1 package healthcheck
3 import (
4 "context"
5 "encoding/base64"
6 "encoding/json"
7 "errors"
8 "fmt"
9 "strings"
10 "testing"
11 "time"
13 "github.com/go-test/deep"
14 "github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/pkg/charts/linkerd2"
15 "github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/pkg/identity"
16 "github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/pkg/issuercerts"
17 "github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/pkg/k8s"
18 "github.com/linkerd/linkerd2/pkg/tls"
19 corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
20 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
21 )
23 type observer struct {
24 results []string
25 }
27 func newObserver() *observer {
28 return &observer{
29 results: []string{},
30 }
31 }
32 func (o *observer) resultFn(result *CheckResult) {
33 res := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", result.Category, result.Description)
34 if result.Err != nil {
35 res += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", result.Err)
36 }
37 o.results = append(o.results, res)
38 }
40 func (o *observer) resultWithHintFn(result *CheckResult) {
41 res := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", result.Category, result.Description)
42 if result.Err != nil {
43 res += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", result.Err)
44 }
46 if result.HintURL != "" {
47 res += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", result.HintURL)
48 }
49 o.results = append(o.results, res)
50 }
52 func (hc *HealthChecker) addCheckAsCategory(
53 testCategoryID CategoryID,
54 categoryID CategoryID,
55 desc string,
56 ) {
57 testCategory := NewCategory(
58 testCategoryID,
59 []Checker{},
60 false,
61 )
63 for _, cat := range hc.categories {
64 if cat.ID == categoryID {
65 for _, ch := range cat.checkers {
66 if ch.description == desc {
67 testCategory.checkers = append(testCategory.checkers, ch)
68 testCategory.enabled = true
69 break
70 }
71 }
72 break
73 }
74 }
75 hc.AppendCategories(testCategory)
76 }
78 func TestHealthChecker(t *testing.T) {
79 nullObserver := func(*CheckResult) {}
81 passingCheck1 := NewCategory(
82 "cat1",
83 []Checker{
84 {
85 description: "desc1",
86 check: func(context.Context) error {
87 return nil
88 },
89 retryDeadline: time.Time{},
90 },
91 },
92 true,
93 )
95 passingCheck2 := NewCategory(
96 "cat2",
97 []Checker{
98 {
99 description: "desc2",
100 check: func(context.Context) error {
101 return nil
102 },
103 retryDeadline: time.Time{},
104 },
105 },
106 true,
107 )
109 failingCheck := NewCategory(
110 "cat3",
111 []Checker{
112 {
113 description: "desc3",
114 check: func(context.Context) error {
115 return fmt.Errorf("error")
116 },
117 retryDeadline: time.Time{},
118 },
119 },
120 true,
121 )
123 fatalCheck := NewCategory(
124 "cat6",
125 []Checker{
126 {
127 description: "desc6",
128 fatal: true,
129 check: func(context.Context) error {
130 return fmt.Errorf("fatal")
131 },
132 retryDeadline: time.Time{},
133 },
134 },
135 true,
136 )
138 skippingCheck := NewCategory(
139 "cat7",
140 []Checker{
141 {
142 description: "skip",
143 check: func(context.Context) error {
144 return SkipError{Reason: "needs skipping"}
145 },
146 retryDeadline: time.Time{},
147 },
148 },
149 true,
150 )
152 skippingRPCCheck := NewCategory(
153 "cat8",
154 []Checker{
155 {
156 description: "skipRpc",
157 check: func(context.Context) error {
158 return SkipError{Reason: "needs skipping"}
159 },
160 retryDeadline: time.Time{},
161 },
162 },
163 true,
164 )
166 troubleshootingCheck := NewCategory(
167 "cat9",
168 []Checker{
169 {
170 description: "failCheck",
171 hintAnchor: "cat9",
172 check: func(context.Context) error {
173 return fmt.Errorf("fatal")
174 },
175 },
176 },
177 true,
178 )
180 t.Run("Notifies observer of all results", func(t *testing.T) {
181 hc := NewHealthChecker(
182 []CategoryID{},
183 &Options{},
184 )
186 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1)
187 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck2)
188 hc.AppendCategories(failingCheck)
190 expectedResults := []string{
191 "cat1 desc1",
192 "cat2 desc2",
193 "cat3 desc3: error",
194 }
196 obs := newObserver()
197 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
199 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil {
200 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
201 }
202 })
204 t.Run("Is successful if all checks were successful", func(t *testing.T) {
205 hc := NewHealthChecker(
206 []CategoryID{},
207 &Options{},
208 )
209 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1)
210 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck2)
212 success, _ := hc.RunChecks(nullObserver)
214 if !success {
215 t.Fatalf("Expecting checks to be successful, but got [%t]", success)
216 }
217 })
219 t.Run("Is not successful if one check fails", func(t *testing.T) {
220 hc := NewHealthChecker(
221 []CategoryID{},
222 &Options{},
223 )
224 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1)
225 hc.AppendCategories(failingCheck)
226 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck2)
228 success, _ := hc.RunChecks(nullObserver)
230 if success {
231 t.Fatalf("Expecting checks to not be successful, but got [%t]", success)
232 }
233 })
235 t.Run("Check for troubleshooting URL", func(t *testing.T) {
236 hc := NewHealthChecker(
237 []CategoryID{},
238 &Options{},
239 )
240 troubleshootingCheck.WithHintBaseURL("www.extension.com/troubleshooting/#")
241 hc.AppendCategories(troubleshootingCheck)
242 expectedResults := []string{
243 "cat9 failCheck: fatal: www.extension.com/troubleshooting/#cat9",
244 }
246 obs := newObserver()
247 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultWithHintFn)
249 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil {
250 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
251 }
252 })
254 t.Run("Does not run remaining check if fatal check fails", func(t *testing.T) {
255 hc := NewHealthChecker(
256 []CategoryID{},
257 &Options{},
258 )
259 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1)
260 hc.AppendCategories(fatalCheck)
261 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck2)
263 expectedResults := []string{
264 "cat1 desc1",
265 "cat6 desc6: fatal",
266 }
268 obs := newObserver()
269 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
271 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil {
272 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
273 }
274 })
276 t.Run("Retries checks if retry is specified", func(t *testing.T) {
277 retryWindow = 0
278 returnError := true
280 retryCheck := NewCategory(
281 "cat7",
282 []Checker{
283 {
284 description: "desc7",
285 retryDeadline: time.Now().Add(100 * time.Second),
286 check: func(context.Context) error {
287 if returnError {
288 returnError = false
289 return fmt.Errorf("retry")
290 }
291 return nil
292 },
293 },
294 },
295 true,
296 )
298 hc := NewHealthChecker(
299 []CategoryID{},
300 &Options{},
301 )
302 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1)
303 hc.AppendCategories(retryCheck)
305 observedResults := make([]string, 0)
306 observer := func(result *CheckResult) {
307 res := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s retry=%t", result.Category, result.Description, result.Retry)
308 if result.Err != nil {
309 res += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", result.Err)
310 }
311 observedResults = append(observedResults, res)
312 }
314 expectedResults := []string{
315 "cat1 desc1 retry=false",
316 "cat7 desc7 retry=true: waiting for check to complete",
317 "cat7 desc7 retry=false",
318 }
320 hc.RunChecks(observer)
322 if diff := deep.Equal(observedResults, expectedResults); diff != nil {
323 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
324 }
325 })
327 t.Run("Does not notify observer of skipped checks", func(t *testing.T) {
328 hc := NewHealthChecker(
329 []CategoryID{},
330 &Options{},
331 )
332 hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1)
333 hc.AppendCategories(skippingCheck)
334 hc.AppendCategories(skippingRPCCheck)
336 expectedResults := []string{
337 "cat1 desc1",
338 }
340 obs := newObserver()
341 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
343 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil {
344 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
345 }
346 })
347 }
349 func TestCheckCanCreate(t *testing.T) {
350 exp := fmt.Errorf("not authorized to access deployments.apps")
352 hc := NewHealthChecker(
353 []CategoryID{},
354 &Options{},
355 )
356 var err error
357 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI()
358 if err != nil {
359 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
360 }
361 err = hc.checkCanCreate(context.Background(), "", "apps", "v1", "deployments")
362 if err == nil ||
363 err.Error() != exp.Error() {
364 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error (Expected: %s, Got: %s)", exp, err)
365 }
366 }
368 func TestCheckExtensionAPIServerAuthentication(t *testing.T) {
369 tests := []struct {
370 k8sConfigs []string
371 err error
372 }{
373 {
374 []string{},
375 fmt.Errorf("configmaps %q not found", k8s.ExtensionAPIServerAuthenticationConfigMapName),
376 },
377 {
378 []string{`
379 apiVersion: v1
380 kind: ConfigMap
381 metadata:
382 name: extension-apiserver-authentication
383 namespace: kube-system
384 data:
385 foo : 'bar'
386 `,
387 },
388 fmt.Errorf("--%s is not configured", k8s.ExtensionAPIServerAuthenticationRequestHeaderClientCAFileKey),
389 },
390 {
392 []string{fmt.Sprintf(`
393 apiVersion: v1
394 kind: ConfigMap
395 metadata:
396 name: extension-apiserver-authentication
397 namespace: kube-system
398 data:
399 %s : 'bar'
400 `, k8s.ExtensionAPIServerAuthenticationRequestHeaderClientCAFileKey)},
401 nil,
402 },
403 }
404 for i, test := range tests {
405 test := test
406 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d: returns expected extension apiserver authentication check result", i), func(t *testing.T) {
407 hc := NewHealthChecker([]CategoryID{}, &Options{})
408 var err error
409 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(test.k8sConfigs...)
410 if err != nil {
411 t.Fatal(err)
412 }
413 err = hc.checkExtensionAPIServerAuthentication(context.Background())
414 if err != nil || test.err != nil {
415 if (err == nil && test.err != nil) ||
416 (err != nil && test.err == nil) ||
417 (err.Error() != test.err.Error()) {
418 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error (Expected: %s, Got: %s)", test.err, err)
419 }
420 }
421 })
422 }
423 }
425 func TestCheckClockSkew(t *testing.T) {
426 tests := []struct {
427 k8sConfigs []string
428 err error
429 }{
430 {
431 []string{},
432 nil,
433 },
434 {
435 []string{`apiVersion: v1
436 kind: Node
437 metadata:
438 name: test-node
439 status:
440 conditions:
441 - lastHeartbeatTime: "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z"
442 status: "True"
443 type: Ready`,
444 },
445 fmt.Errorf("clock skew detected for node(s): test-node"),
446 },
447 }
449 for i, test := range tests {
450 test := test
451 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d: returns expected clock skew check result", i), func(t *testing.T) {
452 hc := NewHealthChecker(
453 []CategoryID{},
454 &Options{},
455 )
457 var err error
458 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(test.k8sConfigs...)
459 if err != nil {
460 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
461 }
463 err = hc.checkClockSkew(context.Background())
464 if err != nil || test.err != nil {
465 if (err == nil && test.err != nil) ||
466 (err != nil && test.err == nil) ||
467 (err.Error() != test.err.Error()) {
468 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error (Expected: %s, Got: %s)", test.err, err)
469 }
470 }
471 })
472 }
474 }
476 func TestNamespaceExtCfg(t *testing.T) {
477 namespaces := map[string]string{
478 "vizOne": `
479 apiVersion: v1
480 kind: Namespace
481 metadata:
482 name: viz-1
483 labels:
484 linkerd.io/extension: viz
485 `,
486 "mcOne": `
487 apiVersion: v1
488 kind: Namespace
489 metadata:
490 name: mc-1
491 labels:
492 linkerd.io/extension: multicluster
493 `,
494 "mcTwo": `
495 apiVersion: v1
496 kind: Namespace
497 metadata:
498 name: mc-2
499 labels:
500 linkerd.io/extension: multicluster
501 `}
503 testCases := []struct {
504 description string
505 k8sConfigs []string
506 results []string
507 }{
508 {
509 description: "successfully passes checks",
510 k8sConfigs: []string{namespaces["vizOne"], namespaces["mcOne"]},
511 results: []string{
512 "linkerd-extension-checks namespace configuration for extensions",
513 },
514 },
515 {
516 description: "fails invalid configuration",
517 k8sConfigs: []string{namespaces["vizOne"], namespaces["mcOne"], namespaces["mcTwo"]},
518 results: []string{
519 "linkerd-extension-checks namespace configuration for extensions: some extensions have invalid configuration\n\t* label \"linkerd.io/extension=multicluster\" is present on more than one namespace:\n\t\t* mc-1\n\t\t* mc-2",
520 },
521 },
522 }
524 for _, tc := range testCases {
526 tc := tc
527 t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
528 hc := NewHealthChecker(
529 []CategoryID{LinkerdExtensionChecks},
530 &Options{
531 ControlPlaneNamespace: "test-ns",
532 },
533 )
535 var err error
536 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.k8sConfigs...)
537 if err != nil {
538 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
539 }
541 obs := newObserver()
542 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
543 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, tc.results); diff != nil {
544 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
545 }
546 })
547 }
548 }
550 func TestConfigExists(t *testing.T) {
552 namespace := []string{`
553 apiVersion: v1
554 kind: Namespace
555 metadata:
556 name: test-ns
557 `}
558 clusterRoles := []string{`
559 kind: ClusterRole
560 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
561 metadata:
562 name: linkerd-test-ns-identity
563 labels:
564 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
565 `,
566 `
567 kind: ClusterRole
568 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
569 metadata:
570 name: linkerd-test-ns-proxy-injector
571 labels:
572 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
573 `}
574 clusterRoleBindings := []string{`
575 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
576 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
577 metadata:
578 name: linkerd-test-ns-identity
579 labels:
580 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
581 `,
582 `
583 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
584 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
585 metadata:
586 name: linkerd-test-ns-proxy-injector
587 labels:
588 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
589 `}
590 serviceAccounts := []string{`
591 kind: ServiceAccount
592 apiVersion: v1
593 metadata:
594 name: linkerd-destination
595 namespace: test-ns
596 labels:
597 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
598 `,
599 `
600 kind: ServiceAccount
601 apiVersion: v1
602 metadata:
603 name: linkerd-identity
604 namespace: test-ns
605 labels:
606 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
607 `,
608 `
609 kind: ServiceAccount
610 apiVersion: v1
611 metadata:
612 name: linkerd-proxy-injector
613 namespace: test-ns
614 labels:
615 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
616 `,
617 `
618 kind: ServiceAccount
619 apiVersion: v1
620 metadata:
621 name: linkerd-heartbeat
622 namespace: test-ns
623 labels:
624 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
625 `}
626 crds := []string{}
627 for _, crd := range []struct{ name, version string }{
628 {name: "authorizationpolicies.policy.linkerd.io", version: "v1alpha1"},
629 {name: "meshtlsauthentications.policy.linkerd.io", version: "v1alpha1"},
630 {name: "networkauthentications.policy.linkerd.io", version: "v1alpha1"},
631 {name: "serverauthorizations.policy.linkerd.io", version: "v1beta1"},
632 {name: "servers.policy.linkerd.io", version: "v1beta1"},
633 {name: "serviceprofiles.linkerd.io", version: "v1alpha2"},
634 } {
635 crds = append(crds, fmt.Sprintf(`
636 apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
637 kind: CustomResourceDefinition
638 metadata:
639 name: %s
640 labels:
641 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
642 spec:
643 versions:
644 - name: %s`, crd.name, crd.version))
645 }
646 mutatingWebhooks := []string{`
647 apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
648 kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
649 metadata:
650 name: linkerd-proxy-injector-webhook-config
651 labels:
652 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
653 `}
654 validatingWebhooks := []string{`
655 apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
656 kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
657 metadata:
658 name: linkerd-sp-validator-webhook-config
659 labels:
660 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
661 `}
663 testCases := []struct {
664 k8sConfigs []string
665 results []string
666 }{
667 {
668 []string{},
669 []string{"linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists: The \"test-ns\" namespace does not exist"},
670 },
671 {
672 namespace,
673 []string{
674 "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists",
675 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist: missing ClusterRoles: linkerd-test-ns-identity, linkerd-test-ns-proxy-injector",
676 },
677 },
678 {
679 multiappend(
680 namespace,
681 clusterRoles,
682 ),
683 []string{
684 "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists",
685 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist",
686 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist: missing ClusterRoleBindings: linkerd-test-ns-identity, linkerd-test-ns-proxy-injector",
687 },
688 },
689 {
690 multiappend(
691 namespace,
692 clusterRoles,
693 clusterRoleBindings,
694 serviceAccounts,
695 ),
696 []string{
697 "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists",
698 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist",
699 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist",
700 "linkerd-config control plane ServiceAccounts exist",
701 "linkerd-config control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist: missing authorizationpolicies.policy.linkerd.io, missing meshtlsauthentications.policy.linkerd.io, missing networkauthentications.policy.linkerd.io, missing serverauthorizations.policy.linkerd.io, missing servers.policy.linkerd.io, missing serviceprofiles.linkerd.io",
702 },
703 },
704 {
705 multiappend(
706 namespace,
707 clusterRoles,
708 clusterRoleBindings,
709 serviceAccounts,
710 crds,
711 ),
712 []string{
713 "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists",
714 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist",
715 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist",
716 "linkerd-config control plane ServiceAccounts exist",
717 "linkerd-config control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist",
718 "linkerd-config control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist: missing MutatingWebhookConfigurations: linkerd-proxy-injector-webhook-config",
719 },
720 },
721 {
722 multiappend(
723 namespace,
724 clusterRoles,
725 clusterRoleBindings,
726 serviceAccounts,
727 crds,
728 mutatingWebhooks,
729 ),
730 []string{
731 "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists",
732 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist",
733 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist",
734 "linkerd-config control plane ServiceAccounts exist",
735 "linkerd-config control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist",
736 "linkerd-config control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist",
737 "linkerd-config control plane ValidatingWebhookConfigurations exist: missing ValidatingWebhookConfigurations: linkerd-sp-validator-webhook-config",
738 },
739 },
740 {
741 multiappend(
742 namespace,
743 clusterRoles,
744 clusterRoleBindings,
745 serviceAccounts,
746 crds,
747 mutatingWebhooks,
748 validatingWebhooks,
749 ),
750 []string{
751 "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists",
752 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist",
753 "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist",
754 "linkerd-config control plane ServiceAccounts exist",
755 "linkerd-config control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist",
756 "linkerd-config control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist",
757 "linkerd-config control plane ValidatingWebhookConfigurations exist",
758 },
759 },
760 }
762 for i, tc := range testCases {
763 tc := tc
764 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d: returns expected config result", i), func(t *testing.T) {
765 hc := NewHealthChecker(
766 []CategoryID{LinkerdConfigChecks},
767 &Options{
768 ControlPlaneNamespace: "test-ns",
769 CRDManifest: strings.Join(crds, "\n---\n"),
770 },
771 )
773 var err error
774 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.k8sConfigs...)
775 if err != nil {
776 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
777 }
779 obs := newObserver()
780 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
781 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, tc.results); diff != nil {
782 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
783 }
784 })
785 }
786 }
788 func TestCheckControlPlanePodExistence(t *testing.T) {
789 var testCases = []struct {
790 checkDescription string
791 resources []string
792 expected []string
793 }{
794 {
795 checkDescription: "'linkerd-config' config map exists",
796 resources: []string{`
797 apiVersion: v1
798 kind: ConfigMap
799 metadata:
800 name: linkerd-config
801 namespace: test-ns
802 data:
803 values: "{}"
804 `,
805 },
806 expected: []string{
807 "cat1 'linkerd-config' config map exists",
808 },
809 },
810 }
812 for id, testCase := range testCases {
813 testCase := testCase
814 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", id), func(t *testing.T) {
815 hc := NewHealthChecker(
816 []CategoryID{},
817 &Options{
818 ControlPlaneNamespace: "test-ns",
819 },
820 )
822 var err error
823 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(testCase.resources...)
824 if err != nil {
825 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
826 }
829 hc.addCheckAsCategory("cat1", LinkerdControlPlaneExistenceChecks,
830 testCase.checkDescription)
832 obs := newObserver()
833 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
834 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, testCase.expected); diff != nil {
835 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
836 }
837 })
838 }
839 }
841 func TestCheckClusterNetworks(t *testing.T) {
842 var testCases = []struct {
843 checkDescription string
844 k8sConfigs []string
845 expected []string
846 }{
847 {
848 checkDescription: "cluster networks contains all node podCIDRs",
849 k8sConfigs: []string{`
850 apiVersion: v1
851 kind: Namespace
852 metadata:
853 name: test-ns
854 `,
855 `
856 apiVersion: v1
857 kind: Node
858 metadata:
859 name: linkerd-test-ns-identity
860 spec:
861 podCIDR:
862 `,
863 `
864 apiVersion: v1
865 kind: Node
866 metadata:
867 name: linkerd-test-ns-identity2
868 spec:
869 podCIDR:
870 `,
871 `
872 kind: ConfigMap
873 apiVersion: v1
874 metadata:
875 name: linkerd-config
876 namespace: test-ns
877 labels:
878 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
879 data:
880 values: |
881 clusterNetworks: ",,,"
882 `,
883 },
884 expected: []string{
885 "linkerd-existence cluster networks contains all node podCIDRs: node has podCIDR(s) [] which are not contained in the Linkerd clusterNetworks.\n\tTry installing linkerd via --set clusterNetworks=\"\\,\"",
886 },
887 },
888 {
889 checkDescription: "cluster networks contains all node podCIDRs",
890 k8sConfigs: []string{`
891 apiVersion: v1
892 kind: Namespace
893 metadata:
894 name: test-ns
895 `,
896 `
897 apiVersion: v1
898 kind: Node
899 metadata:
900 name: linkerd-test-ns-identity
901 spec:
902 podCIDR:
903 `,
904 `
905 kind: ConfigMap
906 apiVersion: v1
907 metadata:
908 name: linkerd-config
909 namespace: test-ns
910 labels:
911 linkerd.io/control-plane-ns: test-ns
912 data:
913 values: |
914 clusterNetworks: ",,,"
915 `,
916 },
917 expected: []string{
918 "linkerd-existence cluster networks contains all node podCIDRs",
919 },
920 },
921 }
923 for i, tc := range testCases {
924 tc := tc
925 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d: returns expected config result", i), func(t *testing.T) {
926 hc := NewHealthChecker(
927 []CategoryID{},
928 &Options{
929 ControlPlaneNamespace: "test-ns",
930 },
931 )
933 var err error
934 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.k8sConfigs...)
935 if err != nil {
936 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
937 }
939 obs := newObserver()
940 hc.addCheckAsCategory("linkerd-existence", LinkerdControlPlaneExistenceChecks,
941 tc.checkDescription)
942 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
943 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, tc.expected); diff != nil {
944 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
945 }
946 })
947 }
948 }
950 func proxiesWithCertificates(certificates ...string) []string {
951 result := []string{}
952 for i, certificate := range certificates {
953 result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf(`
954 apiVersion: v1
955 kind: Pod
956 metadata:
957 name: pod-%d
958 namespace: namespace-%d
959 labels:
960 %s: linkerd
961 spec:
962 containers:
963 - name: %s
964 env:
965 - name: %s
966 value: %s
967 `, i, i, k8s.ControllerNSLabel, k8s.ProxyContainerName, identity.EnvTrustAnchors, certificate))
968 }
969 return result
970 }
972 func TestCheckDataPlaneProxiesCertificate(t *testing.T) {
973 const currentCertificate = "current-certificate"
974 const oldCertificate = "old-certificate"
976 linkerdIdentityTrustRoots := fmt.Sprintf(`
977 kind: ConfigMap
978 apiVersion: v1
979 metadata:
980 name: %s
981 data:
982 ca-bundle.crt: %s
984 `, "linkerd-identity-trust-roots", currentCertificate)
986 var testCases = []struct {
987 checkDescription string
988 resources []string
989 namespace string
990 expectedErr error
991 }{
992 {
993 checkDescription: "all proxies match CA certificate (all namespaces)",
994 resources: proxiesWithCertificates(currentCertificate, currentCertificate),
995 namespace: "",
996 expectedErr: nil,
997 },
998 {
999 checkDescription: "some proxies match CA certificate (all namespaces)",
1000 resources: proxiesWithCertificates(currentCertificate, oldCertificate),
1001 namespace: "",
1002 expectedErr: errors.New("Some pods do not have the current trust bundle and must be restarted:\n\t* namespace-1/pod-1"),
1003 },
1004 {
1005 checkDescription: "no proxies match CA certificate (all namespaces)",
1006 resources: proxiesWithCertificates(oldCertificate, oldCertificate),
1007 namespace: "",
1008 expectedErr: errors.New("Some pods do not have the current trust bundle and must be restarted:\n\t* namespace-0/pod-0\n\t* namespace-1/pod-1"),
1009 },
1010 {
1011 checkDescription: "some proxies match CA certificate (match in target namespace)",
1012 resources: proxiesWithCertificates(currentCertificate, oldCertificate),
1013 namespace: "namespace-0",
1014 expectedErr: nil,
1015 },
1016 {
1017 checkDescription: "some proxies match CA certificate (unmatch in target namespace)",
1018 resources: proxiesWithCertificates(currentCertificate, oldCertificate),
1019 namespace: "namespace-1",
1020 expectedErr: errors.New("Some pods do not have the current trust bundle and must be restarted:\n\t* pod-1"),
1021 },
1022 {
1023 checkDescription: "no proxies match CA certificate (specific namespace)",
1024 resources: proxiesWithCertificates(oldCertificate, oldCertificate),
1025 namespace: "namespace-0",
1026 expectedErr: errors.New("Some pods do not have the current trust bundle and must be restarted:\n\t* pod-0"),
1027 },
1028 }
1030 for id, testCase := range testCases {
1031 testCase := testCase
1032 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", id), func(t *testing.T) {
1033 hc := NewHealthChecker([]CategoryID{}, &Options{})
1034 hc.DataPlaneNamespace = testCase.namespace
1036 var err error
1037 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(append(testCase.resources, linkerdIdentityTrustRoots)...)
1038 if err != nil {
1039 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %q", err)
1040 }
1042 err = hc.checkDataPlaneProxiesCertificate(context.Background())
1043 if diff := deep.Equal(err, testCase.expectedErr); diff != nil {
1044 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
1045 }
1046 })
1047 }
1048 }
1050 func TestValidateControlPlanePods(t *testing.T) {
1051 pod := func(name string, phase corev1.PodPhase, ready bool) corev1.Pod {
1052 return corev1.Pod{
1053 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: name},
1054 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1055 Phase: phase,
1056 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1057 {
1058 Name: strings.Split(name, "-")[1],
1059 Ready: ready,
1060 },
1061 },
1062 },
1063 }
1064 }
1066 t.Run("Returns an error if not all pods are running", func(t *testing.T) {
1067 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1068 pod("linkerd-destination-9849948665-37082", corev1.PodFailed, true),
1069 pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodFailed, true),
1070 }
1072 err := validateControlPlanePods(pods)
1073 if err == nil {
1074 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1075 }
1076 if err.Error() != "No running pods for \"linkerd-destination\"" {
1077 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error())
1078 }
1079 })
1081 t.Run("Returns an error if not all containers are ready", func(t *testing.T) {
1082 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1083 pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1084 pod("linkerd-tap-6c878df6c8-2hmtd", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1085 }
1087 err := validateControlPlanePods(pods)
1088 if err == nil {
1089 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1090 }
1091 })
1093 t.Run("Returns nil if all pods are running and all containers are ready", func(t *testing.T) {
1094 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1095 pod("linkerd-destination-9849948665-37082", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1096 pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1097 pod("linkerd-proxy-injector-5f79ff4844-", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1098 }
1100 err := validateControlPlanePods(pods)
1101 if err != nil {
1102 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
1103 }
1104 })
1107 t.Run("Returns an error if all the controller pods are not ready", func(t *testing.T) {
1108 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1109 pod("linkerd-destination-9849948665-37082", corev1.PodRunning, false),
1110 pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, false),
1111 pod("linkerd-proxy-injector-5f79ff4844-", corev1.PodRunning, false),
1112 }
1114 err := validateControlPlanePods(pods)
1115 if err == nil {
1116 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1117 }
1118 })
1120 t.Run("Returns nil if, HA mode, at least one pod of each control plane component is ready", func(t *testing.T) {
1121 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1122 pod("linkerd-destination-9843948665-48082", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1123 pod("linkerd-destination-9843948665-48083", corev1.PodRunning, false),
1124 pod("linkerd-destination-9843948665-48084", corev1.PodFailed, false),
1125 pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1126 pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27983", corev1.PodRunning, false),
1127 pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27984", corev1.PodFailed, false),
1128 pod("linkerd-proxy-injector-5f79ff4844-", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1129 }
1131 err := validateControlPlanePods(pods)
1132 if err != nil {
1133 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
1134 }
1135 })
1137 t.Run("Returns nil if all linkerd pods are running and pod list includes non-linkerd pod", func(t *testing.T) {
1138 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1139 pod("linkerd-destination-9843948665-48082", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1140 pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1141 pod("linkerd-proxy-injector-5f79ff4844-", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1142 pod("hello-43c25d", corev1.PodRunning, true),
1143 }
1145 err := validateControlPlanePods(pods)
1146 if err != nil {
1147 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error())
1148 }
1149 })
1150 }
1152 func TestValidateDataPlaneNamespace(t *testing.T) {
1153 testCases := []struct {
1154 ns string
1155 result string
1156 }{
1157 {
1158 "",
1159 "data-plane-ns-test-cat data plane namespace exists",
1160 },
1161 {
1162 "bad-ns",
1163 "data-plane-ns-test-cat data plane namespace exists: The \"bad-ns\" namespace does not exist",
1164 },
1165 }
1167 for i, tc := range testCases {
1168 tc := tc
1169 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", i, tc.ns), func(t *testing.T) {
1170 hc := NewHealthChecker(
1171 []CategoryID{},
1172 &Options{
1173 DataPlaneNamespace: tc.ns,
1174 },
1175 )
1176 var err error
1177 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI()
1178 if err != nil {
1179 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
1180 }
1183 hc.addCheckAsCategory("data-plane-ns-test-cat", LinkerdDataPlaneChecks, "data plane namespace exists")
1185 expectedResults := []string{
1186 tc.result,
1187 }
1188 obs := newObserver()
1189 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
1190 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil {
1191 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
1192 }
1193 })
1194 }
1195 }
1197 func TestCheckDataPlanePods(t *testing.T) {
1199 t.Run("Returns an error if no inject pods were found", func(t *testing.T) {
1200 err := CheckPodsRunning([]corev1.Pod{}, "emojivoto")
1201 if err == nil {
1202 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1203 }
1204 if err.Error() != "no \"linkerd-proxy\" containers found in the \"emojivoto\" namespace" {
1205 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error())
1206 }
1207 })
1209 t.Run("Returns an error if not all pods are running", func(t *testing.T) {
1210 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1211 {
1212 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"},
1213 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1214 Phase: "Running",
1215 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1216 {
1217 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1218 Ready: true,
1219 },
1220 },
1221 },
1222 },
1223 {
1224 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr"},
1225 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1226 Phase: "Running",
1227 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1228 {
1229 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1230 Ready: true,
1231 },
1232 },
1233 },
1234 },
1235 {
1236 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd"},
1237 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1238 Phase: "Failed",
1239 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1240 {
1241 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1242 Ready: false,
1243 },
1244 },
1245 },
1246 },
1247 {
1248 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "web-6cfbccc48-5g8px"},
1249 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1250 Phase: "Running",
1251 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1252 {
1253 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1254 Ready: true,
1255 },
1256 },
1257 },
1258 },
1259 }
1261 err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto")
1262 if err == nil {
1263 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1264 }
1265 if err.Error() != "pod \"voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd\" status is Failed" {
1266 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error())
1267 }
1268 })
1270 t.Run("Does not return an error if the pod is Evicted", func(t *testing.T) {
1271 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1272 {
1273 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"},
1274 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1275 Phase: "Evicted",
1276 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1277 {
1278 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1279 Ready: true,
1280 },
1281 },
1282 },
1283 },
1284 }
1286 err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto")
1287 if err != nil {
1288 t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %s", err)
1289 }
1290 })
1292 t.Run("Does not return an error if the pod is in Shutdown state", func(t *testing.T) {
1293 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1294 {
1295 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"},
1296 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1297 Phase: "Failed",
1298 Reason: "Shutdown",
1299 },
1300 },
1301 }
1303 err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto")
1304 if err != nil {
1305 t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %s", err)
1306 }
1307 })
1309 t.Run("Does not return an error if the pod is in NodeShutdown state", func(t *testing.T) {
1310 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1311 {
1312 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"},
1313 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1314 Phase: "Failed",
1315 Reason: "NodeShutdown",
1316 },
1317 },
1318 }
1320 err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto")
1321 if err != nil {
1322 t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %s", err)
1323 }
1324 })
1326 t.Run("Does not return an error if the pod is in Terminated state", func(t *testing.T) {
1327 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1328 {
1329 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"},
1330 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1331 Phase: "Failed",
1332 Reason: "Terminated",
1333 },
1334 },
1335 }
1337 err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto")
1338 if err != nil {
1339 t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %s", err)
1340 }
1341 })
1343 t.Run("Returns an error if the proxy container is not ready", func(t *testing.T) {
1344 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1345 {
1346 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"},
1347 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1348 Phase: "Running",
1349 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1350 {
1351 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1352 Ready: true,
1353 },
1354 },
1355 },
1356 },
1357 {
1358 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr"},
1359 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1360 Phase: "Running",
1361 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1362 {
1363 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1364 Ready: false,
1365 },
1366 },
1367 },
1368 },
1369 {
1370 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd"},
1371 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1372 Phase: "Running",
1373 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1374 {
1375 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1376 Ready: false,
1377 },
1378 },
1379 },
1380 },
1381 {
1382 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "web-6cfbccc48-5g8px"},
1383 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1384 Phase: "Running",
1385 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1386 {
1387 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1388 Ready: true,
1389 },
1390 },
1391 },
1392 },
1393 }
1395 err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto")
1396 if err == nil {
1397 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1398 }
1399 if err.Error() != "container \"linkerd-proxy\" in pod \"vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr\" is not ready" {
1400 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error())
1401 }
1402 })
1404 t.Run("Returns nil if all pods are running and all proxy containers are ready", func(t *testing.T) {
1405 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1406 {
1407 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"},
1408 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1409 Phase: "Running",
1410 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1411 {
1412 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1413 Ready: true,
1414 },
1415 },
1416 },
1417 },
1418 {
1419 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr"},
1420 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1421 Phase: "Running",
1422 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1423 {
1424 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1425 Ready: true,
1426 },
1427 },
1428 },
1429 },
1430 {
1431 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd"},
1432 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1433 Phase: "Running",
1434 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1435 {
1436 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1437 Ready: true,
1438 },
1439 },
1440 },
1441 },
1442 {
1443 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "web-6cfbccc48-5g8px"},
1444 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1445 Phase: "Running",
1446 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1447 {
1448 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1449 Ready: true,
1450 },
1451 },
1452 },
1453 },
1454 }
1456 err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto")
1457 if err != nil {
1458 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
1459 }
1460 })
1463 t.Run("Returns nil if some pods are in the Succeeded phase and their proxies are no longer ready", func(t *testing.T) {
1464 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1465 {
1466 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"},
1467 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1468 Phase: "Succeeded",
1469 Reason: "Completed",
1470 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1471 {
1472 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1473 Ready: false,
1474 },
1475 },
1476 },
1477 },
1478 {
1479 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr"},
1480 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1481 Phase: "Running",
1482 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1483 {
1484 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1485 Ready: true,
1486 },
1487 },
1488 },
1489 },
1490 {
1491 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd"},
1492 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1493 Phase: "Running",
1494 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1495 {
1496 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1497 Ready: true,
1498 },
1499 },
1500 },
1501 },
1502 {
1503 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "web-6cfbccc48-5g8px"},
1504 Status: corev1.PodStatus{
1505 Phase: "Succeeded",
1506 Reason: "Completed",
1507 ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{
1508 {
1509 Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName,
1510 Ready: false,
1511 },
1512 },
1513 },
1514 },
1515 }
1517 err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto")
1518 if err != nil {
1519 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
1520 }
1521 })
1522 }
1524 func TestDataPlanePodLabels(t *testing.T) {
1526 t.Run("Returns nil if pod labels are ok", func(t *testing.T) {
1527 pods := []corev1.Pod{
1528 {
1529 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1530 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1531 Annotations: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"},
1532 Labels: map[string]string{"app": "test"},
1533 },
1534 },
1535 }
1537 err := checkMisconfiguredPodsLabels(pods)
1538 if err != nil {
1539 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
1540 }
1541 })
1543 t.Run("Returns error if any labels are misconfigured", func(t *testing.T) {
1544 for _, tc := range []struct {
1545 description string
1546 pods []corev1.Pod
1547 expectedErrorMsg string
1548 }{
1549 {
1550 description: "config as label",
1551 pods: []corev1.Pod{
1552 {
1553 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1554 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1555 Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"},
1556 },
1557 },
1558 },
1559 expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane pods should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\tconfig.linkerd.io/control-port",
1560 },
1561 {
1562 description: "alpha config as label",
1563 pods: []corev1.Pod{
1564 {
1565 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1566 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1567 Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyConfigAnnotationsPrefixAlpha + "/alpha-setting": "3000"},
1568 },
1569 },
1570 },
1571 expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane pods should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\tconfig.alpha.linkerd.io/alpha-setting",
1572 },
1573 {
1574 description: "inject annotation as label",
1575 pods: []corev1.Pod{
1576 {
1577 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1578 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1579 Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyInjectAnnotation: "enable"},
1580 },
1581 },
1582 },
1583 expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane pods should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\tlinkerd.io/inject",
1584 },
1585 } {
1586 tc := tc
1587 t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
1588 err := checkMisconfiguredPodsLabels(tc.pods)
1590 if err == nil {
1591 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1592 }
1594 if err.Error() != tc.expectedErrorMsg {
1595 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error())
1596 }
1597 })
1598 }
1599 })
1600 }
1602 func TestServicesLabels(t *testing.T) {
1604 t.Run("Returns nil if service labels are ok", func(t *testing.T) {
1605 services := []corev1.Service{
1606 {
1607 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1608 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1609 Annotations: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"},
1610 Labels: map[string]string{"app": "test", k8s.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true"},
1611 },
1612 },
1613 }
1615 err := checkMisconfiguredServiceLabels(services)
1616 if err != nil {
1617 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
1618 }
1619 })
1621 t.Run("Returns error if service labels or annotation misconfigured", func(t *testing.T) {
1622 for _, tc := range []struct {
1623 description string
1624 services []corev1.Service
1625 expectedErrorMsg string
1626 }{
1627 {
1628 description: "config as label",
1629 services: []corev1.Service{
1630 {
1631 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1632 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1633 Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"},
1634 },
1635 },
1636 },
1637 expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane services should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\tconfig.linkerd.io/control-port",
1638 },
1639 {
1640 description: "alpha config as label",
1641 services: []corev1.Service{
1642 {
1643 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1644 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1645 Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyConfigAnnotationsPrefixAlpha + "/alpha-setting": "3000"},
1646 },
1647 },
1648 },
1649 expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane services should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\tconfig.alpha.linkerd.io/alpha-setting",
1650 },
1651 } {
1652 tc := tc
1653 t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
1654 err := checkMisconfiguredServiceLabels(tc.services)
1655 if err == nil {
1656 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1657 }
1658 if err.Error() != tc.expectedErrorMsg {
1659 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error())
1660 }
1661 })
1662 }
1663 })
1664 }
1666 func TestServicesAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
1668 t.Run("Returns nil if service annotations are ok", func(t *testing.T) {
1669 services := []corev1.Service{
1670 {
1671 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1672 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1673 Annotations: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"},
1674 Labels: map[string]string{"app": "test", k8s.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true"},
1675 },
1676 },
1677 }
1679 err := checkMisconfiguredServiceAnnotations(services)
1680 if err != nil {
1681 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
1682 }
1683 })
1685 t.Run("Returns error if service annotations are misconfigured", func(t *testing.T) {
1686 for _, tc := range []struct {
1687 description string
1688 services []corev1.Service
1689 expectedErrorMsg string
1690 }{
1691 {
1692 description: "mirror as annotations",
1693 services: []corev1.Service{
1694 {
1695 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1696 Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n",
1697 Annotations: map[string]string{k8s.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true"},
1698 },
1699 },
1700 },
1701 expectedErrorMsg: "Some annotations on data plane services should be labels:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\tmirror.linkerd.io/exported",
1702 },
1703 } {
1704 tc := tc
1705 t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
1706 err := checkMisconfiguredServiceAnnotations(tc.services)
1707 if err == nil {
1708 t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing")
1709 }
1710 if err.Error() != tc.expectedErrorMsg {
1711 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error())
1712 }
1713 })
1714 }
1715 })
1716 }
1718 func TestFetchCurrentConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
1719 defaultValues, err := linkerd2.NewValues()
1721 if err != nil {
1722 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error validating options: %v", err)
1723 }
1725 testCases := []struct {
1726 k8sConfigs []string
1727 expected *linkerd2.Values
1728 err error
1729 }{
1730 {
1731 []string{`
1732 kind: ConfigMap
1733 apiVersion: v1
1734 metadata:
1735 name: linkerd-config
1736 namespace: linkerd
1737 data:
1738 global: |
1739 {"linkerdNamespace":"linkerd","cniEnabled":false,"version":"install-control-plane-version","identityContext":{"trustDomain":"cluster.local","trustAnchorsPem":"fake-trust-anchors-pem","issuanceLifetime":"86400s","clockSkewAllowance":"20s"}}
1740 proxy: |
1741 {"proxyImage":{"imageName":"cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"proxyInitImage":{"imageName":"cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy-init","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"controlPort":{"port":4190},"ignoreInboundPorts":[],"ignoreOutboundPorts":[],"inboundPort":{"port":4143},"adminPort":{"port":4191},"outboundPort":{"port":4140},"resource":{"requestCpu":"","requestMemory":"","limitCpu":"","limitMemory":""},"proxyUid":"2102","proxyGid":"2102","logLevel":{"level":"warn,linkerd=info"},"disableExternalProfiles":true,"proxyVersion":"install-proxy-version","proxy_init_image_version":"v2.3.0","debugImage":{"imageName":"cr.l5d.io/linkerd/debug","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"debugImageVersion":"install-debug-version"}
1742 install: |
1743 {"cliVersion":"dev-undefined","flags":[]}
1744 values: |
1745 controllerImage: ControllerImage
1746 controllerReplicas: 1
1747 controllerUID: 2103
1748 controllerGID: 2103
1749 debugContainer: null
1750 destinationProxyResources: null
1751 destinationResources: null
1752 disableHeartBeat: false
1753 enableH2Upgrade: true
1754 enablePodAntiAffinity: false
1755 nodeAffinity: null
1756 cliVersion: CliVersion
1757 clusterDomain: cluster.local
1758 clusterNetworks: ClusterNetworks
1759 cniEnabled: false
1760 controlPlaneTracing: false
1761 controllerLogLevel: ControllerLogLevel
1762 enableEndpointSlices: false
1763 highAvailability: false
1764 imagePullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy
1765 imagePullSecrets: null
1766 linkerdVersion: ""
1767 prometheusUrl: ""
1768 proxy:
1769 capabilities: null
1770 component: linkerd-controller
1771 disableTap: false
1772 enableExternalProfiles: false
1773 image:
1774 name: ProxyImageName
1775 pullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy
1776 version: ProxyVersion
1777 inboundConnectTimeout: ""
1778 isGateway: false
1779 logFormat: plain
1780 logLevel: warn,linkerd=info
1781 opaquePorts: ""
1782 outboundConnectTimeout: ""
1783 ports:
1784 admin: 4191
1785 control: 4190
1786 inbound: 4143
1787 outbound: 4140
1788 requireIdentityOnInboundPorts: ""
1789 resources: null
1790 saMountPath: null
1791 uid: 2102
1792 gid: 2102
1793 waitBeforeExitSeconds: 0
1794 workloadKind: deployment
1795 proxyContainerName: ProxyContainerName
1796 proxyInit:
1797 capabilities: null
1798 closeWaitTimeoutSecs: 0
1799 ignoreInboundPorts: ""
1800 ignoreOutboundPorts: ""
1801 image:
1802 name: ProxyInitImageName
1803 pullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy
1804 version: ProxyInitVersion
1805 resources:
1806 cpu:
1807 limit: 100m
1808 request: 10m
1809 memory:
1810 limit: 50Mi
1811 request: 10Mi
1812 saMountPath: null
1813 xtMountPath:
1814 mountPath: /run
1815 name: linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock
1816 readOnly: false
1817 heartbeatResources: null
1818 heartbeatSchedule: ""
1819 identityProxyResources: null
1820 identityResources: null
1821 nodeSelector:
1822 kubernetes.io/os: linux
1823 proxyInjectorProxyResources: null
1824 proxyInjectorResources: null
1825 stage: ""
1826 tolerations: null
1827 webhookFailurePolicy: WebhookFailurePolicy
1828 `,
1829 },
1830 &linkerd2.Values{
1831 ControllerImage: "ControllerImage",
1832 ControllerUID: 2103,
1833 ControllerGID: 2103,
1834 EnableH2Upgrade: true,
1835 WebhookFailurePolicy: "WebhookFailurePolicy",
1836 NodeSelector: defaultValues.NodeSelector,
1837 Tolerations: defaultValues.Tolerations,
1838 ClusterDomain: "cluster.local",
1839 ClusterNetworks: "ClusterNetworks",
1840 ImagePullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy",
1841 CliVersion: "CliVersion",
1842 ControllerLogLevel: "ControllerLogLevel",
1843 ProxyContainerName: "ProxyContainerName",
1844 CNIEnabled: false,
1845 Proxy: &linkerd2.Proxy{
1846 Image: &linkerd2.Image{
1847 Name: "ProxyImageName",
1848 PullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy",
1849 Version: "ProxyVersion",
1850 },
1851 LogLevel: "warn,linkerd=info",
1852 LogFormat: "plain",
1853 Ports: &linkerd2.Ports{
1854 Admin: 4191,
1855 Control: 4190,
1856 Inbound: 4143,
1857 Outbound: 4140,
1858 },
1859 UID: 2102,
1860 GID: 2102,
1861 },
1862 ProxyInit: &linkerd2.ProxyInit{
1863 Image: &linkerd2.Image{
1864 Name: "ProxyInitImageName",
1865 PullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy",
1866 Version: "ProxyInitVersion",
1867 },
1868 Resources: &linkerd2.Resources{
1869 CPU: linkerd2.Constraints{
1870 Limit: "100m",
1871 Request: "10m",
1872 },
1873 Memory: linkerd2.Constraints{
1874 Limit: "50Mi",
1875 Request: "10Mi",
1876 },
1877 },
1878 XTMountPath: &linkerd2.VolumeMountPath{
1879 MountPath: "/run",
1880 Name: "linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock",
1881 },
1882 },
1883 ControllerReplicas: 1,
1884 },
1885 nil,
1886 },
1887 {
1888 []string{`
1889 kind: ConfigMap
1890 apiVersion: v1
1891 metadata:
1892 name: linkerd-config
1893 namespace: linkerd
1894 data:
1895 global: |
1896 {"linkerdNamespace":"linkerd","cniEnabled":false,"version":"install-control-plane-version","identityContext":{"trustDomain":"cluster.local","trustAnchorsPem":"fake-trust-anchors-pem","issuanceLifetime":"86400s","clockSkewAllowance":"20s"}}
1897 proxy: |
1898 {"proxyImage":{"imageName":"cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"proxyInitImage":{"imageName":"cr.l5d.io/linkerd/proxy-init","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"controlPort":{"port":4190},"ignoreInboundPorts":[],"ignoreOutboundPorts":[],"inboundPort":{"port":4143},"adminPort":{"port":4191},"outboundPort":{"port":4140},"resource":{"requestCpu":"","requestMemory":"","limitCpu":"","limitMemory":""},"proxyUid":"2102","proxyGid":"2102","logLevel":{"level":"warn,linkerd=info"},"disableExternalProfiles":true,"proxyVersion":"install-proxy-version","proxy_init_image_version":"v2.3.0","debugImage":{"imageName":"cr.l5d.io/linkerd/debug","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"debugImageVersion":"install-debug-version"}
1899 install: |
1900 {"cliVersion":"dev-undefined","flags":[]}
1901 values: |
1902 controllerImage: ControllerImage
1903 controllerReplicas: 1
1904 controllerUID: 2103
1905 controllerGID: 2103
1906 debugContainer: null
1907 destinationProxyResources: null
1908 destinationResources: null
1909 disableHeartBeat: false
1910 enableH2Upgrade: true
1911 enablePodAntiAffinity: false
1912 global:
1913 cliVersion: CliVersion
1914 clusterDomain: cluster.local
1915 clusterNetworks: ClusterNetworks
1916 cniEnabled: false
1917 controlPlaneTracing: false
1918 controllerLogLevel: ControllerLogLevel
1919 enableEndpointSlices: false
1920 highAvailability: false
1921 imagePullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy
1922 imagePullSecrets: null
1923 linkerdVersion: ""
1924 prometheusUrl: ""
1925 proxy:
1926 capabilities: null
1927 component: linkerd-controller
1928 disableTap: false
1929 enableExternalProfiles: false
1930 image:
1931 name: ProxyImageName
1932 pullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy
1933 version: ProxyVersion
1934 inboundConnectTimeout: ""
1935 isGateway: false
1936 logFormat: plain
1937 logLevel: warn,linkerd=info
1938 opaquePorts: ""
1939 outboundConnectTimeout: ""
1940 ports:
1941 admin: 4191
1942 control: 4190
1943 inbound: 4143
1944 outbound: 4140
1945 requireIdentityOnInboundPorts: ""
1946 resources: null
1947 saMountPath: null
1948 uid: 2102
1949 gid: 2102
1950 waitBeforeExitSeconds: 0
1951 workloadKind: deployment
1952 proxyContainerName: ProxyContainerName
1953 proxyInit:
1954 capabilities: null
1955 closeWaitTimeoutSecs: 0
1956 ignoreInboundPorts: ""
1957 ignoreOutboundPorts: ""
1958 image:
1959 name: ProxyInitImageName
1960 pullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy
1961 version: ProxyInitVersion
1962 resources:
1963 cpu:
1964 limit: 100m
1965 request: 10m
1966 memory:
1967 limit: 50Mi
1968 request: 10Mi
1969 saMountPath: null
1970 xtMountPath:
1971 mountPath: /run
1972 name: linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock
1973 readOnly: false
1974 heartbeatResources: null
1975 heartbeatSchedule: ""
1976 identityProxyResources: null
1977 identityResources: null
1978 nodeSelector:
1979 kubernetes.io/os: linux
1980 proxyInjectorProxyResources: null
1981 proxyInjectorResources: null
1982 stage: ""
1983 tolerations: null
1984 webhookFailurePolicy: WebhookFailurePolicy
1985 `,
1986 },
1987 &linkerd2.Values{
1988 ControllerImage: "ControllerImage",
1989 ControllerUID: 2103,
1990 ControllerGID: 2103,
1991 EnableH2Upgrade: true,
1992 WebhookFailurePolicy: "WebhookFailurePolicy",
1993 NodeSelector: defaultValues.NodeSelector,
1994 Tolerations: defaultValues.Tolerations,
1995 ClusterDomain: "cluster.local",
1996 ClusterNetworks: "ClusterNetworks",
1997 ImagePullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy",
1998 CliVersion: "CliVersion",
1999 ControllerLogLevel: "ControllerLogLevel",
2000 ProxyContainerName: "ProxyContainerName",
2001 CNIEnabled: false,
2002 Proxy: &linkerd2.Proxy{
2003 Image: &linkerd2.Image{
2004 Name: "ProxyImageName",
2005 PullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy",
2006 Version: "ProxyVersion",
2007 },
2008 LogLevel: "warn,linkerd=info",
2009 LogFormat: "plain",
2010 Ports: &linkerd2.Ports{
2011 Admin: 4191,
2012 Control: 4190,
2013 Inbound: 4143,
2014 Outbound: 4140,
2015 },
2016 UID: 2102,
2017 GID: 2102,
2018 },
2019 ProxyInit: &linkerd2.ProxyInit{
2020 Image: &linkerd2.Image{
2021 Name: "ProxyInitImageName",
2022 PullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy",
2023 Version: "ProxyInitVersion",
2024 },
2025 Resources: &linkerd2.Resources{
2026 CPU: linkerd2.Constraints{
2027 Limit: "100m",
2028 Request: "10m",
2029 },
2030 Memory: linkerd2.Constraints{
2031 Limit: "50Mi",
2032 Request: "10Mi",
2033 },
2034 },
2035 XTMountPath: &linkerd2.VolumeMountPath{
2036 MountPath: "/run",
2037 Name: "linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock",
2038 },
2039 },
2040 ControllerReplicas: 1,
2041 },
2042 nil,
2043 },
2044 }
2046 for i, tc := range testCases {
2047 tc := tc
2048 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
2049 clientset, err := k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.k8sConfigs...)
2050 if err != nil {
2051 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
2052 }
2054 _, values, err := FetchCurrentConfiguration(context.Background(), clientset, "linkerd")
2055 if diff := deep.Equal(err, tc.err); diff != nil {
2056 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
2057 }
2058 if diff := deep.Equal(values, tc.expected); diff != nil {
2059 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
2060 }
2061 })
2062 }
2063 }
2065 func getFakeConfigMap(scheme string, issuerCerts *issuercerts.IssuerCertData) string {
2066 anchors, _ := json.Marshal(issuerCerts.TrustAnchors)
2067 return fmt.Sprintf(`
2068 kind: ConfigMap
2069 apiVersion: v1
2070 metadata:
2071 name: linkerd-config
2072 namespace: linkerd
2073 data:
2074 values: |
2075 namespace: linkerd
2076 identityTrustAnchorsPEM: %s
2077 identityTrustDomain: cluster.local
2078 identity:
2079 issuer:
2080 scheme: %s
2081 ---
2082 `, anchors, scheme)
2083 }
2085 func getFakeSecret(scheme string, issuerCerts *issuercerts.IssuerCertData) string {
2086 if scheme == k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd {
2087 return fmt.Sprintf(`
2088 kind: Secret
2089 apiVersion: v1
2090 metadata:
2091 name: linkerd-identity-issuer
2092 namespace: linkerd
2093 data:
2094 crt.pem: %s
2095 key.pem: %s
2096 ---
2097 `, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.IssuerCrt)), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.IssuerKey)))
2098 }
2099 return fmt.Sprintf(
2100 `
2101 kind: Secret
2102 apiVersion: v1
2103 metadata:
2104 name: linkerd-identity-issuer
2105 namespace: linkerd
2106 data:
2107 ca.crt: %s
2108 tls.crt: %s
2109 tls.key: %s
2110 ---
2111 `, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.TrustAnchors)), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.IssuerCrt)), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.IssuerKey)))
2112 }
2114 func createIssuerData(dnsName string, notBefore, notAfter time.Time) *issuercerts.IssuerCertData {
2116 key, _ := tls.GenerateKey()
2118 rootCa, _ := tls.CreateRootCA(dnsName, key, tls.Validity{
2119 Lifetime: notAfter.Sub(notBefore),
2120 ValidFrom: ¬Before,
2121 })
2123 return &issuercerts.IssuerCertData{
2124 TrustAnchors: rootCa.Cred.Crt.EncodeCertificatePEM(),
2125 IssuerCrt: rootCa.Cred.Crt.EncodeCertificatePEM(),
2126 IssuerKey: rootCa.Cred.EncodePrivateKeyPEM(),
2127 }
2128 }
2130 type lifeSpan struct {
2131 starts time.Time
2132 ends time.Time
2133 }
2135 func runIdentityCheckTestCase(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, testID int, testDescription string, checkerToTest string, fakeConfigMap string, fakeSecret string, expectedOutput []string) {
2136 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", testID, testDescription), func(t *testing.T) {
2137 hc := NewHealthChecker(
2138 []CategoryID{},
2139 &Options{
2140 DataPlaneNamespace: "linkerd",
2141 },
2142 )
2143 hc.addCheckAsCategory("linkerd-identity-test-cat", LinkerdIdentity, checkerToTest)
2144 var err error
2145 hc.ControlPlaneNamespace = "linkerd"
2146 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(fakeConfigMap, fakeSecret)
2147 _, hc.linkerdConfig, _ = hc.checkLinkerdConfigConfigMap(ctx)
2149 if testDescription != "certificate config is valid" {
2150 hc.issuerCert, hc.trustAnchors, _ = hc.checkCertificatesConfig(ctx)
2151 }
2153 if err != nil {
2154 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
2155 }
2157 obs := newObserver()
2158 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
2159 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedOutput); diff != nil {
2160 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
2161 }
2162 })
2163 }
2165 func TestLinkerdIdentityCheckCertConfig(t *testing.T) {
2166 var testCases = []struct {
2167 checkDescription string
2168 tlsSecretScheme string
2169 schemeInConfig string
2170 expectedOutput []string
2171 configMapIssuerDataModifier func(issuercerts.IssuerCertData) issuercerts.IssuerCertData
2172 tlsSecretIssuerDataModifier func(issuercerts.IssuerCertData) issuercerts.IssuerCertData
2173 }{
2174 {
2175 checkDescription: "works with valid cert and linkerd.io/tls secret",
2176 tlsSecretScheme: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd,
2177 schemeInConfig: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd,
2178 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid"},
2179 },
2180 {
2181 checkDescription: "works with valid cert and kubernetes.io/tls secret",
2182 tlsSecretScheme: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS),
2183 schemeInConfig: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS),
2184 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid"},
2185 },
2186 {
2187 checkDescription: "works if config scheme is empty and secret scheme is linkerd.io/tls (pre 2.7)",
2188 tlsSecretScheme: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd,
2189 schemeInConfig: "",
2190 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid"},
2191 },
2192 {
2193 checkDescription: "fails if config scheme is empty and secret scheme is kubernetes.io/tls (pre 2.7)",
2194 tlsSecretScheme: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS),
2195 schemeInConfig: "",
2196 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid: key crt.pem containing the issuer certificate needs to exist in secret linkerd-identity-issuer if --identity-external-issuer=false"},
2197 },
2198 {
2199 checkDescription: "fails when config scheme is linkerd.io/tls but secret scheme is kubernetes.io/tls in config is different than the one in the issuer secret",
2200 tlsSecretScheme: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS),
2201 schemeInConfig: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd,
2202 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid: key crt.pem containing the issuer certificate needs to exist in secret linkerd-identity-issuer if --identity-external-issuer=false"},
2203 },
2204 {
2205 checkDescription: "fails when config scheme is kubernetes.io/tls but secret scheme is linkerd.io/tls in config is different than the one in the issuer secret",
2206 tlsSecretScheme: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd,
2207 schemeInConfig: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS),
2208 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid: key ca.crt containing the trust anchors needs to exist in secret linkerd-identity-issuer if --identity-external-issuer=true"},
2209 },
2210 {
2211 checkDescription: "fails when trying to parse trust anchors from secret (extra newline in secret)",
2212 tlsSecretScheme: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS),
2213 schemeInConfig: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS),
2214 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid: not a PEM certificate"},
2215 tlsSecretIssuerDataModifier: func(issuerData issuercerts.IssuerCertData) issuercerts.IssuerCertData {
2216 issuerData.TrustAnchors += "\n"
2217 return issuerData
2218 },
2219 },
2220 }
2222 for id, testCase := range testCases {
2223 testCase := testCase
2224 issuerData := createIssuerData("identity.linkerd.cluster.local", time.Now().AddDate(-1, 0, 0), time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0))
2225 var fakeConfigMap string
2226 if testCase.configMapIssuerDataModifier != nil {
2227 modifiedIssuerData := testCase.configMapIssuerDataModifier(*issuerData)
2228 fakeConfigMap = getFakeConfigMap(testCase.schemeInConfig, &modifiedIssuerData)
2229 } else {
2230 fakeConfigMap = getFakeConfigMap(testCase.schemeInConfig, issuerData)
2231 }
2233 var fakeSecret string
2234 if testCase.tlsSecretIssuerDataModifier != nil {
2235 modifiedIssuerData := testCase.tlsSecretIssuerDataModifier(*issuerData)
2236 fakeSecret = getFakeSecret(testCase.tlsSecretScheme, &modifiedIssuerData)
2237 } else {
2238 fakeSecret = getFakeSecret(testCase.tlsSecretScheme, issuerData)
2239 }
2240 runIdentityCheckTestCase(context.Background(), t, id, testCase.checkDescription, "certificate config is valid", fakeConfigMap, fakeSecret, testCase.expectedOutput)
2241 }
2242 }
2244 func TestLinkerdIdentityCheckCertValidity(t *testing.T) {
2245 var testCases = []struct {
2246 checkDescription string
2247 checkerToTest string
2248 lifespan *lifeSpan
2249 expectedOutput []string
2250 }{
2251 {
2252 checkerToTest: "trust anchors are within their validity period",
2253 checkDescription: "fails when the only anchor is not valid yet",
2254 lifespan: &lifeSpan{
2255 starts: time.Date(2100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC),
2256 ends: time.Date(2101, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC),
2257 },
2258 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat trust anchors are within their validity period: Invalid anchors:\n\t* 1 identity.linkerd.cluster.local not valid before: 2100-01-01T01:00:51Z"},
2259 },
2260 {
2261 checkerToTest: "trust anchors are within their validity period",
2262 checkDescription: "fails when the only trust anchor is expired",
2263 lifespan: &lifeSpan{
2264 starts: time.Date(1989, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC),
2265 ends: time.Date(1990, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC),
2266 },
2267 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat trust anchors are within their validity period: Invalid anchors:\n\t* 1 identity.linkerd.cluster.local not valid anymore. Expired on 1990-01-01T01:01:11Z"},
2268 },
2269 {
2270 checkerToTest: "issuer cert is within its validity period",
2271 checkDescription: "fails when the issuer cert is not valid yet",
2272 lifespan: &lifeSpan{
2273 starts: time.Date(2100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC),
2274 ends: time.Date(2101, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC),
2275 },
2276 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat issuer cert is within its validity period: issuer certificate is not valid before: 2100-01-01T01:00:51Z"},
2277 },
2278 {
2279 checkerToTest: "issuer cert is within its validity period",
2280 checkDescription: "fails when the issuer cert is expired",
2281 lifespan: &lifeSpan{
2282 starts: time.Date(1989, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC),
2283 ends: time.Date(1990, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC),
2284 },
2285 expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat issuer cert is within its validity period: issuer certificate is not valid anymore. Expired on 1990-01-01T01:01:11Z"},
2286 },
2287 }
2289 for id, testCase := range testCases {
2290 testCase := testCase
2291 issuerData := createIssuerData("identity.linkerd.cluster.local", testCase.lifespan.starts, testCase.lifespan.ends)
2292 fakeConfigMap := getFakeConfigMap(k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, issuerData)
2293 fakeSecret := getFakeSecret(k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, issuerData)
2294 runIdentityCheckTestCase(context.Background(), t, id, testCase.checkDescription, testCase.checkerToTest, fakeConfigMap, fakeSecret, testCase.expectedOutput)
2295 }
2296 }
2298 type fakeCniResourcesOpts struct {
2299 hasConfigMap bool
2300 hasClusterRole bool
2301 hasClusterRoleBinding bool
2302 hasServiceAccount bool
2303 hasDaemonSet bool
2304 scheduled int
2305 ready int
2306 }
2308 func getFakeCniResources(opts fakeCniResourcesOpts) []string {
2309 var resources []string
2311 if opts.hasConfigMap {
2312 resources = append(resources, `
2313 kind: ConfigMap
2314 apiVersion: v1
2315 metadata:
2316 name: linkerd-cni-config
2317 namespace: test-ns
2318 labels:
2319 linkerd.io/cni-resource: "true"
2320 data:
2321 dest_cni_net_dir: "/etc/cni/net.d"
2322 ---
2323 `)
2324 }
2326 if opts.hasClusterRole {
2327 resources = append(resources, `
2328 kind: ClusterRole
2329 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
2330 metadata:
2331 name: linkerd-cni
2332 labels:
2333 linkerd.io/cni-resource: "true"
2334 rules:
2335 - apiGroups: [""]
2336 resources: ["pods", "nodes", "namespaces"]
2337 verbs: ["list", "get", "watch"]
2338 ---
2339 `)
2340 }
2342 if opts.hasClusterRoleBinding {
2343 resources = append(resources, `
2344 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
2345 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
2346 metadata:
2347 name: linkerd-cni
2348 labels:
2349 linkerd.io/cni-resource: "true"
2350 roleRef:
2351 apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
2352 kind: ClusterRole
2353 name: linkerd-cni
2354 subjects:
2355 - kind: ServiceAccount
2356 name: linkerd-cni
2357 namespace: test-ns
2358 ---
2359 `)
2360 }
2362 if opts.hasServiceAccount {
2363 resources = append(resources, `
2364 apiVersion: v1
2365 kind: ServiceAccount
2366 metadata:
2367 name: linkerd-cni
2368 namespace: test-ns
2369 labels:
2370 linkerd.io/cni-resource: "true"
2371 ---
2372 `)
2373 }
2375 if opts.hasDaemonSet {
2376 resources = append(resources, fmt.Sprintf(`
2377 kind: DaemonSet
2378 apiVersion: apps/v1
2379 metadata:
2380 name: linkerd-cni
2381 namespace: test-ns
2382 labels:
2383 k8s-app: linkerd-cni
2384 linkerd.io/cni-resource: "true"
2385 annotations:
2386 linkerd.io/created-by: linkerd/cli git-b4266c93
2387 spec:
2388 selector:
2389 matchLabels:
2390 k8s-app: linkerd-cni
2391 updateStrategy:
2392 type: RollingUpdate
2393 rollingUpdate:
2394 maxUnavailable: 1
2395 template:
2396 metadata:
2397 labels:
2398 k8s-app: linkerd-cni
2399 annotations:
2400 linkerd.io/created-by: linkerd/cli git-b4266c93
2401 spec:
2402 nodeSelector:
2403 kubernetes.io/os: linux
2404 serviceAccountName: linkerd-cni
2405 containers:
2406 - name: install-cni
2407 image: cr.l5d.io/linkerd/cni-plugin:v1.5.0
2408 env:
2409 - name: DEST_CNI_NET_DIR
2410 valueFrom:
2411 configMapKeyRef:
2412 name: linkerd-cni-config
2413 key: dest_cni_net_dir
2414 - name: DEST_CNI_BIN_DIR
2415 valueFrom:
2416 configMapKeyRef:
2417 name: linkerd-cni-config
2418 key: dest_cni_bin_dir
2420 valueFrom:
2421 configMapKeyRef:
2422 name: linkerd-cni-config
2423 key: cni_network_config
2424 - name: SLEEP
2425 value: "true"
2426 lifecycle:
2427 preStop:
2428 exec:
2429 command: ["kill","-15","1"]
2430 volumeMounts:
2431 - mountPath: /host/opt/cni/bin
2432 name: cni-bin-dir
2433 - mountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d
2434 name: cni-net-dir
2435 volumes:
2436 - name: cni-bin-dir
2437 hostPath:
2438 path: /opt/cni/bin
2439 - name: cni-net-dir
2440 hostPath:
2441 path: /etc/cni/net.d
2442 status:
2443 desiredNumberScheduled: %d
2444 numberReady: %d
2445 ---
2446 `, opts.scheduled, opts.ready))
2447 }
2449 return resources
2451 }
2453 func TestCniChecks(t *testing.T) {
2454 testCases := []struct {
2455 description string
2456 testCaseOpts fakeCniResourcesOpts
2457 results []string
2458 }{
2459 {
2460 "fails when there is no config map",
2461 fakeCniResourcesOpts{},
2462 []string{"linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists: configmaps \"linkerd-cni-config\" not found"},
2463 },
2464 {
2465 "fails then there is no ClusterRole",
2466 fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true},
2467 []string{
2468 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists",
2469 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists: missing ClusterRole: linkerd-cni"},
2470 },
2471 {
2472 "fails then there is no ClusterRoleBinding",
2473 fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true},
2474 []string{
2475 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists",
2476 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists",
2477 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists: missing ClusterRoleBinding: linkerd-cni"},
2478 },
2479 {
2480 "fails then there is no ServiceAccount",
2481 fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true, hasClusterRoleBinding: true},
2482 []string{
2483 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists",
2484 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists",
2485 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists",
2486 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ServiceAccount exists: missing ServiceAccount: linkerd-cni",
2487 },
2488 },
2489 {
2490 "fails then there is no DaemonSet",
2491 fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true, hasClusterRoleBinding: true, hasServiceAccount: true},
2492 []string{
2493 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists",
2494 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists",
2495 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists",
2496 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ServiceAccount exists",
2497 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin DaemonSet exists: missing DaemonSet: linkerd-cni",
2498 },
2499 },
2500 {
2501 "fails then there is nodes are not ready",
2502 fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true, hasClusterRoleBinding: true, hasServiceAccount: true, hasDaemonSet: true, scheduled: 5, ready: 4},
2503 []string{
2504 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists",
2505 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists",
2506 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists",
2507 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ServiceAccount exists",
2508 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin DaemonSet exists",
2509 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin pod is running on all nodes: number ready: 4, number scheduled: 5",
2510 },
2511 },
2512 {
2513 "fails then there is nodes are not ready",
2514 fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true, hasClusterRoleBinding: true, hasServiceAccount: true, hasDaemonSet: true, scheduled: 5, ready: 5},
2515 []string{
2516 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists",
2517 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists",
2518 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists",
2519 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ServiceAccount exists",
2520 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin DaemonSet exists",
2521 "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin pod is running on all nodes",
2522 },
2523 },
2524 }
2526 for _, tc := range testCases {
2527 tc := tc
2528 t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
2529 hc := NewHealthChecker(
2530 []CategoryID{LinkerdCNIPluginChecks},
2531 &Options{
2532 CNINamespace: "test-ns",
2533 },
2534 )
2536 k8sConfigs := getFakeCniResources(tc.testCaseOpts)
2537 var err error
2538 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(k8sConfigs...)
2539 hc.CNIEnabled = true
2540 if err != nil {
2541 t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err)
2542 }
2544 obs := newObserver()
2545 hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn)
2546 if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, tc.results); diff != nil {
2547 t.Fatalf("%+v", diff)
2548 }
2549 })
2550 }
2552 }
2554 func TestMinReplicaCheck(t *testing.T) {
2555 hc := NewHealthChecker(
2556 []CategoryID{LinkerdHAChecks},
2557 &Options{
2558 ControlPlaneNamespace: "linkerd",
2559 },
2560 )
2562 var err error
2564 testCases := []struct {
2565 controlPlaneResourceDefs []string
2566 expected error
2567 }{
2568 {
2569 controlPlaneResourceDefs: generateAllControlPlaneDef(&controlPlaneReplicaOptions{
2570 destination: 1,
2571 identity: 3,
2572 proxyInjector: 3,
2573 tap: 3,
2574 }, t),
2575 expected: fmt.Errorf("not enough replicas available for [linkerd-destination]"),
2576 },
2577 {
2578 controlPlaneResourceDefs: generateAllControlPlaneDef(&controlPlaneReplicaOptions{
2579 destination: 2,
2580 identity: 1,
2581 proxyInjector: 1,
2582 tap: 3,
2583 }, t),
2584 expected: fmt.Errorf("not enough replicas available for [linkerd-identity linkerd-proxy-injector]"),
2585 },
2586 {
2587 controlPlaneResourceDefs: generateAllControlPlaneDef(&controlPlaneReplicaOptions{
2588 destination: 2,
2589 identity: 2,
2590 proxyInjector: 3,
2591 tap: 3,
2592 }, t),
2593 expected: nil,
2594 },
2595 }
2597 for i, tc := range testCases {
2598 tc := tc
2599 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
2600 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.controlPlaneResourceDefs...)
2601 if err != nil {
2602 t.Fatal(err)
2603 }
2604 err = hc.checkMinReplicasAvailable(context.Background())
2605 if err == nil && tc.expected != nil {
2606 t.Log("Expected error: nil")
2607 t.Logf("Received error: %s\n", err)
2608 t.Fatal("test case failed")
2609 }
2610 if err != nil {
2611 if err.Error() != tc.expected.Error() {
2612 t.Logf("Expected error: %s\n", tc.expected)
2613 t.Logf("Received error: %s\n", err)
2614 t.Fatal("test case failed")
2615 }
2616 }
2617 })
2618 }
2619 }
2621 func TestCheckOpaquePortAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
2622 hc := NewHealthChecker(
2623 []CategoryID{LinkerdOpaquePortsDefinitionChecks},
2624 &Options{
2625 DataPlaneNamespace: "test-ns",
2626 },
2627 )
2629 var err error
2631 var testCases = []struct {
2632 resources []string
2633 expected error
2634 }{
2635 {
2636 resources: []string{`
2637 apiVersion: v1
2638 kind: Service
2639 metadata:
2640 name: svc
2641 namespace: test-ns
2642 annotations:
2643 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "9200"
2644 spec:
2645 selector:
2646 app: test
2647 ports:
2648 - name: test
2649 port: 9200
2650 targetPort: 9200
2651 `,
2652 `
2653 apiVersion: v1
2654 kind: Pod
2655 metadata:
2656 name: pod
2657 namespace: test-ns
2658 labels:
2659 app: test
2660 annotations:
2661 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "9200"
2662 spec:
2663 containers:
2664 - name: test
2665 image: test
2666 ports:
2667 - name: test
2668 containerPort: 9200
2669 `,
2670 `
2671 apiVersion: v1
2672 kind: Endpoints
2673 metadata:
2674 name: svc
2675 namespace: test-ns
2676 subsets:
2677 - addresses:
2678 - ip:
2679 nodeName: nod
2680 targetRef:
2681 kind: Pod
2682 name: pod
2683 namespace: test-ns
2684 ports:
2685 - name: test
2686 port: 9200
2687 protocol: TCP
2688 `,
2689 },
2690 },
2691 {
2692 resources: []string{`
2693 apiVersion: v1
2694 kind: Service
2695 metadata:
2696 name: svc
2697 namespace: test-ns
2698 spec:
2699 selector:
2700 app: test
2701 ports:
2702 - name: http
2703 port: 9200
2704 targetPort: 9200
2705 `,
2706 `
2707 apiVersion: v1
2708 kind: Pod
2709 metadata:
2710 name: pod
2711 namespace: test-ns
2712 labels:
2713 app: test
2714 annotations:
2715 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "9200"
2716 spec:
2717 containers:
2718 - name: test
2719 image: test
2720 ports:
2721 - name: test
2722 containerPort: 9200
2723 `,
2724 `
2725 apiVersion: v1
2726 kind: Endpoints
2727 metadata:
2728 name: svc
2729 namespace: test-ns
2730 subsets:
2731 - addresses:
2732 - ip:
2733 nodeName: nod
2734 targetRef:
2735 kind: Pod
2736 name: pod
2737 namespace: test-ns
2738 ports:
2739 - name: test
2740 port: 9200
2741 protocol: TCP
2742 `,
2743 },
2744 expected: fmt.Errorf("\t* service svc targets the opaque port 9200 through 9200; add 9200 to its config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports annotation"),
2745 },
2746 {
2747 resources: []string{`
2748 apiVersion: v1
2749 kind: Service
2750 metadata:
2751 name: svc
2752 namespace: test-ns
2753 annotations:
2754 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "9200"
2755 spec:
2756 selector:
2757 app: test
2758 ports:
2759 - name: test
2760 port: 9200
2761 targetPort: 9200
2762 `,
2763 `
2764 apiVersion: v1
2765 kind: Pod
2766 metadata:
2767 name: pod
2768 namespace: test-ns
2769 labels:
2770 app: test
2771 spec:
2772 containers:
2773 - name: test
2774 image: test
2775 ports:
2776 - name: test
2777 containerPort: 9200
2778 `,
2779 `
2780 apiVersion: v1
2781 kind: Endpoints
2782 metadata:
2783 name: svc
2784 namespace: test-ns
2785 subsets:
2786 - addresses:
2787 - ip:
2788 nodeName: nod
2789 targetRef:
2790 kind: Pod
2791 name: pod
2792 namespace: test-ns
2793 ports:
2794 - name: test
2795 port: 9200
2796 protocol: TCP
2797 `,
2798 },
2799 expected: fmt.Errorf("\t* service svc expects target port 9200 to be opaque; add it to pod pod config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports annotation"),
2800 },
2801 {
2802 resources: []string{`
2803 apiVersion: v1
2804 kind: Service
2805 metadata:
2806 name: svc
2807 namespace: test-ns
2808 annotations:
2809 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "9200"
2810 spec:
2811 selector:
2812 app: test
2813 ports:
2814 - name: test
2815 port: 9200
2816 targetPort: 9200
2817 `,
2818 `
2819 apiVersion: v1
2820 kind: Pod
2821 metadata:
2822 name: pod
2823 namespace: test-ns
2824 labels:
2825 app: test
2826 annotations:
2827 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "9300"
2828 spec:
2829 containers:
2830 - name: test
2831 image: test
2832 ports:
2833 - name: test
2834 containerPort: 9300
2835 `,
2836 `
2837 apiVersion: v1
2838 kind: Endpoints
2839 metadata:
2840 name: svc
2841 namespace: test-ns
2842 subsets:
2843 - addresses:
2844 - ip:
2845 nodeName: node
2846 targetRef:
2847 kind: Pod
2848 name: pod
2849 namespace: test-ns
2850 ports:
2851 - name: test
2852 port: 9200
2853 protocol: TCP
2854 `,
2855 },
2856 },
2857 {
2858 resources: []string{`
2859 apiVersion: v1
2860 kind: Service
2861 metadata:
2862 name: svc
2863 namespace: test-ns
2864 spec:
2865 selector:
2866 app: test
2867 ports:
2868 - name: test
2869 port: 1002
2870 targetPort: 2002
2871 `,
2872 `
2873 apiVersion: v1
2874 kind: Pod
2875 metadata:
2876 name: pod
2877 namespace: test-ns
2878 annotations:
2879 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "2002"
2880 labels:
2881 app: test
2882 spec:
2883 containers:
2884 - name: test
2885 image: test
2886 ports:
2887 - name: test
2888 containerPort: 2002
2889 `,
2890 `
2891 apiVersion: v1
2892 kind: Endpoints
2893 metadata:
2894 name: svc
2895 namespace: test-ns
2896 subsets:
2897 - addresses:
2898 - ip:
2899 nodeName: node
2900 targetRef:
2901 kind: Pod
2902 name: pod
2903 ports:
2904 - name: test
2905 port: 2002
2906 protocol: TCP
2907 `,
2908 },
2909 expected: fmt.Errorf("\t* service svc targets the opaque port 2002 through 1002; add 1002 to its config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports annotation"),
2910 },
2911 {
2912 resources: []string{`
2913 apiVersion: v1
2914 kind: Service
2915 metadata:
2916 name: svc
2917 namespace: test-ns
2918 spec:
2919 selector:
2920 app: test
2921 ports:
2922 - name: test
2923 port: 1003
2924 targetPort: pod-test
2925 `,
2926 `
2927 apiVersion: v1
2928 kind: Pod
2929 metadata:
2930 name: pod
2931 namespace: test-ns
2932 annotations:
2933 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "2003"
2934 labels:
2935 app: test
2936 spec:
2937 containers:
2938 - name: test
2939 image: test
2940 ports:
2941 - name: pod-test
2942 containerPort: 2003
2943 `,
2944 `
2945 apiVersion: v1
2946 kind: Endpoints
2947 metadata:
2948 name: svc
2949 namespace: test-ns
2950 subsets:
2951 - addresses:
2952 - ip:
2953 nodeName: node
2954 targetRef:
2955 kind: Pod
2956 name: pod
2957 ports:
2958 - name: test
2959 port: 2003
2960 protocol: TCP
2961 `,
2962 },
2963 expected: fmt.Errorf("\t* service svc targets the opaque port pod-test through 1003; add 1003 to its config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports annotation"),
2964 },
2965 {
2966 resources: []string{`
2967 apiVersion: v1
2968 kind: Service
2969 metadata:
2970 name: svc
2971 namespace: test-ns
2972 spec:
2973 selector:
2974 app: test
2975 ports:
2976 - port: 80
2977 targetPort: 6502
2978 `,
2979 `
2980 apiVersion: v1
2981 kind: Pod
2982 metadata:
2983 name: pod
2984 namespace: test-ns
2985 annotations:
2986 config.linkerd.io/opaque-ports: "5432"
2987 labels:
2988 app: test
2989 spec:
2990 containers:
2991 - name: c1
2992 image: test
2993 ports:
2994 - containerPort: 6502
2995 - name: c2
2996 image: test
2997 ports:
2998 - containerPort: 5432
2999 `,
3000 `
3001 apiVersion: v1
3002 kind: Endpoints
3003 metadata:
3004 name: svc
3005 namespace: test-ns
3006 subsets:
3007 - addresses:
3008 - ip:
3009 nodeName: node
3010 targetRef:
3011 kind: Pod
3012 name: pod
3013 ports:
3014 - port: 6502
3015 protocol: TCP
3016 - port: 5432
3017 protocol: TCP
3018 `,
3019 },
3020 expected: nil,
3021 },
3022 }
3024 for i, tc := range testCases {
3025 tc := tc
3026 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
3027 hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.resources...)
3028 if err != nil {
3029 t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
3030 }
3031 err = hc.checkMisconfiguredOpaquePortAnnotations(context.Background())
3032 if err == nil && tc.expected != nil {
3033 t.Fatalf("Expected check to fail with %s", tc.expected.Error())
3034 }
3035 if err != nil && tc.expected != nil {
3036 if err.Error() != tc.expected.Error() {
3037 t.Fatalf("Expected error: %s, received: %s", tc.expected, err)
3038 }
3039 }
3040 if err != nil && tc.expected == nil {
3041 t.Fatalf("Did not expect error but got: %s", err.Error())
3042 }
3043 })
3044 }
3045 }
3047 type controlPlaneReplicaOptions struct {
3048 destination int
3049 identity int
3050 proxyInjector int
3051 tap int
3052 }
3054 func getSingleControlPlaneDef(component string, availableReplicas int) string {
3055 return fmt.Sprintf(`
3056 apiVersion: apps/v1
3057 kind: Deployment
3058 metadata:
3059 name: %s
3060 namespace: linkerd
3061 spec:
3062 template:
3063 spec:
3064 containers:
3065 - image: "hello-world"
3066 name: test
3067 status:
3068 availableReplicas: %d`, component, availableReplicas)
3069 }
3071 func generateAllControlPlaneDef(replicaOptions *controlPlaneReplicaOptions, t *testing.T) []string {
3072 resourceDefs := []string{}
3073 for _, component := range linkerdHAControlPlaneComponents {
3074 switch component {
3075 case "linkerd-destination":
3076 resourceDefs = append(resourceDefs, getSingleControlPlaneDef(component, replicaOptions.destination))
3077 case "linkerd-identity":
3078 resourceDefs = append(resourceDefs, getSingleControlPlaneDef(component, replicaOptions.identity))
3079 case "linkerd-proxy-injector":
3080 resourceDefs = append(resourceDefs, getSingleControlPlaneDef(component, replicaOptions.proxyInjector))
3081 case "linkerd-tap":
3082 resourceDefs = append(resourceDefs, getSingleControlPlaneDef(component, replicaOptions.tap))
3083 default:
3084 t.Fatal("Could not find the resource")
3085 }
3086 }
3087 return resourceDefs
3088 }
3090 func multiappend(slices ...[]string) []string {
3091 res := []string{}
3092 for _, slice := range slices {
3093 res = append(res, slice...)
3094 }
3095 return res
3096 }
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