ErrAttributeEmpty means that you tried to use an uninitialized ldattr.Ref{}, or one that was initialized from an empty string, or from a string that consisted only of a slash.
For details of the attribute reference syntax, see ldattr.Ref.
type ErrAttributeEmpty struct{}
func (e ErrAttributeEmpty) Error() string
ErrAttributeExtraSlash means that an attribute reference contained a double slash or trailing slash causing one path component to be empty, such as "/a//b" or "/a/b/".
For details of the attribute reference syntax, see ldattr.Ref.
type ErrAttributeExtraSlash struct{}
func (e ErrAttributeExtraSlash) Error() string
ErrAttributeInvalidEscape means that an attribute reference contained contained a "~" character that was not followed by "0" or "1".
For details of the attribute reference syntax, see ldattr.Ref.
type ErrAttributeInvalidEscape struct{}
func (e ErrAttributeInvalidEscape) Error() string
ErrContextKeyEmpty means that the ldcontext.Context Key field was set to an empty string.
type ErrContextKeyEmpty struct{}
func (e ErrContextKeyEmpty) Error() string
ErrContextKeyMissing means that the JSON representation of an ldcontext.Context had no "key" property.
type ErrContextKeyMissing struct{}
func (e ErrContextKeyMissing) Error() string
ErrContextKeyNull means that the "key" property in the JSON representation of an ldcontext.Context had a null value. This is specific to JSON unmarshaling, since there is no way to specify a null value for this field programmatically.
type ErrContextKeyNull struct{}
func (e ErrContextKeyNull) Error() string
ErrContextKindCannotBeKind means that you have tried to set the ldcontext.Context Kind field to the string "kind". The Context schema does not allow this.
type ErrContextKindCannotBeKind struct{}
func (e ErrContextKindCannotBeKind) Error() string
ErrContextKindEmpty means that the "kind" property in the JSON representation of an ldcontext.Context had an empty string value. This is specific to JSON unmarshaling, since if you are creating a Context programmatically, an empty string is automatically changed to ldcontext.DefaultKind.
type ErrContextKindEmpty struct{}
func (e ErrContextKindEmpty) Error() string
ErrContextKindInvalidChars means that you have tried to set the ldcontext.Context Kind field to a string that contained disallowed characters.
type ErrContextKindInvalidChars struct{}
func (e ErrContextKindInvalidChars) Error() string
ErrContextKindMultiDuplicates means that you have used an ldcontext constructor or builder for a multi-context and you specified more than one individual Context in it with the same kind.
type ErrContextKindMultiDuplicates struct{}
func (e ErrContextKindMultiDuplicates) Error() string
ErrContextKindMultiForSingleKind means that you have tried to set the ldcontext.Context Kind field to the string "multi" for a single context. The Context schema does not allow this.
type ErrContextKindMultiForSingleKind struct{}
func (e ErrContextKindMultiForSingleKind) Error() string
ErrContextKindMultiWithNoKinds means that you have used an ldcontext constructor or builder for a multi-context but you did not specify any individual Contexts in it.
type ErrContextKindMultiWithNoKinds struct{}
func (e ErrContextKindMultiWithNoKinds) Error() string
ErrContextPerKindErrors means that a multi-context contained at least one kind where the individual Context was invalid. There may be a separate validation error for each kind.
type ErrContextPerKindErrors struct { // Errors is a map where each key is the context kind (as a string) and the value is the // validation error for that kind. Errors map[string]error }
func (e ErrContextPerKindErrors) Error() string
ErrContextUninitialized means that you have tried to use an empty ldcontext.Context{} struct.
type ErrContextUninitialized struct{}
func (e ErrContextUninitialized) Error() string