4 package filter
6 import (
7 "testing"
9 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured"
10 "sigs.k8s.io/cli-utils/pkg/common"
11 "sigs.k8s.io/cli-utils/pkg/testutil"
12 )
14 var defaultObj = &unstructured.Unstructured{
15 Object: map[string]interface{}{
16 "apiVersion": "v1",
17 "kind": "Pod",
18 "metadata": map[string]interface{}{
19 "name": "pod-name",
20 "namespace": "test-namespace",
21 },
22 },
23 }
25 func TestPreventDeleteAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
26 tests := map[string]struct {
27 annotations map[string]string
28 expectedError error
29 }{
30 "Nil map returns false": {
31 annotations: nil,
32 },
33 "Empty map returns false": {
34 annotations: map[string]string{},
35 },
36 "Wrong annotation key/value is false": {
37 annotations: map[string]string{
38 "foo": "bar",
39 },
40 },
41 "Annotation key without value is false": {
42 annotations: map[string]string{
43 common.OnRemoveAnnotation: "bar",
44 },
45 },
46 "Annotation key and value is true": {
47 annotations: map[string]string{
48 common.OnRemoveAnnotation: common.OnRemoveKeep,
49 },
50 expectedError: &AnnotationPreventedDeletionError{
51 Annotation: common.OnRemoveAnnotation,
52 Value: common.OnRemoveKeep,
53 },
54 },
55 "Annotation key client.lifecycle.config.k8s.io/deletion without value is false": {
56 annotations: map[string]string{
57 common.LifecycleDeleteAnnotation: "any",
58 },
59 },
60 "Annotation key client.lifecycle.config.k8s.io/deletion and value is true": {
61 annotations: map[string]string{
62 common.LifecycleDeleteAnnotation: common.PreventDeletion,
63 },
64 expectedError: &AnnotationPreventedDeletionError{
65 Annotation: common.LifecycleDeleteAnnotation,
66 Value: common.PreventDeletion,
67 },
68 },
69 }
71 for name, tc := range tests {
72 t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
73 filter := PreventRemoveFilter{}
74 obj := defaultObj.DeepCopy()
75 obj.SetAnnotations(tc.annotations)
76 err := filter.Filter(obj)
77 testutil.AssertEqual(t, tc.expectedError, err)
78 })
79 }
80 }
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