2 disable-all: true
3 enable:
4 - asasalint
5 - asciicheck
6 - bidichk
7 - bodyclose
8 - dogsled
9 - dupl
10 - errcheck
11 - errchkjson
12 - errorlint
13 - exhaustive
14 - exportloopref
15 - ginkgolinter
16 - goconst
17 - gocritic
18 - gocyclo
19 - gofmt
20 - goimports
21 - goprintffuncname
22 - gosec
23 - gosimple
24 - govet
25 - importas
26 - ineffassign
27 - makezero
28 - misspell
29 - nakedret
30 - nilerr
31 - nolintlint
32 - prealloc
33 - revive
34 - staticcheck
35 - stylecheck
36 - tagliatelle
37 - typecheck
38 - unconvert
39 - unparam
40 - unused
41 - whitespace
44 govet:
45 enable-all: true
46 disable:
47 - fieldalignment
48 - shadow
49 importas:
50 no-unaliased: true
51 alias:
52 # Kubernetes
53 - pkg: k8s.io/api/core/v1
54 alias: corev1
55 - pkg: k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1
56 alias: apiextensionsv1
57 - pkg: k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1
58 alias: metav1
59 - pkg: k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors
60 alias: apierrors
61 - pkg: k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors
62 alias: kerrors
63 # Controller Runtime
64 - pkg: sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime
65 alias: ctrl
66 revive:
67 rules:
68 # The following rules are recommended https://github.com/mgechev/revive#recommended-configuration
69 - name: blank-imports
70 - name: context-as-argument
71 - name: context-keys-type
72 - name: dot-imports
73 - name: error-return
74 - name: error-strings
75 - name: error-naming
76 - name: exported
77 - name: if-return
78 - name: increment-decrement
79 - name: var-naming
80 - name: var-declaration
81 - name: range
82 - name: receiver-naming
83 - name: time-naming
84 - name: unexported-return
85 - name: indent-error-flow
86 - name: errorf
87 - name: superfluous-else
88 - name: unreachable-code
89 - name: redefines-builtin-id
90 #
91 # Rules in addition to the recommended configuration above.
92 #
93 - name: bool-literal-in-expr
94 - name: constant-logical-expr
97 max-same-issues: 0
98 max-issues-per-linter: 0
99 # We are disabling default golangci exclusions because we want to help reviewers to focus on reviewing the most relevant
100 # changes in PRs and avoid nitpicking.
101 exclude-use-default: false
102 # List of regexps of issue texts to exclude, empty list by default.
103 exclude:
104 # The following are being worked on to remove their exclusion. This list should be reduced or go away all together over time.
105 # If it is decided they will not be addressed they should be moved above this comment.
106 - Subprocess launch(ed with variable|ing should be audited)
107 - (G204|G104|G307)
108 - "ST1000: at least one file in a package should have a package comment"
109 exclude-files:
110 - "zz_generated.*\\.go$"
111 - ".*conversion.*\\.go$"
112 exclude-rules:
113 - linters:
114 - gosec
115 text: "G108: Profiling endpoint is automatically exposed on /debug/pprof"
116 - linters:
117 - revive
118 text: "exported: exported method .*\\.(Reconcile|SetupWithManager|SetupWebhookWithManager) should have comment or be unexported"
119 - linters:
120 - errcheck
121 text: Error return value of .((os\.)?std(out|err)\..*|.*Close|.*Flush|os\.Remove(All)?|.*print(f|ln)?|os\.(Un)?Setenv). is not checked
122 - linters:
123 - staticcheck
124 text: "SA1019: .*The component config package has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release."
125 # With Go 1.16, the new embed directive can be used with an un-named import,
126 # revive (previously, golint) only allows these to be imported in a main.go, which wouldn't work for us.
127 # This directive allows the embed package to be imported with an underscore everywhere.
128 - linters:
129 - revive
130 source: _ "embed"
131 # Exclude some packages or code to require comments, for example test code, or fake clients.
132 - linters:
133 - revive
134 text: exported (method|function|type|const) (.+) should have comment or be unexported
135 source: (func|type).*Fake.*
136 - linters:
137 - revive
138 text: exported (method|function|type|const) (.+) should have comment or be unexported
139 path: fake_\.go
140 # Disable unparam "always receives" which might not be really
141 # useful when building libraries.
142 - linters:
143 - unparam
144 text: always receives
145 # Dot imports for gomega and ginkgo are allowed
146 # within test files.
147 - path: _test\.go
148 text: should not use dot imports
149 - path: _test\.go
150 text: cyclomatic complexity
151 - path: _test\.go
152 text: "G107: Potential HTTP request made with variable url"
153 # Append should be able to assign to a different var/slice.
154 - linters:
155 - gocritic
156 text: "appendAssign: append result not assigned to the same slice"
157 - linters:
158 - gocritic
159 text: "singleCaseSwitch: should rewrite switch statement to if statement"
160 # It considers all file access to a filename that comes from a variable problematic,
161 # which is naiv at best.
162 - linters:
163 - gosec
164 text: "G304: Potential file inclusion via variable"
165 - linters:
166 - dupl
167 path: _test\.go
170 go: "1.22"
171 timeout: 10m
172 allow-parallel-runners: true
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