package healthcheck import ( "context" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" corev1 "" metav1 "" ) type observer struct { results []string } func newObserver() *observer { return &observer{ results: []string{}, } } func (o *observer) resultFn(result *CheckResult) { res := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", result.Category, result.Description) if result.Err != nil { res += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", result.Err) } o.results = append(o.results, res) } func (o *observer) resultWithHintFn(result *CheckResult) { res := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", result.Category, result.Description) if result.Err != nil { res += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", result.Err) } if result.HintURL != "" { res += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", result.HintURL) } o.results = append(o.results, res) } func (hc *HealthChecker) addCheckAsCategory( testCategoryID CategoryID, categoryID CategoryID, desc string, ) { testCategory := NewCategory( testCategoryID, []Checker{}, false, ) for _, cat := range hc.categories { if cat.ID == categoryID { for _, ch := range cat.checkers { if ch.description == desc { testCategory.checkers = append(testCategory.checkers, ch) testCategory.enabled = true break } } break } } hc.AppendCategories(testCategory) } func TestHealthChecker(t *testing.T) { nullObserver := func(*CheckResult) {} passingCheck1 := NewCategory( "cat1", []Checker{ { description: "desc1", check: func(context.Context) error { return nil }, retryDeadline: time.Time{}, }, }, true, ) passingCheck2 := NewCategory( "cat2", []Checker{ { description: "desc2", check: func(context.Context) error { return nil }, retryDeadline: time.Time{}, }, }, true, ) failingCheck := NewCategory( "cat3", []Checker{ { description: "desc3", check: func(context.Context) error { return fmt.Errorf("error") }, retryDeadline: time.Time{}, }, }, true, ) fatalCheck := NewCategory( "cat6", []Checker{ { description: "desc6", fatal: true, check: func(context.Context) error { return fmt.Errorf("fatal") }, retryDeadline: time.Time{}, }, }, true, ) skippingCheck := NewCategory( "cat7", []Checker{ { description: "skip", check: func(context.Context) error { return SkipError{Reason: "needs skipping"} }, retryDeadline: time.Time{}, }, }, true, ) skippingRPCCheck := NewCategory( "cat8", []Checker{ { description: "skipRpc", check: func(context.Context) error { return SkipError{Reason: "needs skipping"} }, retryDeadline: time.Time{}, }, }, true, ) troubleshootingCheck := NewCategory( "cat9", []Checker{ { description: "failCheck", hintAnchor: "cat9", check: func(context.Context) error { return fmt.Errorf("fatal") }, }, }, true, ) t.Run("Notifies observer of all results", func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck2) hc.AppendCategories(failingCheck) expectedResults := []string{ "cat1 desc1", "cat2 desc2", "cat3 desc3: error", } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) t.Run("Is successful if all checks were successful", func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck2) success, _ := hc.RunChecks(nullObserver) if !success { t.Fatalf("Expecting checks to be successful, but got [%t]", success) } }) t.Run("Is not successful if one check fails", func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1) hc.AppendCategories(failingCheck) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck2) success, _ := hc.RunChecks(nullObserver) if success { t.Fatalf("Expecting checks to not be successful, but got [%t]", success) } }) t.Run("Check for troubleshooting URL", func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) troubleshootingCheck.WithHintBaseURL("") hc.AppendCategories(troubleshootingCheck) expectedResults := []string{ "cat9 failCheck: fatal:", } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultWithHintFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) t.Run("Does not run remaining check if fatal check fails", func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1) hc.AppendCategories(fatalCheck) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck2) expectedResults := []string{ "cat1 desc1", "cat6 desc6: fatal", } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) t.Run("Retries checks if retry is specified", func(t *testing.T) { retryWindow = 0 returnError := true retryCheck := NewCategory( "cat7", []Checker{ { description: "desc7", retryDeadline: time.Now().Add(100 * time.Second), check: func(context.Context) error { if returnError { returnError = false return fmt.Errorf("retry") } return nil }, }, }, true, ) hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1) hc.AppendCategories(retryCheck) observedResults := make([]string, 0) observer := func(result *CheckResult) { res := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s retry=%t", result.Category, result.Description, result.Retry) if result.Err != nil { res += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", result.Err) } observedResults = append(observedResults, res) } expectedResults := []string{ "cat1 desc1 retry=false", "cat7 desc7 retry=true: waiting for check to complete", "cat7 desc7 retry=false", } hc.RunChecks(observer) if diff := deep.Equal(observedResults, expectedResults); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) t.Run("Does not notify observer of skipped checks", func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) hc.AppendCategories(passingCheck1) hc.AppendCategories(skippingCheck) hc.AppendCategories(skippingRPCCheck) expectedResults := []string{ "cat1 desc1", } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } func TestCheckCanCreate(t *testing.T) { exp := fmt.Errorf("not authorized to access deployments.apps") hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } err = hc.checkCanCreate(context.Background(), "", "apps", "v1", "deployments") if err == nil || err.Error() != exp.Error() { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error (Expected: %s, Got: %s)", exp, err) } } func TestCheckExtensionAPIServerAuthentication(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { k8sConfigs []string err error }{ { []string{}, fmt.Errorf("configmaps %q not found", k8s.ExtensionAPIServerAuthenticationConfigMapName), }, { []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: extension-apiserver-authentication namespace: kube-system data: foo : 'bar' `, }, fmt.Errorf("--%s is not configured", k8s.ExtensionAPIServerAuthenticationRequestHeaderClientCAFileKey), }, { []string{fmt.Sprintf(` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: extension-apiserver-authentication namespace: kube-system data: %s : 'bar' `, k8s.ExtensionAPIServerAuthenticationRequestHeaderClientCAFileKey)}, nil, }, } for i, test := range tests { test := test t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d: returns expected extension apiserver authentication check result", i), func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker([]CategoryID{}, &Options{}) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(test.k8sConfigs...) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = hc.checkExtensionAPIServerAuthentication(context.Background()) if err != nil || test.err != nil { if (err == nil && test.err != nil) || (err != nil && test.err == nil) || (err.Error() != test.err.Error()) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error (Expected: %s, Got: %s)", test.err, err) } } }) } } func TestCheckClockSkew(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { k8sConfigs []string err error }{ { []string{}, nil, }, { []string{`apiVersion: v1 kind: Node metadata: name: test-node status: conditions: - lastHeartbeatTime: "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z" status: "True" type: Ready`, }, fmt.Errorf("clock skew detected for node(s): test-node"), }, } for i, test := range tests { test := test // pin t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d: returns expected clock skew check result", i), func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{}, ) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(test.k8sConfigs...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } err = hc.checkClockSkew(context.Background()) if err != nil || test.err != nil { if (err == nil && test.err != nil) || (err != nil && test.err == nil) || (err.Error() != test.err.Error()) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error (Expected: %s, Got: %s)", test.err, err) } } }) } } func TestNamespaceExtCfg(t *testing.T) { namespaces := map[string]string{ "vizOne": ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: viz-1 labels: viz `, "mcOne": ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: mc-1 labels: multicluster `, "mcTwo": ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: mc-2 labels: multicluster `} testCases := []struct { description string k8sConfigs []string results []string }{ { description: "successfully passes checks", k8sConfigs: []string{namespaces["vizOne"], namespaces["mcOne"]}, results: []string{ "linkerd-extension-checks namespace configuration for extensions", }, }, { description: "fails invalid configuration", k8sConfigs: []string{namespaces["vizOne"], namespaces["mcOne"], namespaces["mcTwo"]}, results: []string{ "linkerd-extension-checks namespace configuration for extensions: some extensions have invalid configuration\n\t* label \"\" is present on more than one namespace:\n\t\t* mc-1\n\t\t* mc-2", }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { // pin tc tc := tc t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{LinkerdExtensionChecks}, &Options{ ControlPlaneNamespace: "test-ns", }, ) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.k8sConfigs...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, tc.results); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } } func TestConfigExists(t *testing.T) { namespace := []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: test-ns `} clusterRoles := []string{` kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: metadata: name: linkerd-test-ns-identity labels: test-ns `, ` kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: metadata: name: linkerd-test-ns-proxy-injector labels: test-ns `} clusterRoleBindings := []string{` kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: metadata: name: linkerd-test-ns-identity labels: test-ns `, ` kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: metadata: name: linkerd-test-ns-proxy-injector labels: test-ns `} serviceAccounts := []string{` kind: ServiceAccount apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-destination namespace: test-ns labels: test-ns `, ` kind: ServiceAccount apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-identity namespace: test-ns labels: test-ns `, ` kind: ServiceAccount apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-proxy-injector namespace: test-ns labels: test-ns `, ` kind: ServiceAccount apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-heartbeat namespace: test-ns labels: test-ns `} crds := []string{} for _, crd := range []struct{ name, version string }{ {name: "", version: "v1alpha1"}, {name: "", version: "v1alpha1"}, {name: "", version: "v1alpha1"}, {name: "", version: "v1beta1"}, {name: "", version: "v1beta1"}, {name: "", version: "v1alpha2"}, } { crds = append(crds, fmt.Sprintf(` apiVersion: kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: %s labels: test-ns spec: versions: - name: %s`,, crd.version)) } mutatingWebhooks := []string{` apiVersion: kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: linkerd-proxy-injector-webhook-config labels: test-ns `} validatingWebhooks := []string{` apiVersion: kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration metadata: name: linkerd-sp-validator-webhook-config labels: test-ns `} testCases := []struct { k8sConfigs []string results []string }{ { []string{}, []string{"linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists: The \"test-ns\" namespace does not exist"}, }, { namespace, []string{ "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist: missing ClusterRoles: linkerd-test-ns-identity, linkerd-test-ns-proxy-injector", }, }, { multiappend( namespace, clusterRoles, ), []string{ "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist: missing ClusterRoleBindings: linkerd-test-ns-identity, linkerd-test-ns-proxy-injector", }, }, { multiappend( namespace, clusterRoles, clusterRoleBindings, serviceAccounts, ), []string{ "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist", "linkerd-config control plane ServiceAccounts exist", "linkerd-config control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist: missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing", }, }, { multiappend( namespace, clusterRoles, clusterRoleBindings, serviceAccounts, crds, ), []string{ "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist", "linkerd-config control plane ServiceAccounts exist", "linkerd-config control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist", "linkerd-config control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist: missing MutatingWebhookConfigurations: linkerd-proxy-injector-webhook-config", }, }, { multiappend( namespace, clusterRoles, clusterRoleBindings, serviceAccounts, crds, mutatingWebhooks, ), []string{ "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist", "linkerd-config control plane ServiceAccounts exist", "linkerd-config control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist", "linkerd-config control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist", "linkerd-config control plane ValidatingWebhookConfigurations exist: missing ValidatingWebhookConfigurations: linkerd-sp-validator-webhook-config", }, }, { multiappend( namespace, clusterRoles, clusterRoleBindings, serviceAccounts, crds, mutatingWebhooks, validatingWebhooks, ), []string{ "linkerd-config control plane Namespace exists", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoles exist", "linkerd-config control plane ClusterRoleBindings exist", "linkerd-config control plane ServiceAccounts exist", "linkerd-config control plane CustomResourceDefinitions exist", "linkerd-config control plane MutatingWebhookConfigurations exist", "linkerd-config control plane ValidatingWebhookConfigurations exist", }, }, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // pin t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d: returns expected config result", i), func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{LinkerdConfigChecks}, &Options{ ControlPlaneNamespace: "test-ns", CRDManifest: strings.Join(crds, "\n---\n"), }, ) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.k8sConfigs...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, tc.results); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } } func TestCheckControlPlanePodExistence(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { checkDescription string resources []string expected []string }{ { checkDescription: "'linkerd-config' config map exists", resources: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: linkerd-config namespace: test-ns data: values: "{}" `, }, expected: []string{ "cat1 'linkerd-config' config map exists", }, }, } for id, testCase := range testCases { testCase := testCase t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", id), func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{ ControlPlaneNamespace: "test-ns", }, ) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(testCase.resources...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } // validate that this check relies on the k8s api, not on hc.controlPlanePods hc.addCheckAsCategory("cat1", LinkerdControlPlaneExistenceChecks, testCase.checkDescription) obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, testCase.expected); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } } func TestCheckClusterNetworks(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { checkDescription string k8sConfigs []string expected []string }{ { checkDescription: "cluster networks contains all node podCIDRs", k8sConfigs: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: test-ns `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Node metadata: name: linkerd-test-ns-identity spec: podCIDR: `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Node metadata: name: linkerd-test-ns-identity2 spec: podCIDR: `, ` kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-config namespace: test-ns labels: test-ns data: values: | clusterNetworks: ",,," `, }, expected: []string{ "linkerd-existence cluster networks contains all node podCIDRs: node has podCIDR(s) [] which are not contained in the Linkerd clusterNetworks.\n\tTry installing linkerd via --set clusterNetworks=\"\\,\"", }, }, { checkDescription: "cluster networks contains all node podCIDRs", k8sConfigs: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: test-ns `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Node metadata: name: linkerd-test-ns-identity spec: podCIDR: `, ` kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-config namespace: test-ns labels: test-ns data: values: | clusterNetworks: ",,," `, }, expected: []string{ "linkerd-existence cluster networks contains all node podCIDRs", }, }, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // pin t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d: returns expected config result", i), func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{ ControlPlaneNamespace: "test-ns", }, ) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.k8sConfigs...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } obs := newObserver() hc.addCheckAsCategory("linkerd-existence", LinkerdControlPlaneExistenceChecks, tc.checkDescription) hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, tc.expected); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } } func proxiesWithCertificates(certificates ...string) []string { result := []string{} for i, certificate := range certificates { result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf(` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod-%d namespace: namespace-%d labels: %s: linkerd spec: containers: - name: %s env: - name: %s value: %s `, i, i, k8s.ControllerNSLabel, k8s.ProxyContainerName, identity.EnvTrustAnchors, certificate)) } return result } func TestCheckDataPlaneProxiesCertificate(t *testing.T) { const currentCertificate = "current-certificate" const oldCertificate = "old-certificate" linkerdIdentityTrustRoots := fmt.Sprintf(` kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: %s data: ca-bundle.crt: %s `, "linkerd-identity-trust-roots", currentCertificate) var testCases = []struct { checkDescription string resources []string namespace string expectedErr error }{ { checkDescription: "all proxies match CA certificate (all namespaces)", resources: proxiesWithCertificates(currentCertificate, currentCertificate), namespace: "", expectedErr: nil, }, { checkDescription: "some proxies match CA certificate (all namespaces)", resources: proxiesWithCertificates(currentCertificate, oldCertificate), namespace: "", expectedErr: errors.New("Some pods do not have the current trust bundle and must be restarted:\n\t* namespace-1/pod-1"), }, { checkDescription: "no proxies match CA certificate (all namespaces)", resources: proxiesWithCertificates(oldCertificate, oldCertificate), namespace: "", expectedErr: errors.New("Some pods do not have the current trust bundle and must be restarted:\n\t* namespace-0/pod-0\n\t* namespace-1/pod-1"), }, { checkDescription: "some proxies match CA certificate (match in target namespace)", resources: proxiesWithCertificates(currentCertificate, oldCertificate), namespace: "namespace-0", expectedErr: nil, }, { checkDescription: "some proxies match CA certificate (unmatch in target namespace)", resources: proxiesWithCertificates(currentCertificate, oldCertificate), namespace: "namespace-1", expectedErr: errors.New("Some pods do not have the current trust bundle and must be restarted:\n\t* pod-1"), }, { checkDescription: "no proxies match CA certificate (specific namespace)", resources: proxiesWithCertificates(oldCertificate, oldCertificate), namespace: "namespace-0", expectedErr: errors.New("Some pods do not have the current trust bundle and must be restarted:\n\t* pod-0"), }, } for id, testCase := range testCases { testCase := testCase t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", id), func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker([]CategoryID{}, &Options{}) hc.DataPlaneNamespace = testCase.namespace var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(append(testCase.resources, linkerdIdentityTrustRoots)...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %q", err) } err = hc.checkDataPlaneProxiesCertificate(context.Background()) if diff := deep.Equal(err, testCase.expectedErr); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } } func TestValidateControlPlanePods(t *testing.T) { pod := func(name string, phase corev1.PodPhase, ready bool) corev1.Pod { return corev1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: name}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: phase, ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: strings.Split(name, "-")[1], Ready: ready, }, }, }, } } t.Run("Returns an error if not all pods are running", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ pod("linkerd-destination-9849948665-37082", corev1.PodFailed, true), pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodFailed, true), } err := validateControlPlanePods(pods) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } if err.Error() != "No running pods for \"linkerd-destination\"" { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error()) } }) t.Run("Returns an error if not all containers are ready", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, true), pod("linkerd-tap-6c878df6c8-2hmtd", corev1.PodRunning, true), } err := validateControlPlanePods(pods) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } }) t.Run("Returns nil if all pods are running and all containers are ready", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ pod("linkerd-destination-9849948665-37082", corev1.PodRunning, true), pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, true), pod("linkerd-proxy-injector-5f79ff4844-", corev1.PodRunning, true), } err := validateControlPlanePods(pods) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } }) // This test is just for ensuring full coverage of the validateControlPlanePods function t.Run("Returns an error if all the controller pods are not ready", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ pod("linkerd-destination-9849948665-37082", corev1.PodRunning, false), pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, false), pod("linkerd-proxy-injector-5f79ff4844-", corev1.PodRunning, false), } err := validateControlPlanePods(pods) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } }) t.Run("Returns nil if, HA mode, at least one pod of each control plane component is ready", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ pod("linkerd-destination-9843948665-48082", corev1.PodRunning, true), pod("linkerd-destination-9843948665-48083", corev1.PodRunning, false), pod("linkerd-destination-9843948665-48084", corev1.PodFailed, false), pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, true), pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27983", corev1.PodRunning, false), pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27984", corev1.PodFailed, false), pod("linkerd-proxy-injector-5f79ff4844-", corev1.PodRunning, true), } err := validateControlPlanePods(pods) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } }) t.Run("Returns nil if all linkerd pods are running and pod list includes non-linkerd pod", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ pod("linkerd-destination-9843948665-48082", corev1.PodRunning, true), pod("linkerd-identity-6849948664-27982", corev1.PodRunning, true), pod("linkerd-proxy-injector-5f79ff4844-", corev1.PodRunning, true), pod("hello-43c25d", corev1.PodRunning, true), } err := validateControlPlanePods(pods) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error()) } }) } func TestValidateDataPlaneNamespace(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { ns string result string }{ { "", "data-plane-ns-test-cat data plane namespace exists", }, { "bad-ns", "data-plane-ns-test-cat data plane namespace exists: The \"bad-ns\" namespace does not exist", }, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // pin t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", i, tc.ns), func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{ DataPlaneNamespace: tc.ns, }, ) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } // create a synthetic category that only includes the "data plane namespace exists" check hc.addCheckAsCategory("data-plane-ns-test-cat", LinkerdDataPlaneChecks, "data plane namespace exists") expectedResults := []string{ tc.result, } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedResults); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } } func TestCheckDataPlanePods(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Returns an error if no inject pods were found", func(t *testing.T) { err := CheckPodsRunning([]corev1.Pod{}, "emojivoto") if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } if err.Error() != "no \"linkerd-proxy\" containers found in the \"emojivoto\" namespace" { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error()) } }) t.Run("Returns an error if not all pods are running", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Failed", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: false, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "web-6cfbccc48-5g8px"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, } err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto") if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } if err.Error() != "pod \"voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd\" status is Failed" { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error()) } }) t.Run("Does not return an error if the pod is Evicted", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Evicted", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, } err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %s", err) } }) t.Run("Does not return an error if the pod is in Shutdown state", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Failed", Reason: "Shutdown", }, }, } err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %s", err) } }) t.Run("Does not return an error if the pod is in NodeShutdown state", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Failed", Reason: "NodeShutdown", }, }, } err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %s", err) } }) t.Run("Does not return an error if the pod is in Terminated state", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Failed", Reason: "Terminated", }, }, } err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got %s", err) } }) t.Run("Returns an error if the proxy container is not ready", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: false, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: false, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "web-6cfbccc48-5g8px"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, } err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto") if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } if err.Error() != "container \"linkerd-proxy\" in pod \"vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr\" is not ready" { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error()) } }) t.Run("Returns nil if all pods are running and all proxy containers are ready", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "web-6cfbccc48-5g8px"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, } err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } }) // This test relates to t.Run("Returns nil if some pods are in the Succeeded phase and their proxies are no longer ready", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Succeeded", Reason: "Completed", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: false, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "vote-bot-644b8cb6b4-g8nlr"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "voting-65b9fffd77-rlwsd"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Running", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: true, }, }, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "web-6cfbccc48-5g8px"}, Status: corev1.PodStatus{ Phase: "Succeeded", Reason: "Completed", ContainerStatuses: []corev1.ContainerStatus{ { Name: k8s.ProxyContainerName, Ready: false, }, }, }, }, } err := CheckPodsRunning(pods, "emojivoto") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } }) } func TestDataPlanePodLabels(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Returns nil if pod labels are ok", func(t *testing.T) { pods := []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Annotations: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"}, Labels: map[string]string{"app": "test"}, }, }, } err := checkMisconfiguredPodsLabels(pods) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } }) t.Run("Returns error if any labels are misconfigured", func(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { description string pods []corev1.Pod expectedErrorMsg string }{ { description: "config as label", pods: []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"}, }, }, }, expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane pods should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\", }, { description: "alpha config as label", pods: []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyConfigAnnotationsPrefixAlpha + "/alpha-setting": "3000"}, }, }, }, expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane pods should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\", }, { description: "inject annotation as label", pods: []corev1.Pod{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyInjectAnnotation: "enable"}, }, }, }, expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane pods should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\", }, } { tc := tc // pin t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) { err := checkMisconfiguredPodsLabels(tc.pods) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } if err.Error() != tc.expectedErrorMsg { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error()) } }) } }) } func TestServicesLabels(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Returns nil if service labels are ok", func(t *testing.T) { services := []corev1.Service{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Annotations: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"}, Labels: map[string]string{"app": "test", k8s.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true"}, }, }, } err := checkMisconfiguredServiceLabels(services) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } }) t.Run("Returns error if service labels or annotation misconfigured", func(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { description string services []corev1.Service expectedErrorMsg string }{ { description: "config as label", services: []corev1.Service{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"}, }, }, }, expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane services should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\", }, { description: "alpha config as label", services: []corev1.Service{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Labels: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyConfigAnnotationsPrefixAlpha + "/alpha-setting": "3000"}, }, }, }, expectedErrorMsg: "Some labels on data plane services should be annotations:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\", }, } { tc := tc // pin t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) { err := checkMisconfiguredServiceLabels( if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } if err.Error() != tc.expectedErrorMsg { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error()) } }) } }) } func TestServicesAnnotations(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Returns nil if service annotations are ok", func(t *testing.T) { services := []corev1.Service{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Annotations: map[string]string{k8s.ProxyControlPortAnnotation: "3000"}, Labels: map[string]string{"app": "test", k8s.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true"}, }, }, } err := checkMisconfiguredServiceAnnotations(services) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } }) t.Run("Returns error if service annotations are misconfigured", func(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { description string services []corev1.Service expectedErrorMsg string }{ { description: "mirror as annotations", services: []corev1.Service{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n", Annotations: map[string]string{k8s.DefaultExportedServiceSelector: "true"}, }, }, }, expectedErrorMsg: "Some annotations on data plane services should be labels:\n\t* /emoji-d9c7866bb-7v74n\n\t\", }, } { tc := tc // pin t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) { err := checkMisconfiguredServiceAnnotations( if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error, got nothing") } if err.Error() != tc.expectedErrorMsg { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %s", err.Error()) } }) } }) } func TestFetchCurrentConfiguration(t *testing.T) { defaultValues, err := linkerd2.NewValues() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error validating options: %v", err) } testCases := []struct { k8sConfigs []string expected *linkerd2.Values err error }{ { []string{` kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-config namespace: linkerd data: global: | {"linkerdNamespace":"linkerd","cniEnabled":false,"version":"install-control-plane-version","identityContext":{"trustDomain":"cluster.local","trustAnchorsPem":"fake-trust-anchors-pem","issuanceLifetime":"86400s","clockSkewAllowance":"20s"}} proxy: | {"proxyImage":{"imageName":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"proxyInitImage":{"imageName":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"controlPort":{"port":4190},"ignoreInboundPorts":[],"ignoreOutboundPorts":[],"inboundPort":{"port":4143},"adminPort":{"port":4191},"outboundPort":{"port":4140},"resource":{"requestCpu":"","requestMemory":"","limitCpu":"","limitMemory":""},"proxyUid":"2102","proxyGid":"2102","logLevel":{"level":"warn,linkerd=info"},"disableExternalProfiles":true,"proxyVersion":"install-proxy-version","proxy_init_image_version":"v2.3.0","debugImage":{"imageName":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"debugImageVersion":"install-debug-version"} install: | {"cliVersion":"dev-undefined","flags":[]} values: | controllerImage: ControllerImage controllerReplicas: 1 controllerUID: 2103 controllerGID: 2103 debugContainer: null destinationProxyResources: null destinationResources: null disableHeartBeat: false enableH2Upgrade: true enablePodAntiAffinity: false nodeAffinity: null cliVersion: CliVersion clusterDomain: cluster.local clusterNetworks: ClusterNetworks cniEnabled: false controlPlaneTracing: false controllerLogLevel: ControllerLogLevel enableEndpointSlices: false highAvailability: false imagePullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy imagePullSecrets: null linkerdVersion: "" prometheusUrl: "" proxy: capabilities: null component: linkerd-controller disableTap: false enableExternalProfiles: false image: name: ProxyImageName pullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy version: ProxyVersion inboundConnectTimeout: "" isGateway: false logFormat: plain logLevel: warn,linkerd=info opaquePorts: "" outboundConnectTimeout: "" ports: admin: 4191 control: 4190 inbound: 4143 outbound: 4140 requireIdentityOnInboundPorts: "" resources: null saMountPath: null uid: 2102 gid: 2102 waitBeforeExitSeconds: 0 workloadKind: deployment proxyContainerName: ProxyContainerName proxyInit: capabilities: null closeWaitTimeoutSecs: 0 ignoreInboundPorts: "" ignoreOutboundPorts: "" image: name: ProxyInitImageName pullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy version: ProxyInitVersion resources: cpu: limit: 100m request: 10m memory: limit: 50Mi request: 10Mi saMountPath: null xtMountPath: mountPath: /run name: linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock readOnly: false heartbeatResources: null heartbeatSchedule: "" identityProxyResources: null identityResources: null nodeSelector: linux proxyInjectorProxyResources: null proxyInjectorResources: null stage: "" tolerations: null webhookFailurePolicy: WebhookFailurePolicy `, }, &linkerd2.Values{ ControllerImage: "ControllerImage", ControllerUID: 2103, ControllerGID: 2103, EnableH2Upgrade: true, WebhookFailurePolicy: "WebhookFailurePolicy", NodeSelector: defaultValues.NodeSelector, Tolerations: defaultValues.Tolerations, ClusterDomain: "cluster.local", ClusterNetworks: "ClusterNetworks", ImagePullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy", CliVersion: "CliVersion", ControllerLogLevel: "ControllerLogLevel", ProxyContainerName: "ProxyContainerName", CNIEnabled: false, Proxy: &linkerd2.Proxy{ Image: &linkerd2.Image{ Name: "ProxyImageName", PullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy", Version: "ProxyVersion", }, LogLevel: "warn,linkerd=info", LogFormat: "plain", Ports: &linkerd2.Ports{ Admin: 4191, Control: 4190, Inbound: 4143, Outbound: 4140, }, UID: 2102, GID: 2102, }, ProxyInit: &linkerd2.ProxyInit{ Image: &linkerd2.Image{ Name: "ProxyInitImageName", PullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy", Version: "ProxyInitVersion", }, Resources: &linkerd2.Resources{ CPU: linkerd2.Constraints{ Limit: "100m", Request: "10m", }, Memory: linkerd2.Constraints{ Limit: "50Mi", Request: "10Mi", }, }, XTMountPath: &linkerd2.VolumeMountPath{ MountPath: "/run", Name: "linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock", }, }, ControllerReplicas: 1, }, nil, }, { []string{` kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-config namespace: linkerd data: global: | {"linkerdNamespace":"linkerd","cniEnabled":false,"version":"install-control-plane-version","identityContext":{"trustDomain":"cluster.local","trustAnchorsPem":"fake-trust-anchors-pem","issuanceLifetime":"86400s","clockSkewAllowance":"20s"}} proxy: | {"proxyImage":{"imageName":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"proxyInitImage":{"imageName":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"controlPort":{"port":4190},"ignoreInboundPorts":[],"ignoreOutboundPorts":[],"inboundPort":{"port":4143},"adminPort":{"port":4191},"outboundPort":{"port":4140},"resource":{"requestCpu":"","requestMemory":"","limitCpu":"","limitMemory":""},"proxyUid":"2102","proxyGid":"2102","logLevel":{"level":"warn,linkerd=info"},"disableExternalProfiles":true,"proxyVersion":"install-proxy-version","proxy_init_image_version":"v2.3.0","debugImage":{"imageName":"","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"},"debugImageVersion":"install-debug-version"} install: | {"cliVersion":"dev-undefined","flags":[]} values: | controllerImage: ControllerImage controllerReplicas: 1 controllerUID: 2103 controllerGID: 2103 debugContainer: null destinationProxyResources: null destinationResources: null disableHeartBeat: false enableH2Upgrade: true enablePodAntiAffinity: false global: cliVersion: CliVersion clusterDomain: cluster.local clusterNetworks: ClusterNetworks cniEnabled: false controlPlaneTracing: false controllerLogLevel: ControllerLogLevel enableEndpointSlices: false highAvailability: false imagePullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy imagePullSecrets: null linkerdVersion: "" prometheusUrl: "" proxy: capabilities: null component: linkerd-controller disableTap: false enableExternalProfiles: false image: name: ProxyImageName pullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy version: ProxyVersion inboundConnectTimeout: "" isGateway: false logFormat: plain logLevel: warn,linkerd=info opaquePorts: "" outboundConnectTimeout: "" ports: admin: 4191 control: 4190 inbound: 4143 outbound: 4140 requireIdentityOnInboundPorts: "" resources: null saMountPath: null uid: 2102 gid: 2102 waitBeforeExitSeconds: 0 workloadKind: deployment proxyContainerName: ProxyContainerName proxyInit: capabilities: null closeWaitTimeoutSecs: 0 ignoreInboundPorts: "" ignoreOutboundPorts: "" image: name: ProxyInitImageName pullPolicy: ImagePullPolicy version: ProxyInitVersion resources: cpu: limit: 100m request: 10m memory: limit: 50Mi request: 10Mi saMountPath: null xtMountPath: mountPath: /run name: linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock readOnly: false heartbeatResources: null heartbeatSchedule: "" identityProxyResources: null identityResources: null nodeSelector: linux proxyInjectorProxyResources: null proxyInjectorResources: null stage: "" tolerations: null webhookFailurePolicy: WebhookFailurePolicy `, }, &linkerd2.Values{ ControllerImage: "ControllerImage", ControllerUID: 2103, ControllerGID: 2103, EnableH2Upgrade: true, WebhookFailurePolicy: "WebhookFailurePolicy", NodeSelector: defaultValues.NodeSelector, Tolerations: defaultValues.Tolerations, ClusterDomain: "cluster.local", ClusterNetworks: "ClusterNetworks", ImagePullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy", CliVersion: "CliVersion", ControllerLogLevel: "ControllerLogLevel", ProxyContainerName: "ProxyContainerName", CNIEnabled: false, Proxy: &linkerd2.Proxy{ Image: &linkerd2.Image{ Name: "ProxyImageName", PullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy", Version: "ProxyVersion", }, LogLevel: "warn,linkerd=info", LogFormat: "plain", Ports: &linkerd2.Ports{ Admin: 4191, Control: 4190, Inbound: 4143, Outbound: 4140, }, UID: 2102, GID: 2102, }, ProxyInit: &linkerd2.ProxyInit{ Image: &linkerd2.Image{ Name: "ProxyInitImageName", PullPolicy: "ImagePullPolicy", Version: "ProxyInitVersion", }, Resources: &linkerd2.Resources{ CPU: linkerd2.Constraints{ Limit: "100m", Request: "10m", }, Memory: linkerd2.Constraints{ Limit: "50Mi", Request: "10Mi", }, }, XTMountPath: &linkerd2.VolumeMountPath{ MountPath: "/run", Name: "linkerd-proxy-init-xtables-lock", }, }, ControllerReplicas: 1, }, nil, }, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // pin t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { clientset, err := k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.k8sConfigs...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } _, values, err := FetchCurrentConfiguration(context.Background(), clientset, "linkerd") if diff := deep.Equal(err, tc.err); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } if diff := deep.Equal(values, tc.expected); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } } func getFakeConfigMap(scheme string, issuerCerts *issuercerts.IssuerCertData) string { anchors, _ := json.Marshal(issuerCerts.TrustAnchors) return fmt.Sprintf(` kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-config namespace: linkerd data: values: | namespace: linkerd identityTrustAnchorsPEM: %s identityTrustDomain: cluster.local identity: issuer: scheme: %s --- `, anchors, scheme) } func getFakeSecret(scheme string, issuerCerts *issuercerts.IssuerCertData) string { if scheme == k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd { return fmt.Sprintf(` kind: Secret apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-identity-issuer namespace: linkerd data: crt.pem: %s key.pem: %s --- `, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.IssuerCrt)), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.IssuerKey))) } return fmt.Sprintf( ` kind: Secret apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-identity-issuer namespace: linkerd data: ca.crt: %s tls.crt: %s tls.key: %s --- `, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.TrustAnchors)), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.IssuerCrt)), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(issuerCerts.IssuerKey))) } func createIssuerData(dnsName string, notBefore, notAfter time.Time) *issuercerts.IssuerCertData { // Generate a new root key. key, _ := tls.GenerateKey() rootCa, _ := tls.CreateRootCA(dnsName, key, tls.Validity{ Lifetime: notAfter.Sub(notBefore), ValidFrom: ¬Before, }) return &issuercerts.IssuerCertData{ TrustAnchors: rootCa.Cred.Crt.EncodeCertificatePEM(), IssuerCrt: rootCa.Cred.Crt.EncodeCertificatePEM(), IssuerKey: rootCa.Cred.EncodePrivateKeyPEM(), } } type lifeSpan struct { starts time.Time ends time.Time } func runIdentityCheckTestCase(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, testID int, testDescription string, checkerToTest string, fakeConfigMap string, fakeSecret string, expectedOutput []string) { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%s", testID, testDescription), func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{}, &Options{ DataPlaneNamespace: "linkerd", }, ) hc.addCheckAsCategory("linkerd-identity-test-cat", LinkerdIdentity, checkerToTest) var err error hc.ControlPlaneNamespace = "linkerd" hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(fakeConfigMap, fakeSecret) _, hc.linkerdConfig, _ = hc.checkLinkerdConfigConfigMap(ctx) if testDescription != "certificate config is valid" { hc.issuerCert, hc.trustAnchors, _ = hc.checkCertificatesConfig(ctx) } if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, expectedOutput); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } func TestLinkerdIdentityCheckCertConfig(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { checkDescription string tlsSecretScheme string schemeInConfig string expectedOutput []string configMapIssuerDataModifier func(issuercerts.IssuerCertData) issuercerts.IssuerCertData tlsSecretIssuerDataModifier func(issuercerts.IssuerCertData) issuercerts.IssuerCertData }{ { checkDescription: "works with valid cert and secret", tlsSecretScheme: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, schemeInConfig: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid"}, }, { checkDescription: "works with valid cert and secret", tlsSecretScheme: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS), schemeInConfig: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS), expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid"}, }, { checkDescription: "works if config scheme is empty and secret scheme is (pre 2.7)", tlsSecretScheme: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, schemeInConfig: "", expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid"}, }, { checkDescription: "fails if config scheme is empty and secret scheme is (pre 2.7)", tlsSecretScheme: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS), schemeInConfig: "", expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid: key crt.pem containing the issuer certificate needs to exist in secret linkerd-identity-issuer if --identity-external-issuer=false"}, }, { checkDescription: "fails when config scheme is but secret scheme is in config is different than the one in the issuer secret", tlsSecretScheme: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS), schemeInConfig: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid: key crt.pem containing the issuer certificate needs to exist in secret linkerd-identity-issuer if --identity-external-issuer=false"}, }, { checkDescription: "fails when config scheme is but secret scheme is in config is different than the one in the issuer secret", tlsSecretScheme: k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, schemeInConfig: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS), expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid: key ca.crt containing the trust anchors needs to exist in secret linkerd-identity-issuer if --identity-external-issuer=true"}, }, { checkDescription: "fails when trying to parse trust anchors from secret (extra newline in secret)", tlsSecretScheme: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS), schemeInConfig: string(corev1.SecretTypeTLS), expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat certificate config is valid: not a PEM certificate"}, tlsSecretIssuerDataModifier: func(issuerData issuercerts.IssuerCertData) issuercerts.IssuerCertData { issuerData.TrustAnchors += "\n" return issuerData }, }, } for id, testCase := range testCases { testCase := testCase issuerData := createIssuerData("identity.linkerd.cluster.local", time.Now().AddDate(-1, 0, 0), time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0)) var fakeConfigMap string if testCase.configMapIssuerDataModifier != nil { modifiedIssuerData := testCase.configMapIssuerDataModifier(*issuerData) fakeConfigMap = getFakeConfigMap(testCase.schemeInConfig, &modifiedIssuerData) } else { fakeConfigMap = getFakeConfigMap(testCase.schemeInConfig, issuerData) } var fakeSecret string if testCase.tlsSecretIssuerDataModifier != nil { modifiedIssuerData := testCase.tlsSecretIssuerDataModifier(*issuerData) fakeSecret = getFakeSecret(testCase.tlsSecretScheme, &modifiedIssuerData) } else { fakeSecret = getFakeSecret(testCase.tlsSecretScheme, issuerData) } runIdentityCheckTestCase(context.Background(), t, id, testCase.checkDescription, "certificate config is valid", fakeConfigMap, fakeSecret, testCase.expectedOutput) } } func TestLinkerdIdentityCheckCertValidity(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { checkDescription string checkerToTest string lifespan *lifeSpan expectedOutput []string }{ { checkerToTest: "trust anchors are within their validity period", checkDescription: "fails when the only anchor is not valid yet", lifespan: &lifeSpan{ starts: time.Date(2100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), ends: time.Date(2101, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), }, expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat trust anchors are within their validity period: Invalid anchors:\n\t* 1 identity.linkerd.cluster.local not valid before: 2100-01-01T01:00:51Z"}, }, { checkerToTest: "trust anchors are within their validity period", checkDescription: "fails when the only trust anchor is expired", lifespan: &lifeSpan{ starts: time.Date(1989, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), ends: time.Date(1990, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), }, expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat trust anchors are within their validity period: Invalid anchors:\n\t* 1 identity.linkerd.cluster.local not valid anymore. Expired on 1990-01-01T01:01:11Z"}, }, { checkerToTest: "issuer cert is within its validity period", checkDescription: "fails when the issuer cert is not valid yet", lifespan: &lifeSpan{ starts: time.Date(2100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), ends: time.Date(2101, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), }, expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat issuer cert is within its validity period: issuer certificate is not valid before: 2100-01-01T01:00:51Z"}, }, { checkerToTest: "issuer cert is within its validity period", checkDescription: "fails when the issuer cert is expired", lifespan: &lifeSpan{ starts: time.Date(1989, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), ends: time.Date(1990, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), }, expectedOutput: []string{"linkerd-identity-test-cat issuer cert is within its validity period: issuer certificate is not valid anymore. Expired on 1990-01-01T01:01:11Z"}, }, } for id, testCase := range testCases { testCase := testCase issuerData := createIssuerData("identity.linkerd.cluster.local", testCase.lifespan.starts, testCase.lifespan.ends) fakeConfigMap := getFakeConfigMap(k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, issuerData) fakeSecret := getFakeSecret(k8s.IdentityIssuerSchemeLinkerd, issuerData) runIdentityCheckTestCase(context.Background(), t, id, testCase.checkDescription, testCase.checkerToTest, fakeConfigMap, fakeSecret, testCase.expectedOutput) } } type fakeCniResourcesOpts struct { hasConfigMap bool hasClusterRole bool hasClusterRoleBinding bool hasServiceAccount bool hasDaemonSet bool scheduled int ready int } func getFakeCniResources(opts fakeCniResourcesOpts) []string { var resources []string if opts.hasConfigMap { resources = append(resources, ` kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: linkerd-cni-config namespace: test-ns labels: "true" data: dest_cni_net_dir: "/etc/cni/net.d" --- `) } if opts.hasClusterRole { resources = append(resources, ` kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: metadata: name: linkerd-cni labels: "true" rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods", "nodes", "namespaces"] verbs: ["list", "get", "watch"] --- `) } if opts.hasClusterRoleBinding { resources = append(resources, ` apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: linkerd-cni labels: "true" roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: linkerd-cni subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: linkerd-cni namespace: test-ns --- `) } if opts.hasServiceAccount { resources = append(resources, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: linkerd-cni namespace: test-ns labels: "true" --- `) } if opts.hasDaemonSet { resources = append(resources, fmt.Sprintf(` kind: DaemonSet apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: linkerd-cni namespace: test-ns labels: k8s-app: linkerd-cni "true" annotations: linkerd/cli git-b4266c93 spec: selector: matchLabels: k8s-app: linkerd-cni updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 1 template: metadata: labels: k8s-app: linkerd-cni annotations: linkerd/cli git-b4266c93 spec: nodeSelector: linux serviceAccountName: linkerd-cni containers: - name: install-cni image: env: - name: DEST_CNI_NET_DIR valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: linkerd-cni-config key: dest_cni_net_dir - name: DEST_CNI_BIN_DIR valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: linkerd-cni-config key: dest_cni_bin_dir - name: CNI_NETWORK_CONFIG valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: linkerd-cni-config key: cni_network_config - name: SLEEP value: "true" lifecycle: preStop: exec: command: ["kill","-15","1"] volumeMounts: - mountPath: /host/opt/cni/bin name: cni-bin-dir - mountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d name: cni-net-dir volumes: - name: cni-bin-dir hostPath: path: /opt/cni/bin - name: cni-net-dir hostPath: path: /etc/cni/net.d status: desiredNumberScheduled: %d numberReady: %d --- `, opts.scheduled, opts.ready)) } return resources } func TestCniChecks(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { description string testCaseOpts fakeCniResourcesOpts results []string }{ { "fails when there is no config map", fakeCniResourcesOpts{}, []string{"linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists: configmaps \"linkerd-cni-config\" not found"}, }, { "fails then there is no ClusterRole", fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true}, []string{ "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists: missing ClusterRole: linkerd-cni"}, }, { "fails then there is no ClusterRoleBinding", fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true}, []string{ "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists: missing ClusterRoleBinding: linkerd-cni"}, }, { "fails then there is no ServiceAccount", fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true, hasClusterRoleBinding: true}, []string{ "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ServiceAccount exists: missing ServiceAccount: linkerd-cni", }, }, { "fails then there is no DaemonSet", fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true, hasClusterRoleBinding: true, hasServiceAccount: true}, []string{ "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ServiceAccount exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin DaemonSet exists: missing DaemonSet: linkerd-cni", }, }, { "fails then there is nodes are not ready", fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true, hasClusterRoleBinding: true, hasServiceAccount: true, hasDaemonSet: true, scheduled: 5, ready: 4}, []string{ "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ServiceAccount exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin DaemonSet exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin pod is running on all nodes: number ready: 4, number scheduled: 5", }, }, { "fails then there is nodes are not ready", fakeCniResourcesOpts{hasConfigMap: true, hasClusterRole: true, hasClusterRoleBinding: true, hasServiceAccount: true, hasDaemonSet: true, scheduled: 5, ready: 5}, []string{ "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ConfigMap exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRole exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ClusterRoleBinding exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin ServiceAccount exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin DaemonSet exists", "linkerd-cni-plugin cni plugin pod is running on all nodes", }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // pin t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{LinkerdCNIPluginChecks}, &Options{ CNINamespace: "test-ns", }, ) k8sConfigs := getFakeCniResources(tc.testCaseOpts) var err error hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(k8sConfigs...) hc.CNIEnabled = true if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %s", err) } obs := newObserver() hc.RunChecks(obs.resultFn) if diff := deep.Equal(obs.results, tc.results); diff != nil { t.Fatalf("%+v", diff) } }) } } func TestMinReplicaCheck(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{LinkerdHAChecks}, &Options{ ControlPlaneNamespace: "linkerd", }, ) var err error testCases := []struct { controlPlaneResourceDefs []string expected error }{ { controlPlaneResourceDefs: generateAllControlPlaneDef(&controlPlaneReplicaOptions{ destination: 1, identity: 3, proxyInjector: 3, tap: 3, }, t), expected: fmt.Errorf("not enough replicas available for [linkerd-destination]"), }, { controlPlaneResourceDefs: generateAllControlPlaneDef(&controlPlaneReplicaOptions{ destination: 2, identity: 1, proxyInjector: 1, tap: 3, }, t), expected: fmt.Errorf("not enough replicas available for [linkerd-identity linkerd-proxy-injector]"), }, { controlPlaneResourceDefs: generateAllControlPlaneDef(&controlPlaneReplicaOptions{ destination: 2, identity: 2, proxyInjector: 3, tap: 3, }, t), expected: nil, }, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // pin t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.controlPlaneResourceDefs...) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = hc.checkMinReplicasAvailable(context.Background()) if err == nil && tc.expected != nil { t.Log("Expected error: nil") t.Logf("Received error: %s\n", err) t.Fatal("test case failed") } if err != nil { if err.Error() != tc.expected.Error() { t.Logf("Expected error: %s\n", tc.expected) t.Logf("Received error: %s\n", err) t.Fatal("test case failed") } } }) } } func TestCheckOpaquePortAnnotations(t *testing.T) { hc := NewHealthChecker( []CategoryID{LinkerdOpaquePortsDefinitionChecks}, &Options{ DataPlaneNamespace: "test-ns", }, ) var err error var testCases = []struct { resources []string expected error }{ { resources: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns annotations: "9200" spec: selector: app: test ports: - name: test port: 9200 targetPort: 9200 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod namespace: test-ns labels: app: test annotations: "9200" spec: containers: - name: test image: test ports: - name: test containerPort: 9200 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns subsets: - addresses: - ip: nodeName: nod targetRef: kind: Pod name: pod namespace: test-ns ports: - name: test port: 9200 protocol: TCP `, }, }, { resources: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns spec: selector: app: test ports: - name: http port: 9200 targetPort: 9200 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod namespace: test-ns labels: app: test annotations: "9200" spec: containers: - name: test image: test ports: - name: test containerPort: 9200 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns subsets: - addresses: - ip: nodeName: nod targetRef: kind: Pod name: pod namespace: test-ns ports: - name: test port: 9200 protocol: TCP `, }, expected: fmt.Errorf("\t* service svc targets the opaque port 9200 through 9200; add 9200 to its annotation"), }, { resources: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns annotations: "9200" spec: selector: app: test ports: - name: test port: 9200 targetPort: 9200 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod namespace: test-ns labels: app: test spec: containers: - name: test image: test ports: - name: test containerPort: 9200 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns subsets: - addresses: - ip: nodeName: nod targetRef: kind: Pod name: pod namespace: test-ns ports: - name: test port: 9200 protocol: TCP `, }, expected: fmt.Errorf("\t* service svc expects target port 9200 to be opaque; add it to pod pod annotation"), }, { resources: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns annotations: "9200" spec: selector: app: test ports: - name: test port: 9200 targetPort: 9200 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod namespace: test-ns labels: app: test annotations: "9300" spec: containers: - name: test image: test ports: - name: test containerPort: 9300 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns subsets: - addresses: - ip: nodeName: node targetRef: kind: Pod name: pod namespace: test-ns ports: - name: test port: 9200 protocol: TCP `, }, }, { resources: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns spec: selector: app: test ports: - name: test port: 1002 targetPort: 2002 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod namespace: test-ns annotations: "2002" labels: app: test spec: containers: - name: test image: test ports: - name: test containerPort: 2002 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns subsets: - addresses: - ip: nodeName: node targetRef: kind: Pod name: pod ports: - name: test port: 2002 protocol: TCP `, }, expected: fmt.Errorf("\t* service svc targets the opaque port 2002 through 1002; add 1002 to its annotation"), }, { resources: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns spec: selector: app: test ports: - name: test port: 1003 targetPort: pod-test `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod namespace: test-ns annotations: "2003" labels: app: test spec: containers: - name: test image: test ports: - name: pod-test containerPort: 2003 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns subsets: - addresses: - ip: nodeName: node targetRef: kind: Pod name: pod ports: - name: test port: 2003 protocol: TCP `, }, expected: fmt.Errorf("\t* service svc targets the opaque port pod-test through 1003; add 1003 to its annotation"), }, { resources: []string{` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns spec: selector: app: test ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 6502 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod namespace: test-ns annotations: "5432" labels: app: test spec: containers: - name: c1 image: test ports: - containerPort: 6502 - name: c2 image: test ports: - containerPort: 5432 `, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: name: svc namespace: test-ns subsets: - addresses: - ip: nodeName: node targetRef: kind: Pod name: pod ports: - port: 6502 protocol: TCP - port: 5432 protocol: TCP `, }, expected: nil, }, } for i, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // pin t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { hc.kubeAPI, err = k8s.NewFakeAPI(tc.resources...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err) } err = hc.checkMisconfiguredOpaquePortAnnotations(context.Background()) if err == nil && tc.expected != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected check to fail with %s", tc.expected.Error()) } if err != nil && tc.expected != nil { if err.Error() != tc.expected.Error() { t.Fatalf("Expected error: %s, received: %s", tc.expected, err) } } if err != nil && tc.expected == nil { t.Fatalf("Did not expect error but got: %s", err.Error()) } }) } } type controlPlaneReplicaOptions struct { destination int identity int proxyInjector int tap int } func getSingleControlPlaneDef(component string, availableReplicas int) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: %s namespace: linkerd spec: template: spec: containers: - image: "hello-world" name: test status: availableReplicas: %d`, component, availableReplicas) } func generateAllControlPlaneDef(replicaOptions *controlPlaneReplicaOptions, t *testing.T) []string { resourceDefs := []string{} for _, component := range linkerdHAControlPlaneComponents { switch component { case "linkerd-destination": resourceDefs = append(resourceDefs, getSingleControlPlaneDef(component, replicaOptions.destination)) case "linkerd-identity": resourceDefs = append(resourceDefs, getSingleControlPlaneDef(component, replicaOptions.identity)) case "linkerd-proxy-injector": resourceDefs = append(resourceDefs, getSingleControlPlaneDef(component, replicaOptions.proxyInjector)) case "linkerd-tap": resourceDefs = append(resourceDefs, getSingleControlPlaneDef(component, replicaOptions.tap)) default: t.Fatal("Could not find the resource") } } return resourceDefs } func multiappend(slices ...[]string) []string { res := []string{} for _, slice := range slices { res = append(res, slice...) } return res }