const ( ContainerPushRuleName = "container_push" ThirdPartyContainerDepRuleName = "third_party_container_dep" )
const ( ContainerLangName = "container_push" ThirdPartyDepsFileName = "third_party_container_deps.bzl" )
func NewLanguage() language.Language
type Container struct { language.BaseLang }
func (c *Container) ApparentLoads(_ func(string) string) []rule.LoadInfo
func (c *Container) GenerateRules(args language.GenerateArgs) language.GenerateResult
func (c *Container) Imports(_ *config.Config, r *rule.Rule, f *rule.File) []resolve.ImportSpec
Imports returns a list of ImportSpecs that can be used to import the rule r. This is used to populate RuleIndex.
If nil is returned, the rule will not be indexed. If any non-nil slice is returned, including an empty slice, the rule will be indexed.
func (c *Container) Kinds() map[string]rule.KindInfo
func (k *Container) Name() string
Name returns the name of the language. It is used to identify the plugin.