
Text file src/sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/geps/overview.md

Documentation: sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/geps

     1# Gateway Enhancement Proposal (GEP)
     3Gateway Enhancement Proposals (GEPs) serve a similar purpose to the [KEP][kep]
     4process for the main Kubernetes project:
     61. Ensure that changes to the API follow a known process and discussion
     7  in the OSS community.
     81. Make changes and proposals discoverable (current and future).
     91. Document design ideas, tradeoffs, decisions that were made for
    10  historical reference.
    12## Process
    14This diagram shows the state diagram of the GEP process at a high level, but the details are below.
    16<div align="center">
    19flowchart TD
    20    D([Discuss with<br />the community]) --> C
    21    C([Issue Created]) --> Provisional
    22    Provisional -->|GEP Doc PR<br />done| Implementable
    23    Provisional -->|If practical <br /> work needed| Prototyping
    24    Prototyping -->|GEP Doc PR<br />done| Implementable
    25    Implementable -->|Gateway API<br />work completed| Experimental
    26    Experimental -->|Supported in<br />multiple implementations<br />+ Conformance tests| Standard
    27    Standard -->|Entire change is GA or implemented| Completed
    32### 1. Discuss with the community
    34Before creating a GEP, share your high level idea with the community. There are
    35several places this may be done:
    37- A [new GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/discussions/new)
    38- On our [Slack Channel](https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/CR0H13KGA)
    39- On one of our [community meetings](https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/contributing/?h=meetings#meetings)
    41Please default to GitHub discussions: they work a lot like GitHub issues which
    42makes them easy to search.
    44### 2. Create an Issue
    45[Create a GEP issue](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/issues/new?assignees=&labels=kind%2Ffeature&template=enhancement.md) in the repo describing your change.
    46At this point, you should copy the outcome of any other conversations or documents
    47into this document.
    49### 3. Agree on the Goals
    50Although it can be tempting to start writing out all the details of your
    51proposal, it's important to first ensure we all agree on the goals. The first
    52version of your GEP should aim for a "Provisional" status and leave out any
    53implementation details, focusing primarily on "Goals" and "Non-Goals".
    55### 3. Document Implementation Details
    56Now that everyone agrees on the goals, it is time to start writing out your
    57proposed implementation details. These implementation details should be very
    58thorough, including the proposed API spec, and covering any relevant edge cases.
    59Note that it may be helpful to use a shared doc for part of this phase to enable
    60faster iteration on potential designs.
    62It is likely that throughout this process, you will discuss a variety of
    63alternatives. Be sure to document all of these in the GEP, and why we decided
    64against them. At this stage, the GEP should be targeting the "Implementable"
    67### 4. Implement the GEP as "Experimental"
    69With the GEP marked as "Implementable", it is time to actually make those
    70proposed changes in our API. In some cases, these changes will be documentation
    71only, but in most cases, some API changes will also be required. It is important
    72that every new feature of the API is marked as "Experimental" when it is
    73introduced. Within the API, we use `<gateway:experimental>` tags to denote
    74experimental fields. Within Golang packages (conformance tests, CLIs, e.t.c.) we
    75use the `experimental` Golang build tag to denote experimental functionality.
    77Some other requirements must be met before marking a GEP `Experimental`:
    79- the graduation criteria to reach `Standard` MUST be filled out
    80- a proposed probationary period (see next section) must be included in the GEP
    81  and approved by maintainers.
    83Before changes are released they MUST be documented. GEPs that have not been
    84both implemented and documented before a release cut off will be excluded from
    85the release.
    87#### Probationary Period
    89Any GEP in the `Experimental` phase is automatically under a "probationary
    90period" where it will come up for re-assessment if its graduation criteria are
    91not met within a given time period. GEPs that wish to move into `Experimental`
    92status MUST document a proposed period (6 months is the suggested default) that
    93MUST be approved by maintainers. Maintainers MAY select an alternative time
    94duration for a probationary period if deemed appropriate, and will document
    95their reasoning.
    97> **Rationale**: This probationary period exists to avoid GEPs getting "stale"
    98> and to provide guidance to implementations about how relevant features should
    99> be used, given that they are not guaranteed to become supported.
   101At the end of a probationary period if the GEP has not been able to resolve
   102its graduation criteria it will move to "Rejected" status. In extenuating
   103circumstances an extension of that period may be accepted by approval from
   104maintainers. GEPs which are `Rejected` in this way are removed from the
   105experimental CRDs and more or less put on hold. GEPs may be allowed to move back
   106into `Experimental` status from `Rejected` for another probationary period if a
   107new strategy for achieving their graduation criteria can be established. Any
   108such plan to take a GEP "off the shelf" must be reviewed and accepted by the
   111> **Warning**: It is extremely important** that projects which implement
   112> `Experimental` features clearly document that these features may be removed in
   113> future releases.
   115### 5. Graduate the GEP to "Standard"
   117Once this feature has met the [graduation criteria](/concepts/versioning/#graduation-criteria), it is
   118time to graduate it to the "Standard" channel of the API. Depending on the feature, this may include
   119any of the following:
   1211. Graduating the resource to beta
   1222. Graduating fields to "standard" by removing `<gateway:experimental>` tags
   1233. Graduating a concept to "standard" by updating documentation
   125### 6. Close out the GEP issue
   127The GEP issue should only be closed once the feature has:
   128- Moved to the standard channel for distribution (if necessary)
   129- Moved to a "v1" `apiVersion` for CRDs
   130- been completely implemented and has wide acceptance (for process changes).
   132In short, the GEP issue should only be closed when the work is "done" (whatever
   133that means for that GEP).
   135## Status
   137Each GEP has a status field that defines it's current state. Each transition
   138will require a PR to update the GEP and should be discussed at a community
   139meeting before merging. Most GEPS will proceed through the following states:
   141* **Provisional:** The goals described by this GEP have consensus but
   142  implementation details have not been agreed to yet.
   143* **Prototyping:** An extension of `Provisional` which can be opted in to in
   144  order to indicate to the community that there are some active practical tests
   145  and experiments going on which are intended to be a part of the development
   146  of this GEP. This may include APIs or code, but that content _must_ not be
   147  distributed with releases.
   148* **Implementable:** The goals and implementation details described by this GEP
   149  have consensus but have not been fully implemented yet.
   150* **Experimental:** This GEP has been implemented and is part of the
   151  "Experimental" release channel. Breaking changes are still possible, up to
   152  and including complete removal and moving to `Rejected`.
   153* **Standard:** This GEP has been implemented and is part of the
   154  "Standard" release channel. It should be quite stable.
   156Although less common, some GEPs may end up in one of the following states:
   158* **Deferred:** We do not currently have bandwidth to handle this GEP, it
   159  may be revisited in the future.
   160* **Rejected:** This proposal was considered by the community but ultimately
   161  rejected.
   162* **Replaced:** This proposal was considered by the community but ultimately
   163  replaced by a newer proposal.
   164* **Withdrawn:** This proposal was considered by the community but ultimately
   165  withdrawn by the author.
   167## Format
   169GEPs should match the format of the template found in [GEP-696](/geps/gep-696).
   171## Out of scope
   173What is out of scope: see [text from KEP][kep-when-to-use]. Examples:
   175* Bug fixes
   176* Small changes (API validation, documentation, fixups). It is always
   177  possible that the reviewers will determine a "small" change ends up
   178  requiring a GEP.
   180## FAQ
   182* Q: Why is it named GEP?
   183  * A: To avoid potential confusion if people start following the cross
   184    references to the full KEP process.
   185* Q: Why have a different process than mainline?
   186  * A: We would like to keep the machinery to an absolute minimum for now --
   187    this may change as we move to v1.
   188* Q: Is it ok to discuss using shared docs, scratch docs etc?
   189  * A: Yes, this can be a helpful intermediate step when iterating on design
   190    details. It is important that all major feedback, discussions, and
   191    alternatives considered in that step are represented in the GEP though. A
   192    key goal of GEPs is to show why we made a decision and which alternatives
   193    were considered. If separate docs are used, it's important that we can
   194    still see all relevant context and decisions in the final GEP.
   195* Q: When should I mark a GEP as `Prototyping` as opposed to `Provisional`?
   196  * A: The `Prototyping` status carries the same base meaning as `Provisional`
   197    in that consensus is not complete between stakeholders and we're not ready
   198    to move toward releasing content yet. You should use `Prototyping` to
   199    indicate to your fellow community members that we're in a state of active
   200    practical tests and experiments which are intended to help us learn and
   201    iterate on the GEP. These can include distributing content, but not under
   202    any release channel.
   203* Q: Should I implement support for `Experimental` channel features?
   204  * A: Ultimately one of the main ways to get something into `Standard` is for
   205    it to mature through the `Experimental` phase, so we really _need_ people
   206    to implement these features and provide feedback in order to have progress.
   207    That said, the graduation of a feature past `Experimental` is not a forgone
   208    conclusion. Before implementing an experimental feature, you should:
   210    * Clearly document that support for the feature is experimental and may disappear in the future.
   211    * Have a plan in place for how you would handle the removal of this feature from the API.
   213[kep]: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements
   214[kep-when-to-use]: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps#do-i-have-to-use-the-kep-process

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