
Text file src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/examples/internal/proto/examplepb/unannotated_echo_service.swagger.yaml

Documentation: github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/examples/internal/proto/examplepb

     2  file:
     3    # the file name must be the same as one passed to protoc when generating generating .swagger.json
     4    - file: "examples/internal/proto/examplepb/unannotated_echo_service.proto"
     5      option:
     6        info:
     7          title: Unannotated Echo
     8          contact:
     9            name: gRPC-Gateway project
    10            url: https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway
    11            email: none@example.com
    12          license:
    13            name: BSD 3-Clause License
    14            url: https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/blob/main/LICENSE
    15          version: "1.0"
    16          extensions:
    17            x-something-something: yadda
    18        tags:
    19          - name: Echo
    20            description: Echo description
    21          - name: Internal
    22            description: Internal description
    23            extensions:
    24              x-traitTag: true
    25        schemes:
    26          - HTTP
    27          - HTTPS
    28          - WSS
    29        consumes:
    30          - application/json
    31          - application/x-foo-mime
    32        produces:
    33          - application/json
    34          - application/x-foo-mime
    35        responses:
    36          "403":
    37            description: Returned when the user does not have permission to access the resource.
    38          "404":
    39            description: Returned when the resource does not exist.
    40            schema:
    41              jsonSchema:
    42                type:
    43                  - STRING
    44        securityDefinitions:
    45          security:
    46            ApiKeyAuth:
    47              type: TYPE_API_KEY
    48              name: X-API-Key
    49              in: IN_HEADER
    50              extensions:
    51                x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer:
    52                  authorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 60
    53                  type: token
    54                x-amazon-apigateway-authtype: oauth2
    55            BasicAuth:
    56              type: TYPE_BASIC
    57        security:
    58          - securityRequirement:
    59              ApiKeyAuth: {}
    60              BasicAuth: {}
    61          - securityRequirement:
    62              ApiKeyAuth: {}
    63              OAuth2:
    64                scope:
    65                  - read
    66                  - write
    67        externalDocs:
    68          description: More about gRPC-Gateway
    69          url: https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway
    70        extensions:
    71          x-grpc-gateway-baz-list:
    72            - one
    73            - true
    74          x-grpc-gateway-foo: bar
    75  service:
    76    - service: grpc.gateway.examples.internal.proto.examplepb.UnannotatedEchoService
    77      option:
    78        description: "UnannotatedEchoService description -- which should not be used in place of the documentation comment!"
    79        external_docs:
    80          url: "https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway"
    81          description: "Find out more about UnannotatedEchoService"
    82  method:
    83    - method: grpc.gateway.examples.internal.proto.examplepb.UnannotatedEchoService.Echo
    84      option:
    85        description: "Description Echo"
    86        summary: "Summary: Echo rpc"
    87        external_docs:
    88          url: "https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway"
    89          description: "Find out more Echo"
    90        responses:
    91          "200":
    92            examples:
    93              "application/json": '{"value": "the input value"}'
    94          "503":
    95            description: Returned when the resource is temporarily unavailable.
    96            extensions:
    97              x-number: 100
    98          "404":
    99            description: Returned when the resource does not exist.
   100            schema:
   101              jsonSchema:
   102                type: [INTEGER]
   103  message:
   104    - message: grpc.gateway.examples.internal.proto.examplepb.UnannotatedSimpleMessage
   105      option:
   106        json_schema:
   107          title: "A bit of everything"
   108          description: "A simple message with many types"
   109          required: ["id"]
   110        external_docs:
   111          url: "https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway"
   112          description: "Find out more about UnannotatedSimpleMessage"
   113        example: '{"id": "myid"}'
   114  field:
   115    - field: grpc.gateway.examples.internal.proto.examplepb.UnannotatedSimpleMessage.num
   116      option:
   117        description: "Int value field"
   118        default: "42"
   119        required: ["num"]

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