
Package tuf

import "github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf"

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type ErrFileNotFound
    func (e ErrFileNotFound) Error() string
type ErrInsufficientSignatures
    func (e ErrInsufficientSignatures) Error() string
type ErrInvalidExpires
    func (e ErrInvalidExpires) Error() string
type ErrInvalidRole
    func (e ErrInvalidRole) Error() string
type ErrKeyNotFound
    func (e ErrKeyNotFound) Error() string
type ErrMissingMetadata
    func (e ErrMissingMetadata) Error() string
type ErrNoDelegatedTarget
    func (e ErrNoDelegatedTarget) Error() string
type ErrNoKeys
    func (e ErrNoKeys) Error() string
type ErrNotEnoughKeys
    func (e ErrNotEnoughKeys) Error() string
type ErrPassphraseRequired
    func (e ErrPassphraseRequired) Error() string
type LocalStore
    func FileSystemStore(dir string, p util.PassphraseFunc) LocalStore
    func FileSystemStoreWithOpts(dir string, opts ...StoreOpts) LocalStore
    func MemoryStore(meta map[string]json.RawMessage, files map[string][]byte) LocalStore
type PassphraseChanger
type Repo
    func NewRepo(local LocalStore, hashAlgorithms ...string) (*Repo, error)
    func NewRepoIndent(local LocalStore, prefix string, indent string, hashAlgorithms ...string) (*Repo, error)
    func NewRepoWithOpts(local LocalStore, opts ...RepoOpts) (*Repo, error)
    func (r *Repo) AddDelegatedRole(delegator string, delegatedRole data.DelegatedRole, keys []*data.PublicKey) error
    func (r *Repo) AddDelegatedRoleWithExpires(delegator string, delegatedRole data.DelegatedRole, keys []*data.PublicKey, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBins(delegator string, bins *targets.HashBins, keys []*data.PublicKey, threshold int) error
    func (r *Repo) AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBinsWithExpires(delegator string, bins *targets.HashBins, keys []*data.PublicKey, threshold int, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) AddKeyWithSchemeAndExpires(role string, expires time.Time, keyScheme data.KeyScheme, publicValue string) ([]string, error)
    func (r *Repo) AddOrUpdateSignature(roleFilename string, signature data.Signature) error
    func (r *Repo) AddPrivateKey(role string, signer keys.Signer) error
    func (r *Repo) AddPrivateKeyWithExpires(keyRole string, signer keys.Signer, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTarget(path string, custom json.RawMessage) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTargetToPreferredRole(path string, custom json.RawMessage, preferredRole string) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTargetWithExpires(path string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTargetWithExpiresToPreferredRole(path string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time, preferredRole string) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTargets(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTargetsToPreferredRole(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage, preferredRole string) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTargetsWithDigest(digest string, digestAlg string, length int64, path string, custom json.RawMessage) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTargetsWithExpires(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) AddTargetsWithExpiresToPreferredRole(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time, preferredRole string) error
    func (r *Repo) AddVerificationKey(keyRole string, pk *data.PublicKey) error
    func (r *Repo) AddVerificationKeyWithExpiration(keyRole string, pk *data.PublicKey, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) CanonicalizeAndSign(role string, signed *data.Signed) (int, error)
    func (r *Repo) ChangePassphrase(keyRole string) error
    func (r *Repo) CheckRoleUnexpired(role string, validAt time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) Clean() error
    func (r *Repo) Commit() error
    func (r *Repo) GenKey(role string) ([]string, error)
    func (r *Repo) GenKeyWithExpires(keyRole string, expires time.Time) (keyids []string, err error)
    func (r *Repo) GenKeyWithSchemeAndExpires(role string, expires time.Time, keyScheme data.KeyScheme) ([]string, error)
    func (r *Repo) GetMeta() (map[string]json.RawMessage, error)
    func (r *Repo) GetThreshold(keyRole string) (int, error)
    func (r *Repo) Init(consistentSnapshot bool) error
    func (r *Repo) Payload(roleFilename string) ([]byte, error)
    func (r *Repo) RemoveTarget(path string) error
    func (r *Repo) RemoveTargetWithExpires(path string, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) RemoveTargets(paths []string) error
    func (r *Repo) RemoveTargetsWithExpires(paths []string, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) ResetTargetsDelegations(delegator string) error
    func (r *Repo) ResetTargetsDelegationsWithExpires(delegator string, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) RevokeKey(role, id string) error
    func (r *Repo) RevokeKeyWithExpires(keyRole, id string, expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) RootKeys() ([]*data.PublicKey, error)
    func (r *Repo) RootVersion() (int64, error)
    func (r *Repo) SetSnapshotVersion(v int64) error
    func (r *Repo) SetTargetsVersion(v int64) error
    func (r *Repo) SetThreshold(keyRole string, t int) error
    func (r *Repo) SetTimestampVersion(v int64) error
    func (r *Repo) Sign(roleFilename string) error
    func (r *Repo) SignPayload(role string, payload *data.Signed) (int, error)
    func (r *Repo) SignRaw(role string, payload []byte) ([]data.Signature, error)
    func (r *Repo) SignedMeta(roleFilename string) (*data.Signed, error)
    func (r *Repo) Snapshot() error
    func (r *Repo) SnapshotVersion() (int64, error)
    func (r *Repo) SnapshotWithExpires(expires time.Time) error
    func (r *Repo) Targets() (data.TargetFiles, error)
    func (r *Repo) TargetsVersion() (int64, error)
    func (r *Repo) Timestamp() error
    func (r *Repo) TimestampVersion() (int64, error)
    func (r *Repo) TimestampWithExpires(expires time.Time) error
type RepoOpts
    func WithHashAlgorithms(hashAlgorithms ...string) RepoOpts
    func WithIndex(indent string) RepoOpts
    func WithLogger(logger *log.Logger) RepoOpts
    func WithPrefix(prefix string) RepoOpts
type StoreOpts
type TargetsWalkFunc

Package files

errors.go local_store.go repo.go


var (
    ErrInitNotAllowed               = errors.New("tuf: repository already initialized")
    ErrNewRepository                = errors.New("tuf: repository not yet committed")
    ErrChangePassphraseNotSupported = errors.New("tuf: store does not support changing passphrase")

type ErrFileNotFound

type ErrFileNotFound struct {
    Path string

func (ErrFileNotFound) Error

func (e ErrFileNotFound) Error() string

type ErrInsufficientSignatures

type ErrInsufficientSignatures struct {
    Name string
    Err  error

func (ErrInsufficientSignatures) Error

func (e ErrInsufficientSignatures) Error() string

type ErrInvalidExpires

type ErrInvalidExpires struct {
    Expires time.Time

func (ErrInvalidExpires) Error

func (e ErrInvalidExpires) Error() string

type ErrInvalidRole

type ErrInvalidRole struct {
    Role   string
    Reason string

func (ErrInvalidRole) Error

func (e ErrInvalidRole) Error() string

type ErrKeyNotFound

type ErrKeyNotFound struct {
    Role  string
    KeyID string

func (ErrKeyNotFound) Error

func (e ErrKeyNotFound) Error() string

type ErrMissingMetadata

type ErrMissingMetadata struct {
    Name string

func (ErrMissingMetadata) Error

func (e ErrMissingMetadata) Error() string

type ErrNoDelegatedTarget

type ErrNoDelegatedTarget struct {
    Path string

func (ErrNoDelegatedTarget) Error

func (e ErrNoDelegatedTarget) Error() string

type ErrNoKeys

type ErrNoKeys struct {
    Name string

func (ErrNoKeys) Error

func (e ErrNoKeys) Error() string

type ErrNotEnoughKeys

type ErrNotEnoughKeys struct {
    Role      string
    Keys      int
    Threshold int

func (ErrNotEnoughKeys) Error

func (e ErrNotEnoughKeys) Error() string

type ErrPassphraseRequired

type ErrPassphraseRequired struct {
    Role string

func (ErrPassphraseRequired) Error

func (e ErrPassphraseRequired) Error() string

type LocalStore

type LocalStore interface {
    // GetMeta returns a map from metadata file names (e.g. root.json) to their raw JSON payload or an error.
    GetMeta() (map[string]json.RawMessage, error)

    // SetMeta is used to update a metadata file name with a JSON payload.
    SetMeta(name string, meta json.RawMessage) error

    // WalkStagedTargets calls targetsFn for each staged target file in paths.
    // If paths is empty, all staged target files will be walked.
    WalkStagedTargets(paths []string, targetsFn TargetsWalkFunc) error

    // FileIsStaged determines if a metadata file is currently staged, to avoid incrementing
    // version numbers repeatedly while staged.
    FileIsStaged(filename string) bool

    // Commit is used to publish staged files to the repository
    // This will also reset the staged meta to signal incrementing version numbers.
    // TUF 1.0 requires that the root metadata version numbers in the repository does not
    // gaps. To avoid this, we will only increment the number once until we commit.
    Commit(bool, map[string]int64, map[string]data.Hashes) error

    // GetSigners return a list of signers for a role.
    // This may include revoked keys, so the signers should not
    // be used without filtering.
    GetSigners(role string) ([]keys.Signer, error)

    // SaveSigner adds a signer to a role.
    SaveSigner(role string, signer keys.Signer) error

    // SignersForRole return a list of signing keys for a role.
    SignersForKeyIDs(keyIDs []string) []keys.Signer

    // Clean is used to remove all staged manifests.
    Clean() error

func FileSystemStore

func FileSystemStore(dir string, p util.PassphraseFunc) LocalStore

func FileSystemStoreWithOpts

func FileSystemStoreWithOpts(dir string, opts ...StoreOpts) LocalStore

func MemoryStore

func MemoryStore(meta map[string]json.RawMessage, files map[string][]byte) LocalStore

type PassphraseChanger

type PassphraseChanger interface {
    // ChangePassphrase changes the passphrase for a role keys file.
    ChangePassphrase(string) error

type Repo

type Repo struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRepo

func NewRepo(local LocalStore, hashAlgorithms ...string) (*Repo, error)

func NewRepoIndent

func NewRepoIndent(local LocalStore, prefix string, indent string,
    hashAlgorithms ...string) (*Repo, error)

func NewRepoWithOpts

func NewRepoWithOpts(local LocalStore, opts ...RepoOpts) (*Repo, error)

func (*Repo) AddDelegatedRole

func (r *Repo) AddDelegatedRole(delegator string, delegatedRole data.DelegatedRole, keys []*data.PublicKey) error

AddDelegatedRole is equivalent to AddDelegatedRoleWithExpires, but with a default expiration time.

func (*Repo) AddDelegatedRoleWithExpires

func (r *Repo) AddDelegatedRoleWithExpires(delegator string, delegatedRole data.DelegatedRole, keys []*data.PublicKey, expires time.Time) error

AddDelegatedRoleWithExpires adds a delegation from the delegator to the role specified in the role argument. Key IDs referenced in role.KeyIDs should have corresponding Key entries in the keys argument. New metadata is written with the given expiration time.

func (*Repo) AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBins

func (r *Repo) AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBins(delegator string, bins *targets.HashBins, keys []*data.PublicKey, threshold int) error

AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBins is equivalent to AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBinsWithExpires, but with a default expiration time.

func (*Repo) AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBinsWithExpires

func (r *Repo) AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBinsWithExpires(delegator string, bins *targets.HashBins, keys []*data.PublicKey, threshold int, expires time.Time) error

AddDelegatedRolesForPathHashBinsWithExpires adds delegations to the delegator role for the given hash bins configuration. New metadata is written with the given expiration time.

func (*Repo) AddKeyWithSchemeAndExpires

func (r *Repo) AddKeyWithSchemeAndExpires(role string, expires time.Time, keyScheme data.KeyScheme, publicValue string) ([]string, error)

func (*Repo) AddOrUpdateSignature

func (r *Repo) AddOrUpdateSignature(roleFilename string, signature data.Signature) error

AddOrUpdateSignature allows users to add or update a signature generated with an external tool. The name must be a valid metadata file name, like root.json.

func (*Repo) AddPrivateKey

func (r *Repo) AddPrivateKey(role string, signer keys.Signer) error

func (*Repo) AddPrivateKeyWithExpires

func (r *Repo) AddPrivateKeyWithExpires(keyRole string, signer keys.Signer, expires time.Time) error

func (*Repo) AddTarget

func (r *Repo) AddTarget(path string, custom json.RawMessage) error

func (*Repo) AddTargetToPreferredRole

func (r *Repo) AddTargetToPreferredRole(path string, custom json.RawMessage, preferredRole string) error

func (*Repo) AddTargetWithExpires

func (r *Repo) AddTargetWithExpires(path string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time) error

func (*Repo) AddTargetWithExpiresToPreferredRole

func (r *Repo) AddTargetWithExpiresToPreferredRole(path string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time, preferredRole string) error

func (*Repo) AddTargets

func (r *Repo) AddTargets(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage) error

func (*Repo) AddTargetsToPreferredRole

func (r *Repo) AddTargetsToPreferredRole(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage, preferredRole string) error

func (*Repo) AddTargetsWithDigest

func (r *Repo) AddTargetsWithDigest(digest string, digestAlg string, length int64, path string, custom json.RawMessage) error

func (*Repo) AddTargetsWithExpires

func (r *Repo) AddTargetsWithExpires(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time) error

func (*Repo) AddTargetsWithExpiresToPreferredRole

func (r *Repo) AddTargetsWithExpiresToPreferredRole(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time, preferredRole string) error

AddTargetsWithExpiresToPreferredRole signs the staged targets at `paths`.

If preferredRole is not the empty string, the target is added to the given role's manifest if delegations allow it. If delegations do not allow the preferredRole to sign the given path, an error is returned.

func (*Repo) AddVerificationKey

func (r *Repo) AddVerificationKey(keyRole string, pk *data.PublicKey) error

func (*Repo) AddVerificationKeyWithExpiration

func (r *Repo) AddVerificationKeyWithExpiration(keyRole string, pk *data.PublicKey, expires time.Time) error

func (*Repo) CanonicalizeAndSign

func (r *Repo) CanonicalizeAndSign(role string, signed *data.Signed) (int, error)

CanonicalizeAndSign canonicalizes the signed portion of signed, then signs it using the key(s) associated with role.

It appends the signature to signed.

It returns the total number of keys used for signing, 0 (along with ErrNoKeys) if no keys were found, or -1 (along with an error) in error cases.

func (*Repo) ChangePassphrase

func (r *Repo) ChangePassphrase(keyRole string) error

func (*Repo) CheckRoleUnexpired

func (r *Repo) CheckRoleUnexpired(role string, validAt time.Time) error

func (*Repo) Clean

func (r *Repo) Clean() error

func (*Repo) Commit

func (r *Repo) Commit() error

func (*Repo) GenKey

func (r *Repo) GenKey(role string) ([]string, error)

func (*Repo) GenKeyWithExpires

func (r *Repo) GenKeyWithExpires(keyRole string, expires time.Time) (keyids []string, err error)

func (*Repo) GenKeyWithSchemeAndExpires

func (r *Repo) GenKeyWithSchemeAndExpires(role string, expires time.Time, keyScheme data.KeyScheme) ([]string, error)

func (*Repo) GetMeta

func (r *Repo) GetMeta() (map[string]json.RawMessage, error)

GetMeta returns the underlying meta file map from the store.

func (*Repo) GetThreshold

func (r *Repo) GetThreshold(keyRole string) (int, error)

func (*Repo) Init

func (r *Repo) Init(consistentSnapshot bool) error

func (*Repo) Payload

func (r *Repo) Payload(roleFilename string) ([]byte, error)

func (*Repo) RemoveTarget

func (r *Repo) RemoveTarget(path string) error

func (*Repo) RemoveTargetWithExpires

func (r *Repo) RemoveTargetWithExpires(path string, expires time.Time) error

func (*Repo) RemoveTargets

func (r *Repo) RemoveTargets(paths []string) error

func (*Repo) RemoveTargetsWithExpires

func (r *Repo) RemoveTargetsWithExpires(paths []string, expires time.Time) error

If paths is empty, all targets will be removed.

func (*Repo) ResetTargetsDelegations

func (r *Repo) ResetTargetsDelegations(delegator string) error

ResetTargetsDelegation is equivalent to ResetTargetsDelegationsWithExpires with a default expiry time.

func (*Repo) ResetTargetsDelegationsWithExpires

func (r *Repo) ResetTargetsDelegationsWithExpires(delegator string, expires time.Time) error

ResetTargetsDelegationsWithExpires removes all targets delegations from the given delegator role. New metadata is written with the given expiration time.

func (*Repo) RevokeKey

func (r *Repo) RevokeKey(role, id string) error

func (*Repo) RevokeKeyWithExpires

func (r *Repo) RevokeKeyWithExpires(keyRole, id string, expires time.Time) error

func (*Repo) RootKeys

func (r *Repo) RootKeys() ([]*data.PublicKey, error)

func (*Repo) RootVersion

func (r *Repo) RootVersion() (int64, error)

func (*Repo) SetSnapshotVersion

func (r *Repo) SetSnapshotVersion(v int64) error

func (*Repo) SetTargetsVersion

func (r *Repo) SetTargetsVersion(v int64) error

func (*Repo) SetThreshold

func (r *Repo) SetThreshold(keyRole string, t int) error

func (*Repo) SetTimestampVersion

func (r *Repo) SetTimestampVersion(v int64) error

func (*Repo) Sign

func (r *Repo) Sign(roleFilename string) error

func (*Repo) SignPayload

func (r *Repo) SignPayload(role string, payload *data.Signed) (int, error)

SignPayload canonicalizes the signed portion of payload, then signs it using the key(s) associated with role.

It returns the total number of keys used for signing, 0 (along with ErrNoKeys) if no keys were found, or -1 (along with an error) in error cases.

DEPRECATED: please use CanonicalizeAndSign instead.

func (*Repo) SignRaw

func (r *Repo) SignRaw(role string, payload []byte) ([]data.Signature, error)

SignRaw signs the given (pre-canonicalized) payload using the key(s) associated with role.

It returns the new data.Signatures.

func (*Repo) SignedMeta

func (r *Repo) SignedMeta(roleFilename string) (*data.Signed, error)

Used to retrieve the signable portion of the metadata when using an external signing tool.

func (*Repo) Snapshot

func (r *Repo) Snapshot() error

func (*Repo) SnapshotVersion

func (r *Repo) SnapshotVersion() (int64, error)

func (*Repo) SnapshotWithExpires

func (r *Repo) SnapshotWithExpires(expires time.Time) error

func (*Repo) Targets

func (r *Repo) Targets() (data.TargetFiles, error)

func (*Repo) TargetsVersion

func (r *Repo) TargetsVersion() (int64, error)

func (*Repo) Timestamp

func (r *Repo) Timestamp() error

func (*Repo) TimestampVersion

func (r *Repo) TimestampVersion() (int64, error)

func (*Repo) TimestampWithExpires

func (r *Repo) TimestampWithExpires(expires time.Time) error

type RepoOpts

type RepoOpts func(r *Repo)

func WithHashAlgorithms

func WithHashAlgorithms(hashAlgorithms ...string) RepoOpts

func WithIndex

func WithIndex(indent string) RepoOpts

func WithLogger

func WithLogger(logger *log.Logger) RepoOpts

func WithPrefix

func WithPrefix(prefix string) RepoOpts

type StoreOpts

type StoreOpts struct {
    Logger   *log.Logger
    PassFunc util.PassphraseFunc

type TargetsWalkFunc

TargetsWalkFunc is a function of a target path name and a target payload used to execute some function on each staged target file. For example, it may normalize path names and generate target file metadata with additional custom metadata.

type TargetsWalkFunc func(path string, target io.Reader) error


Name Synopsis
encrypted Package encrypted provides a simple, secure system for encrypting data symmetrically with a passphrase.