BSON element types as described in
const ( TypeDouble = bsontype.Double TypeString = bsontype.String TypeEmbeddedDocument = bsontype.EmbeddedDocument TypeArray = bsontype.Array TypeBinary = bsontype.Binary TypeUndefined = bsontype.Undefined TypeObjectID = bsontype.ObjectID TypeBoolean = bsontype.Boolean TypeDateTime = bsontype.DateTime TypeNull = bsontype.Null TypeRegex = bsontype.Regex TypeDBPointer = bsontype.DBPointer TypeJavaScript = bsontype.JavaScript TypeSymbol = bsontype.Symbol TypeCodeWithScope = bsontype.CodeWithScope TypeInt32 = bsontype.Int32 TypeTimestamp = bsontype.Timestamp TypeInt64 = bsontype.Int64 TypeDecimal128 = bsontype.Decimal128 TypeMinKey = bsontype.MinKey TypeMaxKey = bsontype.MaxKey )
BSON binary element subtypes as described in
const ( TypeBinaryGeneric = bsontype.BinaryGeneric TypeBinaryFunction = bsontype.BinaryFunction TypeBinaryBinaryOld = bsontype.BinaryBinaryOld TypeBinaryUUIDOld = bsontype.BinaryUUIDOld TypeBinaryUUID = bsontype.BinaryUUID TypeBinaryMD5 = bsontype.BinaryMD5 TypeBinaryEncrypted = bsontype.BinaryEncrypted TypeBinaryColumn = bsontype.BinaryColumn TypeBinarySensitive = bsontype.BinarySensitive TypeBinaryUserDefined = bsontype.BinaryUserDefined )
DefaultRegistry is the default bsoncodec.Registry. It contains the default codecs and the primitive codecs.
var DefaultRegistry = NewRegistry()
ErrDecodeToNil is the error returned when trying to decode to a nil value
var ErrDecodeToNil = errors.New("cannot Decode to nil value")
ErrNilContext is returned when the provided DecodeContext is nil.
var ErrNilContext = errors.New("DecodeContext cannot be nil")
ErrNilReader indicates that an operation was attempted on a nil bson.Reader.
var ErrNilReader = errors.New("nil reader")
ErrNilRegistry is returned when the provided registry is nil.
var ErrNilRegistry = errors.New("Registry cannot be nil")
func IndentExtJSON(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte, prefix, indent string) error
IndentExtJSON will prefix and indent the provided extended JSON src and append it to dst.
func Marshal(val interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Marshal returns the BSON encoding of val as a BSON document. If val is not a type that can be transformed into a document, MarshalValue should be used instead.
Marshal will use the default registry created by NewRegistry to recursively marshal val into a []byte. Marshal will inspect struct tags and alter the marshaling process accordingly.
func MarshalAppend(dst []byte, val interface{}) ([]byte, error)
MarshalAppend will encode val as a BSON document and append the bytes to dst. If dst is not large enough to hold the bytes, it will be grown. If val is not a type that can be transformed into a document, MarshalValueAppend should be used instead.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder and pass the dst byte slice (wrapped by a bytes.Buffer) into bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(dst) vw, err := bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter(buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) }
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalAppendWithContext(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext, dst []byte, val interface{}) ([]byte, error)
MarshalAppendWithContext will encode val as a BSON document using Registry r and EncodeContext ec and append the bytes to dst. If dst is not large enough to hold the bytes, it will be grown. If val is not a type that can be transformed into a document, MarshalValueAppendWithContext should be used instead.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder, pass the dst byte slice (wrapped by a bytes.Buffer) into bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter, and use the Encoder configuration methods to set the desired marshal behavior instead:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(dst) vw, err := bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter(buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc.IntMinSize()
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalAppendWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, dst []byte, val interface{}) ([]byte, error)
MarshalAppendWithRegistry will encode val as a BSON document using Registry r and append the bytes to dst. If dst is not large enough to hold the bytes, it will be grown. If val is not a type that can be transformed into a document, MarshalValueAppendWithRegistry should be used instead.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder, and pass the dst byte slice (wrapped by a bytes.Buffer) into bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter, and specify the Registry by calling Encoder.SetRegistry instead:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(dst) vw, err := bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter(buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc.SetRegistry(reg)
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalExtJSON(val interface{}, canonical, escapeHTML bool) ([]byte, error)
MarshalExtJSON returns the extended JSON encoding of val.
func MarshalExtJSONAppend(dst []byte, val interface{}, canonical, escapeHTML bool) ([]byte, error)
MarshalExtJSONAppend will append the extended JSON encoding of val to dst. If dst is not large enough to hold the extended JSON encoding of val, dst will be grown.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder and pass the dst byte slice (wrapped by a bytes.Buffer) into bsonrw.NewExtJSONValueWriter instead:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(dst) vw, err := bsonrw.NewExtJSONValueWriter(buf, true, false) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) }
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalExtJSONAppendWithContext(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext, dst []byte, val interface{}, canonical, escapeHTML bool) ([]byte, error)
MarshalExtJSONAppendWithContext will append the extended JSON encoding of val to dst using Registry r. If dst is not large enough to hold the BSON encoding of val, dst will be grown.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder, pass the dst byte slice (wrapped by a bytes.Buffer) into bsonrw.NewExtJSONValueWriter, and use the Encoder configuration methods to set the desired marshal behavior instead:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(dst) vw, err := bsonrw.NewExtJSONValueWriter(buf, true, false) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc.IntMinSize()
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalExtJSONAppendWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, dst []byte, val interface{}, canonical, escapeHTML bool) ([]byte, error)
MarshalExtJSONAppendWithRegistry will append the extended JSON encoding of val to dst using Registry r. If dst is not large enough to hold the BSON encoding of val, dst will be grown.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder, pass the dst byte slice (wrapped by a bytes.Buffer) into bsonrw.NewExtJSONValueWriter, and specify the Registry by calling Encoder.SetRegistry instead:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(dst) vw, err := bsonrw.NewExtJSONValueWriter(buf, true, false) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) }
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalExtJSONIndent(val interface{}, canonical, escapeHTML bool, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error)
MarshalExtJSONIndent returns the extended JSON encoding of val with each line with prefixed and indented.
func MarshalExtJSONWithContext(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext, val interface{}, canonical, escapeHTML bool) ([]byte, error)
MarshalExtJSONWithContext returns the extended JSON encoding of val using Registry r.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder and use the Encoder configuration methods to set the desired marshal behavior instead:
buf := new(bytes.Buffer) vw, err := bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter(buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc.IntMinSize()
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalExtJSONWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, val interface{}, canonical, escapeHTML bool) ([]byte, error)
MarshalExtJSONWithRegistry returns the extended JSON encoding of val using Registry r.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder and specify the Registry by calling Encoder.SetRegistry instead:
buf := new(bytes.Buffer) vw, err := bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter(buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc.SetRegistry(reg)
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalValue(val interface{}) (bsontype.Type, []byte, error)
MarshalValue returns the BSON encoding of val.
MarshalValue will use bson.DefaultRegistry to transform val into a BSON value. If val is a struct, this function will inspect struct tags and alter the marshalling process accordingly.
func MarshalValueAppend(dst []byte, val interface{}) (bsontype.Type, []byte, error)
MarshalValueAppend will append the BSON encoding of val to dst. If dst is not large enough to hold the BSON encoding of val, dst will be grown.
Deprecated: Appending individual BSON elements to an existing slice will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.
func MarshalValueAppendWithContext(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext, dst []byte, val interface{}) (bsontype.Type, []byte, error)
MarshalValueAppendWithContext will append the BSON encoding of val to dst using EncodeContext ec. If dst is not large enough to hold the BSON encoding of val, dst will be grown.
Deprecated: Appending individual BSON elements to an existing slice will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.
func MarshalValueAppendWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, dst []byte, val interface{}) (bsontype.Type, []byte, error)
MarshalValueAppendWithRegistry will append the BSON encoding of val to dst using Registry r. If dst is not large enough to hold the BSON encoding of val, dst will be grown.
Deprecated: Appending individual BSON elements to an existing slice will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.
func MarshalValueWithContext(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext, val interface{}) (bsontype.Type, []byte, error)
MarshalValueWithContext returns the BSON encoding of val using EncodeContext ec.
Deprecated: Using a custom EncodeContext to marshal individual BSON elements will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.
func MarshalValueWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, val interface{}) (bsontype.Type, []byte, error)
MarshalValueWithRegistry returns the BSON encoding of val using Registry r.
Deprecated: Using a custom registry to marshal individual BSON values will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.
func MarshalWithContext(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext, val interface{}) ([]byte, error)
MarshalWithContext returns the BSON encoding of val as a BSON document using EncodeContext ec. If val is not a type that can be transformed into a document, MarshalValueWithContext should be used instead.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder and use the Encoder configuration methods to set the desired marshal behavior instead:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(dst) vw, err := bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter(buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc.IntMinSize()
See Encoder for more examples.
func MarshalWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, val interface{}) ([]byte, error)
MarshalWithRegistry returns the BSON encoding of val as a BSON document. If val is not a type that can be transformed into a document, MarshalValueWithRegistry should be used instead.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder and specify the Registry by calling Encoder.SetRegistry instead:
buf := new(bytes.Buffer) vw, err := bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter(buf) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc, err := bson.NewEncoder(vw) if err != nil { panic(err) } enc.SetRegistry(reg)
See Encoder for more examples.
func NewRegistry() *bsoncodec.Registry
NewRegistry creates a new Registry configured with the default encoders and decoders from the bsoncodec.DefaultValueEncoders and bsoncodec.DefaultValueDecoders types and the PrimitiveCodecs type in this package.
func NewRegistryBuilder() *bsoncodec.RegistryBuilder
NewRegistryBuilder creates a new RegistryBuilder configured with the default encoders and decoders from the bsoncodec.DefaultValueEncoders and bsoncodec.DefaultValueDecoders types and the PrimitiveCodecs type in this package.
Deprecated: Use NewRegistry instead.
func Unmarshal(data []byte, val interface{}) error
Unmarshal parses the BSON-encoded data and stores the result in the value pointed to by val. If val is nil or not a pointer, Unmarshal returns InvalidUnmarshalError.
func UnmarshalExtJSON(data []byte, canonical bool, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalExtJSON parses the extended JSON-encoded data and stores the result in the value pointed to by val. If val is nil or not a pointer, Unmarshal returns InvalidUnmarshalError.
func UnmarshalExtJSONWithContext(dc bsoncodec.DecodeContext, data []byte, canonical bool, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalExtJSONWithContext parses the extended JSON-encoded data using DecodeContext dc and stores the result in the value pointed to by val. If val is nil or not a pointer, UnmarshalWithRegistry returns InvalidUnmarshalError.
Deprecated: Use NewDecoder and use the Decoder configuration methods to set the desired unmarshal behavior instead:
vr, err := bsonrw.NewExtJSONValueReader(bytes.NewReader(data), true) if err != nil { panic(err) } dec, err := bson.NewDecoder(vr) if err != nil { panic(err) } dec.DefaultDocumentM()
See Decoder for more examples.
func UnmarshalExtJSONWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, data []byte, canonical bool, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalExtJSONWithRegistry parses the extended JSON-encoded data using Registry r and stores the result in the value pointed to by val. If val is nil or not a pointer, UnmarshalWithRegistry returns InvalidUnmarshalError.
Deprecated: Use NewDecoder and specify the Registry by calling Decoder.SetRegistry instead:
vr, err := bsonrw.NewExtJSONValueReader(bytes.NewReader(data), true) if err != nil { panic(err) } dec, err := bson.NewDecoder(vr) if err != nil { panic(err) } dec.SetRegistry(reg)
See Decoder for more examples.
func UnmarshalValue(t bsontype.Type, data []byte, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalValue parses the BSON value of type t with bson.DefaultRegistry and stores the result in the value pointed to by val. If val is nil or not a pointer, UnmarshalValue returns an error.
func UnmarshalValueWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, t bsontype.Type, data []byte, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalValueWithRegistry parses the BSON value of type t with registry r and stores the result in the value pointed to by val. If val is nil or not a pointer, UnmarshalValue returns an error.
Deprecated: Using a custom registry to unmarshal individual BSON values will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.
func UnmarshalWithContext(dc bsoncodec.DecodeContext, data []byte, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalWithContext parses the BSON-encoded data using DecodeContext dc and stores the result in the value pointed to by val. If val is nil or not a pointer, UnmarshalWithRegistry returns InvalidUnmarshalError.
Deprecated: Use NewDecoder and use the Decoder configuration methods to set the desired unmarshal behavior instead:
dec, err := bson.NewDecoder(bsonrw.NewBSONDocumentReader(data)) if err != nil { panic(err) } dec.DefaultDocumentM()
See Decoder for more examples.
func UnmarshalWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, data []byte, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalWithRegistry parses the BSON-encoded data using Registry r and stores the result in the value pointed to by val. If val is nil or not a pointer, UnmarshalWithRegistry returns InvalidUnmarshalError.
Deprecated: Use NewDecoder and specify the Registry by calling Decoder.SetRegistry instead:
dec, err := bson.NewDecoder(bsonrw.NewBSONDocumentReader(data)) if err != nil { panic(err) } dec.SetRegistry(reg)
See Decoder for more examples.
An A is an ordered representation of a BSON array.
Example usage:
bson.A{"bar", "world", 3.14159, bson.D{{"qux", 12345}}}
type A = primitive.A
D is an ordered representation of a BSON document. This type should be used when the order of the elements matters, such as MongoDB command documents. If the order of the elements does not matter, an M should be used instead.
A D should not be constructed with duplicate key names, as that can cause undefined server behavior.
Example usage:
bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}}
type D = primitive.D
A Decoder reads and decodes BSON documents from a stream. It reads from a bsonrw.ValueReader as the source of BSON data.
type Decoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
▹ Example
▹ Example (ExtendedJSON)
▹ Example (MultipleExtendedJSONDocuments)
func NewDecoder(vr bsonrw.ValueReader) (*Decoder, error)
NewDecoder returns a new decoder that uses the DefaultRegistry to read from vr.
func NewDecoderWithContext(dc bsoncodec.DecodeContext, vr bsonrw.ValueReader) (*Decoder, error)
NewDecoderWithContext returns a new decoder that uses DecodeContext dc to read from vr.
Deprecated: Use NewDecoder and use the Decoder configuration methods set the desired unmarshal behavior instead.
func (d *Decoder) AllowTruncatingDoubles()
AllowTruncatingDoubles causes the Decoder to truncate the fractional part of BSON "double" values when attempting to unmarshal them into a Go integer (int, int8, int16, int32, or int64) struct field. The truncation logic does not apply to BSON "decimal128" values.
func (d *Decoder) BinaryAsSlice()
BinaryAsSlice causes the Decoder to unmarshal BSON binary field values that are the "Generic" or "Old" BSON binary subtype as a Go byte slice instead of a primitive.Binary.
func (d *Decoder) Decode(val interface{}) error
Decode reads the next BSON document from the stream and decodes it into the value pointed to by val.
See Unmarshal for details about BSON unmarshaling behavior.
func (d *Decoder) DefaultDocumentD()
DefaultDocumentD causes the Decoder to always unmarshal documents into the primitive.D type. This behavior is restricted to data typed as "interface{}" or "map[string]interface{}".
func (d *Decoder) DefaultDocumentM()
DefaultDocumentM causes the Decoder to always unmarshal documents into the primitive.M type. This behavior is restricted to data typed as "interface{}" or "map[string]interface{}".
▹ Example
func (d *Decoder) Reset(vr bsonrw.ValueReader) error
Reset will reset the state of the decoder, using the same *DecodeContext used in the original construction but using vr for reading.
func (d *Decoder) SetContext(dc bsoncodec.DecodeContext) error
SetContext replaces the current registry of the decoder with dc.
Deprecated: Use the Decoder configuration methods to set the desired unmarshal behavior instead.
func (d *Decoder) SetRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry) error
SetRegistry replaces the current registry of the decoder with r.
func (d *Decoder) UseJSONStructTags()
UseJSONStructTags causes the Decoder to fall back to using the "json" struct tag if a "bson" struct tag is not specified.
▹ Example
func (d *Decoder) UseLocalTimeZone()
UseLocalTimeZone causes the Decoder to unmarshal time.Time values in the local timezone instead of the UTC timezone.
func (d *Decoder) ZeroMaps()
ZeroMaps causes the Decoder to delete any existing values from Go maps in the destination value passed to Decode before unmarshaling BSON documents into them.
func (d *Decoder) ZeroStructs()
ZeroStructs causes the Decoder to delete any existing values from Go structs in the destination value passed to Decode before unmarshaling BSON documents into them.
E represents a BSON element for a D. It is usually used inside a D.
type E = primitive.E
An Encoder writes a serialization format to an output stream. It writes to a bsonrw.ValueWriter as the destination of BSON data.
type Encoder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
▹ Example
▹ Example (ExtendedJSON)
▹ Example (MultipleBSONDocuments)
▹ Example (MultipleExtendedJSONDocuments)
func NewEncoder(vw bsonrw.ValueWriter) (*Encoder, error)
NewEncoder returns a new encoder that uses the DefaultRegistry to write to vw.
func NewEncoderWithContext(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext, vw bsonrw.ValueWriter) (*Encoder, error)
NewEncoderWithContext returns a new encoder that uses EncodeContext ec to write to vw.
Deprecated: Use NewEncoder and use the Encoder configuration methods to set the desired marshal behavior instead.
func (e *Encoder) Encode(val interface{}) error
Encode writes the BSON encoding of val to the stream.
See Marshal for details about BSON marshaling behavior.
func (e *Encoder) ErrorOnInlineDuplicates()
ErrorOnInlineDuplicates causes the Encoder to return an error if there is a duplicate field in the marshaled BSON when the "inline" struct tag option is set.
func (e *Encoder) IntMinSize()
IntMinSize causes the Encoder to marshal Go integer values (int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, or uint64) as the minimum BSON int size (either 32 or 64 bits) that can represent the integer value.
▹ Example
func (e *Encoder) NilByteSliceAsEmpty()
NilByteSliceAsEmpty causes the Encoder to marshal nil Go byte slices as empty BSON binary values instead of BSON null.
func (e *Encoder) NilMapAsEmpty()
NilMapAsEmpty causes the Encoder to marshal nil Go maps as empty BSON documents instead of BSON null.
func (e *Encoder) NilSliceAsEmpty()
NilSliceAsEmpty causes the Encoder to marshal nil Go slices as empty BSON arrays instead of BSON null.
func (e *Encoder) OmitZeroStruct()
OmitZeroStruct causes the Encoder to consider the zero value for a struct (e.g. MyStruct{}) as empty and omit it from the marshaled BSON when the "omitempty" struct tag option is set.
Note that the Encoder only examines exported struct fields when determining if a struct is the zero value. It considers pointers to a zero struct value (e.g. &MyStruct{}) not empty.
func (e *Encoder) Reset(vw bsonrw.ValueWriter) error
Reset will reset the state of the Encoder, using the same *EncodeContext used in the original construction but using vw.
func (e *Encoder) SetContext(ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext) error
SetContext replaces the current EncodeContext of the encoder with ec.
Deprecated: Use the Encoder configuration methods set the desired marshal behavior instead.
func (e *Encoder) SetRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry) error
SetRegistry replaces the current registry of the Encoder with r.
func (e *Encoder) StringifyMapKeysWithFmt()
StringifyMapKeysWithFmt causes the Encoder to convert Go map keys to BSON document field name strings using fmt.Sprint instead of the default string conversion logic.
▹ Example
func (e *Encoder) UseJSONStructTags()
UseJSONStructTags causes the Encoder to fall back to using the "json" struct tag if a "bson" struct tag is not specified.
▹ Example
M is an unordered representation of a BSON document. This type should be used when the order of the elements does not matter. This type is handled as a regular map[string]interface{} when encoding and decoding. Elements will be serialized in an undefined, random order. If the order of the elements matters, a D should be used instead.
Example usage:
bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159}
type M = primitive.M
Marshaler is the interface implemented by types that can marshal themselves into a valid BSON document.
Implementations of Marshaler must return a full BSON document. To create custom BSON marshaling behavior for individual values in a BSON document, implement the ValueMarshaler interface instead.
type Marshaler interface { MarshalBSON() ([]byte, error) }
PrimitiveCodecs is a namespace for all of the default bsoncodec.Codecs for the primitive types defined in this package.
Deprecated: Use bson.NewRegistry to get a registry with all primitive encoders and decoders registered.
type PrimitiveCodecs struct{}
func (PrimitiveCodecs) RawDecodeValue(_ bsoncodec.DecodeContext, vr bsonrw.ValueReader, val reflect.Value) error
RawDecodeValue is the ValueDecoderFunc for Reader.
Deprecated: Use bson.NewRegistry to get a registry with all primitive encoders and decoders registered.
func (PrimitiveCodecs) RawEncodeValue(_ bsoncodec.EncodeContext, vw bsonrw.ValueWriter, val reflect.Value) error
RawEncodeValue is the ValueEncoderFunc for Reader.
Deprecated: Use bson.NewRegistry to get a registry with all primitive encoders and decoders registered.
func (PrimitiveCodecs) RawValueDecodeValue(_ bsoncodec.DecodeContext, vr bsonrw.ValueReader, val reflect.Value) error
RawValueDecodeValue is the ValueDecoderFunc for RawValue.
Deprecated: Use bson.NewRegistry to get a registry with all primitive encoders and decoders registered.
func (PrimitiveCodecs) RawValueEncodeValue(_ bsoncodec.EncodeContext, vw bsonrw.ValueWriter, val reflect.Value) error
RawValueEncodeValue is the ValueEncoderFunc for RawValue.
If the RawValue's Type is "invalid" and the RawValue's Value is not empty or nil, then this method will return an error.
Deprecated: Use bson.NewRegistry to get a registry with all primitive encoders and decoders registered.
func (pc PrimitiveCodecs) RegisterPrimitiveCodecs(rb *bsoncodec.RegistryBuilder)
RegisterPrimitiveCodecs will register the encode and decode methods attached to PrimitiveCodecs with the provided RegistryBuilder. if rb is nil, a new empty RegistryBuilder will be created.
Deprecated: Use bson.NewRegistry to get a registry with all primitive encoders and decoders registered.
Raw is a raw encoded BSON document. It can be used to delay BSON document decoding or precompute a BSON encoded document.
A Raw must be a full BSON document. Use the RawValue type for individual BSON values.
type Raw []byte
▹ Example (Marshal)
▹ Example (Unmarshal)
func NewFromIOReader(r io.Reader) (Raw, error)
NewFromIOReader reads a BSON document from the io.Reader and returns it as a bson.Raw. If the reader contains multiple BSON documents, only the first document is read.
Deprecated: Use ReadDocument instead.
func ReadDocument(r io.Reader) (Raw, error)
ReadDocument reads a BSON document from the io.Reader and returns it as a bson.Raw. If the reader contains multiple BSON documents, only the first document is read.
func (r Raw) Elements() ([]RawElement, error)
Elements returns this document as a slice of elements. The returned slice will contain valid elements. If the document is not valid, the elements up to the invalid point will be returned along with an error.
func (r Raw) Index(index uint) RawElement
Index searches for and retrieves the element at the given index. This method will panic if the document is invalid or if the index is out of bounds.
func (r Raw) IndexErr(index uint) (RawElement, error)
IndexErr searches for and retrieves the element at the given index.
func (r Raw) Lookup(key ...string) RawValue
Lookup search the document, potentially recursively, for the given key. If there are multiple keys provided, this method will recurse down, as long as the top and intermediate nodes are either documents or arrays.If an error occurs or if the value doesn't exist, an empty RawValue is returned.
func (r Raw) LookupErr(key ...string) (RawValue, error)
LookupErr searches the document and potentially subdocuments or arrays for the provided key. Each key provided to this method represents a layer of depth.
func (r Raw) String() string
String returns the BSON document encoded as Extended JSON.
func (r Raw) Validate() (err error)
Validate validates the document. This method only validates the first document in the slice, to validate other documents, the slice must be resliced.
▹ Example
func (r Raw) Values() ([]RawValue, error)
Values returns this document as a slice of values. The returned slice will contain valid values. If the document is not valid, the values up to the invalid point will be returned along with an error.
RawElement is a raw encoded BSON document or array element.
type RawElement []byte
func (re RawElement) DebugString() string
DebugString outputs a human readable version of RawElement. It will attempt to stringify the valid components of the element even if the entire element is not valid.
func (re RawElement) Key() string
Key returns the key for this element. If the element is not valid, this method returns an empty string. If knowing if the element is valid is important, use KeyErr.
func (re RawElement) KeyErr() (string, error)
KeyErr returns the key for this element, returning an error if the element is not valid.
func (re RawElement) String() string
String returns the BSON element encoded as Extended JSON.
func (re RawElement) Validate() error
Validate ensures re is a valid BSON element.
func (re RawElement) Value() RawValue
Value returns the value of this element. If the element is not valid, this method returns an empty Value. If knowing if the element is valid is important, use ValueErr.
func (re RawElement) ValueErr() (RawValue, error)
ValueErr returns the value for this element, returning an error if the element is not valid.
RawValue is a raw encoded BSON value. It can be used to delay BSON value decoding or precompute BSON encoded value. Type is the BSON type of the value and Value is the raw encoded BSON value.
A RawValue must be an individual BSON value. Use the Raw type for full BSON documents.
type RawValue struct { Type bsontype.Type Value []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
▹ Example (Marshal)
▹ Example (Unmarshal)
func (rv RawValue) Array() Raw
Array returns the BSON array the Value represents as an Array. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than array.
func (rv RawValue) ArrayOK() (Raw, bool)
ArrayOK is the same as Array, except it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) AsInt32() int32
AsInt32 returns a BSON number as an int32. If the BSON type is not a numeric one, this method will panic.
Deprecated: Use AsInt64 instead. If an int32 is required, convert the returned value to an int32 and perform any required overflow/underflow checking.
func (rv RawValue) AsInt32OK() (int32, bool)
AsInt32OK is the same as AsInt32, except that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
Deprecated: Use AsInt64OK instead. If an int32 is required, convert the returned value to an int32 and perform any required overflow/underflow checking.
func (rv RawValue) AsInt64() int64
AsInt64 returns a BSON number as an int64. If the BSON type is not a numeric one, this method will panic.
func (rv RawValue) AsInt64OK() (int64, bool)
AsInt64OK is the same as AsInt64, except that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Binary() (subtype byte, data []byte)
Binary returns the BSON binary value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than binary.
func (rv RawValue) BinaryOK() (subtype byte, data []byte, ok bool)
BinaryOK is the same as Binary, except it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Boolean() bool
Boolean returns the boolean value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than boolean.
func (rv RawValue) BooleanOK() (bool, bool)
BooleanOK is the same as Boolean, except it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) CodeWithScope() (string, Raw)
CodeWithScope returns the BSON JavaScript code with scope the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than JavaScript code with scope.
func (rv RawValue) CodeWithScopeOK() (string, Raw, bool)
CodeWithScopeOK is the same as CodeWithScope, except that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) DBPointer() (string, primitive.ObjectID)
DBPointer returns the BSON dbpointer value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than DBPointer.
func (rv RawValue) DBPointerOK() (string, primitive.ObjectID, bool)
DBPointerOK is the same as DBPoitner, except that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) DateTime() int64
DateTime returns the BSON datetime value the Value represents as a unix timestamp. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than datetime.
func (rv RawValue) DateTimeOK() (int64, bool)
DateTimeOK is the same as DateTime, except it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) DebugString() string
DebugString outputs a human readable version of Document. It will attempt to stringify the valid components of the document even if the entire document is not valid.
func (rv RawValue) Decimal128() primitive.Decimal128
Decimal128 returns the decimal the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than decimal.
func (rv RawValue) Decimal128OK() (primitive.Decimal128, bool)
Decimal128OK is the same as Decimal128, except that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Document() Raw
Document returns the BSON document the Value represents as a Document. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than document.
func (rv RawValue) DocumentOK() (Raw, bool)
DocumentOK is the same as Document, except it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Double() float64
Double returns the float64 value for this element. It panics if e's BSON type is not bsontype.Double.
func (rv RawValue) DoubleOK() (float64, bool)
DoubleOK is the same as Double, but returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Equal(rv2 RawValue) bool
Equal compares rv and rv2 and returns true if they are equal.
func (rv RawValue) Int32() int32
Int32 returns the int32 the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than int32.
func (rv RawValue) Int32OK() (int32, bool)
Int32OK is the same as Int32, except that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Int64() int64
Int64 returns the int64 the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than int64.
func (rv RawValue) Int64OK() (int64, bool)
Int64OK is the same as Int64, except that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) IsNumber() bool
IsNumber returns true if the type of v is a numeric BSON type.
func (rv RawValue) IsZero() bool
IsZero reports whether the RawValue is zero, i.e. no data is present on the RawValue. It returns true if Type is 0 and Value is empty or nil.
func (rv RawValue) JavaScript() string
JavaScript returns the BSON JavaScript code value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than JavaScript code.
func (rv RawValue) JavaScriptOK() (string, bool)
JavaScriptOK is the same as Javascript, excepti that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) ObjectID() primitive.ObjectID
ObjectID returns the BSON objectid value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than objectid.
func (rv RawValue) ObjectIDOK() (primitive.ObjectID, bool)
ObjectIDOK is the same as ObjectID, except it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Regex() (pattern, options string)
Regex returns the BSON regex value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than regex.
func (rv RawValue) RegexOK() (pattern, options string, ok bool)
RegexOK is the same as Regex, except it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) String() string
String implements the fmt.String interface. This method will return values in extended JSON format. If the value is not valid, this returns an empty string
func (rv RawValue) StringValue() string
StringValue returns the string value for this element. It panics if e's BSON type is not bsontype.String.
NOTE: This method is called StringValue to avoid a collision with the String method which implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (rv RawValue) StringValueOK() (string, bool)
StringValueOK is the same as StringValue, but returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Symbol() string
Symbol returns the BSON symbol value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than symbol.
func (rv RawValue) SymbolOK() (string, bool)
SymbolOK is the same as Symbol, excepti that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Time() time.Time
Time returns the BSON datetime value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than datetime.
func (rv RawValue) TimeOK() (time.Time, bool)
TimeOK is the same as Time, except it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Timestamp() (t, i uint32)
Timestamp returns the BSON timestamp value the Value represents. It panics if the value is a BSON type other than timestamp.
func (rv RawValue) TimestampOK() (t, i uint32, ok bool)
TimestampOK is the same as Timestamp, except that it returns a boolean instead of panicking.
func (rv RawValue) Unmarshal(val interface{}) error
Unmarshal deserializes BSON into the provided val. If RawValue cannot be unmarshaled into val, an error is returned. This method will use the registry used to create the RawValue, if the RawValue was created from partial BSON processing, or it will use the default registry. Users wishing to specify the registry to use should use UnmarshalWithRegistry.
func (rv RawValue) UnmarshalWithContext(dc *bsoncodec.DecodeContext, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalWithContext performs the same unmarshalling as Unmarshal but uses the provided DecodeContext instead of the one attached or the default registry.
func (rv RawValue) UnmarshalWithRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry, val interface{}) error
UnmarshalWithRegistry performs the same unmarshalling as Unmarshal but uses the provided registry instead of the one attached or the default registry.
func (rv RawValue) Validate() error
Validate ensures the value is a valid BSON value.
Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by types that can unmarshal a BSON document representation of themselves. The input can be assumed to be a valid encoding of a BSON document. UnmarshalBSON must copy the JSON data if it wishes to retain the data after returning.
Unmarshaler is only used to unmarshal full BSON documents. To create custom BSON unmarshaling behavior for individual values in a BSON document, implement the ValueUnmarshaler interface instead.
type Unmarshaler interface { UnmarshalBSON([]byte) error }
ValueMarshaler is the interface implemented by types that can marshal themselves into a valid BSON value. The format of the returned bytes must match the returned type.
Implementations of ValueMarshaler must return an individual BSON value. To create custom BSON marshaling behavior for an entire BSON document, implement the Marshaler interface instead.
type ValueMarshaler interface { MarshalBSONValue() (bsontype.Type, []byte, error) }
ValueUnmarshaler is the interface implemented by types that can unmarshal a BSON value representation of themselves. The input can be assumed to be a valid encoding of a BSON value. UnmarshalBSONValue must copy the BSON value bytes if it wishes to retain the data after returning.
ValueUnmarshaler is only used to unmarshal individual values in a BSON document. To create custom BSON unmarshaling behavior for an entire BSON document, implement the Unmarshaler interface instead.
type ValueUnmarshaler interface { UnmarshalBSONValue(bsontype.Type, []byte) error }
Zeroer allows custom struct types to implement a report of zero state. All struct types that don't implement Zeroer or where IsZero returns false are considered to be not zero.
type Zeroer interface { IsZero() bool }
Name | Synopsis |
.. | |
bsoncodec | Package bsoncodec provides a system for encoding values to BSON representations and decoding values from BSON representations. |
bsonoptions | Package bsonoptions defines the optional configurations for the BSON codecs. |
bsonrw | Package bsonrw contains abstractions for reading and writing BSON and BSON like types from sources. |
bsonrwtest | Package bsonrwtest provides utilities for testing the "bson/bsonrw" package. |
bsontype | Package bsontype is a utility package that contains types for each BSON type and the a stringifier for the Type to enable easier debugging when working with BSON. |
mgocompat | Package mgocompat provides Registry, a BSON registry compatible with globalsign/mgo's BSON, with some remaining differences. |
primitive | Package primitive contains types similar to Go primitives for BSON types that do not have direct Go primitive representations. |