syntax = "proto3"; package core; option go_package = ""; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message Challenge { // Next unused field number: 13 int64 id = 1; string type = 2; string status = 6; string uri = 9; string token = 3; reserved 4; // Previously accountKey string keyAuthorization = 5; repeated ValidationRecord validationrecords = 10; ProblemDetails error = 7; reserved 8; // Unused and accidentally skipped during initial commit. int64 validatedNS = 11; google.protobuf.Timestamp validated = 12; } message ValidationRecord { string hostname = 1; string port = 2; repeated bytes addressesResolved = 3; // net.IP.MarshalText() bytes addressUsed = 4; // net.IP.MarshalText() repeated string authorities = 5; string url = 6; // A list of addresses tried before the address used (see // core/objects.go and the comment on the ValidationRecord structure // definition for more information. repeated bytes addressesTried = 7; // net.IP.MarshalText() } message ProblemDetails { string problemType = 1; string detail = 2; int32 httpStatus = 3; } message Certificate { // Next unused field number: 9 int64 registrationID = 1; string serial = 2; string digest = 3; bytes der = 4; int64 issuedNS = 5; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp issued = 7; int64 expiresNS = 6; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp expires = 8; } message CertificateStatus { // Next unused field number: 16 string serial = 1; reserved 2; // previously subscriberApproved string status = 3; int64 ocspLastUpdatedNS = 4; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp ocspLastUpdated = 15; int64 revokedDateNS = 5; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp revokedDate = 12; int64 revokedReason = 6; int64 lastExpirationNagSentNS = 7; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) reserved 8; // previously ocspResponse google.protobuf.Timestamp lastExpirationNagSent = 13; int64 notAfterNS = 9; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp notAfter = 14; bool isExpired = 10; int64 issuerID = 11; } message Registration { // Next unused field number: 10 int64 id = 1; bytes key = 2; repeated string contact = 3; bool contactsPresent = 4; string agreement = 5; bytes initialIP = 6; int64 createdAtNS = 7; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp createdAt = 9; string status = 8; } message Authorization { // Next unused field number: 10 string id = 1; string identifier = 2; int64 registrationID = 3; string status = 4; int64 expiresNS = 5; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp expires = 9; repeated core.Challenge challenges = 6; reserved 7; // previously ACMEv1 combinations reserved 8; // previously v2 } message Order { // Next unused field number: 14 int64 id = 1; int64 registrationID = 2; int64 expiresNS = 3; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp expires = 12; ProblemDetails error = 4; string certificateSerial = 5; reserved 6; // previously authorizations, deprecated in favor of v2Authorizations string status = 7; repeated string names = 8; bool beganProcessing = 9; int64 createdNS = 10; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 13; repeated int64 v2Authorizations = 11; } message CRLEntry { // Next unused field number: 5 string serial = 1; int32 reason = 2; int64 revokedAtNS = 3; // Unix timestamp (nanoseconds) google.protobuf.Timestamp revokedAt = 4; }