package internal_test import ( "errors" "reflect" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("Making Synchronous Assertions", func() { var SHOULD_MATCH = true var SHOULD_NOT_MATCH = false var IT_PASSES = true var IT_FAILS = false Extras := func(extras ...interface{}) []interface{} { return extras } OptionalDescription := func(optionalDescription ...interface{}) []interface{} { return optionalDescription } DescribeTable( "the various cases", func(actual interface{}, extras []interface{}, optionalDescription []interface{}, isPositiveAssertion bool, expectedFailureMessage string, expectedReturnValue bool) { if isPositiveAssertion { ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() returnValue := ig.G.Expect(actual, extras...).To(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...) Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue)) Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage)) if expectedFailureMessage != "" { Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2})) } Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).To")) ig = NewInstrumentedGomega() returnValue = ig.G.ExpectWithOffset(3, actual, extras...).To(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...) Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue)) Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage)) if expectedFailureMessage != "" { Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{5})) } Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).To")) ig = NewInstrumentedGomega() returnValue = ig.G.Ω(actual, extras...).Should(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...) Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue)) Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage)) if expectedFailureMessage != "" { Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2})) } Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).Should")) } else { ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() returnValue := ig.G.Expect(actual, extras...).ToNot(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...) Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue)) Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage)) if expectedFailureMessage != "" { Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2})) } Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).ToNot")) ig = NewInstrumentedGomega() returnValue = ig.G.Expect(actual, extras...).NotTo(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...) Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue)) Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage)) if expectedFailureMessage != "" { Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2})) } Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).NotTo")) ig = NewInstrumentedGomega() returnValue = ig.G.ExpectWithOffset(3, actual, extras...).NotTo(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...) Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue)) Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage)) if expectedFailureMessage != "" { Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{5})) } Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).NotTo")) ig = NewInstrumentedGomega() returnValue = ig.G.Ω(actual, extras...).ShouldNot(SpecMatch(), optionalDescription...) Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue)) Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(ContainSubstring(expectedFailureMessage)) if expectedFailureMessage != "" { Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2})) } Expect(ig.RegisteredHelpers).To(ContainElement("(*Assertion).ShouldNot")) } }, Entry( "when the matcher matches and a positive assertion is being made", MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_MATCH, "", IT_PASSES, ), Entry( "when the matcher matches and a negative assertion is being made", MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_NOT_MATCH, "negative: match", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when the matcher does not match and a positive assertion is being made", NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_MATCH, "positive: no match", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when the matcher does not match and a negative assertion is being made", NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_NOT_MATCH, "", IT_PASSES, ), Entry( "when the matcher returns an error and a positive assertion is being made", ERR_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_MATCH, "spec matcher error", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when the matcher returns an error and a negative assertion is being made", ERR_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_NOT_MATCH, "spec matcher error", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when a failure occurs and there is a single optional description", NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription("a description"), SHOULD_MATCH, "a description\npositive: no match", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when a failure occurs and there are multiple optional descriptions", NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription("a description of [%d]", 3), SHOULD_MATCH, "a description of [3]\npositive: no match", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when a failure occurs and the optional description is a function", NO_MATCH, Extras(), OptionalDescription(func() string { return "a description" }), SHOULD_MATCH, "a description\npositive: no match", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when the matcher matches and zero-valued extra parameters are included, it passes", MATCH, Extras(0, "", struct{ Foo string }{}, nil), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_MATCH, "", IT_PASSES, ), Entry( "when the matcher matches but a non-zero-valued extra parameter is included, it fails", MATCH, Extras(1, "bam", struct{ Foo string }{Foo: "foo"}, nil), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_MATCH, "Unexpected non-nil/non-zero argument at index 1:\n\t: 1", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when the matcher matches but an error is included, it fails", MATCH, Extras(0, "", errors.New("welp!")), OptionalDescription(), SHOULD_MATCH, "Unexpected error: welp!", IT_FAILS, ), ) var SHOULD_OCCUR = true var SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR = false DescribeTable("error expectations", func(a, b int, e error, isPositiveAssertion bool, expectedFailureMessage string, expectedReturnValue bool) { abe := func(a, b int, e error) (int, int, error) { return a, b, e } ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() var returnValue bool if isPositiveAssertion { returnValue = ig.G.Expect(abe(a, b, e)).Error().To(HaveOccurred()) } else { returnValue = ig.G.Expect(abe(a, b, e)).Error().NotTo(HaveOccurred()) } Expect(returnValue).To(Equal(expectedReturnValue)) Expect(ig.FailureMessage).To(Equal(expectedFailureMessage)) if expectedFailureMessage != "" { Expect(ig.FailureSkip).To(Equal([]int{2})) } }, Entry( "when non-zero results without error", 1, 2, nil, SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR, "", IT_PASSES, ), Entry( "when non-zero results with error", 1, 2, errors.New("D'oh!"), SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR, "Unexpected non-nil/non-zero argument at index 0:\n\t: 1", IT_FAILS, ), Entry( "when non-zero results without error", 0, 0, errors.New("D'oh!"), SHOULD_OCCUR, "", IT_PASSES, ), Entry( "when non-zero results with error", 1, 2, errors.New("D'oh!"), SHOULD_OCCUR, "Unexpected non-nil/non-zero argument at index 0:\n\t: 1", IT_FAILS, ), ) When("vetting optional description parameters", func() { It("panics when Gomega matcher is at the beginning of optional description parameters", func() { ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() for _, expectator := range []string{ "To", "NotTo", "ToNot", "Should", "ShouldNot", } { Expect(func() { expect := ig.G.Expect(42) // sic! meth := reflect.ValueOf(expect).MethodByName(expectator) Expect(meth.IsValid()).To(BeTrue()) meth.Call([]reflect.Value{ reflect.ValueOf(HaveLen(1)), reflect.ValueOf(ContainElement(42)), }) }).To(PanicWith(MatchRegexp("Assertion has a GomegaMatcher as the first element of optionalDescription"))) } }) It("accepts Gomega matchers in optional description parameters after the first", func() { Expect(func() { ig := NewInstrumentedGomega() ig.G.Expect(42).To(HaveLen(1), "foo", ContainElement(42)) }).NotTo(Panic()) }) }) })