
Source file src/github.com/onsi/gomega/internal/assertion_test.go

Documentation: github.com/onsi/gomega/internal

     1  package internal_test
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"reflect"
     7  	. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
     8  	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
     9  )
    11  var _ = Describe("Making Synchronous Assertions", func() {
    12  	var SHOULD_MATCH = true
    13  	var SHOULD_NOT_MATCH = false
    14  	var IT_PASSES = true
    15  	var IT_FAILS = false
    17  	Extras := func(extras ...interface{}) []interface{} {
    18  		return extras
    19  	}
    21  	OptionalDescription := func(optionalDescription ...interface{}) []interface{} {
    22  		return optionalDescription
    23  	}
    25  	DescribeTable(
    26  		"the various cases",
    27  		func(actual interface{}, extras []interface{}, optionalDescription []interface{}, isPositiveAssertion bool, expectedFailureMessage string, expectedReturnValue bool) {
    28  			if isPositiveAssertion {
    29  				ig := NewInstrumentedGomega()
    30  				returnValue := ig.G.Expect(actual, extras...).To(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...)
    31  				Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue))
    32  				Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage))
    33  				if expectedFailureMessage != "" {
    34  					Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2}))
    35  				}
    36  				Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).To"))
    38  				ig = NewInstrumentedGomega()
    39  				returnValue = ig.G.ExpectWithOffset(3, actual, extras...).To(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...)
    40  				Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue))
    41  				Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage))
    42  				if expectedFailureMessage != "" {
    43  					Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{5}))
    44  				}
    45  				Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).To"))
    47  				ig = NewInstrumentedGomega()
    48  				returnValue = ig.G.Ω(actual, extras...).Should(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...)
    49  				Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue))
    50  				Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage))
    51  				if expectedFailureMessage != "" {
    52  					Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2}))
    53  				}
    54  				Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).Should"))
    55  			} else {
    56  				ig := NewInstrumentedGomega()
    57  				returnValue := ig.G.Expect(actual, extras...).ToNot(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...)
    58  				Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue))
    59  				Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage))
    60  				if expectedFailureMessage != "" {
    61  					Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2}))
    62  				}
    63  				Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).ToNot"))
    65  				ig = NewInstrumentedGomega()
    66  				returnValue = ig.G.Expect(actual, extras...).NotTo(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...)
    67  				Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue))
    68  				Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage))
    69  				if expectedFailureMessage != "" {
    70  					Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2}))
    71  				}
    72  				Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).NotTo"))
    74  				ig = NewInstrumentedGomega()
    75  				returnValue = ig.G.ExpectWithOffset(3, actual, extras...).NotTo(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...)
    76  				Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue))
    77  				Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage))
    78  				if expectedFailureMessage != "" {
    79  					Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{5}))
    80  				}
    81  				Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).NotTo"))
    83  				ig = NewInstrumentedGomega()
    84  				returnValue = ig.G.Ω(actual, extras...).ShouldNot(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...)
    85  				Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue))
    86  				Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage))
    87  				if expectedFailureMessage != "" {
    88  					Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2}))
    89  				}
    90  				Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).ShouldNot"))
    91  			}
    92  		},
    93  		Entry(
    94  			"when the matcher matches and a positive assertion is being made",
    95  			MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(),
    96  			SHOULD_MATCH, "", IT_PASSES,
    97  		),
    98  		Entry(
    99  			"when the matcher matches and a negative assertion is being made",
   100  			MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(),
   101  			SHOULD_NOT_MATCH, "negative: match", IT_FAILS,
   102  		),
   103  		Entry(
   104  			"when the matcher does not match and a positive assertion is being made",
   105  			NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(),
   106  			SHOULD_MATCH, "positive: no match", IT_FAILS,
   107  		),
   108  		Entry(
   109  			"when the matcher does not match and a negative assertion is being made",
   110  			NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(),
   112  		),
   113  		Entry(
   114  			"when the matcher returns an error and a positive assertion is being made",
   115  			ERR_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(),
   116  			SHOULD_MATCH, "spec matcher error", IT_FAILS,
   117  		),
   118  		Entry(
   119  			"when the matcher returns an error and a negative assertion is being made",
   120  			ERR_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(),
   121  			SHOULD_NOT_MATCH, "spec matcher error", IT_FAILS,
   122  		),
   123  		Entry(
   124  			"when a failure occurs and there is a single optional description",
   125  			NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription("a description"),
   126  			SHOULD_MATCH, "a description\npositive: no match", IT_FAILS,
   127  		),
   128  		Entry(
   129  			"when a failure occurs and there are multiple optional descriptions",
   130  			NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription("a description of [%d]", 3),
   131  			SHOULD_MATCH, "a description of [3]\npositive: no match", IT_FAILS,
   132  		),
   133  		Entry(
   134  			"when a failure occurs and the optional description is a function",
   135  			NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(func() string { return "a description" }),
   136  			SHOULD_MATCH, "a description\npositive: no match", IT_FAILS,
   137  		),
   138  		Entry(
   139  			"when the matcher matches and zero-valued extra parameters are included, it passes",
   140  			MATCH, Extras(0, "", struct{ Foo string }{}, nil), OptionalDescription(),
   141  			SHOULD_MATCH, "", IT_PASSES,
   142  		),
   143  		Entry(
   144  			"when the matcher matches but a non-zero-valued extra parameter is included, it fails",
   145  			MATCH, Extras(1, "bam", struct{ Foo string }{Foo: "foo"}, nil), OptionalDescription(),
   146  			SHOULD_MATCH, "Unexpected non-nil/non-zero argument at index 1:\n\t<int>: 1", IT_FAILS,
   147  		),
   148  		Entry(
   149  			"when the matcher matches but an error is included, it fails",
   150  			MATCH, Extras(0, "", errors.New("welp!")), OptionalDescription(),
   151  			SHOULD_MATCH, "Unexpected error: welp!", IT_FAILS,
   152  		),
   153  	)
   155  	var SHOULD_OCCUR = true
   156  	var SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR = false
   158  	DescribeTable("error expectations",
   159  		func(a, b int, e error, isPositiveAssertion bool, expectedFailureMessage string, expectedReturnValue bool) {
   160  			abe := func(a, b int, e error) (int, int, error) {
   161  				return a, b, e
   162  			}
   163  			ig := NewInstrumentedGomega()
   164  			var returnValue bool
   165  			if isPositiveAssertion {
   166  				returnValue = ig.G.Expect(abe(a, b, e)).Error().To(HaveOccurred())
   167  			} else {
   168  				returnValue = ig.G.Expect(abe(a, b, e)).Error().NotTo(HaveOccurred())
   169  			}
   170  			Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue))
   171  			Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(Equal(expectedFailureMessage))
   172  			if expectedFailureMessage != "" {
   173  				Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2}))
   174  			}
   175  		},
   176  		Entry(
   177  			"when non-zero results without error",
   178  			1, 2, nil,
   180  		),
   181  		Entry(
   182  			"when non-zero results with error",
   183  			1, 2, errors.New("D'oh!"),
   184  			SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR, "Unexpected non-nil/non-zero argument at index 0:\n\t<int>: 1", IT_FAILS,
   185  		),
   186  		Entry(
   187  			"when non-zero results without error",
   188  			0, 0, errors.New("D'oh!"),
   189  			SHOULD_OCCUR, "", IT_PASSES,
   190  		),
   191  		Entry(
   192  			"when non-zero results with error",
   193  			1, 2, errors.New("D'oh!"),
   194  			SHOULD_OCCUR, "Unexpected non-nil/non-zero argument at index 0:\n\t<int>: 1", IT_FAILS,
   195  		),
   196  	)
   198  	When("vetting optional description parameters", func() {
   199  		It("panics when Gomega matcher is at the beginning of optional description parameters", func() {
   200  			ig := NewInstrumentedGomega()
   201  			for _, expectator := range []string{
   202  				"To", "NotTo", "ToNot",
   203  				"Should", "ShouldNot",
   204  			} {
   205  				Expect(func() {
   206  					expect := ig.G.Expect(42) // sic!
   207  					meth := reflect.ValueOf(expect).MethodByName(expectator)
   208  					Expect(meth.IsValid()).To(BeTrue())
   209  					meth.Call([]reflect.Value{
   210  						reflect.ValueOf(HaveLen(1)),
   211  						reflect.ValueOf(ContainElement(42)),
   212  					})
   213  				}).To(PanicWith(MatchRegexp("Assertion has a GomegaMatcher as the first element of optionalDescription")))
   214  			}
   215  		})
   217  		It("accepts Gomega matchers in optional description parameters after the first", func() {
   218  			Expect(func() {
   219  				ig := NewInstrumentedGomega()
   220  				ig.G.Expect(42).To(HaveLen(1), "foo", ContainElement(42))
   221  			}).NotTo(Panic())
   222  		})
   224  	})
   226  })

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