
Source file src/sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4/typed/toset_test.go

Documentation: sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4/typed

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package typed_test
    19  import (
    20  	"fmt"
    21  	"testing"
    23  	"sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4/fieldpath"
    24  	"sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4/typed"
    25  	"sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4/value"
    26  )
    28  type objSetPair struct {
    29  	object typed.YAMLObject
    30  	set    *fieldpath.Set
    31  }
    33  type fieldsetTestCase struct {
    34  	name         string
    35  	rootTypeName string
    36  	schema       typed.YAMLObject
    37  	pairs        []objSetPair
    38  }
    40  var (
    41  	// Short names for readable test cases.
    42  	_NS  = fieldpath.NewSet
    43  	_P   = fieldpath.MakePathOrDie
    44  	_KBF = fieldpath.KeyByFields
    45  	_V   = value.NewValueInterface
    46  )
    48  var fieldsetCases = []fieldsetTestCase{{
    49  	name:         "simple pair",
    50  	rootTypeName: "stringPair",
    51  	schema: `types:
    52  - name: stringPair
    53    map:
    54      fields:
    55      - name: key
    56        type:
    57          scalar: string
    58      - name: value
    59        type:
    60          namedType: __untyped_atomic_
    61  - name: __untyped_atomic_
    62    scalar: untyped
    63    list:
    64      elementType:
    65        namedType: __untyped_atomic_
    66      elementRelationship: atomic
    67    map:
    68      elementType:
    69        namedType: __untyped_atomic_
    70      elementRelationship: atomic
    71  `,
    72  	pairs: []objSetPair{
    73  		{`{"key":"foo","value":1}`, _NS(_P("key"), _P("value"))},
    74  		{`{"key":"foo","value":{"a": "b"}}`, _NS(_P("key"), _P("value"))},
    75  		{`{"key":"foo","value":null}`, _NS(_P("key"), _P("value"))},
    76  		{`{"key":"foo"}`, _NS(_P("key"))},
    77  		{`{"key":"foo","value":true}`, _NS(_P("key"), _P("value"))},
    78  	},
    79  }, {
    80  	name:         "struct grab bag",
    81  	rootTypeName: "myStruct",
    82  	schema: `types:
    83  - name: myStruct
    84    map:
    85      fields:
    86      - name: numeric
    87        type:
    88          scalar: numeric
    89      - name: string
    90        type:
    91          scalar: string
    92      - name: bool
    93        type:
    94          scalar: boolean
    95      - name: setStr
    96        type:
    97          list:
    98            elementType:
    99              scalar: string
   100            elementRelationship: associative
   101      - name: setBool
   102        type:
   103          list:
   104            elementType:
   105              scalar: boolean
   106            elementRelationship: associative
   107      - name: setNumeric
   108        type:
   109          list:
   110            elementType:
   111              scalar: numeric
   112            elementRelationship: associative
   113      - name: color
   114        type:
   115          map:
   116            fields:
   117            - name: R
   118              type:
   119                scalar: numeric
   120            - name: G
   121              type:
   122                scalar: numeric
   123            - name: B
   124              type:
   125                scalar: numeric
   126            elementRelationship: atomic
   127      - name: arbitraryWavelengthColor
   128        type:
   129          map:
   130            elementType:
   131              scalar: numeric
   132            elementRelationship: atomic
   133      - name: args
   134        type:
   135          list:
   136            elementType:
   137              map:
   138                fields:
   139                - name: key
   140                  type:
   141                    scalar: string
   142                - name: value
   143                  type:
   144                    scalar: string
   145            elementRelationship: atomic
   146  `,
   147  	pairs: []objSetPair{
   148  		{`{"numeric":1}`, _NS(_P("numeric"))},
   149  		{`{"numeric":3.14159}`, _NS(_P("numeric"))},
   150  		{`{"string":"aoeu"}`, _NS(_P("string"))},
   151  		{`{"bool":true}`, _NS(_P("bool"))},
   152  		{`{"bool":false}`, _NS(_P("bool"))},
   153  		{`{"setStr":["a","b","c"]}`, _NS(
   154  			_P("setStr", _V("a")),
   155  			_P("setStr", _V("b")),
   156  			_P("setStr", _V("c")),
   157  		)},
   158  		{`{"setStr":["a","b","c","a","b","c","c"]}`, _NS(
   159  			_P("setStr", _V("a")),
   160  			_P("setStr", _V("b")),
   161  			_P("setStr", _V("c")),
   162  		)},
   163  		{`{"setBool":[true,false,true]}`, _NS(
   164  			_P("setBool", _V(true)),
   165  			_P("setBool", _V(false)),
   166  		)},
   167  		{`{"setNumeric":[1,2,3,3.14159]}`, _NS(
   168  			_P("setNumeric", _V(1)),
   169  			_P("setNumeric", _V(2)),
   170  			_P("setNumeric", _V(3)),
   171  			_P("setNumeric", _V(3.14159)),
   172  		)},
   173  		{`{"color":{}}`, _NS(_P("color"))},
   174  		{`{"color":null}`, _NS(_P("color"))},
   175  		{`{"color":{"R":255,"G":0,"B":0}}`, _NS(_P("color"))},
   176  		{`{"arbitraryWavelengthColor":{}}`, _NS(_P("arbitraryWavelengthColor"))},
   177  		{`{"arbitraryWavelengthColor":null}`, _NS(_P("arbitraryWavelengthColor"))},
   178  		{`{"arbitraryWavelengthColor":{"IR":255}}`, _NS(_P("arbitraryWavelengthColor"))},
   179  		{`{"args":[]}`, _NS(_P("args"))},
   180  		{`{"args":null}`, _NS(_P("args"))},
   181  		{`{"args":[null]}`, _NS(_P("args"))},
   182  		{`{"args":[{"key":"a","value":"b"},{"key":"c","value":"d"}]}`, _NS(_P("args"))},
   183  	},
   184  }, {
   185  	name:         "associative list",
   186  	rootTypeName: "myRoot",
   187  	schema: `types:
   188  - name: myRoot
   189    map:
   190      fields:
   191      - name: list
   192        type:
   193          namedType: myList
   194      - name: atomicList
   195        type:
   196          namedType: mySequence
   197  - name: myList
   198    list:
   199      elementType:
   200        namedType: myElement
   201      elementRelationship: associative
   202      keys:
   203      - key
   204      - id
   205  - name: mySequence
   206    list:
   207      elementType:
   208        scalar: string
   209      elementRelationship: atomic
   210  - name: myElement
   211    map:
   212      fields:
   213      - name: key
   214        type:
   215          scalar: string
   216      - name: id
   217        type:
   218          scalar: numeric
   219      - name: value
   220        type:
   221          namedType: myValue
   222      - name: bv
   223        type:
   224          scalar: boolean
   225      - name: nv
   226        type:
   227          scalar: numeric
   228  - name: myValue
   229    map:
   230      elementType:
   231        scalar: string
   232  `,
   233  	pairs: []objSetPair{
   234  		{`{"list":[]}`, _NS()},
   235  		{`{"list":[{"key":"a","id":1,"value":{"a":"a"}}]}`, _NS(
   236  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1)),
   237  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "key"),
   238  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "id"),
   239  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "value", "a"),
   240  		)},
   241  		{`{"list":[{"key":"a","id":1},{"key":"a","id":2},{"key":"b","id":1}]}`, _NS(
   242  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1)),
   243  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 2)),
   244  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1)),
   245  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "key"),
   246  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "id"),
   247  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 2), "key"),
   248  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 2), "id"),
   249  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1), "key"),
   250  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1), "id"),
   251  		)},
   252  		{`{"list":[{"key":"a","id":1,"nv":2},{"key":"a","id":2,"nv":3},{"key":"b","id":1},{"key":"a","id":2,"bv":true}]}`, _NS(
   253  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1)),
   254  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "key"),
   255  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "id"),
   256  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 1), "nv"),
   257  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "a", "id", 2)),
   258  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1)),
   259  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1), "key"),
   260  			_P("list", _KBF("key", "b", "id", 1), "id"),
   261  		)},
   262  		{`{"atomicList":["a","a","a"]}`, _NS(_P("atomicList"))},
   263  	},
   264  }}
   266  func (tt fieldsetTestCase) test(t *testing.T) {
   267  	parser, err := typed.NewParser(tt.schema)
   268  	if err != nil {
   269  		t.Fatalf("failed to create schema: %v", err)
   270  	}
   271  	for i, v := range tt.pairs {
   272  		v := v
   273  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", tt.name, i), func(t *testing.T) {
   274  			t.Parallel()
   275  			tv, err := parser.Type(tt.rootTypeName).FromYAML(v.object, typed.AllowDuplicates)
   276  			if err != nil {
   277  				t.Fatalf("failed to parse object: %v", err)
   278  			}
   279  			fs, err := tv.ToFieldSet()
   280  			if err != nil {
   281  				t.Fatalf("got validation errors: %v", err)
   282  			}
   283  			if !fs.Equals(v.set) {
   284  				t.Errorf("wanted\n%s\ngot\n%s\n", v.set, fs)
   285  			}
   286  		})
   287  	}
   288  }
   290  func TestToFieldSet(t *testing.T) {
   291  	for _, tt := range fieldsetCases {
   292  		tt := tt
   293  		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   294  			t.Parallel()
   295  			tt.test(t)
   296  		})
   297  	}
   298  }

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