// Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package krusty_test import ( "testing" kusttest_test "sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/api/testutils/kusttest" ) // Numbers and booleans are quoted func TestGeneratorIntVsStringNoMerge(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK(".", ` resources: - service.yaml configMapGenerator: - name: bob literals: - fruit=Indian Gooseberry - year=2020 - crisis=true `) th.WriteF("service.yaml", ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: demo spec: clusterIP: None `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected( m, ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: demo spec: clusterIP: None --- apiVersion: v1 data: crisis: "true" fruit: Indian Gooseberry year: "2020" kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: bob-79t79mt227 `) } func TestGeneratorIntVsStringWithMerge(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK("base", ` configMapGenerator: - name: bob literals: - fruit=Indian Gooseberry - year=2020 - crisis=true `) th.WriteK("overlay", ` resources: - ../base configMapGenerator: - name: bob behavior: merge literals: - month=12 `) m := th.Run("overlay", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, `apiVersion: v1 data: crisis: "true" fruit: Indian Gooseberry month: "12" year: "2020" kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: bob-bk46gm59c6 `) } func TestGeneratorFromProperties(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK("base", ` configMapGenerator: - name: test-configmap behavior: create envs: - properties `) th.WriteF("base/properties", ` VAR1=100 `) th.WriteK("overlay", ` resources: - ../base configMapGenerator: - name: test-configmap behavior: "merge" envs: - properties `) th.WriteF("overlay/properties", ` VAR2=200 `) m := th.Run("overlay", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, `apiVersion: v1 data: VAR1: "100" VAR2: "200" kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: test-configmap-hdghb5ddkg `) } // Generate a Secret and a ConfigMap from the same data // to compare the result. func TestGeneratorBasics(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK(".", ` namePrefix: blah- configMapGenerator: - name: bob literals: - fruit=apple - vegetable=broccoli envs: - foo.env env: bar.env files: - passphrase=phrase.dat - forces.txt - name: json literals: - 'v2=[{"path": "var/druid/segment-cache"}]' - >- druid_segmentCache_locations=[{"path": "var/druid/segment-cache", "maxSize": 32000000000, "freeSpacePercent": 1.0}] secretGenerator: - name: bob literals: - fruit=apple - vegetable=broccoli envs: - foo.env files: - passphrase=phrase.dat - forces.txt env: bar.env `) th.WriteF("foo.env", ` MOUNTAIN=everest OCEAN=pacific `) th.WriteF("bar.env", ` BIRD=falcon `) th.WriteF("phrase.dat", ` Life is short. But the years are long. Not while the evil days come not. `) th.WriteF("forces.txt", ` gravitational electromagnetic strong nuclear weak nuclear `) opts := th.MakeDefaultOptions() m := th.Run(".", opts) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected( m, ` apiVersion: v1 data: BIRD: falcon MOUNTAIN: everest OCEAN: pacific forces.txt: |2 gravitational electromagnetic strong nuclear weak nuclear fruit: apple passphrase: |2 Life is short. But the years are long. Not while the evil days come not. vegetable: broccoli kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: blah-bob-g9df72cd5b --- apiVersion: v1 data: druid_segmentCache_locations: '[{"path": "var/druid/segment-cache", "maxSize": 32000000000, "freeSpacePercent": 1.0}]' v2: '[{"path": "var/druid/segment-cache"}]' kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: blah-json-m8529t979f --- apiVersion: v1 data: BIRD: ZmFsY29u MOUNTAIN: ZXZlcmVzdA== OCEAN: cGFjaWZpYw== forces.txt: | CmdyYXZpdGF0aW9uYWwKZWxlY3Ryb21hZ25ldGljCnN0cm9uZyBudWNsZWFyCndlYWsgbn VjbGVhcgo= fruit: YXBwbGU= passphrase: | CkxpZmUgaXMgc2hvcnQuCkJ1dCB0aGUgeWVhcnMgYXJlIGxvbmcuCk5vdCB3aGlsZSB0aG UgZXZpbCBkYXlzIGNvbWUgbm90Lgo= vegetable: YnJvY2NvbGk= kind: Secret metadata: name: blah-bob-58g62h555c type: Opaque `) } // TODO: This should be an error instead. However, we can't strict unmarshal until we have a yaml // lib that support case-insensitive keys and anchors. // See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/5061 func TestGeneratorRepeatsInKustomization(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK(".", ` namePrefix: blah- configMapGenerator: - name: bob behavior: create literals: - bean=pinto - star=wolf-rayet literals: - fruit=apple - vegetable=broccoli files: - forces.txt files: - nobles=nobility.txt `) th.WriteF("forces.txt", ` gravitational electromagnetic strong nuclear weak nuclear `) th.WriteF("nobility.txt", ` helium neon argon krypton xenon radon `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, ` apiVersion: v1 data: fruit: apple nobles: |2 helium neon argon krypton xenon radon vegetable: broccoli kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: blah-bob-db529cg5bk `) } func TestIssue3393(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK(".", ` resources: - cm.yaml configMapGenerator: - name: project behavior: merge literals: - ANOTHER_ENV_VARIABLE="bar" `) th.WriteF("cm.yaml", ` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: project data: A_FIRST_ENV_VARIABLE: "foo" `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, ` apiVersion: v1 data: A_FIRST_ENV_VARIABLE: foo ANOTHER_ENV_VARIABLE: bar kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: project `) } func TestGeneratorSimpleOverlay(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK("base", ` namePrefix: p- configMapGenerator: - name: cm behavior: create literals: - fruit=apple `) th.WriteK("overlay", ` resources: - ../base configMapGenerator: - name: cm behavior: merge literals: - veggie=broccoli `) m := th.Run("overlay", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, ` apiVersion: v1 data: fruit: apple veggie: broccoli kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: p-cm-877mt5hc89 `) } var binaryHello = []byte{ 0xff, // non-utf8 0x68, // h 0x65, // e 0x6c, // l 0x6c, // l 0x6f, // o } func manyHellos(count int) (result []byte) { for i := 0; i < count; i++ { result = append(result, binaryHello...) } return } func TestGeneratorOverlaysBinaryData(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteF("base/data.bin", string(manyHellos(30))) th.WriteK("base", ` namePrefix: p1- configMapGenerator: - name: com1 behavior: create files: - data.bin `) th.WriteK("overlay", ` resources: - ../base configMapGenerator: - name: com1 behavior: merge `) m := th.Run("overlay", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, ` apiVersion: v1 binaryData: data.bin: | /2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbG xv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hl bGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2 hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv/2hlbGxv kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: p1-com1-96gmmt6gt5 `) } func TestGeneratorOverlays(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK("base1", ` namePrefix: p1- configMapGenerator: - name: com1 behavior: create literals: - from=base `) th.WriteK("base2", ` namePrefix: p2- configMapGenerator: - name: com2 behavior: create literals: - from=base `) th.WriteK("overlay/o1", ` resources: - ../../base1 configMapGenerator: - name: com1 behavior: merge literals: - from=overlay `) th.WriteK("overlay/o2", ` resources: - ../../base2 configMapGenerator: - name: com2 behavior: merge literals: - from=overlay `) th.WriteK("overlay", ` resources: - o1 - o2 configMapGenerator: - name: com1 behavior: merge literals: - foo=bar - baz=qux `) m := th.Run("overlay", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, ` apiVersion: v1 data: baz: qux foo: bar from: overlay kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: p1-com1-8tc62428t2 --- apiVersion: v1 data: from: overlay kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: p2-com2-87mcggf7d7 `) } func TestConfigMapGeneratorMergeNamePrefix(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK("base", ` configMapGenerator: - name: cm behavior: create literals: - foo=bar `) th.WriteK("o1", ` resources: - ../base namePrefix: o1- `) th.WriteK("o2", ` resources: - ../base nameSuffix: -o2 `) th.WriteK(".", ` resources: - o1 - o2 configMapGenerator: - name: o1-cm behavior: merge literals: - big=bang - name: cm-o2 behavior: merge literals: - big=crunch `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, ` apiVersion: v1 data: big: bang foo: bar kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: o1-cm-ft9mmdc8c6 --- apiVersion: v1 data: big: crunch foo: bar kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cm-o2-5k95kd76ft `) } func TestConfigMapGeneratorLiteralNewline(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK(".", ` generators: - configmaps.yaml `) th.WriteF("configmaps.yaml", ` apiVersion: builtin kind: ConfigMapGenerator metadata: name: testing literals: - | initial.txt=greetings everyone - | final.txt=different behavior --- `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected( m, ` apiVersion: v1 data: final.txt: | different behavior initial.txt: | greetings everyone kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: testing-tt4769fb52 `) } // regression test for https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/4233 func TestDataEndsWithQuotes(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK(".", ` configMapGenerator: - name: test literals: - TEST=this is a 'test' `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected( m, `apiVersion: v1 data: TEST: this is a 'test' kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: test-k9cc55dfm5 `) } func TestDataIsSingleQuote(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteK(".", ` configMapGenerator: - name: test literals: - TEST=' `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected( m, `apiVersion: v1 data: TEST: '''' kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: test-m8t7bmb6g2 `) } // Regression test for https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/5047 func TestPrefixSuffix(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteF("kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - a - b `) th.WriteF("a/kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - ../common namePrefix: a `) th.WriteF("b/kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - ../common namePrefix: b `) th.WriteF("common/kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - service configMapGenerator: - name: "-example-configmap" `) th.WriteF("common/service/deployment.yaml", ` kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: "-" spec: template: spec: containers: - name: app envFrom: - configMapRef: name: "-example-configmap" `) th.WriteF("common/service/kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - deployment.yaml nameSuffix: api `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, ` apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: a-api spec: template: spec: containers: - envFrom: - configMapRef: name: a-example-configmap-6ct58987ht name: app --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: a-example-configmap-6ct58987ht --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: b-api spec: template: spec: containers: - envFrom: - configMapRef: name: b-example-configmap-6ct58987ht name: app --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: b-example-configmap-6ct58987ht `) } // Regression test for https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/5047 func TestPrefixSuffix2(t *testing.T) { th := kusttest_test.MakeHarness(t) th.WriteF("kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - a - b `) th.WriteF("a/kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - ../common namePrefix: a `) th.WriteF("b/kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - ../common namePrefix: b `) th.WriteF("common/deployment.yaml", ` apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: "-example" spec: template: spec: containers: - name: app envFrom: - configMapRef: name: "-example-configmap" `) th.WriteF("common/kustomization.yaml", ` resources: - deployment.yaml configMapGenerator: - name: "-example-configmap" `) m := th.Run(".", th.MakeDefaultOptions()) th.AssertActualEqualsExpected(m, ` apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: a-example spec: template: spec: containers: - envFrom: - configMapRef: name: a-example-configmap-6ct58987ht name: app --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: a-example-configmap-6ct58987ht --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: b-example spec: template: spec: containers: - envFrom: - configMapRef: name: b-example-configmap-6ct58987ht name: app --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: b-example-configmap-6ct58987ht `) }