
Text file src/github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/core/proto/core.proto

Documentation: github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/core/proto

     1syntax = "proto3";
     3package core;
     4option go_package = "github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/core/proto";
     6import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
     8message Challenge {
     9  // Next unused field number: 13
    10  int64 id = 1;
    11  string type = 2;
    12  string status = 6;
    13  string uri = 9;
    14  string token = 3;
    15  reserved 4; // Previously accountKey
    16  string keyAuthorization = 5;
    17  repeated ValidationRecord validationrecords = 10;
    18  ProblemDetails error = 7;
    19  reserved 8; // Unused and accidentally skipped during initial commit.
    20  int64 validatedNS = 11;
    21  google.protobuf.Timestamp validated = 12;
    24message ValidationRecord {
    25  string hostname = 1;
    26  string port = 2;
    27  repeated bytes addressesResolved = 3; // net.IP.MarshalText()
    28  bytes addressUsed = 4; // net.IP.MarshalText()
    30  repeated string authorities = 5;
    31  string url = 6;
    32  // A list of addresses tried before the address used (see
    33  // core/objects.go and the comment on the ValidationRecord structure
    34  // definition for more information.
    35  repeated bytes addressesTried = 7; // net.IP.MarshalText()
    38message ProblemDetails {
    39  string problemType = 1;
    40  string detail = 2;
    41  int32 httpStatus = 3;
    44message Certificate {
    45  // Next unused field number: 9
    46  int64 registrationID = 1;
    47  string serial = 2;
    48  string digest = 3;
    49  bytes der = 4;
    50  int64 issuedNS = 5;  // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
    51  google.protobuf.Timestamp issued = 7;
    52  int64 expiresNS = 6; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
    53  google.protobuf.Timestamp expires = 8;
    56message CertificateStatus {
    57  // Next unused field number: 16
    58  string serial = 1;
    59  reserved 2; // previously subscriberApproved
    60  string status = 3;
    61  int64 ocspLastUpdatedNS = 4; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
    62  google.protobuf.Timestamp ocspLastUpdated = 15;
    63  int64 revokedDateNS = 5; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
    64  google.protobuf.Timestamp revokedDate = 12;
    65  int64 revokedReason = 6;
    66  int64 lastExpirationNagSentNS = 7; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
    67  reserved 8; // previously ocspResponse
    68  google.protobuf.Timestamp lastExpirationNagSent = 13;
    69  int64 notAfterNS = 9; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
    70  google.protobuf.Timestamp notAfter = 14;
    71  bool isExpired = 10;
    72  int64 issuerID = 11;
    75message Registration {
    76  // Next unused field number: 10
    77  int64 id = 1;
    78  bytes key = 2;
    79  repeated string contact = 3;
    80  bool contactsPresent = 4;
    81  string agreement = 5;
    82  bytes initialIP = 6;
    83  int64 createdAtNS = 7; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
    84  google.protobuf.Timestamp createdAt = 9;
    85  string status = 8;
    88message Authorization {
    89  // Next unused field number: 10
    90  string id = 1;
    91  string identifier = 2;
    92  int64 registrationID = 3;
    93  string status = 4;
    94  int64 expiresNS = 5; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
    95  google.protobuf.Timestamp expires = 9;
    96  repeated core.Challenge challenges = 6;
    97  reserved 7; // previously ACMEv1 combinations
    98  reserved 8; // previously v2
   101message Order {
   102  // Next unused field number: 14
   103  int64 id = 1;
   104  int64 registrationID = 2;
   105  int64 expiresNS = 3; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
   106  google.protobuf.Timestamp expires = 12;
   107  ProblemDetails error = 4;
   108  string certificateSerial = 5;
   109  reserved 6; // previously authorizations, deprecated in favor of v2Authorizations
   110  string status = 7;
   111  repeated string names = 8;
   112  bool beganProcessing = 9;
   113  int64 createdNS = 10; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
   114  google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 13;
   115  repeated int64 v2Authorizations = 11;
   118message CRLEntry {
   119  // Next unused field number: 5
   120  string serial = 1;
   121  int32 reason = 2;
   122  int64 revokedAtNS = 3; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds)
   123  google.protobuf.Timestamp revokedAt = 4;

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