// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package types import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "reflect" "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/errors" "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml/filesys" "sigs.k8s.io/yaml" ) const ( KustomizationVersion = "kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1" KustomizationKind = "Kustomization" ComponentVersion = "kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1alpha1" ComponentKind = "Component" MetadataNamespacePath = "metadata/namespace" MetadataNamespaceApiVersion = "v1" MetadataNamePath = "metadata/name" OriginAnnotations = "originAnnotations" TransformerAnnotations = "transformerAnnotations" ManagedByLabelOption = "managedByLabel" ) var BuildMetadataOptions = []string{OriginAnnotations, TransformerAnnotations, ManagedByLabelOption} // Kustomization holds the information needed to generate customized k8s api resources. type Kustomization struct { TypeMeta `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"` // MetaData is a pointer to avoid marshalling empty struct MetaData *ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" yaml:"metadata,omitempty"` // OpenAPI contains information about what kubernetes schema to use. OpenAPI map[string]string `json:"openapi,omitempty" yaml:"openapi,omitempty"` // // Operators - what kustomize can do. // // NamePrefix will prefix the names of all resources mentioned in the kustomization // file including generated configmaps and secrets. NamePrefix string `json:"namePrefix,omitempty" yaml:"namePrefix,omitempty"` // NameSuffix will suffix the names of all resources mentioned in the kustomization // file including generated configmaps and secrets. NameSuffix string `json:"nameSuffix,omitempty" yaml:"nameSuffix,omitempty"` // Namespace to add to all objects. Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" yaml:"namespace,omitempty"` // CommonLabels to add to all objects and selectors. CommonLabels map[string]string `json:"commonLabels,omitempty" yaml:"commonLabels,omitempty"` // Labels to add to all objects but not selectors. Labels []Label `json:"labels,omitempty" yaml:"labels,omitempty"` // CommonAnnotations to add to all objects. CommonAnnotations map[string]string `json:"commonAnnotations,omitempty" yaml:"commonAnnotations,omitempty"` // Deprecated: Use the Patches field instead, which provides a superset of the functionality of PatchesStrategicMerge. // PatchesStrategicMerge specifies the relative path to a file // containing a strategic merge patch. Format documented at // https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/sig-api-machinery/strategic-merge-patch.md // URLs and globs are not supported. PatchesStrategicMerge []PatchStrategicMerge `json:"patchesStrategicMerge,omitempty" yaml:"patchesStrategicMerge,omitempty"` // Deprecated: Use the Patches field instead, which provides a superset of the functionality of JSONPatches. // JSONPatches is a list of JSONPatch for applying JSON patch. // Format documented at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902 // and http://jsonpatch.com PatchesJson6902 []Patch `json:"patchesJson6902,omitempty" yaml:"patchesJson6902,omitempty"` // Patches is a list of patches, where each one can be either a // Strategic Merge Patch or a JSON patch. // Each patch can be applied to multiple target objects. Patches []Patch `json:"patches,omitempty" yaml:"patches,omitempty"` // Images is a list of (image name, new name, new tag or digest) // for changing image names, tags or digests. This can also be achieved with a // patch, but this operator is simpler to specify. Images []Image `json:"images,omitempty" yaml:"images,omitempty"` // Deprecated: Use the Images field instead. ImageTags []Image `json:"imageTags,omitempty" yaml:"imageTags,omitempty"` // Replacements is a list of replacements, which will copy nodes from a // specified source to N specified targets. Replacements []ReplacementField `json:"replacements,omitempty" yaml:"replacements,omitempty"` // Replicas is a list of {resourcename, count} that allows for simpler replica // specification. This can also be done with a patch. Replicas []Replica `json:"replicas,omitempty" yaml:"replicas,omitempty"` // Deprecated: Vars will be removed in future release. Migrate to Replacements instead. // Vars allow things modified by kustomize to be injected into a // kubernetes object specification. A var is a name (e.g. FOO) associated // with a field in a specific resource instance. The field must // contain a value of type string/bool/int/float, and defaults to the name field // of the instance. Any appearance of "$(FOO)" in the object // spec will be replaced at kustomize build time, after the final // value of the specified field has been determined. Vars []Var `json:"vars,omitempty" yaml:"vars,omitempty"` // SortOptions change the order that kustomize outputs resources. SortOptions *SortOptions `json:"sortOptions,omitempty" yaml:"sortOptions,omitempty"` // // Operands - what kustomize operates on. // // Resources specifies relative paths to files holding YAML representations // of kubernetes API objects, or specifications of other kustomizations // via relative paths, absolute paths, or URLs. Resources []string `json:"resources,omitempty" yaml:"resources,omitempty"` // Components specifies relative paths to specifications of other Components // via relative paths, absolute paths, or URLs. Components []string `json:"components,omitempty" yaml:"components,omitempty"` // Crds specifies relative paths to Custom Resource Definition files. // This allows custom resources to be recognized as operands, making // it possible to add them to the Resources list. // CRDs themselves are not modified. Crds []string `json:"crds,omitempty" yaml:"crds,omitempty"` // Deprecated: Anything that would have been specified here should be specified in the Resources field instead. Bases []string `json:"bases,omitempty" yaml:"bases,omitempty"` // // Generators (operators that create operands) // // ConfigMapGenerator is a list of configmaps to generate from // local data (one configMap per list item). // The resulting resource is a normal operand, subject to // name prefixing, patching, etc. By default, the name of // the map will have a suffix hash generated from its contents. ConfigMapGenerator []ConfigMapArgs `json:"configMapGenerator,omitempty" yaml:"configMapGenerator,omitempty"` // SecretGenerator is a list of secrets to generate from // local data (one secret per list item). // The resulting resource is a normal operand, subject to // name prefixing, patching, etc. By default, the name of // the map will have a suffix hash generated from its contents. SecretGenerator []SecretArgs `json:"secretGenerator,omitempty" yaml:"secretGenerator,omitempty"` // HelmGlobals contains helm configuration that isn't chart specific. HelmGlobals *HelmGlobals `json:"helmGlobals,omitempty" yaml:"helmGlobals,omitempty"` // HelmCharts is a list of helm chart configuration instances. HelmCharts []HelmChart `json:"helmCharts,omitempty" yaml:"helmCharts,omitempty"` // HelmChartInflationGenerator is a list of helm chart configurations. // Deprecated. Auto-converted to HelmGlobals and HelmCharts. HelmChartInflationGenerator []HelmChartArgs `json:"helmChartInflationGenerator,omitempty" yaml:"helmChartInflationGenerator,omitempty"` // GeneratorOptions modify behavior of all ConfigMap and Secret generators. GeneratorOptions *GeneratorOptions `json:"generatorOptions,omitempty" yaml:"generatorOptions,omitempty"` // Configurations is a list of transformer configuration files Configurations []string `json:"configurations,omitempty" yaml:"configurations,omitempty"` // Generators is a list of files containing custom generators Generators []string `json:"generators,omitempty" yaml:"generators,omitempty"` // Transformers is a list of files containing transformers Transformers []string `json:"transformers,omitempty" yaml:"transformers,omitempty"` // Validators is a list of files containing validators Validators []string `json:"validators,omitempty" yaml:"validators,omitempty"` // BuildMetadata is a list of strings used to toggle different build options BuildMetadata []string `json:"buildMetadata,omitempty" yaml:"buildMetadata,omitempty"` } const ( deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix = "Run 'kustomize edit fix' to update your Kustomization automatically." deprecatedWarningToRunEditFixExperimential = "[EXPERIMENTAL] Run 'kustomize edit fix' to update your Kustomization automatically." deprecatedBaseWarningMessage = "# Warning: 'bases' is deprecated. Please use 'resources' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix deprecatedImageTagsWarningMessage = "# Warning: 'imageTags' is deprecated. Please use 'images' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix deprecatedPatchesJson6902Message = "# Warning: 'patchesJson6902' is deprecated. Please use 'patches' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix deprecatedPatchesStrategicMergeMessage = "# Warning: 'patchesStrategicMerge' is deprecated. Please use 'patches' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix deprecatedVarsMessage = "# Warning: 'vars' is deprecated. Please use 'replacements' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFixExperimential deprecatedCommonLabelsWarningMessage = "# Warning: 'commonLabels' is deprecated. Please use 'labels' instead." + " " + deprecatedWarningToRunEditFix ) // CheckDeprecatedFields check deprecated field is used or not. func (k *Kustomization) CheckDeprecatedFields() *[]string { var warningMessages []string if k.Bases != nil { warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedBaseWarningMessage) } if k.CommonLabels != nil { warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedCommonLabelsWarningMessage) } if k.ImageTags != nil { warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedImageTagsWarningMessage) } if k.PatchesJson6902 != nil { warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedPatchesJson6902Message) } if k.PatchesStrategicMerge != nil { warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedPatchesStrategicMergeMessage) } if k.Vars != nil { warningMessages = append(warningMessages, deprecatedVarsMessage) } return &warningMessages } // FixKustomization fixes things // like empty fields that should not be empty, or // moving content of deprecated fields to newer // fields. func (k *Kustomization) FixKustomization() { if k.Kind == "" { k.Kind = KustomizationKind } if k.APIVersion == "" { if k.Kind == ComponentKind { k.APIVersion = ComponentVersion } else { k.APIVersion = KustomizationVersion } } // 'bases' field was deprecated in favor of the 'resources' field. k.Resources = append(k.Resources, k.Bases...) k.Bases = nil // 'imageTags' field was deprecated in favor of the 'images' field. k.Images = append(k.Images, k.ImageTags...) k.ImageTags = nil for i, g := range k.ConfigMapGenerator { if g.EnvSource != "" { k.ConfigMapGenerator[i].EnvSources = append(g.EnvSources, g.EnvSource) //nolint:gocritic k.ConfigMapGenerator[i].EnvSource = "" } } for i, g := range k.SecretGenerator { if g.EnvSource != "" { k.SecretGenerator[i].EnvSources = append(g.EnvSources, g.EnvSource) //nolint:gocritic k.SecretGenerator[i].EnvSource = "" } } charts, globals := SplitHelmParameters(k.HelmChartInflationGenerator) if k.HelmGlobals == nil { if globals.ChartHome != "" || globals.ConfigHome != "" { k.HelmGlobals = &globals } } k.HelmCharts = append(k.HelmCharts, charts...) // Wipe it for the fix command. k.HelmChartInflationGenerator = nil } // FixKustomizationPreMarshalling fixes things // that should occur after the kustomization file // has been processed. func (k *Kustomization) FixKustomizationPreMarshalling(fSys filesys.FileSystem) error { // PatchesJson6902 should be under the Patches field. k.Patches = append(k.Patches, k.PatchesJson6902...) k.PatchesJson6902 = nil if k.PatchesStrategicMerge != nil { for _, patchStrategicMerge := range k.PatchesStrategicMerge { // check this patch is file path select. if _, err := fSys.ReadFile(string(patchStrategicMerge)); err == nil { // path patch k.Patches = append(k.Patches, Patch{Path: string(patchStrategicMerge)}) } else { // inline string patch k.Patches = append(k.Patches, Patch{Patch: string(patchStrategicMerge)}) } } k.PatchesStrategicMerge = nil } // this fix is not in FixKustomizationPostUnmarshalling because // it will break some commands like `create` and `add`. those // commands depend on 'commonLabels' field if cl := labelFromCommonLabels(k.CommonLabels); cl != nil { // check conflicts between commonLabels and labels for _, l := range k.Labels { for k := range l.Pairs { if _, exist := cl.Pairs[k]; exist { return fmt.Errorf("label name '%s' exists in both commonLabels and labels", k) } } } k.Labels = append(k.Labels, *cl) k.CommonLabels = nil } return nil } func (k *Kustomization) CheckEmpty() error { // generate empty Kustomization emptyKustomization := &Kustomization{} // k.TypeMeta is metadata. It Isn't related to whether empty or not. emptyKustomization.TypeMeta = k.TypeMeta if reflect.DeepEqual(k, emptyKustomization) { return fmt.Errorf("kustomization.yaml is empty") } return nil } func (k *Kustomization) EnforceFields() []string { var errs []string if k.Kind != "" && k.Kind != KustomizationKind && k.Kind != ComponentKind { errs = append(errs, "kind should be "+KustomizationKind+" or "+ComponentKind) } requiredVersion := KustomizationVersion if k.Kind == ComponentKind { requiredVersion = ComponentVersion } if k.APIVersion != "" && k.APIVersion != requiredVersion { errs = append(errs, "apiVersion for "+k.Kind+" should be "+requiredVersion) } return errs } // Unmarshal replace k with the content in YAML input y func (k *Kustomization) Unmarshal(y []byte) error { // TODO: switch to strict decoding to catch duplicate keys. // We can't do so until there is a yaml decoder that supports anchors AND case-insensitive keys. // See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/5061 j, err := yaml.YAMLToJSON(y) if err != nil { return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "invalid Kustomization") } dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(j)) dec.DisallowUnknownFields() var nk Kustomization err = dec.Decode(&nk) if err != nil { return errors.WrapPrefixf(err, "invalid Kustomization") } *k = nk return nil }