openapiOptions: file: # the file name must be the same as one passed to protoc when generating generating .swagger.json - file: "examples/internal/proto/examplepb/unannotated_echo_service.proto" option: info: title: Unannotated Echo contact: name: gRPC-Gateway project url: email: license: name: BSD 3-Clause License url: version: "1.0" extensions: x-something-something: yadda tags: - name: Echo description: Echo description - name: Internal description: Internal description extensions: x-traitTag: true schemes: - HTTP - HTTPS - WSS consumes: - application/json - application/x-foo-mime produces: - application/json - application/x-foo-mime responses: "403": description: Returned when the user does not have permission to access the resource. "404": description: Returned when the resource does not exist. schema: jsonSchema: type: - STRING securityDefinitions: security: ApiKeyAuth: type: TYPE_API_KEY name: X-API-Key in: IN_HEADER extensions: x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer: authorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 60 type: token x-amazon-apigateway-authtype: oauth2 BasicAuth: type: TYPE_BASIC security: - securityRequirement: ApiKeyAuth: {} BasicAuth: {} - securityRequirement: ApiKeyAuth: {} OAuth2: scope: - read - write externalDocs: description: More about gRPC-Gateway url: extensions: x-grpc-gateway-baz-list: - one - true x-grpc-gateway-foo: bar service: - service: grpc.gateway.examples.internal.proto.examplepb.UnannotatedEchoService option: description: "UnannotatedEchoService description -- which should not be used in place of the documentation comment!" external_docs: url: "" description: "Find out more about UnannotatedEchoService" method: - method: grpc.gateway.examples.internal.proto.examplepb.UnannotatedEchoService.Echo option: description: "Description Echo" summary: "Summary: Echo rpc" external_docs: url: "" description: "Find out more Echo" responses: "200": examples: "application/json": '{"value": "the input value"}' "503": description: Returned when the resource is temporarily unavailable. extensions: x-number: 100 "404": description: Returned when the resource does not exist. schema: jsonSchema: type: [INTEGER] message: - message: grpc.gateway.examples.internal.proto.examplepb.UnannotatedSimpleMessage option: json_schema: title: "A bit of everything" description: "A simple message with many types" required: ["id"] external_docs: url: "" description: "Find out more about UnannotatedSimpleMessage" example: '{"id": "myid"}' field: - field: grpc.gateway.examples.internal.proto.examplepb.UnannotatedSimpleMessage.num option: description: "Int value field" default: "42" required: ["num"]