
Source file src/sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/conformance/tests/httproute-method-matching.go

Documentation: sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/conformance/tests

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package tests
    19  import (
    20  	"testing"
    22  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
    24  	"sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/conformance/utils/http"
    25  	"sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/conformance/utils/kubernetes"
    26  	"sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/conformance/utils/suite"
    27  )
    29  func init() {
    30  	ConformanceTests = append(ConformanceTests, HTTPRouteMethodMatching)
    31  }
    33  var HTTPRouteMethodMatching = suite.ConformanceTest{
    34  	ShortName:   "HTTPRouteMethodMatching",
    35  	Description: "A single HTTPRoute with method matching for different backends",
    36  	Manifests:   []string{"tests/httproute-method-matching.yaml"},
    37  	Features: []suite.SupportedFeature{
    38  		suite.SupportGateway,
    39  		suite.SupportHTTPRoute,
    40  		suite.SupportHTTPRouteMethodMatching,
    41  	},
    42  	Test: func(t *testing.T, suite *suite.ConformanceTestSuite) {
    43  		ns := "gateway-conformance-infra"
    44  		routeNN := types.NamespacedName{Name: "method-matching", Namespace: ns}
    45  		gwNN := types.NamespacedName{Name: "same-namespace", Namespace: ns}
    46  		gwAddr := kubernetes.GatewayAndHTTPRoutesMustBeAccepted(t, suite.Client, suite.TimeoutConfig, suite.ControllerName, kubernetes.NewGatewayRef(gwNN), routeNN)
    47  		kubernetes.HTTPRouteMustHaveResolvedRefsConditionsTrue(t, suite.Client, suite.TimeoutConfig, routeNN, gwNN)
    49  		testCases := []http.ExpectedResponse{
    50  			{
    51  				Request:   http.Request{Method: "POST", Path: "/"},
    52  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v1",
    53  				Namespace: ns,
    54  			}, {
    55  				Request:   http.Request{Method: "GET", Path: "/"},
    56  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v2",
    57  				Namespace: ns,
    58  			}, {
    59  				Request:  http.Request{Method: "HEAD", Path: "/"},
    60  				Response: http.Response{StatusCode: 404},
    61  			},
    62  		}
    64  		// Combinations of method matching with other core matches.
    65  		testCases = append(testCases, []http.ExpectedResponse{
    66  			{
    67  				Request:   http.Request{Path: "/path1", Method: "GET"},
    68  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v1",
    69  				Namespace: ns,
    70  			},
    71  			{
    72  				Request:   http.Request{Headers: map[string]string{"version": "one"}, Path: "/", Method: "PUT"},
    73  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v2",
    74  				Namespace: ns,
    75  			},
    76  			{
    77  				Request:   http.Request{Headers: map[string]string{"version": "two"}, Path: "/path2", Method: "POST"},
    78  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v3",
    79  				Namespace: ns,
    80  			},
    81  		}...)
    83  		// Ensure that combinations of matches which are OR'd together match
    84  		// even if only one of them is used in the request.
    85  		testCases = append(testCases, []http.ExpectedResponse{
    86  			{
    87  				Request:   http.Request{Path: "/path3", Method: "PATCH"},
    88  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v1",
    89  				Namespace: ns,
    90  			},
    91  			{
    92  				Request:   http.Request{Headers: map[string]string{"version": "three"}, Path: "/path4", Method: "DELETE"},
    93  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v1",
    94  				Namespace: ns,
    95  			},
    96  		}...)
    98  		// Ensure that combinations of match types which are ANDed together do not match
    99  		// when only a subset of match types is used in the request.
   100  		testCases = append(testCases, []http.ExpectedResponse{
   101  			{
   102  				Request:  http.Request{Path: "/", Method: "PUT"},
   103  				Response: http.Response{StatusCode: 404},
   104  			},
   105  			{
   106  				Request:  http.Request{Path: "/path4", Method: "DELETE"},
   107  				Response: http.Response{StatusCode: 404},
   108  			},
   109  		}...)
   111  		// For requests that satisfy multiple matches, ensure precedence order
   112  		// defined by the Gateway API spec is maintained.
   113  		testCases = append(testCases, []http.ExpectedResponse{
   114  			{
   115  				Request:   http.Request{Path: "/path5", Method: "PATCH"},
   116  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v1",
   117  				Namespace: ns,
   118  			},
   119  			{
   120  				Request:   http.Request{Headers: map[string]string{"version": "four"}, Path: "/", Method: "PATCH"},
   121  				Backend:   "infra-backend-v2",
   122  				Namespace: ns,
   123  			},
   124  		}...)
   126  		for i := range testCases {
   127  			// Declare tc here to avoid loop variable
   128  			// reuse issues across parallel tests.
   129  			tc := testCases[i]
   130  			t.Run(tc.GetTestCaseName(i), func(t *testing.T) {
   131  				t.Parallel()
   132  				http.MakeRequestAndExpectEventuallyConsistentResponse(t, suite.RoundTripper, suite.TimeoutConfig, gwAddr, tc)
   133  			})
   134  		}
   135  	},
   136  }

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