# GEP-696: GEP template * Issue: [#696](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/issues/696) * Status: Provisional|Implementable|Experimental|Standard|Deferred|Rejected|Withdrawn|Replaced (See status definitions [here](overview.md#status).) ## TLDR (1-2 sentence summary of the proposal) ## Goals (Primary goals of this proposal.) ## Non-Goals (What is out of scope for this proposal.) ## Introduction (Can link to external doc -- but we should bias towards copying the content into the GEP as online documents are easier to lose -- e.g. owner messes up the permissions, accidental deletion) ## API (... details, can point to PR with changes) ## Conformance Details (This section describes the names to be used for the feature or features in conformance tests and profiles. These should be `CamelCase` names that specify the feature as precisely as possible, and are particularly important for Extended features, since they may be surfaced to users.) ## Alternatives (List other design alternatives and why we did not go in that direction) ## References (Add any additional document links. Again, we should try to avoid too much content not in version control to avoid broken links)