0, Equals, true)
   338  	return keyids
   339  }
   341  func generateAndAddPrivateKey(c *C, r *Repo, role string) []string {
   342  	signer, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
   343  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   344  	return addPrivateKey(c, r, role, signer)
   345  }
   347  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestAddPrivateKey(c *C) {
   348  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), nil)
   349  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   350  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   352  	// generate a key for an unknown role
   353  	signer, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
   354  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   355  	err = r.AddPrivateKey("foo", signer)
   356  	c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrInvalidRole{"foo", "only support adding keys for top-level roles"})
   358  	// add a root key
   359  	ids := addPrivateKey(c, r, "root", signer)
   361  	// check root metadata is correct
   362  	root, err := r.root()
   363  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   364  	c.Assert(root.Version, Equals, int64(1))
   365  	c.Assert(root.Roles, NotNil)
   366  	c.Assert(root.Roles, HasLen, 1)
   367  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "root", 1)
   368  	rootRole, ok := root.Roles["root"]
   369  	if !ok {
   370  		c.Fatal("missing root role")
   371  	}
   372  	c.Assert(rootRole.KeyIDs, HasLen, 1)
   373  	c.Assert(rootRole.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, ids)
   374  	for _, keyID := range ids {
   375  		k, ok := root.Keys[keyID]
   376  		if !ok {
   377  			c.Fatalf("missing key %s", keyID)
   378  		}
   379  		c.Assert(k.IDs(), DeepEquals, ids)
   380  		pk, err := keys.GetVerifier(k)
   381  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   382  		c.Assert(pk.Public(), HasLen, ed25519.PublicKeySize)
   383  	}
   385  	// check root key + role are in db
   386  	db, err := r.topLevelKeysDB()
   387  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   388  	for _, keyID := range ids {
   389  		rootKey, err := db.GetVerifier(keyID)
   390  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   391  		c.Assert(rootKey.MarshalPublicKey().IDs(), DeepEquals, ids)
   392  		role := db.GetRole("root")
   393  		c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, sets.StringSliceToSet(ids))
   395  		// check the key was saved correctly
   396  		localKeys, err := local.GetSigners("root")
   397  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   398  		c.Assert(localKeys, HasLen, 1)
   399  		c.Assert(localKeys[0].PublicData().IDs(), DeepEquals, ids)
   401  		// check RootKeys() is correct
   402  		rootKeys, err := r.RootKeys()
   403  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   404  		c.Assert(rootKeys, HasLen, 1)
   405  		c.Assert(rootKeys[0].IDs(), DeepEquals, rootKey.MarshalPublicKey().IDs())
   406  		pk, err := keys.GetVerifier(rootKeys[0])
   407  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   408  		c.Assert(pk.Public(), DeepEquals, rootKey.Public())
   409  	}
   411  	rootKey, err := db.GetVerifier(ids[0])
   412  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   414  	// generate two targets keys
   415  	generateAndAddPrivateKey(c, r, "targets")
   416  	generateAndAddPrivateKey(c, r, "targets")
   418  	// check root metadata is correct
   419  	root, err = r.root()
   420  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   421  	c.Assert(root.Roles, HasLen, 2)
   422  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "root", 1)
   423  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "targets", 2)
   424  	targetsRole, ok := root.Roles["targets"]
   425  	if !ok {
   426  		c.Fatal("missing targets role")
   427  	}
   428  	c.Assert(targetsRole.KeyIDs, HasLen, 2)
   429  	targetKeyIDs := make(map[string]struct{}, 2)
   430  	db, err = r.topLevelKeysDB()
   431  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   432  	for _, id := range targetsRole.KeyIDs {
   433  		targetKeyIDs[id] = struct{}{}
   434  		_, ok = root.Keys[id]
   435  		if !ok {
   436  			c.Fatal("missing key")
   437  		}
   438  		verifier, err := db.GetVerifier(id)
   439  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   440  		c.Assert(verifier.MarshalPublicKey().ContainsID(id), Equals, true)
   441  	}
   442  	role := db.GetRole("targets")
   443  	c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, targetKeyIDs)
   445  	// check RootKeys() is unchanged
   446  	rootKeys, err := r.RootKeys()
   447  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   448  	c.Assert(rootKeys, HasLen, 1)
   449  	c.Assert(rootKeys[0].IDs(), DeepEquals, rootKey.MarshalPublicKey().IDs())
   451  	// check the keys were saved correctly
   452  	localKeys, err := local.GetSigners("targets")
   453  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   454  	c.Assert(localKeys, HasLen, 2)
   455  	for _, key := range localKeys {
   456  		found := false
   457  		for _, id := range targetsRole.KeyIDs {
   458  			if key.PublicData().ContainsID(id) {
   459  				found = true
   460  				break
   461  			}
   462  		}
   463  		if !found {
   464  			c.Fatal("missing key")
   465  		}
   466  	}
   468  	// check root.json got staged
   469  	meta, err := local.GetMeta()
   470  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   471  	rootJSON, ok := meta["root.json"]
   472  	if !ok {
   473  		c.Fatal("missing root metadata")
   474  	}
   475  	s := &data.Signed{}
   476  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(rootJSON, s), IsNil)
   477  	stagedRoot := &data.Root{}
   478  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(s.Signed, stagedRoot), IsNil)
   479  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Type, Equals, root.Type)
   480  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Version, Equals, root.Version)
   481  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Expires.UnixNano(), Equals, root.Expires.UnixNano())
   483  	// make sure both root and stagedRoot have evaluated IDs(), otherwise
   484  	// DeepEquals will fail because those values might not have been
   485  	// computed yet.
   486  	for _, key := range root.Keys {
   487  		key.IDs()
   488  	}
   489  	for _, key := range stagedRoot.Keys {
   490  		key.IDs()
   491  	}
   492  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Keys, DeepEquals, root.Keys)
   493  	c.Assert(stagedRoot.Roles, DeepEquals, root.Roles)
   495  	// commit to make sure we don't modify metadata after committing metadata.
   496  	generateAndAddPrivateKey(c, r, "snapshot")
   497  	generateAndAddPrivateKey(c, r, "timestamp")
   498  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets([]string{}, nil), IsNil)
   499  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   500  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
   501  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
   503  	// add the same root key to make sure the metadata is unmodified.
   504  	oldRoot, err := r.root()
   505  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   506  	addPrivateKey(c, r, "root", signer)
   507  	newRoot, err := r.root()
   508  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   509  	c.Assert(oldRoot, DeepEquals, newRoot)
   510  	if r.local.FileIsStaged("root.json") {
   511  		c.Fatal("root should not be marked dirty")
   512  	}
   513  }
   515  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestRevokeKey(c *C) {
   516  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), nil)
   517  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   518  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   520  	// revoking a key for an unknown role returns ErrInvalidRole
   521  	c.Assert(r.RevokeKey("foo", ""), DeepEquals, ErrInvalidRole{"foo", "only revocations for top-level roles supported"})
   523  	// revoking a key which doesn't exist returns ErrKeyNotFound
   524  	c.Assert(r.RevokeKey("root", "nonexistent"), DeepEquals, ErrKeyNotFound{"root", "nonexistent"})
   526  	// generate keys
   527  	genKey(c, r, "root")
   528  	target1IDs := genKey(c, r, "targets")
   529  	target2IDs := genKey(c, r, "targets")
   530  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
   531  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
   532  	root, err := r.root()
   533  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   534  	c.Assert(root.Roles, NotNil)
   535  	c.Assert(root.Roles, HasLen, 4)
   536  	c.Assert(root.Keys, NotNil)
   537  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "root", 1)
   538  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "targets", 2)
   539  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "snapshot", 1)
   540  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "timestamp", 1)
   542  	// revoke a key
   543  	targetsRole, ok := root.Roles["targets"]
   544  	if !ok {
   545  		c.Fatal("missing targets role")
   546  	}
   547  	c.Assert(targetsRole.KeyIDs, HasLen, len(target1IDs)+len(target2IDs))
   548  	id := targetsRole.KeyIDs[0]
   549  	c.Assert(r.RevokeKey("targets", id), IsNil)
   551  	// make sure all the other key ids were also revoked
   552  	for _, id := range target1IDs {
   553  		c.Assert(r.RevokeKey("targets", id), DeepEquals, ErrKeyNotFound{"targets", id})
   554  	}
   556  	// check root was updated
   557  	root, err = r.root()
   558  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   559  	c.Assert(root.Roles, NotNil)
   560  	c.Assert(root.Roles, HasLen, 4)
   561  	c.Assert(root.Keys, NotNil)
   562  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "root", 1)
   563  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "targets", 1)
   564  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "snapshot", 1)
   565  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "timestamp", 1)
   566  	targetsRole, ok = root.Roles["targets"]
   567  	if !ok {
   568  		c.Fatal("missing targets role")
   569  	}
   570  	c.Assert(targetsRole.KeyIDs, HasLen, 1)
   571  	c.Assert(targetsRole.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, target2IDs)
   572  }
   574  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestRevokeKeyInMultipleRoles(c *C) {
   575  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), nil)
   576  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   577  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   579  	// generate keys. add a root key that is shared with the targets role
   580  	rootSigner, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
   581  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   582  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("root", rootSigner.PublicData()), IsNil)
   583  	sharedSigner, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
   584  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   585  	sharedIDs := sharedSigner.PublicData().IDs()
   586  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("root", sharedSigner.PublicData()), IsNil)
   587  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("targets", sharedSigner.PublicData()), IsNil)
   588  	targetIDs := genKey(c, r, "targets")
   589  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
   590  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
   591  	root, err := r.root()
   592  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   593  	c.Assert(root.Roles, NotNil)
   594  	c.Assert(root.Roles, HasLen, 4)
   595  	c.Assert(root.Keys, NotNil)
   596  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "root", 2)
   597  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "targets", 2)
   598  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "snapshot", 1)
   599  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "timestamp", 1)
   601  	// revoke a key
   602  	targetsRole, ok := root.Roles["targets"]
   603  	if !ok {
   604  		c.Fatal("missing targets role")
   605  	}
   606  	c.Assert(targetsRole.KeyIDs, HasLen, len(targetIDs)+len(sharedIDs))
   607  	id := targetsRole.KeyIDs[0]
   608  	c.Assert(r.RevokeKey("targets", id), IsNil)
   610  	// make sure all the other key ids were also revoked
   611  	for _, id := range sharedIDs {
   612  		c.Assert(r.RevokeKey("targets", id), DeepEquals, ErrKeyNotFound{"targets", id})
   613  	}
   615  	// check root was updated
   616  	root, err = r.root()
   617  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   618  	c.Assert(root.Roles, NotNil)
   619  	c.Assert(root.Roles, HasLen, 4)
   620  	c.Assert(root.Keys, NotNil)
   621  	// the shared root/targets signer should still be present in root keys
   622  	c.Assert(UniqueKeys(root)["root"], DeepEquals,
   623  		[]*data.PublicKey{rootSigner.PublicData(), sharedSigner.PublicData()})
   624  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "root", 2)
   625  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "targets", 1)
   626  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "snapshot", 1)
   627  	rs.assertNumUniqueKeys(c, root, "timestamp", 1)
   628  	targetsRole, ok = root.Roles["targets"]
   629  	if !ok {
   630  		c.Fatal("missing targets role")
   631  	}
   632  	c.Assert(targetsRole.KeyIDs, HasLen, 1)
   633  	c.Assert(targetsRole.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, targetIDs)
   634  }
   636  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestSign(c *C) {
   637  	meta := map[string]json.RawMessage{"root.json": []byte(`{"signed":{},"signatures":[]}`)}
   638  	local := MemoryStore(meta, nil)
   639  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   640  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   642  	c.Assert(r.Sign("foo.json"), Equals, ErrMissingMetadata{"foo.json"})
   644  	// signing with no keys returns ErrNoKeys
   645  	c.Assert(r.Sign("root.json"), Equals, ErrNoKeys{"root.json"})
   647  	checkSigIDs := func(keyIDs ...string) {
   648  		meta, err := local.GetMeta()
   649  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   650  		rootJSON, ok := meta["root.json"]
   651  		if !ok {
   652  			c.Fatal("missing root.json")
   653  		}
   654  		s := &data.Signed{}
   655  		c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(rootJSON, s), IsNil)
   656  		c.Assert(s.Signatures, HasLen, len(keyIDs))
   658  		// Signatures may be in any order, so must sort key IDs before comparison.
   659  		wantKeyIDs := append([]string{}, keyIDs...)
   660  		sort.Strings(wantKeyIDs)
   662  		gotKeyIDs := []string{}
   663  		for _, sig := range s.Signatures {
   664  			gotKeyIDs = append(gotKeyIDs, sig.KeyID)
   665  		}
   666  		sort.Strings(gotKeyIDs)
   668  		c.Assert(wantKeyIDs, DeepEquals, gotKeyIDs)
   669  	}
   671  	// signing with an available key generates a signature
   672  	signer, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
   673  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   674  	c.Assert(local.SaveSigner("root", signer), IsNil)
   675  	c.Assert(r.Sign("root.json"), IsNil)
   676  	checkSigIDs(signer.PublicData().IDs()...)
   678  	// signing again does not generate a duplicate signature
   679  	c.Assert(r.Sign("root.json"), IsNil)
   680  	checkSigIDs(signer.PublicData().IDs()...)
   682  	// signing with a new available key generates another signature
   683  	newKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
   684  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   685  	c.Assert(local.SaveSigner("root", newKey), IsNil)
   686  	c.Assert(r.Sign("root.json"), IsNil)
   687  	checkSigIDs(append(signer.PublicData().IDs(), newKey.PublicData().IDs()...)...)
   689  	// attempt to sign missing metadata
   690  	c.Assert(r.Sign("targets.json"), Equals, ErrMissingMetadata{"targets.json"})
   691  }
   693  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestStatus(c *C) {
   694  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
   695  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
   696  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   697  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   699  	genKey(c, r, "root")
   700  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
   701  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
   702  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
   704  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
   705  	c.Assert(r.SnapshotWithExpires(time.Now().Add(24*time.Hour)), IsNil)
   706  	c.Assert(r.TimestampWithExpires(time.Now().Add(1*time.Hour)), IsNil)
   707  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
   709  	expires := time.Now().Add(2 * time.Hour)
   710  	c.Assert(r.CheckRoleUnexpired("timestamp", expires), ErrorMatches, "role expired on.*")
   711  	c.Assert(r.CheckRoleUnexpired("snapshot", expires), IsNil)
   712  	c.Assert(r.CheckRoleUnexpired("targets", expires), IsNil)
   713  	c.Assert(r.CheckRoleUnexpired("root", expires), IsNil)
   714  }
   716  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestCommit(c *C) {
   717  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo"), "bar.txt": []byte("bar")}
   718  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
   719  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   720  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   722  	// commit without root.json
   723  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, ErrMissingMetadata{"root.json"})
   725  	// Init should create targets.json, but not signed yet
   726  	r.Init(false)
   727  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, ErrMissingMetadata{"snapshot.json"})
   729  	genKey(c, r, "root")
   731  	// commit without snapshot.json
   732  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
   733  	c.Assert(r.Sign("targets.json"), IsNil)
   734  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, ErrMissingMetadata{"snapshot.json"})
   736  	// commit without timestamp.json
   737  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
   738  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   739  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, ErrMissingMetadata{"timestamp.json"})
   741  	// commit with timestamp.json but no timestamp key
   742  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
   743  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, ErrInsufficientSignatures{"timestamp.json", verify.ErrNoSignatures})
   745  	// commit success
   746  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
   747  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   748  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
   749  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
   751  	// commit with an invalid root hash in snapshot.json due to new key creation
   752  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
   753  	c.Assert(r.Sign("targets.json"), IsNil)
   754  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, errors.New("tuf: invalid targets.json in snapshot.json: wrong length, expected 338 got 552"))
   756  	// commit with an invalid targets hash in snapshot.json
   757  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   758  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("bar.txt", nil), IsNil)
   759  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, errors.New("tuf: invalid targets.json in snapshot.json: wrong length, expected 552 got 725"))
   761  	// commit with an invalid timestamp
   762  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   763  	err = r.Commit()
   764  	c.Assert(err, NotNil)
   765  	c.Assert(err.Error()[0:44], Equals, "tuf: invalid snapshot.json in timestamp.json")
   767  	// commit with a role's threshold greater than number of keys
   768  	root, err := r.root()
   769  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   770  	role, ok := root.Roles["timestamp"]
   771  	if !ok {
   772  		c.Fatal("missing timestamp role")
   773  	}
   774  	c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, HasLen, 1)
   775  	c.Assert(role.Threshold, Equals, 1)
   776  	c.Assert(r.RevokeKey("timestamp", role.KeyIDs[0]), IsNil)
   777  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   778  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
   779  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, ErrNotEnoughKeys{"timestamp", 0, 1})
   780  }
   782  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestCommitVersions(c *C) {
   783  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
   784  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
   785  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   786  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   788  	genKey(c, r, "root")
   789  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
   790  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
   791  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
   793  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
   794  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   795  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
   796  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
   798  	// on initial commit everything should be at version 1.
   799  	rootVersion, err := r.RootVersion()
   800  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   801  	c.Assert(rootVersion, Equals, int64(1))
   803  	targetsVersion, err := r.TargetsVersion()
   804  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   805  	c.Assert(targetsVersion, Equals, int64(1))
   807  	snapshotVersion, err := r.SnapshotVersion()
   808  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   809  	c.Assert(snapshotVersion, Equals, int64(1))
   811  	timestampVersion, err := r.SnapshotVersion()
   812  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   813  	c.Assert(timestampVersion, Equals, int64(1))
   815  	// taking a snapshot should only increment snapshot and timestamp.
   816  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   817  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
   818  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
   820  	rootVersion, err = r.RootVersion()
   821  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   822  	c.Assert(rootVersion, Equals, int64(1))
   824  	targetsVersion, err = r.TargetsVersion()
   825  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   826  	c.Assert(targetsVersion, Equals, int64(1))
   828  	snapshotVersion, err = r.SnapshotVersion()
   829  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   830  	c.Assert(snapshotVersion, Equals, int64(2))
   832  	timestampVersion, err = r.SnapshotVersion()
   833  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   834  	c.Assert(timestampVersion, Equals, int64(2))
   836  	// rotating multiple keys should increment the root once.
   837  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
   838  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
   839  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
   840  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   841  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
   842  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
   844  	rootVersion, err = r.RootVersion()
   845  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   846  	c.Assert(rootVersion, Equals, int64(2))
   848  	targetsVersion, err = r.TargetsVersion()
   849  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   850  	c.Assert(targetsVersion, Equals, int64(1))
   852  	snapshotVersion, err = r.SnapshotVersion()
   853  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   854  	c.Assert(snapshotVersion, Equals, int64(3))
   856  	timestampVersion, err = r.TimestampVersion()
   857  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   858  	c.Assert(timestampVersion, Equals, int64(3))
   859  }
   861  type tmpDir struct {
   862  	path string
   863  	c    *C
   864  }
   866  func newTmpDir(c *C) *tmpDir {
   867  	return &tmpDir{path: c.MkDir(), c: c}
   868  }
   870  func (t *tmpDir) assertExists(path string) {
   871  	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(t.path, path)); os.IsNotExist(err) {
   872  		t.c.Fatalf("expected path to exist but it doesn't: %s", path)
   873  	}
   874  }
   876  func (t *tmpDir) assertNotExist(path string) {
   877  	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(t.path, path)); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
   878  		t.c.Fatalf("expected path to not exist but it does: %s", path)
   879  	}
   880  }
   882  func (t *tmpDir) assertHashedFilesExist(path string, hashes data.Hashes) {
   883  	t.c.Assert(len(hashes) > 0, Equals, true)
   884  	for _, path := range util.HashedPaths(path, hashes) {
   885  		t.assertExists(path)
   886  	}
   887  }
   889  func (t *tmpDir) assertHashedFilesNotExist(path string, hashes data.Hashes) {
   890  	for _, path := range util.HashedPaths(path, hashes) {
   891  		t.assertNotExist(path)
   892  	}
   893  }
   895  func (t *tmpDir) assertVersionedFileExist(path string, version int64) {
   896  	t.assertExists(util.VersionedPath(path, version))
   897  }
   899  func (t *tmpDir) assertVersionedFileNotExist(path string, version int64) {
   900  	t.assertNotExist(util.VersionedPath(path, version))
   901  }
   903  func (t *tmpDir) assertEmpty(dir string) {
   904  	path := filepath.Join(t.path, dir)
   905  	f, err := os.Stat(path)
   906  	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
   907  		t.c.Fatalf("expected dir to exist but it doesn't: %s", dir)
   908  	}
   909  	t.c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   910  	t.c.Assert(f.IsDir(), Equals, true)
   912  	entries, err := os.ReadDir(path)
   913  	t.c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   914  	// check that all (if any) entries are also empty
   915  	for _, e := range entries {
   916  		t.assertEmpty(filepath.Join(dir, e.Name()))
   917  	}
   918  }
   920  func (t *tmpDir) assertFileContent(path, content string) {
   921  	actual := t.readFile(path)
   922  	t.c.Assert(string(actual), Equals, content)
   923  }
   925  func (t *tmpDir) stagedTargetPath(path string) string {
   926  	return filepath.Join(t.path, "staged", "targets", path)
   927  }
   929  func (t *tmpDir) writeStagedTarget(path, data string) {
   930  	path = t.stagedTargetPath(path)
   931  	t.c.Assert(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0755), IsNil)
   932  	t.c.Assert(os.WriteFile(path, []byte(data), 0644), IsNil)
   933  }
   935  func (t *tmpDir) readFile(path string) []byte {
   936  	t.assertExists(path)
   937  	data, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(t.path, path))
   938  	t.c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   939  	return data
   940  }
   942  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestCommitFileSystem(c *C) {
   943  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
   944  	local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
   945  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
   946  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   948  	// don't use consistent snapshots to make the checks simpler
   949  	c.Assert(r.Init(false), IsNil)
   951  	// cleaning with nothing staged or committed should fail
   952  	c.Assert(r.Clean(), Equals, ErrNewRepository)
   954  	// generating keys should stage root.json and create repo dirs
   955  	genKey(c, r, "root")
   956  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
   957  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
   958  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
   959  	tmp.assertExists("staged/root.json")
   960  	tmp.assertEmpty("repository")
   961  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged/targets")
   963  	// cleaning with nothing committed should fail
   964  	c.Assert(r.Clean(), Equals, ErrNewRepository)
   966  	// adding a non-existent file fails
   967  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), Equals, ErrFileNotFound{tmp.stagedTargetPath("foo.txt")})
   968  	tmp.assertEmpty("repository")
   970  	// adding a file stages targets.json
   971  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("foo.txt", "foo")
   972  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
   973  	tmp.assertExists("staged/targets.json")
   974  	tmp.assertEmpty("repository")
   975  	t, err := r.topLevelTargets()
   976  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
   977  	c.Assert(t.Targets, HasLen, 1)
   978  	if _, ok := t.Targets["foo.txt"]; !ok {
   979  		c.Fatal("missing target file: foo.txt")
   980  	}
   982  	// Snapshot() stages snapshot.json
   983  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
   984  	tmp.assertExists("staged/snapshot.json")
   985  	tmp.assertEmpty("repository")
   987  	// Timestamp() stages timestamp.json
   988  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
   989  	tmp.assertExists("staged/timestamp.json")
   990  	tmp.assertEmpty("repository")
   992  	// committing moves files from staged -> repository
   993  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
   994  	tmp.assertExists("repository/root.json")
   995  	tmp.assertExists("repository/targets.json")
   996  	tmp.assertExists("repository/snapshot.json")
   997  	tmp.assertExists("repository/timestamp.json")
   998  	tmp.assertFileContent("repository/targets/foo.txt", "foo")
   999  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged/targets")
  1000  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged")
  1002  	// adding and committing another file moves it into repository/targets
  1003  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("path/to/bar.txt", "bar")
  1004  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("path/to/bar.txt", nil), IsNil)
  1005  	tmp.assertExists("staged/targets.json")
  1006  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1007  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1008  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1009  	tmp.assertFileContent("repository/targets/foo.txt", "foo")
  1010  	tmp.assertFileContent("repository/targets/path/to/bar.txt", "bar")
  1011  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged/targets")
  1012  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged")
  1014  	// removing and committing a file removes it from repository/targets
  1015  	c.Assert(r.RemoveTarget("foo.txt"), IsNil)
  1016  	tmp.assertExists("staged/targets.json")
  1017  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1018  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1019  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1020  	tmp.assertNotExist("repository/targets/foo.txt")
  1021  	tmp.assertFileContent("repository/targets/path/to/bar.txt", "bar")
  1022  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged/targets")
  1023  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged")
  1024  }
  1026  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestCommitFileSystemWithNewRepositories(c *C) {
  1027  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  1029  	newRepo := func() *Repo {
  1030  		local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  1031  		r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1032  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1033  		return r
  1034  	}
  1036  	genKey(c, newRepo(), "root")
  1037  	genKey(c, newRepo(), "targets")
  1038  	genKey(c, newRepo(), "snapshot")
  1039  	genKey(c, newRepo(), "timestamp")
  1041  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("foo.txt", "foo")
  1042  	c.Assert(newRepo().AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
  1043  	c.Assert(newRepo().Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1044  	c.Assert(newRepo().Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1045  	c.Assert(newRepo().Commit(), IsNil)
  1046  }
  1048  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestConsistentSnapshot(c *C) {
  1049  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  1050  	local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  1051  	r, err := NewRepo(local, "sha512", "sha256")
  1052  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1054  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  1055  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  1056  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  1057  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  1058  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("foo.txt", "foo")
  1059  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
  1060  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("dir/bar.txt", "bar")
  1061  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("dir/bar.txt", nil), IsNil)
  1062  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1063  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1064  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1066  	versions, err := r.fileVersions()
  1067  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1068  	c.Assert(versions["root.json"], Equals, int64(1))
  1069  	c.Assert(versions["targets.json"], Equals, int64(1))
  1070  	c.Assert(versions["snapshot.json"], Equals, int64(1))
  1072  	hashes, err := r.fileHashes()
  1073  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1075  	// root.json, targets.json and snapshot.json should exist at both versioned and unversioned paths
  1076  	for _, meta := range []string{"root.json", "targets.json", "snapshot.json"} {
  1077  		repoPath := path.Join("repository", meta)
  1078  		if meta != "root.json" {
  1079  			c.Assert(len(hashes[meta]) > 0, Equals, true)
  1080  		}
  1081  		tmp.assertHashedFilesNotExist(repoPath, hashes[meta])
  1082  		tmp.assertVersionedFileExist(repoPath, versions[meta])
  1083  		tmp.assertExists(repoPath)
  1084  	}
  1086  	// target files should exist at hashed but not unhashed paths
  1087  	for _, target := range []string{"targets/foo.txt", "targets/dir/bar.txt"} {
  1088  		repoPath := path.Join("repository", target)
  1089  		tmp.assertHashedFilesExist(repoPath, hashes[target])
  1090  		tmp.assertNotExist(repoPath)
  1091  	}
  1093  	// timestamp.json should exist at an unversioned and unhashed path (it doesn't have a hash)
  1094  	c.Assert(hashes["repository/timestamp.json"], IsNil)
  1095  	tmp.assertVersionedFileNotExist("repository/timestamp.json", versions["repository/timestamp.json"])
  1096  	tmp.assertExists("repository/timestamp.json")
  1098  	// removing a file should remove the hashed files
  1099  	c.Assert(r.RemoveTarget("foo.txt"), IsNil)
  1100  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1101  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1102  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1104  	versions, err = r.fileVersions()
  1105  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1106  	c.Assert(versions["root.json"], Equals, int64(1))
  1107  	c.Assert(versions["targets.json"], Equals, int64(2))
  1108  	c.Assert(versions["snapshot.json"], Equals, int64(2))
  1110  	// Save the old hashes for foo.txt to make sure we can assert it doesn't exist later.
  1111  	fooHashes := hashes["targets/foo.txt"]
  1112  	hashes, err = r.fileHashes()
  1113  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1115  	// root.json, targets.json and snapshot.json should exist at both versioned and unversioned paths
  1116  	for _, meta := range []string{"root.json", "targets.json", "snapshot.json"} {
  1117  		repoPath := path.Join("repository", meta)
  1118  		if meta != "root.json" {
  1119  			c.Assert(len(hashes[meta]) > 0, Equals, true)
  1120  		}
  1121  		tmp.assertHashedFilesNotExist(repoPath, hashes[meta])
  1122  		tmp.assertVersionedFileExist(repoPath, versions[meta])
  1123  		tmp.assertExists(repoPath)
  1124  	}
  1126  	tmp.assertHashedFilesNotExist("repository/targets/foo.txt", fooHashes)
  1127  	tmp.assertNotExist("repository/targets/foo.txt")
  1129  	// targets should be returned by new repo
  1130  	newRepo, err := NewRepo(local, "sha512", "sha256")
  1131  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1132  	t, err := newRepo.topLevelTargets()
  1133  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1134  	c.Assert(t.Targets, HasLen, 1)
  1135  	if _, ok := t.Targets["dir/bar.txt"]; !ok {
  1136  		c.Fatal("missing targets file: dir/bar.txt")
  1137  	}
  1138  }
  1140  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestExpiresAndVersion(c *C) {
  1141  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
  1142  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  1143  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1144  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1146  	past := time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second)
  1147  	_, genKeyErr := r.GenKeyWithExpires("root", past)
  1148  	for _, err := range []error{
  1149  		genKeyErr,
  1150  		r.AddTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", nil, past),
  1151  		r.RemoveTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", past),
  1152  		r.SnapshotWithExpires(past),
  1153  		r.TimestampWithExpires(past),
  1154  	} {
  1155  		c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrInvalidExpires{past})
  1156  	}
  1158  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  1159  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  1160  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  1161  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  1163  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets([]string{}, nil), IsNil)
  1164  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1165  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1166  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1168  	root, err := r.root()
  1169  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1170  	c.Assert(root.Version, Equals, int64(1))
  1172  	expires := time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour)
  1173  	_, err = r.GenKeyWithExpires("root", expires)
  1174  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1175  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1176  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1177  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1178  	root, err = r.root()
  1179  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1180  	c.Assert(root.Expires.Unix(), DeepEquals, expires.Round(time.Second).Unix())
  1181  	c.Assert(root.Version, Equals, int64(2))
  1183  	expires = time.Now().Add(12 * time.Hour)
  1184  	role, ok := root.Roles["root"]
  1185  	if !ok {
  1186  		c.Fatal("missing root role")
  1187  	}
  1188  	c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, HasLen, 2)
  1189  	c.Assert(r.RevokeKeyWithExpires("root", role.KeyIDs[0], expires), IsNil)
  1190  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1191  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1192  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1193  	root, err = r.root()
  1194  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1195  	c.Assert(root.Expires.Unix(), DeepEquals, expires.Round(time.Second).Unix())
  1196  	c.Assert(root.Version, Equals, int64(3))
  1198  	expires = time.Now().Add(6 * time.Hour)
  1199  	c.Assert(r.AddTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", nil, expires), IsNil)
  1200  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1201  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1202  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1203  	targets, err := r.topLevelTargets()
  1204  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1205  	c.Assert(targets.Expires.Unix(), Equals, expires.Round(time.Second).Unix())
  1206  	c.Assert(targets.Version, Equals, int64(2))
  1208  	expires = time.Now().Add(2 * time.Hour)
  1209  	c.Assert(r.RemoveTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", expires), IsNil)
  1210  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1211  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1212  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1213  	targets, err = r.topLevelTargets()
  1214  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1215  	c.Assert(targets.Expires.Unix(), Equals, expires.Round(time.Second).Unix())
  1216  	c.Assert(targets.Version, Equals, int64(3))
  1218  	expires = time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
  1219  	c.Assert(r.SnapshotWithExpires(expires), IsNil)
  1220  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1221  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1222  	snapshot, err := r.snapshot()
  1223  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1224  	c.Assert(snapshot.Expires.Unix(), Equals, expires.Round(time.Second).Unix())
  1225  	c.Assert(snapshot.Version, Equals, int64(6))
  1227  	_, snapshotHasRoot := snapshot.Meta["root.json"]
  1228  	c.Assert(snapshotHasRoot, Equals, false)
  1229  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, targets.Version)
  1231  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1232  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1233  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1234  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  1235  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1236  	c.Assert(snapshot.Version, Equals, int64(7))
  1238  	expires = time.Now().Add(10 * time.Minute)
  1239  	c.Assert(r.TimestampWithExpires(expires), IsNil)
  1240  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1241  	timestamp, err := r.timestamp()
  1242  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1243  	c.Assert(timestamp.Expires.Unix(), Equals, expires.Round(time.Second).Unix())
  1244  	c.Assert(timestamp.Version, Equals, int64(8))
  1246  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1247  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1248  	timestamp, err = r.timestamp()
  1249  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1250  	c.Assert(timestamp.Version, Equals, int64(9))
  1251  	c.Assert(timestamp.Meta["snapshot.json"].Version, Equals, snapshot.Version)
  1252  }
  1254  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestHashAlgorithm(c *C) {
  1255  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
  1256  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  1257  	type hashTest struct {
  1258  		args     []string
  1259  		expected []string
  1260  	}
  1261  	for _, test := range []hashTest{
  1262  		{args: []string{}, expected: []string{"sha512"}},
  1263  		{args: []string{"sha256"}},
  1264  		{args: []string{"sha512", "sha256"}},
  1265  	} {
  1266  		// generate metadata with specific hash functions
  1267  		r, err := NewRepo(local, test.args...)
  1268  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1269  		genKey(c, r, "root")
  1270  		genKey(c, r, "targets")
  1271  		genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  1272  		c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
  1273  		c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1274  		c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1276  		// check metadata has correct hash functions
  1277  		if test.expected == nil {
  1278  			test.expected = test.args
  1279  		}
  1280  		targets, err := r.topLevelTargets()
  1281  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1282  		snapshot, err := r.snapshot()
  1283  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1284  		timestamp, err := r.timestamp()
  1285  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1286  		for name, file := range map[string]data.FileMeta{
  1287  			"foo.txt":       targets.Targets["foo.txt"].FileMeta,
  1288  			"targets.json":  {Length: snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Length, Hashes: snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Hashes},
  1289  			"snapshot.json": {Length: timestamp.Meta["snapshot.json"].Length, Hashes: timestamp.Meta["snapshot.json"].Hashes},
  1290  		} {
  1291  			for _, hashAlgorithm := range test.expected {
  1292  				if _, ok := file.Hashes[hashAlgorithm]; !ok {
  1293  					c.Fatalf("expected %s hash to contain hash func %s, got %s", name, hashAlgorithm, file.Hashes.HashAlgorithms())
  1294  				}
  1295  			}
  1296  		}
  1297  	}
  1298  }
  1300  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestKeyPersistence(c *C) {
  1301  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  1302  	oldPassphrase := []byte("old_s3cr3t")
  1303  	newPassphrase := []byte("new_s3cr3t")
  1304  	// returnNewPassphrase is used to force the passphrase function to return the new passphrase when called by the SaveSigner() method
  1305  	returnNewPassphrase := false
  1306  	// passphrase mock function
  1307  	testPassphraseFunc := func(a string, b, change bool) ([]byte, error) {
  1308  		if change || returnNewPassphrase {
  1309  			return newPassphrase, nil
  1310  		}
  1311  		return oldPassphrase, nil
  1312  	}
  1313  	store := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, testPassphraseFunc)
  1315  	assertKeys := func(role string, enc bool, expected []*data.PrivateKey) {
  1316  		keysJSON := tmp.readFile("keys/" + role + ".json")
  1317  		pk := &persistedKeys{}
  1318  		c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(keysJSON, pk), IsNil)
  1320  		// check the persisted keys are correct
  1321  		var actual []*data.PrivateKey
  1322  		pass := oldPassphrase
  1323  		if enc {
  1324  			c.Assert(pk.Encrypted, Equals, true)
  1325  			if returnNewPassphrase {
  1326  				pass = newPassphrase
  1327  			}
  1328  			decrypted, err := encrypted.Decrypt(pk.Data, pass)
  1329  			c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1330  			c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(decrypted, &actual), IsNil)
  1331  		} else {
  1332  			c.Assert(pk.Encrypted, Equals, false)
  1333  			c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(pk.Data, &actual), IsNil)
  1334  		}
  1336  		// Compare slices of unique elements disregarding order.
  1337  		c.Assert(actual, HasLen, len(expected))
  1338  		for _, gotKey := range actual {
  1339  			expectedNumMatches := 0
  1340  			for _, x := range actual {
  1341  				if reflect.DeepEqual(gotKey, x) {
  1342  					expectedNumMatches++
  1343  				}
  1344  			}
  1346  			numMatches := 0
  1347  			for _, wantKey := range expected {
  1348  				wantCanon, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(wantKey)
  1349  				c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1351  				gotCanon, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(gotKey)
  1352  				c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1354  				if string(wantCanon) == string(gotCanon) {
  1355  					numMatches++
  1356  				}
  1357  			}
  1359  			c.Assert(numMatches, Equals, expectedNumMatches, Commentf("actual: %+v, expected: %+v", actual, expected))
  1360  		}
  1362  		// check GetKeys is correct
  1363  		signers, err := store.GetSigners(role)
  1364  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1366  		// Compare slices of unique elements disregarding order.
  1367  		c.Assert(signers, HasLen, len(expected))
  1368  		for _, s := range signers {
  1369  			expectedNumMatches := 0
  1370  			for _, x := range signers {
  1371  				if reflect.DeepEqual(s, x) {
  1372  					expectedNumMatches++
  1373  				}
  1374  			}
  1376  			numMatches := 0
  1377  			for _, e := range expected {
  1378  				v, err := keys.GetSigner(e)
  1379  				c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1381  				if reflect.DeepEqual(s.PublicData().IDs(), v.PublicData().IDs()) {
  1382  					numMatches++
  1383  				}
  1384  			}
  1386  			c.Assert(numMatches, Equals, expectedNumMatches, Commentf("signers: %+v, expected: %+v", signers, expected))
  1387  		}
  1388  	}
  1390  	// save a key and check it gets encrypted
  1391  	signer, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1392  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1393  	privateKey, err := signer.MarshalPrivateKey()
  1394  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1395  	c.Assert(store.SaveSigner("root", signer), IsNil)
  1396  	assertKeys("root", true, []*data.PrivateKey{privateKey})
  1398  	// save another key and check it gets added to the existing keys
  1399  	newKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1400  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1401  	newPrivateKey, err := newKey.MarshalPrivateKey()
  1402  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1403  	c.Assert(store.SaveSigner("root", newKey), IsNil)
  1404  	assertKeys("root", true, []*data.PrivateKey{privateKey, newPrivateKey})
  1406  	// check saving a key to an encrypted file without a passphrase fails
  1407  	insecureStore := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  1408  	signer, err = keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1409  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1410  	c.Assert(insecureStore.SaveSigner("root", signer), Equals, ErrPassphraseRequired{"root"})
  1412  	// save a key to an insecure store and check it is not encrypted
  1413  	signer, err = keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1414  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1415  	privateKey, err = signer.MarshalPrivateKey()
  1416  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1417  	c.Assert(insecureStore.SaveSigner("targets", signer), IsNil)
  1418  	assertKeys("targets", false, []*data.PrivateKey{privateKey})
  1420  	c.Assert(insecureStore.SaveSigner("foo", signer), IsNil)
  1421  	assertKeys("foo", false, []*data.PrivateKey{privateKey})
  1423  	// Test changing the passphrase
  1424  	// 1. Create a secure store with a passphrase (create new object and temp folder so we discard any previous state)
  1425  	tmp = newTmpDir(c)
  1426  	var logBytes bytes.Buffer
  1427  	storeOpts := StoreOpts{
  1428  		Logger:   log.New(&logBytes, "", 0),
  1429  		PassFunc: testPassphraseFunc,
  1430  	}
  1431  	store = FileSystemStoreWithOpts(tmp.path, storeOpts)
  1433  	// 1.5. Changing passphrase works for top-level and delegated roles.
  1434  	r, err := NewRepo(store)
  1435  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1437  	c.Assert(r.ChangePassphrase("targets"), NotNil)
  1438  	c.Assert(r.ChangePassphrase("foo"), NotNil)
  1440  	// 2. Test changing the passphrase when the keys file does not exist - should FAIL
  1441  	c.Assert(store.(PassphraseChanger).ChangePassphrase("root"), NotNil)
  1442  	c.Assert(strings.Contains(logBytes.String(), "Missing keys file"), Equals, true)
  1444  	// 3. Generate a new key
  1445  	signer, err = keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1446  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1447  	privateKey, err = signer.MarshalPrivateKey()
  1448  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1449  	c.Assert(store.SaveSigner("root", signer), IsNil)
  1451  	// 4. Verify the key file can be decrypted using the original passphrase - should SUCCEED
  1452  	assertKeys("root", true, []*data.PrivateKey{privateKey})
  1454  	// 5. Change the passphrase (our mock passphrase function is called with change=true thus returning the newPassphrase value)
  1455  	c.Assert(store.(PassphraseChanger).ChangePassphrase("root"), IsNil)
  1457  	// 6. Try to add a key and implicitly decrypt the keys file using the OLD passphrase - should FAIL
  1458  	newKey, err = keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1459  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1460  	_, err = newKey.MarshalPrivateKey()
  1461  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1462  	c.Assert(store.SaveSigner("root", newKey), NotNil)
  1464  	// 7. Try to add a key and implicitly decrypt the keys using the NEW passphrase - should SUCCEED
  1465  	returnNewPassphrase = true
  1466  	newKey, err = keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1467  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1468  	newPrivateKey, err = newKey.MarshalPrivateKey()
  1469  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1470  	c.Assert(store.SaveSigner("root", newKey), IsNil)
  1472  	// 8. Verify again that the key entries are what we expect after decrypting them using the NEW passphrase
  1473  	assertKeys("root", true, []*data.PrivateKey{privateKey, newPrivateKey})
  1474  }
  1476  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestManageMultipleTargets(c *C) {
  1477  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  1478  	local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  1479  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1480  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1481  	// don't use consistent snapshots to make the checks simpler
  1482  	c.Assert(r.Init(false), IsNil)
  1483  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  1484  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  1485  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  1486  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  1488  	assertRepoTargets := func(paths ...string) {
  1489  		t, err := r.topLevelTargets()
  1490  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1491  		for _, path := range paths {
  1492  			if _, ok := t.Targets[path]; !ok {
  1493  				c.Fatalf("missing target file: %s", path)
  1494  			}
  1495  		}
  1496  	}
  1498  	// adding and committing multiple files moves correct targets from staged -> repository
  1499  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("foo.txt", "foo")
  1500  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("bar.txt", "bar")
  1501  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets([]string{"foo.txt", "bar.txt"}, nil), IsNil)
  1502  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1503  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1504  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1505  	assertRepoTargets("foo.txt", "bar.txt")
  1506  	tmp.assertExists("repository/targets/foo.txt")
  1507  	tmp.assertExists("repository/targets/bar.txt")
  1509  	// adding all targets moves them all from staged -> repository
  1510  	count := 10
  1511  	files := make([]string, count)
  1512  	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
  1513  		files[i] = fmt.Sprintf("file%d.txt", i)
  1514  		tmp.writeStagedTarget(files[i], "data")
  1515  	}
  1516  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets(nil, nil), IsNil)
  1517  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1518  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1519  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1520  	tmp.assertExists("repository/targets/foo.txt")
  1521  	tmp.assertExists("repository/targets/bar.txt")
  1522  	assertRepoTargets(files...)
  1523  	for _, file := range files {
  1524  		tmp.assertExists("repository/targets/" + file)
  1525  	}
  1526  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged/targets")
  1527  	tmp.assertEmpty("staged")
  1529  	// removing all targets removes them from the repository and targets.json
  1530  	c.Assert(r.RemoveTargets(nil), IsNil)
  1531  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1532  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1533  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1534  	tmp.assertNotExist("repository/targets")
  1535  	t, err := r.topLevelTargets()
  1536  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1537  	c.Assert(t.Targets, HasLen, 0)
  1538  }
  1540  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestCustomTargetMetadata(c *C) {
  1541  	files := map[string][]byte{
  1542  		"foo.txt": []byte("foo"),
  1543  		"bar.txt": []byte("bar"),
  1544  		"baz.txt": []byte("baz"),
  1545  	}
  1546  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  1547  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1548  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1550  	generateAndAddPrivateKey(c, r, "targets")
  1552  	custom := json.RawMessage(`{"foo":"bar"}`)
  1553  	assertCustomMeta := func(file string, custom *json.RawMessage) {
  1554  		t, err := r.topLevelTargets()
  1555  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1556  		target, ok := t.Targets[file]
  1557  		if !ok {
  1558  			c.Fatalf("missing target file: %s", file)
  1559  		}
  1560  		c.Assert(target.Custom, DeepEquals, custom)
  1561  	}
  1563  	// check custom metadata gets added to the target
  1564  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", custom), IsNil)
  1565  	assertCustomMeta("foo.txt", &custom)
  1567  	// check adding bar.txt with no metadata doesn't affect foo.txt
  1568  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("bar.txt", nil), IsNil)
  1569  	assertCustomMeta("bar.txt", nil)
  1570  	assertCustomMeta("foo.txt", &custom)
  1572  	// check adding all files with no metadata doesn't reset existing metadata
  1573  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets(nil, nil), IsNil)
  1574  	assertCustomMeta("baz.txt", nil)
  1575  	assertCustomMeta("bar.txt", nil)
  1576  	assertCustomMeta("foo.txt", &custom)
  1577  }
  1579  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestUnknownKeyIDs(c *C) {
  1580  	// generate a repo
  1581  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), nil)
  1582  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1583  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1585  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  1586  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  1587  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  1588  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  1590  	// add a new key to the root metadata with an unknown key id.
  1591  	signer, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1592  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1594  	root, err := r.root()
  1595  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1596  	c.Assert(root.Version, Equals, int64(1))
  1598  	root.Keys["unknown-key-id"] = signer.PublicData()
  1599  	r.setMeta("root.json", root)
  1601  	// commit the metadata to the store.
  1602  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets([]string{}, nil), IsNil)
  1603  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1604  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1605  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1607  	// validate that the unknown key id wasn't stripped when written to the
  1608  	// store.
  1609  	meta, err := local.GetMeta()
  1610  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1612  	rootJSON, ok := meta["root.json"]
  1613  	c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
  1615  	var signedRoot struct {
  1616  		Signed     data.Root        `json:"signed"`
  1617  		Signatures []data.Signature `json:"signatures"`
  1618  	}
  1619  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(rootJSON, &signedRoot), IsNil)
  1620  	c.Assert(signedRoot.Signed.Version, Equals, int64(1))
  1622  	unknownKey, ok := signedRoot.Signed.Keys["unknown-key-id"]
  1623  	c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
  1624  	c.Assert(unknownKey, DeepEquals, signer.PublicData())
  1626  	// a new root should preserve the unknown key id.
  1627  	root, err = r.root()
  1628  	c.Assert(root, NotNil)
  1629  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1631  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  1632  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1633  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1634  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1636  	meta, err = local.GetMeta()
  1637  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1639  	rootJSON, ok = meta["root.json"]
  1640  	c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
  1642  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(rootJSON, &signedRoot), IsNil)
  1643  	c.Assert(signedRoot.Signed.Version, Equals, int64(2))
  1645  	unknownKey, ok = signedRoot.Signed.Keys["unknown-key-id"]
  1646  	c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
  1647  	c.Assert(unknownKey, DeepEquals, signer.PublicData())
  1648  }
  1650  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestThreshold(c *C) {
  1651  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), nil)
  1652  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1653  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1655  	_, err = r.GetThreshold("root")
  1656  	c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrInvalidRole{"root", "role missing from root metadata"})
  1657  	err = r.SetThreshold("root", 2)
  1658  	c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrInvalidRole{"root", "role missing from root metadata"})
  1660  	// Add one key to each role
  1661  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  1662  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  1663  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  1664  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  1665  	t, err := r.GetThreshold("root")
  1666  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1667  	c.Assert(t, Equals, 1)
  1669  	_, err = r.GetThreshold("foo")
  1670  	c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrInvalidRole{"foo", "only thresholds for top-level roles supported"})
  1671  	err = r.SetThreshold("foo", 2)
  1672  	c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrInvalidRole{"foo", "only thresholds for top-level roles supported"})
  1674  	// commit the metadata to the store.
  1675  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets([]string{}, nil), IsNil)
  1676  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1677  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1678  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1680  	// Set a new threshold. Commit without threshold keys
  1681  	c.Assert(r.SetThreshold("root", 2), IsNil)
  1682  	t, err = r.GetThreshold("root")
  1683  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1684  	c.Assert(t, Equals, 2)
  1685  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), DeepEquals, ErrNotEnoughKeys{"root", 1, 2})
  1687  	// Add a second root key and try again
  1688  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  1689  	c.Assert(r.Sign("root.json"), IsNil)
  1690  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1691  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1692  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1694  	// Check versions updated
  1695  	rootVersion, err := r.RootVersion()
  1696  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1697  	c.Assert(rootVersion, Equals, int64(2))
  1699  	targetsVersion, err := r.TargetsVersion()
  1700  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1701  	c.Assert(targetsVersion, Equals, int64(1))
  1703  	snapshotVersion, err := r.SnapshotVersion()
  1704  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1705  	c.Assert(snapshotVersion, Equals, int64(2))
  1707  	timestampVersion, err := r.TimestampVersion()
  1708  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1709  	c.Assert(timestampVersion, Equals, int64(2))
  1710  }
  1712  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestAddOrUpdateSignatures(c *C) {
  1713  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
  1714  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  1715  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1716  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1718  	// don't use consistent snapshots to make the checks simpler
  1719  	c.Assert(r.Init(false), IsNil)
  1721  	// generate root key offline and add as a verification key
  1722  	rootKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1723  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1724  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("root", rootKey.PublicData()), IsNil)
  1725  	targetsKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1726  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1727  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("targets", targetsKey.PublicData()), IsNil)
  1728  	snapshotKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1729  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1730  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("snapshot", snapshotKey.PublicData()), IsNil)
  1731  	timestampKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1732  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1733  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("timestamp", timestampKey.PublicData()), IsNil)
  1735  	// generate signatures externally and append
  1736  	rootMeta, err := r.SignedMeta("root.json")
  1737  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1738  	rootCanonical, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(rootMeta.Signed)
  1739  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1740  	rootSig, err := rootKey.SignMessage(rootCanonical)
  1741  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1742  	for _, id := range rootKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1743  		c.Assert(r.AddOrUpdateSignature("root.json", data.Signature{
  1744  			KeyID:     id,
  1745  			Signature: rootSig}), IsNil)
  1746  	}
  1748  	// add targets and sign
  1749  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
  1750  	targetsMeta, err := r.SignedMeta("targets.json")
  1751  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1752  	targetsCanonical, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(targetsMeta.Signed)
  1753  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1754  	targetsSig, err := targetsKey.SignMessage(targetsCanonical)
  1755  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1756  	for _, id := range targetsKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1757  		r.AddOrUpdateSignature("targets.json", data.Signature{
  1758  			KeyID:     id,
  1759  			Signature: targetsSig})
  1760  	}
  1762  	// snapshot and timestamp
  1763  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1764  	snapshotMeta, err := r.SignedMeta("snapshot.json")
  1765  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1766  	snapshotCanonical, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(snapshotMeta.Signed)
  1767  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1768  	snapshotSig, err := snapshotKey.SignMessage(snapshotCanonical)
  1769  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1770  	for _, id := range snapshotKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1771  		r.AddOrUpdateSignature("snapshot.json", data.Signature{
  1772  			KeyID:     id,
  1773  			Signature: snapshotSig})
  1774  	}
  1776  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1777  	timestampMeta, err := r.SignedMeta("timestamp.json")
  1778  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1779  	timestampCanonical, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(timestampMeta.Signed)
  1780  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1781  	timestampSig, err := timestampKey.SignMessage(timestampCanonical)
  1782  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1783  	for _, id := range timestampKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1784  		r.AddOrUpdateSignature("timestamp.json", data.Signature{
  1785  			KeyID:     id,
  1786  			Signature: timestampSig})
  1787  	}
  1789  	// commit successfully!
  1790  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1791  }
  1793  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestBadAddOrUpdateSignatures(c *C) {
  1794  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
  1795  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  1796  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1797  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1799  	// don't use consistent snapshots to make the checks simpler
  1800  	c.Assert(r.Init(false), IsNil)
  1802  	c.Assert(r.AddOrUpdateSignature("targets.json", data.Signature{
  1803  		KeyID:     "foo",
  1804  		Signature: nil}), Equals, ErrInvalidRole{"targets", "role is not in verifier DB"})
  1806  	// generate root key offline and add as a verification key
  1807  	rootKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1808  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1809  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("root", rootKey.PublicData()), IsNil)
  1810  	targetsKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1811  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1812  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("targets", targetsKey.PublicData()), IsNil)
  1813  	snapshotKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1814  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1815  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("snapshot", snapshotKey.PublicData()), IsNil)
  1816  	timestampKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1817  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1818  	c.Assert(r.AddVerificationKey("timestamp", timestampKey.PublicData()), IsNil)
  1820  	// attempt to sign `root`, rather than `root.json`
  1821  	for _, id := range rootKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1822  		c.Assert(r.AddOrUpdateSignature("root", data.Signature{
  1823  			KeyID:     id,
  1824  			Signature: nil}), Equals, ErrMissingMetadata{"root"})
  1825  	}
  1827  	// add a signature with a bad role
  1828  	rootMeta, err := r.SignedMeta("root.json")
  1829  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1830  	rootCanonical, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(rootMeta.Signed)
  1831  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1832  	rootSig, err := rootKey.Sign(rand.Reader, rootCanonical, crypto.Hash(0))
  1833  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1834  	for _, id := range rootKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1835  		c.Assert(r.AddOrUpdateSignature("invalid_root.json", data.Signature{
  1836  			KeyID:     id,
  1837  			Signature: rootSig}), Equals, ErrInvalidRole{"invalid_root", "no trusted keys for role"})
  1838  	}
  1840  	// add a root signature with an key ID that is for the targets role
  1841  	for _, id := range targetsKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1842  		c.Assert(r.AddOrUpdateSignature("root.json", data.Signature{
  1843  			KeyID:     id,
  1844  			Signature: rootSig}), Equals, verify.ErrInvalidKey)
  1845  	}
  1847  	// attempt to add a bad signature to root
  1848  	badSig, err := rootKey.Sign(rand.Reader, []byte(""), crypto.Hash(0))
  1849  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1850  	for _, id := range rootKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1851  		c.Assert(r.AddOrUpdateSignature("root.json", data.Signature{
  1852  			KeyID:     id,
  1853  			Signature: badSig}), Equals, verify.ErrInvalid)
  1854  	}
  1856  	// add the correct root signature
  1857  	for _, id := range rootKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1858  		c.Assert(r.AddOrUpdateSignature("root.json", data.Signature{
  1859  			KeyID:     id,
  1860  			Signature: rootSig}), IsNil)
  1861  	}
  1862  	checkSigIDs := func(role string) {
  1863  		s, err := r.SignedMeta(role)
  1864  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1865  		db, err := r.topLevelKeysDB()
  1866  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1867  		// keys is a map of key IDs.
  1868  		keys := db.GetRole(strings.TrimSuffix(role, ".json")).KeyIDs
  1869  		c.Assert(s.Signatures, HasLen, len(keys))
  1870  		// If the lengths are equal, and each signature key ID appears
  1871  		// in the role keys, they Sig IDs are equal to keyIDs.
  1872  		for _, sig := range s.Signatures {
  1873  			if _, ok := keys[sig.KeyID]; !ok {
  1874  				c.Fatal("missing key ID in signatures")
  1875  			}
  1876  		}
  1877  	}
  1878  	checkSigIDs("root.json")
  1880  	// re-adding should not duplicate. this is checked by verifying
  1881  	// signature key IDs match with the map of role key IDs.
  1882  	for _, id := range rootKey.PublicData().IDs() {
  1883  		c.Assert(r.AddOrUpdateSignature("root.json", data.Signature{
  1884  			KeyID:     id,
  1885  			Signature: rootSig}), IsNil)
  1886  	}
  1887  	checkSigIDs("root.json")
  1888  }
  1890  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestSignDigest(c *C) {
  1891  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
  1892  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  1893  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1894  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1896  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  1897  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  1898  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  1899  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  1901  	digest := "sha256:bc11b176a293bb341a0f2d0d226f52e7fcebd186a7c4dfca5fc64f305f06b94c"
  1902  	hash := "bc11b176a293bb341a0f2d0d226f52e7fcebd186a7c4dfca5fc64f305f06b94c"
  1903  	size := int64(42)
  1905  	c.Assert(r.AddTargetsWithDigest(hash, "sha256", size, digest, nil), IsNil)
  1906  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1907  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1908  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1910  	digest_bytes, err := hex.DecodeString("bc11b176a293bb341a0f2d0d226f52e7fcebd186a7c4dfca5fc64f305f06b94c")
  1911  	hex_digest_bytes := data.HexBytes(digest_bytes)
  1912  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1914  	targets, err := r.topLevelTargets()
  1915  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1916  	c.Assert(targets.Targets["sha256:bc11b176a293bb341a0f2d0d226f52e7fcebd186a7c4dfca5fc64f305f06b94c"].FileMeta.Length, Equals, size)
  1917  	c.Assert(targets.Targets["sha256:bc11b176a293bb341a0f2d0d226f52e7fcebd186a7c4dfca5fc64f305f06b94c"].FileMeta.Hashes["sha256"], DeepEquals, hex_digest_bytes)
  1918  }
  1920  func concat(ss ...[]string) []string {
  1921  	ret := []string{}
  1922  	for _, s := range ss {
  1923  		ret = append(ret, s...)
  1924  	}
  1925  	return ret
  1926  }
  1928  func checkSigKeyIDs(c *C, local LocalStore, fileToKeyIDs map[string][]string) {
  1929  	metas, err := local.GetMeta()
  1930  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1932  	for f, keyIDs := range fileToKeyIDs {
  1933  		meta, ok := metas[f]
  1934  		c.Assert(ok, Equals, true, Commentf("meta file: %v", f))
  1936  		s := &data.Signed{}
  1937  		err = json.Unmarshal(meta, s)
  1938  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1940  		gotKeyIDs := []string{}
  1941  		for _, sig := range s.Signatures {
  1942  			gotKeyIDs = append(gotKeyIDs, sig.KeyID)
  1943  		}
  1944  		gotKeyIDs = sets.DeduplicateStrings(gotKeyIDs)
  1945  		sort.Strings(gotKeyIDs)
  1947  		sort.Strings(keyIDs)
  1948  		c.Assert(gotKeyIDs, DeepEquals, keyIDs)
  1949  	}
  1950  }
  1952  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestDelegations(c *C) {
  1953  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  1954  	local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  1955  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  1956  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1958  	// Add one key to each role
  1959  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  1960  	targetsKeyIDs := genKey(c, r, "targets")
  1961  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  1962  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  1964  	// commit the metadata to the store.
  1965  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets([]string{}, nil), IsNil)
  1966  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  1967  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  1968  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  1970  	snapshot, err := r.snapshot()
  1971  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1972  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 1)
  1973  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  1975  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  1976  		"1.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  1977  	})
  1979  	saveNewKey := func(role string) keys.Signer {
  1980  		key, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  1981  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1983  		err = local.SaveSigner(role, key)
  1984  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  1986  		return key
  1987  	}
  1989  	// Delegate from targets -> role1 for A/*, B/* with one key, threshold 1.
  1990  	role1ABKey := saveNewKey("role1")
  1991  	role1AB := data.DelegatedRole{
  1992  		Name:      "role1",
  1993  		KeyIDs:    role1ABKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  1994  		Paths:     []string{"A/*", "B/*"},
  1995  		Threshold: 1,
  1996  	}
  1997  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("targets", role1AB, []*data.PublicKey{
  1998  		role1ABKey.PublicData(),
  1999  	})
  2000  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2002  	// Adding duplicate delegation should return an error.
  2003  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("targets", role1AB, []*data.PublicKey{
  2004  		role1ABKey.PublicData(),
  2005  	})
  2006  	c.Assert(err, NotNil)
  2008  	// Delegate from targets -> role2 for C/*, D/* with three key, threshold 2.
  2009  	role2CDKey1 := saveNewKey("role2")
  2010  	role2CDKey2 := saveNewKey("role2")
  2011  	role2CDKey3 := saveNewKey("role2")
  2012  	role2CD := data.DelegatedRole{
  2013  		Name: "role2",
  2014  		KeyIDs: concat(
  2015  			role2CDKey1.PublicData().IDs(),
  2016  			role2CDKey2.PublicData().IDs(),
  2017  			role2CDKey3.PublicData().IDs(),
  2018  		),
  2019  		Paths:     []string{"C/*", "D/*"},
  2020  		Threshold: 2,
  2021  	}
  2022  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("targets", role2CD, []*data.PublicKey{
  2023  		role2CDKey1.PublicData(),
  2024  		role2CDKey2.PublicData(),
  2025  		role2CDKey3.PublicData(),
  2026  	})
  2027  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2029  	// Delegate from role1 -> role2 for A/allium.txt with one key, threshold 1.
  2030  	role1To2Key := saveNewKey("role2")
  2031  	role1To2 := data.DelegatedRole{
  2032  		Name:        "role2",
  2033  		KeyIDs:      role1To2Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2034  		Paths:       []string{"A/allium.txt"},
  2035  		Threshold:   1,
  2036  		Terminating: true,
  2037  	}
  2038  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("role1", role1To2, []*data.PublicKey{
  2039  		role1To2Key.PublicData(),
  2040  	})
  2041  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2043  	checkDelegations := func(delegator string, delegatedRoles ...data.DelegatedRole) {
  2044  		t, err := r.targets(delegator)
  2045  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2047  		// Check if there are no delegations.
  2048  		if t.Delegations == nil {
  2049  			if delegatedRoles != nil {
  2050  				c.Fatal("expected delegated roles on delegator")
  2051  			}
  2052  			return
  2053  		}
  2055  		// Check that delegated roles are copied verbatim.
  2056  		c.Assert(t.Delegations.Roles, DeepEquals, delegatedRoles)
  2058  		// Check that public keys match key IDs in roles.
  2059  		expectedKeyIDs := []string{}
  2060  		for _, dr := range delegatedRoles {
  2061  			expectedKeyIDs = append(expectedKeyIDs, dr.KeyIDs...)
  2062  		}
  2063  		expectedKeyIDs = sets.DeduplicateStrings(expectedKeyIDs)
  2064  		sort.Strings(expectedKeyIDs)
  2066  		gotKeyIDs := []string{}
  2067  		for _, k := range t.Delegations.Keys {
  2068  			gotKeyIDs = append(gotKeyIDs, k.IDs()...)
  2069  		}
  2070  		gotKeyIDs = sets.DeduplicateStrings(gotKeyIDs)
  2071  		sort.Strings(gotKeyIDs)
  2073  		c.Assert(gotKeyIDs, DeepEquals, expectedKeyIDs)
  2074  	}
  2076  	checkDelegations("targets", role1AB, role2CD)
  2077  	checkDelegations("role1", role1To2)
  2079  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2080  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2081  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2083  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  2084  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2085  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 3)
  2086  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(2))
  2087  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2088  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role2.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2090  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2091  		"2.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  2092  		"1.role1.json":   role1ABKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2093  		"1.role2.json": concat(
  2094  			role2CDKey1.PublicData().IDs(),
  2095  			role2CDKey2.PublicData().IDs(),
  2096  			role2CDKey3.PublicData().IDs(),
  2097  			role1To2Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2098  		),
  2099  	})
  2101  	// Add a variety of targets.
  2102  	files := map[string]string{
  2103  		// targets.json
  2104  		"potato.txt": "potatoes can be starchy or waxy",
  2105  		// role1.json
  2106  		"A/apple.txt":  "apples are sometimes red",
  2107  		"B/banana.txt": "bananas are yellow and sometimes brown",
  2108  		// role2.json
  2109  		"C/clementine.txt": "clementines are a citrus fruit",
  2110  		"D/durian.txt":     "durians are spiky",
  2111  		"A/allium.txt":     "alliums include garlic and leeks",
  2112  	}
  2113  	for name, content := range files {
  2114  		tmp.writeStagedTarget(name, content)
  2115  		c.Assert(r.AddTarget(name, nil), IsNil)
  2116  	}
  2118  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2119  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2120  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2122  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  2123  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2124  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 3)
  2125  	// All roles should have new targets.
  2126  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2127  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(2))
  2128  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role2.json"].Version, Equals, int64(2))
  2130  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2131  		"3.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  2132  		"2.role1.json":   role1ABKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2133  		"2.role2.json": concat(
  2134  			role2CDKey1.PublicData().IDs(),
  2135  			role2CDKey2.PublicData().IDs(),
  2136  			role2CDKey3.PublicData().IDs(),
  2137  			role1To2Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2138  		),
  2139  	})
  2141  	// Check that the given targets role has signed for the given filenames, with
  2142  	// the correct file metadata.
  2143  	checkTargets := func(role string, filenames ...string) {
  2144  		t, err := r.targets(role)
  2145  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2146  		c.Assert(t.Targets, HasLen, len(filenames))
  2148  		for _, fn := range filenames {
  2149  			content := files[fn]
  2151  			fm, err := util.GenerateTargetFileMeta(strings.NewReader(content))
  2152  			c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2154  			c.Assert(util.TargetFileMetaEqual(t.Targets[fn], fm), IsNil)
  2155  		}
  2156  	}
  2158  	checkTargets("targets", "potato.txt")
  2159  	checkTargets("role1", "A/apple.txt", "B/banana.txt")
  2160  	checkTargets("role2", "C/clementine.txt", "D/durian.txt", "A/allium.txt")
  2162  	// Test AddTargetToPreferredRole.
  2163  	// role2 is the default signer for A/allium.txt, but role1 is also eligible
  2164  	// for A/*.txt according to the delegation from the top-level targets role.
  2165  	c.Assert(r.RemoveTarget("A/allium.txt"), IsNil)
  2166  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("A/allium.txt", files["A/allium.txt"])
  2167  	c.Assert(r.AddTargetToPreferredRole("A/allium.txt", nil, "role1"), IsNil)
  2169  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2170  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2171  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2173  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  2174  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2175  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 3)
  2176  	// Only role1 and role2 should have bumped versions.
  2177  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2178  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2179  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role2.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2181  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2182  		"3.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  2183  		"3.role1.json":   role1ABKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2184  		"3.role2.json": concat(
  2185  			role2CDKey1.PublicData().IDs(),
  2186  			role2CDKey2.PublicData().IDs(),
  2187  			role2CDKey3.PublicData().IDs(),
  2188  			role1To2Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2189  		),
  2190  	})
  2192  	// role1 now signs A/allium.txt.
  2193  	checkTargets("targets", "potato.txt")
  2194  	checkTargets("role1", "A/apple.txt", "B/banana.txt", "A/allium.txt")
  2195  	checkTargets("role2", "C/clementine.txt", "D/durian.txt")
  2197  	// Remove the delegation from role1 to role2.
  2198  	c.Assert(r.ResetTargetsDelegations("role1"), IsNil)
  2199  	checkDelegations("targets", role1AB, role2CD)
  2200  	checkDelegations("role1")
  2202  	// Try to sign A/allium.txt with role2.
  2203  	// It should fail since we removed the role1 -> role2 delegation.
  2204  	c.Assert(r.RemoveTarget("A/allium.txt"), IsNil)
  2205  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("A/allium.txt", files["A/allium.txt"])
  2206  	c.Assert(r.AddTargetToPreferredRole("A/allium.txt", nil, "role2"), Equals, ErrNoDelegatedTarget{Path: "A/allium.txt"})
  2208  	// Try to sign A/allium.txt with the default role (role1).
  2209  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("A/allium.txt", nil), IsNil)
  2211  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2212  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2213  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2215  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  2216  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2217  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 3)
  2218  	// Only role1 should have a bumped version.
  2219  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2220  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(4))
  2221  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role2.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2223  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2224  		"3.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  2225  		"4.role1.json":   role1ABKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2226  		"3.role2.json": concat(
  2227  			// Metadata (and therefore signers) for role2.json shouldn't have
  2228  			// changed, even though we revoked role1To2Key. Clients verify the
  2229  			// signature using keys specified by 4.role1.json, so role1To2Key
  2230  			// shouldn't contribute to the threshold.
  2231  			role2CDKey1.PublicData().IDs(),
  2232  			role2CDKey2.PublicData().IDs(),
  2233  			role2CDKey3.PublicData().IDs(),
  2234  			role1To2Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2235  		),
  2236  	})
  2238  	// Re-sign target signed by role2 to test that role1To2Key is not used going
  2239  	// forward.
  2240  	c.Assert(r.RemoveTarget("C/clementine.txt"), IsNil)
  2241  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("C/clementine.txt", files["C/clementine.txt"])
  2242  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("C/clementine.txt", nil), IsNil)
  2244  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2245  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2246  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2248  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  2249  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2250  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 3)
  2251  	// Only role2 should have a bumped version.
  2252  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2253  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(4))
  2254  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role2.json"].Version, Equals, int64(4))
  2256  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2257  		"3.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  2258  		"4.role1.json":   role1ABKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2259  		"4.role2.json": concat(
  2260  			role2CDKey1.PublicData().IDs(),
  2261  			role2CDKey2.PublicData().IDs(),
  2262  			role2CDKey3.PublicData().IDs(),
  2263  			// Note that role1To2Key no longer signs since the role1 -> role2
  2264  			// delegation was removed.
  2265  		),
  2266  	})
  2268  	// Targets should still be signed by the same roles.
  2269  	checkTargets("targets", "potato.txt")
  2270  	checkTargets("role1", "A/apple.txt", "B/banana.txt", "A/allium.txt")
  2271  	checkTargets("role2", "C/clementine.txt", "D/durian.txt")
  2273  	// Add back the role1 -> role2 delegation, and verify that it doesn't change
  2274  	// existing targets in role2.json.
  2275  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("role1", role1To2, []*data.PublicKey{
  2276  		role1To2Key.PublicData(),
  2277  	})
  2278  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2279  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2280  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2281  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2283  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  2284  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2285  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 3)
  2286  	// Both role1 and role2 should have a bumped version.
  2287  	// role1 is bumped because the delegations changed.
  2288  	// role2 is only bumped because its expiration is bumped.
  2289  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2290  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(5))
  2291  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role2.json"].Version, Equals, int64(5))
  2293  	checkTargets("targets", "potato.txt")
  2294  	checkTargets("role1", "A/apple.txt", "B/banana.txt", "A/allium.txt")
  2295  	checkTargets("role2", "C/clementine.txt", "D/durian.txt")
  2296  }
  2298  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestHashBinDelegations(c *C) {
  2299  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  2300  	local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  2301  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  2302  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2304  	// Add one key to each role
  2305  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  2306  	targetsKeyIDs := genKey(c, r, "targets")
  2307  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  2308  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  2310  	hb, err := targets.NewHashBins("bins_", 3)
  2311  	if err != nil {
  2312  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2313  	}
  2315  	// Generate key for the intermediate bins role.
  2316  	binsKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  2317  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2318  	err = local.SaveSigner("bins", binsKey)
  2319  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2321  	// Generate key for the leaf bins role.
  2322  	leafKey, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  2323  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2324  	for i := uint64(0); i < hb.NumBins(); i++ {
  2325  		b := hb.GetBin(i)
  2326  		err = local.SaveSigner(b.RoleName(), leafKey)
  2327  		if err != nil {
  2328  			c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2329  		}
  2330  	}
  2332  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("targets", data.DelegatedRole{
  2333  		Name:      "bins",
  2334  		KeyIDs:    binsKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2335  		Paths:     []string{"*.txt"},
  2336  		Threshold: 1,
  2337  	}, []*data.PublicKey{
  2338  		binsKey.PublicData(),
  2339  	})
  2340  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2342  	err = r.AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBins("bins", hb, []*data.PublicKey{leafKey.PublicData()}, 1)
  2343  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2344  	targets, err := r.targets("bins")
  2345  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2346  	c.Assert(targets.Delegations.Roles, HasLen, 8)
  2348  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2349  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2350  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2352  	tmp.writeStagedTarget("foo.txt", "foo")
  2353  	err = r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil)
  2354  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2356  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2357  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2358  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2360  	snapshot, err := r.snapshot()
  2361  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2362  	// 1 targets.json, 1 bins.json, 8 bins_*.json.
  2363  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 10)
  2364  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2365  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2366  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins_0-1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2367  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins_2-3.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2368  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins_4-5.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2369  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins_6-7.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2370  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins_8-9.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2371  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins_a-b.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2372  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins_c-d.json"].Version, Equals, int64(2))
  2373  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["bins_e-f.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2375  	targets, err = r.targets("bins_c-d")
  2376  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2377  	c.Assert(targets.Targets, HasLen, 1)
  2379  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2380  		"targets.json":    targetsKeyIDs,
  2381  		"1.bins.json":     binsKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2382  		"1.bins_0-1.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2383  		"1.bins_2-3.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2384  		"1.bins_4-5.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2385  		"1.bins_6-7.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2386  		"1.bins_8-9.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2387  		"1.bins_a-b.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2388  		"1.bins_c-d.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2389  		"2.bins_c-d.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2390  		"1.bins_e-f.json": leafKey.PublicData().IDs(),
  2391  	})
  2392  }
  2394  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestResetTargetsDelegationsWithExpires(c *C) {
  2395  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  2396  	local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  2397  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  2398  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2400  	// Add one key to each role
  2401  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  2402  	targetsKeyIDs := genKey(c, r, "targets")
  2403  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  2404  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  2406  	// commit the metadata to the store.
  2407  	c.Assert(r.AddTargets([]string{}, nil), IsNil)
  2408  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2409  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2410  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2412  	snapshot, err := r.snapshot()
  2413  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2414  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 1)
  2415  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2417  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2418  		"1.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  2419  	})
  2421  	role1Key, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  2422  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2424  	err = local.SaveSigner("role1", role1Key)
  2425  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2427  	// Delegate from targets -> role1 for A/*, B/* with one key, threshold 1.
  2428  	role1 := data.DelegatedRole{
  2429  		Name:      "role1",
  2430  		KeyIDs:    role1Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2431  		Paths:     []string{"A/*", "B/*"},
  2432  		Threshold: 1,
  2433  	}
  2434  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("targets", role1, []*data.PublicKey{
  2435  		role1Key.PublicData(),
  2436  	})
  2437  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2439  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2440  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2441  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2443  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  2444  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2445  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 2)
  2446  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(2))
  2447  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2449  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2450  		"1.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  2451  		"targets.json":   targetsKeyIDs,
  2452  		"1.role1.json":   role1Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2453  		"role1.json":     role1Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2454  	})
  2456  	c.Assert(r.ResetTargetsDelegations("targets"), IsNil)
  2457  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2458  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2459  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2461  	snapshot, err = r.snapshot()
  2462  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2463  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta, HasLen, 2)
  2464  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["targets.json"].Version, Equals, int64(3))
  2465  	c.Assert(snapshot.Meta["role1.json"].Version, Equals, int64(1))
  2467  	checkSigKeyIDs(c, local, map[string][]string{
  2468  		"2.targets.json": targetsKeyIDs,
  2469  		"targets.json":   targetsKeyIDs,
  2470  		"1.role1.json":   role1Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2471  		"role1.json":     role1Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2472  	})
  2473  }
  2475  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestSignWithDelegations(c *C) {
  2476  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  2477  	local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  2478  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  2479  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2481  	// Add one key to each role
  2482  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  2483  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  2484  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  2485  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  2487  	role1Key, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  2488  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2490  	role1 := data.DelegatedRole{
  2491  		Name:      "role1",
  2492  		KeyIDs:    role1Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2493  		Paths:     []string{"A/*", "B/*"},
  2494  		Threshold: 1,
  2495  	}
  2496  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("targets", role1, []*data.PublicKey{
  2497  		role1Key.PublicData(),
  2498  	})
  2499  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2501  	// targets.json should be signed, but role1.json is not signed because there
  2502  	// is no key in the local store.
  2503  	m, err := local.GetMeta()
  2504  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2505  	targetsMeta := &data.Signed{}
  2506  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(m["targets.json"], targetsMeta), IsNil)
  2507  	c.Assert(len(targetsMeta.Signatures), Equals, 1)
  2508  	role1Meta := &data.Signed{}
  2509  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(m["role1.json"], role1Meta), IsNil)
  2510  	c.Assert(len(role1Meta.Signatures), Equals, 0)
  2512  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), DeepEquals, ErrInsufficientSignatures{"role1.json", verify.ErrNoSignatures})
  2514  	// Sign role1.json.
  2515  	c.Assert(local.SaveSigner("role1", role1Key), IsNil)
  2516  	c.Assert(r.Sign("role1.json"), IsNil)
  2518  	m, err = local.GetMeta()
  2519  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2520  	targetsMeta = &data.Signed{}
  2521  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(m["targets.json"], targetsMeta), IsNil)
  2522  	c.Assert(len(targetsMeta.Signatures), Equals, 1)
  2523  	role1Meta = &data.Signed{}
  2524  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(m["role1.json"], role1Meta), IsNil)
  2525  	c.Assert(len(role1Meta.Signatures), Equals, 1)
  2527  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2528  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2529  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2530  }
  2532  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestAddOrUpdateSignatureWithDelegations(c *C) {
  2533  	tmp := newTmpDir(c)
  2534  	local := FileSystemStore(tmp.path, nil)
  2535  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  2536  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2538  	// Add one key to each role
  2539  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  2540  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  2541  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  2542  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  2544  	role1Key, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
  2545  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2547  	role1 := data.DelegatedRole{
  2548  		Name:      "role1",
  2549  		KeyIDs:    role1Key.PublicData().IDs(),
  2550  		Paths:     []string{"A/*", "B/*"},
  2551  		Threshold: 1,
  2552  	}
  2553  	err = r.AddDelegatedRole("targets", role1, []*data.PublicKey{
  2554  		role1Key.PublicData(),
  2555  	})
  2556  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2558  	// targets.json should be signed, but role1.json is not signed because there
  2559  	// is no key in the local store.
  2560  	m, err := local.GetMeta()
  2561  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2562  	targetsMeta := &data.Signed{}
  2563  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(m["targets.json"], targetsMeta), IsNil)
  2564  	c.Assert(len(targetsMeta.Signatures), Equals, 1)
  2565  	role1Meta := &data.Signed{}
  2566  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(m["role1.json"], role1Meta), IsNil)
  2567  	c.Assert(len(role1Meta.Signatures), Equals, 0)
  2569  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), DeepEquals, ErrInsufficientSignatures{"role1.json", verify.ErrNoSignatures})
  2571  	// Sign role1.json.
  2572  	canonical, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(role1Meta.Signed)
  2573  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2574  	sig, err := role1Key.SignMessage(canonical)
  2575  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2576  	err = r.AddOrUpdateSignature("role1.json", data.Signature{
  2577  		KeyID:     role1Key.PublicData().IDs()[0],
  2578  		Signature: sig,
  2579  	})
  2580  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2582  	m, err = local.GetMeta()
  2583  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2584  	targetsMeta = &data.Signed{}
  2585  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(m["targets.json"], targetsMeta), IsNil)
  2586  	c.Assert(len(targetsMeta.Signatures), Equals, 1)
  2587  	role1Meta = &data.Signed{}
  2588  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(m["role1.json"], role1Meta), IsNil)
  2589  	c.Assert(len(role1Meta.Signatures), Equals, 1)
  2591  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2592  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2593  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2594  }
  2596  // Test the offline signature flow: Payload -> SignPayload -> AddSignature
  2597  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestOfflineFlow(c *C) {
  2598  	// Set up repo.
  2599  	meta := make(map[string]json.RawMessage)
  2600  	local := MemoryStore(meta, nil)
  2601  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  2602  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2603  	c.Assert(r.Init(false), IsNil)
  2604  	// Use ECDSA because it has a newline which is a difference between JSON and cJSON.
  2605  	_, err = r.GenKeyWithSchemeAndExpires("root", data.DefaultExpires("root"), data.KeySchemeECDSA_SHA2_P256)
  2606  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2608  	// Get the payload to sign
  2609  	_, err = r.Payload("badrole.json")
  2610  	c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMissingMetadata{"badrole.json"})
  2611  	_, err = r.Payload("root")
  2612  	c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMissingMetadata{"root"})
  2613  	payload, err := r.Payload("root.json")
  2614  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2616  	root, err := r.SignedMeta("root.json")
  2617  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2618  	rootCanonical, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(root.Signed)
  2619  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2620  	if !bytes.Equal(payload, rootCanonical) {
  2621  		c.Fatalf("Payload(): not canonical.\n%s\n%s", string(payload), string(rootCanonical))
  2622  	}
  2624  	// Sign the payload
  2625  	_, err = r.SignRaw("targets", payload)
  2626  	c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrNoKeys{"targets"})
  2627  	signatures, err := r.SignRaw("root", payload)
  2628  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2629  	c.Assert(len(signatures), Equals, 1)
  2631  	// Add the payload signatures back
  2632  	for _, sig := range signatures {
  2633  		// This method checks that the signature verifies!
  2634  		err = r.AddOrUpdateSignature("root.json", sig)
  2635  		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2636  	}
  2637  }
  2639  // Regression test: Snapshotting an invalid root should fail.
  2640  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestSnapshotWithInvalidRoot(c *C) {
  2641  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
  2642  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  2643  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  2644  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2646  	// Init should create targets.json, but not signed yet
  2647  	r.Init(false)
  2649  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  2650  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  2651  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  2652  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  2653  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
  2655  	// Clear the root signature so that signature verification fails.
  2656  	s, err := r.SignedMeta("root.json")
  2657  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2658  	c.Assert(s.Signatures, HasLen, 1)
  2659  	s.Signatures[0].Signature = data.HexBytes{}
  2660  	b, err := r.jsonMarshal(s)
  2661  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2662  	r.meta["root.json"] = b
  2663  	local.SetMeta("root.json", b)
  2665  	// Snapshotting should fail.
  2666  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), Equals, ErrInsufficientSignatures{
  2667  		"root.json", verify.ErrRoleThreshold{Expected: 1, Actual: 0}})
  2669  	// Correctly sign root
  2670  	c.Assert(r.Sign("root.json"), IsNil)
  2671  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2672  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2673  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2674  }
  2676  // Regression test: Do not omit length in target metadata files.
  2677  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestTargetMetadataLength(c *C) {
  2678  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("")}
  2679  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  2680  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  2681  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2683  	// Init should create targets.json, but not signed yet
  2684  	r.Init(false)
  2686  	genKey(c, r, "root")
  2687  	genKey(c, r, "targets")
  2688  	genKey(c, r, "snapshot")
  2689  	genKey(c, r, "timestamp")
  2690  	c.Assert(r.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
  2691  	c.Assert(r.Snapshot(), IsNil)
  2692  	c.Assert(r.Timestamp(), IsNil)
  2693  	c.Assert(r.Commit(), IsNil)
  2695  	// Check length field of foo.txt exists.
  2696  	meta, err := local.GetMeta()
  2697  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2698  	targetsJSON, ok := meta["targets.json"]
  2699  	if !ok {
  2700  		c.Fatal("missing targets metadata")
  2701  	}
  2702  	s := &data.Signed{}
  2703  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(targetsJSON, s), IsNil)
  2704  	fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, s.Signed)
  2705  	var objMap map[string]json.RawMessage
  2706  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(s.Signed, &objMap), IsNil)
  2707  	targetsMap, ok := objMap["targets"]
  2708  	if !ok {
  2709  		c.Fatal("missing targets field in targets metadata")
  2710  	}
  2711  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(targetsMap, &objMap), IsNil)
  2712  	targetsMap, ok = objMap["foo.txt"]
  2713  	if !ok {
  2714  		c.Fatal("missing foo.txt in targets")
  2715  	}
  2716  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(targetsMap, &objMap), IsNil)
  2717  	lengthMsg, ok := objMap["length"]
  2718  	if !ok {
  2719  		c.Fatal("missing length field in foo.txt file meta")
  2720  	}
  2721  	var length int64
  2722  	c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(lengthMsg, &length), IsNil)
  2723  	c.Assert(length, Equals, int64(0))
  2724  }
  2726  func (rs *RepoSuite) TestDeprecatedHexEncodedKeysFails(c *C) {
  2727  	files := map[string][]byte{"foo.txt": []byte("foo")}
  2728  	local := MemoryStore(make(map[string]json.RawMessage), files)
  2729  	r, err := NewRepo(local)
  2730  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2732  	r.Init(false)
  2733  	// Add a root key with hex-encoded ecdsa format
  2734  	signer, err := keys.GenerateEcdsaKey()
  2735  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2736  	type deprecatedP256Verifier struct {
  2737  		PublicKey data.HexBytes `json:"public"`
  2738  	}
  2739  	pub := signer.PublicKey
  2740  	keyValBytes, err := json.Marshal(&deprecatedP256Verifier{PublicKey: elliptic.Marshal(pub.Curve, pub.X, pub.Y)})
  2741  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2742  	publicData := &data.PublicKey{
  2743  		Type:       data.KeyTypeECDSA_SHA2_P256,
  2744  		Scheme:     data.KeySchemeECDSA_SHA2_P256,
  2745  		Algorithms: data.HashAlgorithms,
  2746  		Value:      keyValBytes,
  2747  	}
  2748  	err = r.AddVerificationKey("root", publicData)
  2749  	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
  2750  	// TODO: AddVerificationKey does no validation, so perform a sign operation.
  2751  	c.Assert(r.Sign("root.json"), ErrorMatches, "tuf: error unmarshalling key: invalid PEM value")
  2752  }

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