const ( Whitespace = TextWhitespace Date = LiteralDate String = LiteralString StringAffix = LiteralStringAffix StringBacktick = LiteralStringBacktick StringChar = LiteralStringChar StringDelimiter = LiteralStringDelimiter StringDoc = LiteralStringDoc StringDouble = LiteralStringDouble StringEscape = LiteralStringEscape StringHeredoc = LiteralStringHeredoc StringInterpol = LiteralStringInterpol StringOther = LiteralStringOther StringRegex = LiteralStringRegex StringSingle = LiteralStringSingle StringSymbol = LiteralStringSymbol Number = LiteralNumber NumberBin = LiteralNumberBin NumberFloat = LiteralNumberFloat NumberHex = LiteralNumberHex NumberInteger = LiteralNumberInteger NumberIntegerLong = LiteralNumberIntegerLong NumberOct = LiteralNumberOct )
ANSI2RGB maps ANSI colour names, as supported by Chroma, to hex RGB values.
var ANSI2RGB = map[string]string{ "#ansiblack": "000000", "#ansidarkred": "7f0000", "#ansidarkgreen": "007f00", "#ansibrown": "7f7fe0", "#ansidarkblue": "00007f", "#ansipurple": "7f007f", "#ansiteal": "007f7f", "#ansilightgray": "e5e5e5", "#ansidarkgray": "555555", "#ansired": "ff0000", "#ansigreen": "00ff00", "#ansiyellow": "ffff00", "#ansiblue": "0000ff", "#ansifuchsia": "ff00ff", "#ansiturquoise": "00ffff", "#ansiwhite": "ffffff", "#black": "000000", "#darkred": "7f0000", "#darkgreen": "007f00", "#brown": "7f7fe0", "#darkblue": "00007f", "#purple": "7f007f", "#teal": "007f7f", "#lightgray": "e5e5e5", "#darkgray": "555555", "#red": "ff0000", "#green": "00ff00", "#yellow": "ffff00", "#blue": "0000ff", "#fuchsia": "ff00ff", "#turquoise": "00ffff", "#white": "ffffff", }
var ( StandardTypes = map[TokenType]string{ Background: "bg", PreWrapper: "chroma", Line: "line", LineNumbers: "ln", LineNumbersTable: "lnt", LineHighlight: "hl", LineTable: "lntable", LineTableTD: "lntd", CodeLine: "cl", Text: "", Whitespace: "w", Error: "err", Other: "x", Keyword: "k", KeywordConstant: "kc", KeywordDeclaration: "kd", KeywordNamespace: "kn", KeywordPseudo: "kp", KeywordReserved: "kr", KeywordType: "kt", Name: "n", NameAttribute: "na", NameBuiltin: "nb", NameBuiltinPseudo: "bp", NameClass: "nc", NameConstant: "no", NameDecorator: "nd", NameEntity: "ni", NameException: "ne", NameFunction: "nf", NameFunctionMagic: "fm", NameProperty: "py", NameLabel: "nl", NameNamespace: "nn", NameOther: "nx", NameTag: "nt", NameVariable: "nv", NameVariableClass: "vc", NameVariableGlobal: "vg", NameVariableInstance: "vi", NameVariableMagic: "vm", Literal: "l", LiteralDate: "ld", String: "s", StringAffix: "sa", StringBacktick: "sb", StringChar: "sc", StringDelimiter: "dl", StringDoc: "sd", StringDouble: "s2", StringEscape: "se", StringHeredoc: "sh", StringInterpol: "si", StringOther: "sx", StringRegex: "sr", StringSingle: "s1", StringSymbol: "ss", Number: "m", NumberBin: "mb", NumberFloat: "mf", NumberHex: "mh", NumberInteger: "mi", NumberIntegerLong: "il", NumberOct: "mo", Operator: "o", OperatorWord: "ow", Punctuation: "p", Comment: "c", CommentHashbang: "ch", CommentMultiline: "cm", CommentPreproc: "cp", CommentPreprocFile: "cpf", CommentSingle: "c1", CommentSpecial: "cs", Generic: "g", GenericDeleted: "gd", GenericEmph: "ge", GenericError: "gr", GenericHeading: "gh", GenericInserted: "gi", GenericOutput: "go", GenericPrompt: "gp", GenericStrong: "gs", GenericSubheading: "gu", GenericTraceback: "gt", GenericUnderline: "gl", } )
func SplitTokensIntoLines(tokens []Token) (out [][]Token)
SplitTokensIntoLines splits tokens containing newlines in two.
func Stringify(tokens ...Token) string
Stringify returns the raw string for a set of tokens.
func Words(prefix, suffix string, words ...string) string
Words creates a regex that matches any of the given literal words.
Analyser determines how appropriate this lexer is for the given text.
type Analyser interface { AnalyseText(text string) float32 }
Colour represents an RGB colour.
type Colour int32
func MustParseColour(colour string) Colour
MustParseColour is like ParseColour except it panics if the colour is invalid.
Will panic if colour is in an invalid format.
func NewColour(r, g, b uint8) Colour
NewColour creates a Colour directly from RGB values.
func ParseColour(colour string) Colour
ParseColour in the forms #rgb, #rrggbb, #ansi<colour>, or #<colour>. Will return an "unset" colour if invalid.
func (c Colour) Blue() uint8
Blue component of colour.
func (c Colour) Brighten(factor float64) Colour
Brighten returns a copy of this colour with its brightness adjusted.
If factor is negative, the colour is darkened.
Uses approach described here (
func (c Colour) BrightenOrDarken(factor float64) Colour
BrightenOrDarken brightens a colour if it is < 0.5 brighteness or darkens if > 0.5 brightness.
func (c Colour) Brightness() float64
Brightness of the colour (roughly) in the range 0.0 to 1.0
func (c Colour) Distance(e2 Colour) float64
Distance between this colour and another.
This uses the approach described here ( This is not as accurate as LAB, et. al. but is *vastly* simpler and sufficient for our needs.
func (c Colour) GoString() string
func (c Colour) Green() uint8
Green component of colour.
func (c Colour) IsSet() bool
IsSet returns true if the colour is set.
func (c Colour) Red() uint8
Red component of colour.
func (c Colour) String() string
Colours is an orderable set of colours.
type Colours []Colour
func (c Colours) Len() int
func (c Colours) Less(i, j int) bool
func (c Colours) Swap(i, j int)
A CompiledRule is a Rule with a pre-compiled regex.
Note that regular expressions are lazily compiled on first use of the lexer.
type CompiledRule struct { Rule Regexp *regexp2.Regexp // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CompiledRules is a map of rule name to sequence of compiled rules in that rule.
type CompiledRules map[string][]*CompiledRule
Config for a lexer.
type Config struct { // Name of the lexer. Name string // Shortcuts for the lexer Aliases []string // File name globs Filenames []string // Secondary file name globs AliasFilenames []string // MIME types MimeTypes []string // Regex matching is case-insensitive. CaseInsensitive bool // Regex matches all characters. DotAll bool // Regex does not match across lines ($ matches EOL). // // Defaults to multiline. NotMultiline bool // Make sure that the input ends with a newline. This // is required for some lexers that consume input linewise. EnsureNL bool // Priority of lexer. // // If this is 0 it will be treated as a default of 1. Priority float32 }
An Emitter takes group matches and returns tokens.
type Emitter interface { // Emit tokens for the given regex groups. Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator }
func ByGroupNames(emitters map[string]Emitter) Emitter
ByGroupNames emits a token for each named matching group in the rule's regex.
func ByGroups(emitters ...Emitter) Emitter
ByGroups emits a token for each matching group in the rule's regex.
func Using(lexer Lexer) Emitter
Using returns an Emitter that uses a given Lexer for parsing and emitting.
func UsingByGroup(sublexerGetFunc func(string) Lexer, sublexerNameGroup, codeGroup int, emitters ...Emitter) Emitter
UsingByGroup emits tokens for the matched groups in the regex using a "sublexer". Used when lexing code blocks where the name of a sublexer is contained within the block, for example on a Markdown text block or SQL language block.
The sublexer will be retrieved using sublexerGetFunc (typically internal.Get), using the captured value from the matched sublexerNameGroup.
If sublexerGetFunc returns a non-nil lexer for the captured sublexerNameGroup, then tokens for the matched codeGroup will be emitted using the retrieved lexer. Otherwise, if the sublexer is nil, then tokens will be emitted from the passed emitter.
var Markdown = internal.Register(MustNewLexer( &Config{ Name: "markdown", Aliases: []string{"md", "mkd"}, Filenames: []string{"*.md", "*.mkd", "*.markdown"}, MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-markdown"}, }, Rules{ "root": { {"^(```)(\\w+)(\\n)([\\w\\W]*?)(^```$)", UsingByGroup( internal.Get, 2, 4, String, String, String, Text, String, ), nil, }, }, }, ))
See the lexers/m/markdown.go for the complete example.
Note: panic's if the number emitters does not equal the number of matched groups in the regex.
func UsingSelf(stateName string) Emitter
UsingSelf is like Using, but uses the current Lexer.
EmitterFunc is a function that is an Emitter.
type EmitterFunc func(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator
func (e EmitterFunc) Emit(groups []string, state *LexerState) Iterator
Emit tokens for groups.
A Formatter for Chroma lexers.
type Formatter interface { // Format returns a formatting function for tokens. // // If the iterator panics, the Formatter should recover. Format(w io.Writer, style *Style, iterator Iterator) error }
func RecoveringFormatter(formatter Formatter) Formatter
RecoveringFormatter wraps a formatter with panic recovery.
A FormatterFunc is a Formatter implemented as a function.
Guards against iterator panics.
type FormatterFunc func(w io.Writer, style *Style, iterator Iterator) error
func (f FormatterFunc) Format(w io.Writer, s *Style, it Iterator) (err error)
An Iterator across tokens.
EOF will be returned at the end of the Token stream.
If an error occurs within an Iterator, it may propagate this in a panic. Formatters should recover.
type Iterator func() Token
func Concaterator(iterators ...Iterator) Iterator
Concaterator concatenates tokens from a series of iterators.
func Literator(tokens ...Token) Iterator
Literator converts a sequence of literal Tokens into an Iterator.
func (i Iterator) Tokens() []Token
Tokens consumes all tokens from the iterator and returns them as a slice.
A Lexer for tokenising source code.
type Lexer interface { // Config describing the features of the Lexer. Config() *Config // Tokenise returns an Iterator over tokens in text. Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (Iterator, error) }
func Coalesce(lexer Lexer) Lexer
Coalesce is a Lexer interceptor that collapses runs of common types into a single token.
func DelegatingLexer(root Lexer, language Lexer) Lexer
DelegatingLexer combines two lexers to handle the common case of a language embedded inside another, such as PHP inside HTML or PHP inside plain text.
It takes two lexer as arguments: a root lexer and a language lexer. First everything is scanned using the language lexer, which must return "Other" for unrecognised tokens. Then all "Other" tokens are lexed using the root lexer. Finally, these two sets of tokens are merged.
The lexers from the template lexer package use this base lexer.
func RemappingLexer(lexer Lexer, mapper func(Token) []Token) Lexer
RemappingLexer remaps a token to a set of, potentially empty, tokens.
func TypeRemappingLexer(lexer Lexer, mapping TypeMapping) Lexer
TypeRemappingLexer remaps types of tokens coming from a parent Lexer.
eg. Map "defvaralias" tokens of type NameVariable to NameFunction:
mapping := TypeMapping{ {NameVariable, NameFunction, []string{"defvaralias"}, } lexer = TypeRemappingLexer(lexer, mapping)
A LexerMutator is an additional interface that a Mutator can implement to modify the lexer when it is compiled.
type LexerMutator interface { // Rules are the lexer rules, state is the state key for the rule the mutator is associated with. MutateLexer(rules CompiledRules, state string, rule int) error }
LexerState contains the state for a single lex.
type LexerState struct { Lexer *RegexLexer Text []rune Pos int Rules CompiledRules Stack []string State string Rule int // Group matches. Groups []string // Named Group matches. NamedGroups map[string]string // Custum context for mutators. MutatorContext map[interface{}]interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (l *LexerState) Get(key interface{}) interface{}
Get mutator context.
func (l *LexerState) Iterator() Token
Iterator returns the next Token from the lexer.
func (l *LexerState) Set(key interface{}, value interface{})
Set mutator context.
Lexers is a slice of lexers sortable by name.
type Lexers []Lexer
func (l Lexers) Len() int
func (l Lexers) Less(i, j int) bool
func (l Lexers) Swap(i, j int)
A Mutator modifies the behaviour of the lexer.
type Mutator interface { // Mutate the lexer state machine as it is processing. Mutate(state *LexerState) error }
func Combined(states ...string) Mutator
Combined creates a new anonymous state from the given states, and pushes that state.
A MutatorFunc is a Mutator that mutates the lexer state machine as it is processing.
type MutatorFunc func(state *LexerState) error
func Mutators(modifiers ...Mutator) MutatorFunc
Mutators applies a set of Mutators in order.
func Pop(n int) MutatorFunc
Pop state from the stack when rule matches.
func Push(states ...string) MutatorFunc
Push states onto the stack.
func (m MutatorFunc) Mutate(state *LexerState) error
PrioritisedLexers is a slice of lexers sortable by priority.
type PrioritisedLexers []Lexer
func (l PrioritisedLexers) Len() int
func (l PrioritisedLexers) Less(i, j int) bool
func (l PrioritisedLexers) Swap(i, j int)
RegexLexer is the default lexer implementation used in Chroma.
type RegexLexer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func MustNewLazyLexer(config *Config, rulesFunc func() Rules) *RegexLexer
MustNewLazyLexer creates a new Lexer with deferred rules generation or panics.
func MustNewLexer(config *Config, rules Rules) *RegexLexer
MustNewLexer creates a new Lexer or panics.
Deprecated: Use MustNewLazyLexer instead.
func NewLazyLexer(config *Config, rulesFunc func() Rules) (*RegexLexer, error)
NewLazyLexer creates a new regex-based Lexer with deferred rules generation.
func NewLexer(config *Config, rules Rules) (*RegexLexer, error)
NewLexer creates a new regex-based Lexer.
"rules" is a state machine transitition map. Each key is a state. Values are sets of rules that match input, optionally modify lexer state, and output tokens.
Deprecated: Use NewLazyLexer instead.
func (r *RegexLexer) AnalyseText(text string) float32
func (r *RegexLexer) Config() *Config
func (r *RegexLexer) SetAnalyser(analyser func(text string) float32) *RegexLexer
SetAnalyser sets the analyser function used to perform content inspection.
func (r *RegexLexer) Tokenise(options *TokeniseOptions, text string) (Iterator, error)
func (r *RegexLexer) Trace(trace bool) *RegexLexer
Trace enables debug tracing.
A Rule is the fundamental matching unit of the Regex lexer state machine.
type Rule struct { Pattern string Type Emitter Mutator Mutator }
func Default(mutators ...Mutator) Rule
Default returns a Rule that applies a set of Mutators.
func Include(state string) Rule
Include the given state.
Rules maps from state to a sequence of Rules.
type Rules map[string][]Rule
func (r Rules) Clone() Rules
Clone returns a clone of the Rules.
func (r Rules) Merge(rules Rules) Rules
Merge creates a clone of "r" then merges "rules" into the clone.
func (r Rules) Rename(oldRule, newRule string) Rules
Rename clones rules then a rule.
A Style definition.
See for details. Semantics are intended to be identical.
type Style struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MustNewStyle(name string, entries StyleEntries) *Style
MustNewStyle creates a new style or panics.
func NewStyle(name string, entries StyleEntries) (*Style, error)
NewStyle creates a new style definition.
func (s *Style) Builder() *StyleBuilder
Builder creates a mutable builder from this Style.
The builder can then be safely modified. This is a cheap operation.
func (s *Style) Get(ttype TokenType) StyleEntry
Get a style entry. Will try sub-category or category if an exact match is not found, and finally return the Background.
func (s *Style) Has(ttype TokenType) bool
Has checks if an exact style entry match exists for a token type.
This is distinct from Get() which will merge parent tokens.
func (s *Style) Types() []TokenType
Types that are styled.
A StyleBuilder is a mutable structure for building styles.
Once built, a Style is immutable.
type StyleBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStyleBuilder(name string) *StyleBuilder
func (s *StyleBuilder) Add(ttype TokenType, entry string) *StyleBuilder
Add an entry to the Style map.
See for details.
func (s *StyleBuilder) AddAll(entries StyleEntries) *StyleBuilder
func (s *StyleBuilder) AddEntry(ttype TokenType, entry StyleEntry) *StyleBuilder
func (s *StyleBuilder) Build() (*Style, error)
func (s *StyleBuilder) Get(ttype TokenType) StyleEntry
StyleEntries mapping TokenType to colour definition.
type StyleEntries map[TokenType]string
A StyleEntry in the Style map.
type StyleEntry struct { // Hex colours. Colour Colour Background Colour Border Colour Bold Trilean Italic Trilean Underline Trilean NoInherit bool }
func ParseStyleEntry(entry string) (StyleEntry, error)
ParseStyleEntry parses a Pygments style entry.
func (s StyleEntry) Inherit(ancestors ...StyleEntry) StyleEntry
Inherit styles from ancestors.
Ancestors should be provided from oldest to newest.
func (s StyleEntry) IsZero() bool
func (s StyleEntry) String() string
func (s StyleEntry) Sub(e StyleEntry) StyleEntry
Sub subtracts e from s where elements match.
Token output to formatter.
type Token struct { Type TokenType `json:"type"` Value string `json:"value"` }
EOF is returned by lexers at the end of input.
var EOF Token
func Tokenise(lexer Lexer, options *TokeniseOptions, text string) ([]Token, error)
Tokenise text using lexer, returning tokens as a slice.
func (t *Token) Clone() Token
Clone returns a clone of the Token.
func (t *Token) GoString() string
func (t *Token) String() string
TokenType is the type of token to highlight.
It is also an Emitter, emitting a single token of itself
type TokenType int
Meta token types.
const ( // Default background style. Background TokenType = -1 - iota // PreWrapper style. PreWrapper // Line style. Line // Line numbers in output. LineNumbers // Line numbers in output when in table. LineNumbersTable // Line higlight style. LineHighlight // Line numbers table wrapper style. LineTable // Line numbers table TD wrapper style. LineTableTD // Code line wrapper style. CodeLine // Input that could not be tokenised. Error // Other is used by the Delegate lexer to indicate which tokens should be handled by the delegate. Other // No highlighting. None // Used as an EOF marker / nil token EOFType TokenType = 0 )
const ( Keyword TokenType = 1000 + iota KeywordConstant KeywordDeclaration KeywordNamespace KeywordPseudo KeywordReserved KeywordType )
const ( Name TokenType = 2000 + iota NameAttribute NameBuiltin NameBuiltinPseudo NameClass NameConstant NameDecorator NameEntity NameException NameFunction NameFunctionMagic NameKeyword NameLabel NameNamespace NameOperator NameOther NamePseudo NameProperty NameTag NameVariable NameVariableAnonymous NameVariableClass NameVariableGlobal NameVariableInstance NameVariableMagic )
const ( Literal TokenType = 3000 + iota LiteralDate LiteralOther )
const ( LiteralString TokenType = 3100 + iota LiteralStringAffix LiteralStringAtom LiteralStringBacktick LiteralStringBoolean LiteralStringChar LiteralStringDelimiter LiteralStringDoc LiteralStringDouble LiteralStringEscape LiteralStringHeredoc LiteralStringInterpol LiteralStringName LiteralStringOther LiteralStringRegex LiteralStringSingle LiteralStringSymbol )
const ( LiteralNumber TokenType = 3200 + iota LiteralNumberBin LiteralNumberFloat LiteralNumberHex LiteralNumberInteger LiteralNumberIntegerLong LiteralNumberOct )
const ( Operator TokenType = 4000 + iota OperatorWord )
const ( Comment TokenType = 6000 + iota CommentHashbang CommentMultiline CommentSingle CommentSpecial )
Preprocessor "comments".
const ( CommentPreproc TokenType = 6100 + iota CommentPreprocFile )
Generic tokens.
const ( Generic TokenType = 7000 + iota GenericDeleted GenericEmph GenericError GenericHeading GenericInserted GenericOutput GenericPrompt GenericStrong GenericSubheading GenericTraceback GenericUnderline )
const ( Text TokenType = 8000 + iota TextWhitespace TextSymbol TextPunctuation )
const ( Punctuation TokenType = 5000 + iota )
func (t TokenType) Category() TokenType
func (t TokenType) Emit(groups []string, _ *LexerState) Iterator
func (t TokenType) InCategory(other TokenType) bool
func (t TokenType) InSubCategory(other TokenType) bool
func (t TokenType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (t TokenType) Parent() TokenType
func (i TokenType) String() string
func (t TokenType) SubCategory() TokenType
func (t *TokenType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
TokeniseOptions contains options for tokenisers.
type TokeniseOptions struct { // State to start tokenisation in. Defaults to "root". State string // Nested tokenisation. Nested bool // If true, all EOLs are converted into LF // by replacing CRLF and CR EnsureLF bool }
Trilean value for StyleEntry value inheritance.
type Trilean uint8
Trilean states.
const ( Pass Trilean = iota Yes No )
func (t Trilean) Prefix(s string) string
Prefix returns s with "no" as a prefix if Trilean is no.
func (t Trilean) String() string
TypeMapping defines type maps for the TypeRemappingLexer.
type TypeMapping []struct { From, To TokenType Words []string }
Name | Synopsis |
.. | |
formatters | |
html | |
svg | Package svg contains an SVG formatter. |
lexers | Package lexers contains the registry of all lexers. |
a | |
b | |
c | |
circular | Package circular exists to break circular dependencies between lexers. |
d | |
e | |
f | |
g | |
h | |
i | |
j | |
k | |
l | |
m | |
n | |
o | |
p | |
q | |
r | |
s | |
t | |
v | |
w | |
x | |
y | |
z | |
quick | Package quick provides simple, no-configuration source code highlighting. |
styles | |
v2 | Package chroma takes source code and other structured text and converts it into syntax highlighted HTML, ANSI- coloured text, etc. |
formatters | |
html | |
svg | Package svg contains an SVG formatter. |
lexers | |
quick | Package quick provides simple, no-configuration source code highlighting. |
styles |