package urlenc import ( "testing" "" ) func TestBasic(t *testing.T) { const script = `x -> y I just forgot my whole philosophy of life!!!: { s: TV is chewing gum for the eyes } ` encoded, err := Encode(script) assert.Success(t, err) decoded, err := Decode(encoded) assert.Success(t, err) assert.String(t, script, decoded) } // TestChanges makes it explicit in PRs when encoding changes // Something we might want to know for playground compatability func TestChanges(t *testing.T) { // Choose something with many keywords and varied text const script = `timeline mixer: "" { explanation: |md ## **Timeline mixer** - Inject ads, who-to-follow, onboarding - Conversation module - Cursoring,pagination - Tweat deduplication - Served data logging | } People discovery: "People discovery \nservice" admixer: Ad mixer { style.fill: "#c1a2f3" } onboarding service: "Onboarding \nservice" timeline mixer -> People discovery timeline mixer -> onboarding service timeline mixer -> admixer container0: "" { graphql comment tlsapi } container0.graphql: GraphQL\nFederated Strato Column { shape: image icon: } container0.comment: |md ## Tweet/user content hydration, visibility filtering | container0.tlsapi: TLS-API (being deprecated) container0.graphql -> timeline mixer timeline mixer <- container0.tlsapi twitter fe: "Twitter Frontend " { icon: shape: image } twitter fe -> container0.graphql: iPhone web twitter fe -> container0.tlsapi: HTTP Android web: Web { icon: shape: image } Iphone: { icon: '$device-lg$' shape: image } Android: { icon: shape: image } web -> twitter fe timeline scorer: "Timeline\nScorer" { style.fill: "#ffdef1" } home ranker: Home Ranker timeline service: Timeline Service timeline mixer -> timeline scorer: Thrift RPC timeline mixer -> home ranker: { style.stroke-dash: 4 style.stroke: "#000E3D" } timeline mixer -> timeline service home mixer: Home mixer { # style.fill: "#c1a2f3" } container0.graphql -> home mixer: { style.stroke-dash: 4 style.stroke: "#000E3D" } home mixer -> timeline scorer home mixer -> home ranker: { style.stroke-dash: 4 style.stroke: "#000E3D" } home mixer -> timeline service manhattan 2: Manhattan gizmoduck: Gizmoduck socialgraph: Social graph tweetypie: Tweety Pie home mixer -> manhattan 2 home mixer -> gizmoduck home mixer -> socialgraph home mixer -> tweetypie Iphone -> twitter fe Android -> twitter fe prediction service2: Prediction Service { shape: image icon: } home scorer: Home Scorer { style.fill: "#ffdef1" } manhattan: Manhattan memcache: Memcache { icon: } fetch: Fetch { style.multiple: true shape: step } feature: Feature { style.multiple: true shape: step } scoring: Scoring { style.multiple: true shape: step } fetch -> feature feature -> scoring prediction service: Prediction Service { shape: image icon: } scoring -> prediction service fetch -> container2.crmixer home scorer -> manhattan: "" home scorer -> memcache: "" home scorer -> prediction service2 home ranker -> home scorer home ranker -> container2.crmixer: Candidate Fetch container2: "" { style.stroke: "#000E3D" style.fill: "#ffffff" crmixer: CrMixer { style.fill: "#F7F8FE" } earlybird: EarlyBird utag: Utag space: Space communities: Communities } etc: ...etc home scorer -> etc: Feature Hydration feature -> manhattan feature -> memcache feature -> etc: Candidate sources ` encoded, err := Encode(script) assert.Success(t, err) assert.Testdata(t, ".txt", []byte(encoded)) decoded, err := Decode(encoded) assert.Success(t, err) assert.String(t, script, decoded) }