
Source file src/sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty/customconfigreusable_test.go

Documentation: sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/krusty

     1  // Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
     2  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     4  package krusty_test
     6  import (
     7  	"testing"
     9  	kusttest_test "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/testutils/kusttest"
    10  	"sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/types"
    11  )
    13  // Demo custom configuration as a base.
    14  // This test shows usage of three custom configurations sitting
    15  // in a base, allowing them to be reused in any number of
    16  // kustomizations.
    17  func TestReusableCustomTransformers(t *testing.T) {
    18  	th := kusttest_test.MakeEnhancedHarness(t).
    19  		PrepBuiltin("AnnotationsTransformer").
    20  		PrepBuiltin("LabelTransformer")
    21  	th.GetPluginConfig().BpLoadingOptions = types.BploUseStaticallyLinked
    22  	defer th.Reset()
    24  	// First write three custom configurations for builtin plugins.
    26  	// A custom name prefixer that only touches Deployments and Services.
    27  	th.WriteF("mytransformers/deploymentServicePrefixer.yaml", `
    28  apiVersion: builtin
    29  kind: PrefixSuffixTransformer
    30  metadata:
    31    name: myPrefixer
    32  prefix: bob-
    33  fieldSpecs:
    34  - kind: Deployment
    35    path: metadata/name
    36  - kind: Service
    37    path: metadata/name
    38  `)
    40  	// A custom annotator exclusively annotating Roles.
    41  	th.WriteF("mytransformers/roleAnnotator.yaml", `
    42  apiVersion: builtin
    43  kind: AnnotationsTransformer
    44  metadata:
    45    name: myAnnotator
    46  annotations:
    47    # Imagine that SRE has not approved this role yet.
    48    status: probationary
    49  fieldSpecs:
    50  - path: metadata/annotations
    51    create: true
    52    kind: Role
    53  `)
    55  	// A custom labeller that only labels Deployments,
    56  	// and only labels them at their top metadata level
    57  	// exclusively.  It does not modify selectors or
    58  	// add labels to pods in the template.
    59  	th.WriteF("mytransformers/deploymentLabeller.yaml", `
    60  apiVersion: builtin
    61  kind: LabelTransformer
    62  metadata:
    63    name: myLabeller
    64  labels:
    65    pager: 867-5301
    66  fieldSpecs:
    67  - path: metadata/labels
    68    create: true
    69    kind: Deployment
    70  `)
    72  	// Combine these custom transformers in one kustomization file.
    73  	// This kustomization file contains only resources that
    74  	// all happen to be plugin configurations. This makes
    75  	// these plugins re-usable as a group in any number of other
    76  	// kustomizations.
    77  	th.WriteK("mytransformers", `
    78  resources:
    79  - deploymentServicePrefixer.yaml
    80  - roleAnnotator.yaml
    81  - deploymentLabeller.yaml
    82  `)
    84  	// Finally, define the kustomization for the (arbitrarily named)
    85  	// staging environment.
    86  	th.WriteK("staging", `
    88  # Bring in the custom transformers.
    89  transformers:
    90  - ../mytransformers
    92  # Also use the "classic" labeller, which behind the scenes uses
    93  # the LabelTransformer, but with a broad configuration targeting
    94  # many resources and fields (including selector fields).
    95  # It's a big hammer - probably too big; the output shows all the
    96  # places 'acmeCorp' now appears as a result.  To avoid this,
    97  # define your own config for your own LabelTransformer instance
    98  # as shown above.
    99  commonLabels:
   100    company: acmeCorp  
   102  # Specify the resources to modify.
   103  resources:
   104  - deployment.yaml
   105  - role.yaml
   106  - service.yaml
   107  `)
   108  	th.WriteF("staging/deployment.yaml", `
   109  apiVersion: apps/v1
   110  kind: Deployment
   111  metadata:
   112    name: myDeployment
   113  spec:
   114    template:
   115      metadata:
   116        labels:
   117          backend: flawless
   118      spec:
   119        containers:
   120        - name: whatever
   121          image: whatever
   122  `)
   123  	th.WriteF("staging/role.yaml", `
   124  apiVersion: v1
   125  kind: Role
   126  metadata:
   127    name: myRole
   128  `)
   129  	th.WriteF("staging/service.yaml", `
   130  apiVersion: v1
   131  kind: Service
   132  metadata:
   133    name: myService
   134  `)
   136  	m := th.Run("staging", th.MakeDefaultOptions())
   137  	th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, `
   138  apiVersion: apps/v1
   139  kind: Deployment
   140  metadata:
   141    labels:
   142      company: acmeCorp
   143      pager: 867-5301
   144    name: bob-myDeployment
   145  spec:
   146    selector:
   147      matchLabels:
   148        company: acmeCorp
   149    template:
   150      metadata:
   151        labels:
   152          backend: flawless
   153          company: acmeCorp
   154      spec:
   155        containers:
   156        - image: whatever
   157          name: whatever
   158  ---
   159  apiVersion: v1
   160  kind: Role
   161  metadata:
   162    annotations:
   163      status: probationary
   164    labels:
   165      company: acmeCorp
   166    name: myRole
   167  ---
   168  apiVersion: v1
   169  kind: Service
   170  metadata:
   171    labels:
   172      company: acmeCorp
   173    name: bob-myService
   174  spec:
   175    selector:
   176      company: acmeCorp
   177  `)
   178  }

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