
Source file src/sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/manager/manager.go

Documentation: sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/manager

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package manager
    19  import (
    20  	"context"
    21  	"errors"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"net"
    24  	"net/http"
    25  	"time"
    27  	"github.com/go-logr/logr"
    28  	coordinationv1 "k8s.io/api/coordination/v1"
    29  	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    30  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta"
    31  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
    32  	"k8s.io/client-go/rest"
    33  	"k8s.io/client-go/tools/leaderelection/resourcelock"
    34  	"k8s.io/client-go/tools/record"
    35  	"k8s.io/utils/ptr"
    36  	metricsserver "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/metrics/server"
    38  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/cache"
    39  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client"
    40  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/cluster"
    41  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/config"
    42  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/healthz"
    43  	intrec "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/internal/recorder"
    44  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/leaderelection"
    45  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/log"
    46  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/recorder"
    47  	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/webhook"
    48  )
    50  // Manager initializes shared dependencies such as Caches and Clients, and provides them to Runnables.
    51  // A Manager is required to create Controllers.
    52  type Manager interface {
    53  	// Cluster holds a variety of methods to interact with a cluster.
    54  	cluster.Cluster
    56  	// Add will set requested dependencies on the component, and cause the component to be
    57  	// started when Start is called.
    58  	// Depending on if a Runnable implements LeaderElectionRunnable interface, a Runnable can be run in either
    59  	// non-leaderelection mode (always running) or leader election mode (managed by leader election if enabled).
    60  	Add(Runnable) error
    62  	// Elected is closed when this manager is elected leader of a group of
    63  	// managers, either because it won a leader election or because no leader
    64  	// election was configured.
    65  	Elected() <-chan struct{}
    67  	// AddHealthzCheck allows you to add Healthz checker
    68  	AddHealthzCheck(name string, check healthz.Checker) error
    70  	// AddReadyzCheck allows you to add Readyz checker
    71  	AddReadyzCheck(name string, check healthz.Checker) error
    73  	// Start starts all registered Controllers and blocks until the context is cancelled.
    74  	// Returns an error if there is an error starting any controller.
    75  	//
    76  	// If LeaderElection is used, the binary must be exited immediately after this returns,
    77  	// otherwise components that need leader election might continue to run after the leader
    78  	// lock was lost.
    79  	Start(ctx context.Context) error
    81  	// GetWebhookServer returns a webhook.Server
    82  	GetWebhookServer() webhook.Server
    84  	// GetLogger returns this manager's logger.
    85  	GetLogger() logr.Logger
    87  	// GetControllerOptions returns controller global configuration options.
    88  	GetControllerOptions() config.Controller
    89  }
    91  // Options are the arguments for creating a new Manager.
    92  type Options struct {
    93  	// Scheme is the scheme used to resolve runtime.Objects to GroupVersionKinds / Resources.
    94  	// Defaults to the kubernetes/client-go scheme.Scheme, but it's almost always better
    95  	// to pass your own scheme in. See the documentation in pkg/scheme for more information.
    96  	//
    97  	// If set, the Scheme will be used to create the default Client and Cache.
    98  	Scheme *runtime.Scheme
   100  	// MapperProvider provides the rest mapper used to map go types to Kubernetes APIs.
   101  	//
   102  	// If set, the RESTMapper returned by this function is used to create the RESTMapper
   103  	// used by the Client and Cache.
   104  	MapperProvider func(c *rest.Config, httpClient *http.Client) (meta.RESTMapper, error)
   106  	// Cache is the cache.Options that will be used to create the default Cache.
   107  	// By default, the cache will watch and list requested objects in all namespaces.
   108  	Cache cache.Options
   110  	// NewCache is the function that will create the cache to be used
   111  	// by the manager. If not set this will use the default new cache function.
   112  	//
   113  	// When using a custom NewCache, the Cache options will be passed to the
   114  	// NewCache function.
   115  	//
   117  	// Only use a custom NewCache if you know what you are doing.
   118  	NewCache cache.NewCacheFunc
   120  	// Client is the client.Options that will be used to create the default Client.
   121  	// By default, the client will use the cache for reads and direct calls for writes.
   122  	Client client.Options
   124  	// NewClient is the func that creates the client to be used by the manager.
   125  	// If not set this will create a Client backed by a Cache for read operations
   126  	// and a direct Client for write operations.
   127  	//
   128  	// When using a custom NewClient, the Client options will be passed to the
   129  	// NewClient function.
   130  	//
   132  	// Only use a custom NewClient if you know what you are doing.
   133  	NewClient client.NewClientFunc
   135  	// Logger is the logger that should be used by this manager.
   136  	// If none is set, it defaults to log.Log global logger.
   137  	Logger logr.Logger
   139  	// LeaderElection determines whether or not to use leader election when
   140  	// starting the manager.
   141  	LeaderElection bool
   143  	// LeaderElectionResourceLock determines which resource lock to use for leader election,
   144  	// defaults to "leases". Change this value only if you know what you are doing.
   145  	//
   146  	// If you are using `configmaps`/`endpoints` resource lock and want to migrate to "leases",
   147  	// you might do so by migrating to the respective multilock first ("configmapsleases" or "endpointsleases"),
   148  	// which will acquire a leader lock on both resources.
   149  	// After all your users have migrated to the multilock, you can go ahead and migrate to "leases".
   150  	// Please also keep in mind, that users might skip versions of your controller.
   151  	//
   152  	// Note: before controller-runtime version v0.7, it was set to "configmaps".
   153  	// And from v0.7 to v0.11, the default was "configmapsleases", which was
   154  	// used to migrate from configmaps to leases.
   155  	// Since the default was "configmapsleases" for over a year, spanning five minor releases,
   156  	// any actively maintained operators are very likely to have a released version that uses
   157  	// "configmapsleases". Therefore defaulting to "leases" should be safe since v0.12.
   158  	//
   159  	// So, what do you have to do when you are updating your controller-runtime dependency
   160  	// from a lower version to v0.12 or newer?
   161  	// - If your operator matches at least one of these conditions:
   162  	//   - the LeaderElectionResourceLock in your operator has already been explicitly set to "leases"
   163  	//   - the old controller-runtime version is between v0.7.0 and v0.11.x and the
   164  	//     LeaderElectionResourceLock wasn't set or was set to "leases"/"configmapsleases"/"endpointsleases"
   165  	//   feel free to update controller-runtime to v0.12 or newer.
   166  	// - Otherwise, you may have to take these steps:
   167  	//   1. update controller-runtime to v0.12 or newer in your go.mod
   168  	//   2. set LeaderElectionResourceLock to "configmapsleases" (or "endpointsleases")
   169  	//   3. package your operator and upgrade it in all your clusters
   170  	//   4. only if you have finished 3, you can remove the LeaderElectionResourceLock to use the default "leases"
   171  	// Otherwise, your operator might end up with multiple running instances that
   172  	// each acquired leadership through different resource locks during upgrades and thus
   173  	// act on the same resources concurrently.
   174  	LeaderElectionResourceLock string
   176  	// LeaderElectionNamespace determines the namespace in which the leader
   177  	// election resource will be created.
   178  	LeaderElectionNamespace string
   180  	// LeaderElectionID determines the name of the resource that leader election
   181  	// will use for holding the leader lock.
   182  	LeaderElectionID string
   184  	// LeaderElectionConfig can be specified to override the default configuration
   185  	// that is used to build the leader election client.
   186  	LeaderElectionConfig *rest.Config
   188  	// LeaderElectionReleaseOnCancel defines if the leader should step down voluntarily
   189  	// when the Manager ends. This requires the binary to immediately end when the
   190  	// Manager is stopped, otherwise this setting is unsafe. Setting this significantly
   191  	// speeds up voluntary leader transitions as the new leader doesn't have to wait
   192  	// LeaseDuration time first.
   193  	LeaderElectionReleaseOnCancel bool
   195  	// LeaderElectionResourceLockInterface allows to provide a custom resourcelock.Interface that was created outside
   196  	// of the controller-runtime. If this value is set the options LeaderElectionID, LeaderElectionNamespace,
   197  	// LeaderElectionResourceLock, LeaseDuration, RenewDeadline and RetryPeriod will be ignored. This can be useful if you
   198  	// want to use a locking mechanism that is currently not supported, like a MultiLock across two Kubernetes clusters.
   199  	LeaderElectionResourceLockInterface resourcelock.Interface
   201  	// LeaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will
   202  	// wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of
   203  	// last observed ack. Default is 15 seconds.
   204  	LeaseDuration *time.Duration
   206  	// RenewDeadline is the duration that the acting controlplane will retry
   207  	// refreshing leadership before giving up. Default is 10 seconds.
   208  	RenewDeadline *time.Duration
   210  	// RetryPeriod is the duration the LeaderElector clients should wait
   211  	// between tries of actions. Default is 2 seconds.
   212  	RetryPeriod *time.Duration
   214  	// Metrics are the metricsserver.Options that will be used to create the metricsserver.Server.
   215  	Metrics metricsserver.Options
   217  	// HealthProbeBindAddress is the TCP address that the controller should bind to
   218  	// for serving health probes
   219  	// It can be set to "0" or "" to disable serving the health probe.
   220  	HealthProbeBindAddress string
   222  	// Readiness probe endpoint name, defaults to "readyz"
   223  	ReadinessEndpointName string
   225  	// Liveness probe endpoint name, defaults to "healthz"
   226  	LivenessEndpointName string
   228  	// PprofBindAddress is the TCP address that the controller should bind to
   229  	// for serving pprof.
   230  	// It can be set to "" or "0" to disable the pprof serving.
   231  	// Since pprof may contain sensitive information, make sure to protect it
   232  	// before exposing it to public.
   233  	PprofBindAddress string
   235  	// WebhookServer is an externally configured webhook.Server. By default,
   236  	// a Manager will create a server via webhook.NewServer with default settings.
   237  	// If this is set, the Manager will use this server instead.
   238  	WebhookServer webhook.Server
   240  	// BaseContext is the function that provides Context values to Runnables
   241  	// managed by the Manager. If a BaseContext function isn't provided, Runnables
   242  	// will receive a new Background Context instead.
   243  	BaseContext BaseContextFunc
   245  	// EventBroadcaster records Events emitted by the manager and sends them to the Kubernetes API
   246  	// Use this to customize the event correlator and spam filter
   247  	//
   248  	// Deprecated: using this may cause goroutine leaks if the lifetime of your manager or controllers
   249  	// is shorter than the lifetime of your process.
   250  	EventBroadcaster record.EventBroadcaster
   252  	// GracefulShutdownTimeout is the duration given to runnable to stop before the manager actually returns on stop.
   253  	// To disable graceful shutdown, set to time.Duration(0)
   254  	// To use graceful shutdown without timeout, set to a negative duration, e.G. time.Duration(-1)
   255  	// The graceful shutdown is skipped for safety reasons in case the leader election lease is lost.
   256  	GracefulShutdownTimeout *time.Duration
   258  	// Controller contains global configuration options for controllers
   259  	// registered within this manager.
   260  	// +optional
   261  	Controller config.Controller
   263  	// makeBroadcaster allows deferring the creation of the broadcaster to
   264  	// avoid leaking goroutines if we never call Start on this manager.  It also
   265  	// returns whether or not this is a "owned" broadcaster, and as such should be
   266  	// stopped with the manager.
   267  	makeBroadcaster intrec.EventBroadcasterProducer
   269  	// Dependency injection for testing
   270  	newRecorderProvider    func(config *rest.Config, httpClient *http.Client, scheme *runtime.Scheme, logger logr.Logger, makeBroadcaster intrec.EventBroadcasterProducer) (*intrec.Provider, error)
   271  	newResourceLock        func(config *rest.Config, recorderProvider recorder.Provider, options leaderelection.Options) (resourcelock.Interface, error)
   272  	newMetricsServer       func(options metricsserver.Options, config *rest.Config, httpClient *http.Client) (metricsserver.Server, error)
   273  	newHealthProbeListener func(addr string) (net.Listener, error)
   274  	newPprofListener       func(addr string) (net.Listener, error)
   275  }
   277  // BaseContextFunc is a function used to provide a base Context to Runnables
   278  // managed by a Manager.
   279  type BaseContextFunc func() context.Context
   281  // Runnable allows a component to be started.
   282  // It's very important that Start blocks until
   283  // it's done running.
   284  type Runnable interface {
   285  	// Start starts running the component.  The component will stop running
   286  	// when the context is closed. Start blocks until the context is closed or
   287  	// an error occurs.
   288  	Start(context.Context) error
   289  }
   291  // RunnableFunc implements Runnable using a function.
   292  // It's very important that the given function block
   293  // until it's done running.
   294  type RunnableFunc func(context.Context) error
   296  // Start implements Runnable.
   297  func (r RunnableFunc) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
   298  	return r(ctx)
   299  }
   301  // LeaderElectionRunnable knows if a Runnable needs to be run in the leader election mode.
   302  type LeaderElectionRunnable interface {
   303  	// NeedLeaderElection returns true if the Runnable needs to be run in the leader election mode.
   304  	// e.g. controllers need to be run in leader election mode, while webhook server doesn't.
   305  	NeedLeaderElection() bool
   306  }
   308  // New returns a new Manager for creating Controllers.
   309  // Note that if ContentType in the given config is not set, "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
   310  // will be used for all built-in resources of Kubernetes, and "application/json" is for other types
   311  // including all CRD resources.
   312  func New(config *rest.Config, options Options) (Manager, error) {
   313  	if config == nil {
   314  		return nil, errors.New("must specify Config")
   315  	}
   316  	// Set default values for options fields
   317  	options = setOptionsDefaults(options)
   319  	cluster, err := cluster.New(config, func(clusterOptions *cluster.Options) {
   320  		clusterOptions.Scheme = options.Scheme
   321  		clusterOptions.MapperProvider = options.MapperProvider
   322  		clusterOptions.Logger = options.Logger
   323  		clusterOptions.NewCache = options.NewCache
   324  		clusterOptions.NewClient = options.NewClient
   325  		clusterOptions.Cache = options.Cache
   326  		clusterOptions.Client = options.Client
   327  		clusterOptions.EventBroadcaster = options.EventBroadcaster //nolint:staticcheck
   328  	})
   329  	if err != nil {
   330  		return nil, err
   331  	}
   333  	config = rest.CopyConfig(config)
   334  	if config.UserAgent == "" {
   335  		config.UserAgent = rest.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
   336  	}
   338  	// Create the recorder provider to inject event recorders for the components.
   339  	// TODO(directxman12): the log for the event provider should have a context (name, tags, etc) specific
   340  	// to the particular controller that it's being injected into, rather than a generic one like is here.
   341  	recorderProvider, err := options.newRecorderProvider(config, cluster.GetHTTPClient(), cluster.GetScheme(), options.Logger.WithName("events"), options.makeBroadcaster)
   342  	if err != nil {
   343  		return nil, err
   344  	}
   346  	// Create the resource lock to enable leader election)
   347  	var leaderConfig *rest.Config
   348  	var leaderRecorderProvider *intrec.Provider
   350  	if options.LeaderElectionConfig == nil {
   351  		leaderConfig = rest.CopyConfig(config)
   352  		leaderRecorderProvider = recorderProvider
   353  	} else {
   354  		leaderConfig = rest.CopyConfig(options.LeaderElectionConfig)
   355  		scheme := cluster.GetScheme()
   356  		err := corev1.AddToScheme(scheme)
   357  		if err != nil {
   358  			return nil, err
   359  		}
   360  		err = coordinationv1.AddToScheme(scheme)
   361  		if err != nil {
   362  			return nil, err
   363  		}
   364  		httpClient, err := rest.HTTPClientFor(options.LeaderElectionConfig)
   365  		if err != nil {
   366  			return nil, err
   367  		}
   368  		leaderRecorderProvider, err = options.newRecorderProvider(leaderConfig, httpClient, scheme, options.Logger.WithName("events"), options.makeBroadcaster)
   369  		if err != nil {
   370  			return nil, err
   371  		}
   372  	}
   374  	var resourceLock resourcelock.Interface
   375  	if options.LeaderElectionResourceLockInterface != nil && options.LeaderElection {
   376  		resourceLock = options.LeaderElectionResourceLockInterface
   377  	} else {
   378  		resourceLock, err = options.newResourceLock(leaderConfig, leaderRecorderProvider, leaderelection.Options{
   379  			LeaderElection:             options.LeaderElection,
   380  			LeaderElectionResourceLock: options.LeaderElectionResourceLock,
   381  			LeaderElectionID:           options.LeaderElectionID,
   382  			LeaderElectionNamespace:    options.LeaderElectionNamespace,
   383  		})
   384  		if err != nil {
   385  			return nil, err
   386  		}
   387  	}
   389  	// Create the metrics server.
   390  	metricsServer, err := options.newMetricsServer(options.Metrics, config, cluster.GetHTTPClient())
   391  	if err != nil {
   392  		return nil, err
   393  	}
   395  	// Create health probes listener. This will throw an error if the bind
   396  	// address is invalid or already in use.
   397  	healthProbeListener, err := options.newHealthProbeListener(options.HealthProbeBindAddress)
   398  	if err != nil {
   399  		return nil, err
   400  	}
   402  	// Create pprof listener. This will throw an error if the bind
   403  	// address is invalid or already in use.
   404  	pprofListener, err := options.newPprofListener(options.PprofBindAddress)
   405  	if err != nil {
   406  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to new pprof listener: %w", err)
   407  	}
   409  	errChan := make(chan error, 1)
   410  	runnables := newRunnables(options.BaseContext, errChan)
   411  	return &controllerManager{
   412  		stopProcedureEngaged:          ptr.To(int64(0)),
   413  		cluster:                       cluster,
   414  		runnables:                     runnables,
   415  		errChan:                       errChan,
   416  		recorderProvider:              recorderProvider,
   417  		resourceLock:                  resourceLock,
   418  		metricsServer:                 metricsServer,
   419  		controllerConfig:              options.Controller,
   420  		logger:                        options.Logger,
   421  		elected:                       make(chan struct{}),
   422  		webhookServer:                 options.WebhookServer,
   423  		leaderElectionID:              options.LeaderElectionID,
   424  		leaseDuration:                 *options.LeaseDuration,
   425  		renewDeadline:                 *options.RenewDeadline,
   426  		retryPeriod:                   *options.RetryPeriod,
   427  		healthProbeListener:           healthProbeListener,
   428  		readinessEndpointName:         options.ReadinessEndpointName,
   429  		livenessEndpointName:          options.LivenessEndpointName,
   430  		pprofListener:                 pprofListener,
   431  		gracefulShutdownTimeout:       *options.GracefulShutdownTimeout,
   432  		internalProceduresStop:        make(chan struct{}),
   433  		leaderElectionStopped:         make(chan struct{}),
   434  		leaderElectionReleaseOnCancel: options.LeaderElectionReleaseOnCancel,
   435  	}, nil
   436  }
   438  // defaultHealthProbeListener creates the default health probes listener bound to the given address.
   439  func defaultHealthProbeListener(addr string) (net.Listener, error) {
   440  	if addr == "" || addr == "0" {
   441  		return nil, nil
   442  	}
   444  	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
   445  	if err != nil {
   446  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error listening on %s: %w", addr, err)
   447  	}
   448  	return ln, nil
   449  }
   451  // defaultPprofListener creates the default pprof listener bound to the given address.
   452  func defaultPprofListener(addr string) (net.Listener, error) {
   453  	if addr == "" || addr == "0" {
   454  		return nil, nil
   455  	}
   457  	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
   458  	if err != nil {
   459  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error listening on %s: %w", addr, err)
   460  	}
   461  	return ln, nil
   462  }
   464  // defaultBaseContext is used as the BaseContext value in Options if one
   465  // has not already been set.
   466  func defaultBaseContext() context.Context {
   467  	return context.Background()
   468  }
   470  // setOptionsDefaults set default values for Options fields.
   471  func setOptionsDefaults(options Options) Options {
   472  	// Allow newResourceLock to be mocked
   473  	if options.newResourceLock == nil {
   474  		options.newResourceLock = leaderelection.NewResourceLock
   475  	}
   477  	// Allow newRecorderProvider to be mocked
   478  	if options.newRecorderProvider == nil {
   479  		options.newRecorderProvider = intrec.NewProvider
   480  	}
   482  	// This is duplicated with pkg/cluster, we need it here
   483  	// for the leader election and there to provide the user with
   484  	// an EventBroadcaster
   485  	if options.EventBroadcaster == nil {
   486  		// defer initialization to avoid leaking by default
   487  		options.makeBroadcaster = func() (record.EventBroadcaster, bool) {
   488  			return record.NewBroadcaster(), true
   489  		}
   490  	} else {
   491  		options.makeBroadcaster = func() (record.EventBroadcaster, bool) {
   492  			return options.EventBroadcaster, false
   493  		}
   494  	}
   496  	if options.newMetricsServer == nil {
   497  		options.newMetricsServer = metricsserver.NewServer
   498  	}
   499  	leaseDuration, renewDeadline, retryPeriod := defaultLeaseDuration, defaultRenewDeadline, defaultRetryPeriod
   500  	if options.LeaseDuration == nil {
   501  		options.LeaseDuration = &leaseDuration
   502  	}
   504  	if options.RenewDeadline == nil {
   505  		options.RenewDeadline = &renewDeadline
   506  	}
   508  	if options.RetryPeriod == nil {
   509  		options.RetryPeriod = &retryPeriod
   510  	}
   512  	if options.ReadinessEndpointName == "" {
   513  		options.ReadinessEndpointName = defaultReadinessEndpoint
   514  	}
   516  	if options.LivenessEndpointName == "" {
   517  		options.LivenessEndpointName = defaultLivenessEndpoint
   518  	}
   520  	if options.newHealthProbeListener == nil {
   521  		options.newHealthProbeListener = defaultHealthProbeListener
   522  	}
   524  	if options.newPprofListener == nil {
   525  		options.newPprofListener = defaultPprofListener
   526  	}
   528  	if options.GracefulShutdownTimeout == nil {
   529  		gracefulShutdownTimeout := defaultGracefulShutdownPeriod
   530  		options.GracefulShutdownTimeout = &gracefulShutdownTimeout
   531  	}
   533  	if options.Logger.GetSink() == nil {
   534  		options.Logger = log.Log
   535  	}
   537  	if options.BaseContext == nil {
   538  		options.BaseContext = defaultBaseContext
   539  	}
   541  	if options.WebhookServer == nil {
   542  		options.WebhookServer = webhook.NewServer(webhook.Options{})
   543  	}
   545  	return options
   546  }

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