--- apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Gateway metadata: name: gateway-static-addresses namespace: gateway-conformance-infra annotations: gateway-api/skip-this-for-readiness: "true" spec: gatewayClassName: "{GATEWAY_CLASS_NAME}" addresses: # this address type is intentionally unsupported to test that implementations # are indicating Gateways with unsupported addresses are not accepted. # the test will remove this address once it confirms it triggers a status of # Accepted==False. - type: "test/fake-invalid-type" value: "fake address teehee!" # This indicates an address that is known to not be usable by the # implementation and will be substituted with user provided types and values. - value: "PLACEHOLDER_UNUSABLE_ADDRS" # This indicates an address that is known to be usable by the implementation # and will be substituted with user provided types and values. - value: "PLACEHOLDER_USABLE_ADDRS" listeners: - name: http port: 8080 protocol: HTTP