1 // Package lderrors provides identifiers for particular kinds of errors that can be returned by 2 // code in [github.com/launchdarkly/go-sdk-common/v3/ldcontext] or 3 // [github.com/launchdarkly/go-sdk-common/v3/ldattr]. 4 // 5 // Errors are only defined here if they are specifically generated by those packages. 6 // The LaunchDarkly Go SDK ([github.com/launchdarkly/go-server-sdk/v6]) may define its own error 7 // values for additional error conditions that are related to higher-level SDK functionality. 8 // 9 // Unlike some packages which define errors as exported global variables, here they are exported 10 // as types only. This allows consistent usage regardless of whether a particular kind of error 11 // has properties that can vary, or is a singleton with no properties. So, for instance, rather 12 // than doing an equality test like this-- 13 // 14 // if err == lderrors.ErrContextKeyEmpty 15 // 16 // --do a type check: 17 // 18 // if _, ok := err.(lderrors.ErrContextKeyEmpty); ok 19 package lderrors 20