package label import ( "math" "" ) // These are % locations where labels will be placed along the connection const LEFT_LABEL_POSITION = 1.0 / 4.0 const CENTER_LABEL_POSITION = 2.0 / 4.0 const RIGHT_LABEL_POSITION = 3.0 / 4.0 // This is the space between a node border and its outside label const PADDING = 5 type Position int8 const ( Unset Position = iota OutsideTopLeft OutsideTopCenter OutsideTopRight OutsideLeftTop OutsideLeftMiddle OutsideLeftBottom OutsideRightTop OutsideRightMiddle OutsideRightBottom OutsideBottomLeft OutsideBottomCenter OutsideBottomRight InsideTopLeft InsideTopCenter InsideTopRight InsideMiddleLeft InsideMiddleCenter InsideMiddleRight InsideBottomLeft InsideBottomCenter InsideBottomRight UnlockedTop UnlockedMiddle UnlockedBottom ) func FromString(s string) Position { switch s { case "OUTSIDE_TOP_LEFT": return OutsideTopLeft case "OUTSIDE_TOP_CENTER": return OutsideTopCenter case "OUTSIDE_TOP_RIGHT": return OutsideTopRight case "OUTSIDE_LEFT_TOP": return OutsideLeftTop case "OUTSIDE_LEFT_MIDDLE": return OutsideLeftMiddle case "OUTSIDE_LEFT_BOTTOM": return OutsideLeftBottom case "OUTSIDE_RIGHT_TOP": return OutsideRightTop case "OUTSIDE_RIGHT_MIDDLE": return OutsideRightMiddle case "OUTSIDE_RIGHT_BOTTOM": return OutsideRightBottom case "OUTSIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT": return OutsideBottomLeft case "OUTSIDE_BOTTOM_CENTER": return OutsideBottomCenter case "OUTSIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT": return OutsideBottomRight case "INSIDE_TOP_LEFT": return InsideTopLeft case "INSIDE_TOP_CENTER": return InsideTopCenter case "INSIDE_TOP_RIGHT": return InsideTopRight case "INSIDE_MIDDLE_LEFT": return InsideMiddleLeft case "INSIDE_MIDDLE_CENTER": return InsideMiddleCenter case "INSIDE_MIDDLE_RIGHT": return InsideMiddleRight case "INSIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT": return InsideBottomLeft case "INSIDE_BOTTOM_CENTER": return InsideBottomCenter case "INSIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT": return InsideBottomRight case "UNLOCKED_TOP": return UnlockedTop case "UNLOCKED_MIDDLE": return UnlockedMiddle case "UNLOCKED_BOTTOM": return UnlockedBottom default: return Unset } } func (position Position) String() string { switch position { case OutsideTopLeft: return "OUTSIDE_TOP_LEFT" case OutsideTopCenter: return "OUTSIDE_TOP_CENTER" case OutsideTopRight: return "OUTSIDE_TOP_RIGHT" case OutsideLeftTop: return "OUTSIDE_LEFT_TOP" case OutsideLeftMiddle: return "OUTSIDE_LEFT_MIDDLE" case OutsideLeftBottom: return "OUTSIDE_LEFT_BOTTOM" case OutsideRightTop: return "OUTSIDE_RIGHT_TOP" case OutsideRightMiddle: return "OUTSIDE_RIGHT_MIDDLE" case OutsideRightBottom: return "OUTSIDE_RIGHT_BOTTOM" case OutsideBottomLeft: return "OUTSIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT" case OutsideBottomCenter: return "OUTSIDE_BOTTOM_CENTER" case OutsideBottomRight: return "OUTSIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT" case InsideTopLeft: return "INSIDE_TOP_LEFT" case InsideTopCenter: return "INSIDE_TOP_CENTER" case InsideTopRight: return "INSIDE_TOP_RIGHT" case InsideMiddleLeft: return "INSIDE_MIDDLE_LEFT" case InsideMiddleCenter: return "INSIDE_MIDDLE_CENTER" case InsideMiddleRight: return "INSIDE_MIDDLE_RIGHT" case InsideBottomLeft: return "INSIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT" case InsideBottomCenter: return "INSIDE_BOTTOM_CENTER" case InsideBottomRight: return "INSIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT" case UnlockedTop: return "UNLOCKED_TOP" case UnlockedMiddle: return "UNLOCKED_MIDDLE" case UnlockedBottom: return "UNLOCKED_BOTTOM" default: return "" } } func (position Position) IsShapePosition() bool { switch position { case OutsideTopLeft, OutsideTopCenter, OutsideTopRight, OutsideBottomLeft, OutsideBottomCenter, OutsideBottomRight, OutsideLeftTop, OutsideLeftMiddle, OutsideLeftBottom, OutsideRightTop, OutsideRightMiddle, OutsideRightBottom, InsideTopLeft, InsideTopCenter, InsideTopRight, InsideMiddleLeft, InsideMiddleCenter, InsideMiddleRight, InsideBottomLeft, InsideBottomCenter, InsideBottomRight: return true default: return false } } func (position Position) IsEdgePosition() bool { switch position { case OutsideTopLeft, OutsideTopCenter, OutsideTopRight, InsideMiddleLeft, InsideMiddleCenter, InsideMiddleRight, OutsideBottomLeft, OutsideBottomCenter, OutsideBottomRight, UnlockedTop, UnlockedMiddle, UnlockedBottom: return true default: return false } } func (position Position) IsOutside() bool { switch position { case OutsideTopLeft, OutsideTopCenter, OutsideTopRight, OutsideBottomLeft, OutsideBottomCenter, OutsideBottomRight, OutsideLeftTop, OutsideLeftMiddle, OutsideLeftBottom, OutsideRightTop, OutsideRightMiddle, OutsideRightBottom: return true default: return false } } func (position Position) IsUnlocked() bool { switch position { case UnlockedTop, UnlockedMiddle, UnlockedBottom: return true default: return false } } func (position Position) IsOnEdge() bool { switch position { case InsideMiddleLeft, InsideMiddleCenter, InsideMiddleRight, UnlockedMiddle: return true default: return false } } func (position Position) Mirrored() Position { switch position { case OutsideTopLeft: return OutsideBottomRight case OutsideTopCenter: return OutsideBottomCenter case OutsideTopRight: return OutsideBottomLeft case OutsideLeftTop: return OutsideRightBottom case OutsideLeftMiddle: return OutsideRightMiddle case OutsideLeftBottom: return OutsideRightTop case OutsideRightTop: return OutsideLeftBottom case OutsideRightMiddle: return OutsideLeftMiddle case OutsideRightBottom: return OutsideLeftTop case OutsideBottomLeft: return OutsideTopRight case OutsideBottomCenter: return OutsideTopCenter case OutsideBottomRight: return OutsideTopLeft case InsideTopLeft: return InsideBottomRight case InsideTopCenter: return InsideBottomCenter case InsideTopRight: return InsideBottomLeft case InsideMiddleLeft: return InsideMiddleRight case InsideMiddleCenter: return InsideMiddleCenter case InsideMiddleRight: return InsideMiddleLeft case InsideBottomLeft: return InsideTopRight case InsideBottomCenter: return InsideTopCenter case InsideBottomRight: return InsideTopLeft case UnlockedTop: return UnlockedBottom case UnlockedBottom: return UnlockedTop case UnlockedMiddle: return UnlockedMiddle default: return Unset } } func (labelPosition Position) GetPointOnBox(box *geo.Box, padding, width, height float64) *geo.Point { p := box.TopLeft.Copy() boxCenter := box.Center() switch labelPosition { case OutsideTopLeft: p.X -= padding p.Y -= padding + height case OutsideTopCenter: p.X = boxCenter.X - width/2 p.Y -= padding + height case OutsideTopRight: p.X += box.Width - width - padding p.Y -= padding + height case OutsideLeftTop: p.X -= padding + width p.Y += padding case OutsideLeftMiddle: p.X -= padding + width p.Y = boxCenter.Y - height/2 case OutsideLeftBottom: p.X -= padding + width p.Y += box.Height - height - padding case OutsideRightTop: p.X += box.Width + padding p.Y += padding case OutsideRightMiddle: p.X += box.Width + padding p.Y = boxCenter.Y - height/2 case OutsideRightBottom: p.X += box.Width + padding p.Y += box.Height - height - padding case OutsideBottomLeft: p.X += padding p.Y += box.Height + padding case OutsideBottomCenter: p.X = boxCenter.X - width/2 p.Y += box.Height + padding case OutsideBottomRight: p.X += box.Width - width - padding p.Y += box.Height + padding case InsideTopLeft: p.X += padding p.Y += padding case InsideTopCenter: p.X = boxCenter.X - width/2 p.Y += padding case InsideTopRight: p.X += box.Width - width - padding p.Y += padding case InsideMiddleLeft: p.X += padding p.Y = boxCenter.Y - height/2 case InsideMiddleCenter: p.X = boxCenter.X - width/2 p.Y = boxCenter.Y - height/2 case InsideMiddleRight: p.X += box.Width - width - padding p.Y = boxCenter.Y - height/2 case InsideBottomLeft: p.X += padding p.Y += box.Height - height - padding case InsideBottomCenter: p.X = boxCenter.X - width/2 p.Y += box.Height - height - padding case InsideBottomRight: p.X += box.Width - width - padding p.Y += box.Height - height - padding } return p } // return the top left point of a width x height label at the given label position on the route // also return the index of the route segment that point is on func (labelPosition Position) GetPointOnRoute(route geo.Route, strokeWidth, labelPercentage, width, height float64) (point *geo.Point, index int) { totalLength := route.Length() leftPosition := LEFT_LABEL_POSITION * totalLength centerPosition := CENTER_LABEL_POSITION * totalLength rightPosition := RIGHT_LABEL_POSITION * totalLength unlockedPosition := labelPercentage * totalLength // outside labels have to be offset in the direction of the edge's normal Vector // Note: we flip the normal for Top labels but keep it as is for Bottom labels since positive Y is below in SVG getOffsetLabelPosition := func(basePoint, normStart, normEnd *geo.Point, flip bool) *geo.Point { // get the normal as a unit Vector so we can multiply to project in its direction normalX, normalY := geo.GetUnitNormalVector( normStart.X, normStart.Y, normEnd.X, normEnd.Y, ) if flip { normalX *= -1 normalY *= -1 } // Horizontal Edge with Outside Label | Vertical Edge with Outside Label // ┌────────────────────┐ ┬ | ┌─┬─┐ // │ │ │ | │ │ │ ┌───────────┬───────────┐ // │ │ │ | │ e │ │ │ │ // ├────label─center────┤ ┬ ┼label height | │ d │ │ label │ // │ │ │ │ | │ g │ │ center │ // │ │ │ │ | │ e │ │ │ │ // └────────────────────┘ │ ┴ ┬ | │ │ │ └───────────┴───────────┘ // │ │ | └─┴─┘ offset // offset│ │label padding | ├──────────────────┤ // │ │ | // ┌──────────────────────┐ │ ┬ ┴ | ├───────────┼───────────┤ // │ │ │ │ | ├────┤ label width // ├─────edge─center──────┤ ┴ ┼stroke width | label padding // │ │ │ | ├─┼─┤ // └──────────────────────┘ ┴ | stroke width // // TODO: get actual edge stroke width on edge offsetX := strokeWidth/2 + float64(PADDING) + width/2 offsetY := strokeWidth/2 + float64(PADDING) + height/2 return geo.NewPoint(basePoint.X+normalX*offsetX, basePoint.Y+normalY*offsetY) } var labelCenter *geo.Point switch labelPosition { case InsideMiddleLeft: labelCenter, index = route.GetPointAtDistance(leftPosition) case InsideMiddleCenter: labelCenter, index = route.GetPointAtDistance(centerPosition) case InsideMiddleRight: labelCenter, index = route.GetPointAtDistance(rightPosition) case OutsideTopLeft: basePoint, index := route.GetPointAtDistance(leftPosition) labelCenter = getOffsetLabelPosition(basePoint, route[index], route[index+1], true) case OutsideTopCenter: basePoint, index := route.GetPointAtDistance(centerPosition) labelCenter = getOffsetLabelPosition(basePoint, route[index], route[index+1], true) case OutsideTopRight: basePoint, index := route.GetPointAtDistance(rightPosition) labelCenter = getOffsetLabelPosition(basePoint, route[index], route[index+1], true) case OutsideBottomLeft: basePoint, index := route.GetPointAtDistance(leftPosition) labelCenter = getOffsetLabelPosition(basePoint, route[index], route[index+1], false) case OutsideBottomCenter: basePoint, index := route.GetPointAtDistance(centerPosition) labelCenter = getOffsetLabelPosition(basePoint, route[index], route[index+1], false) case OutsideBottomRight: basePoint, index := route.GetPointAtDistance(rightPosition) labelCenter = getOffsetLabelPosition(basePoint, route[index], route[index+1], false) case UnlockedTop: basePoint, index := route.GetPointAtDistance(unlockedPosition) labelCenter = getOffsetLabelPosition(basePoint, route[index], route[index+1], true) case UnlockedMiddle: labelCenter, index = route.GetPointAtDistance(unlockedPosition) case UnlockedBottom: basePoint, index := route.GetPointAtDistance(unlockedPosition) labelCenter = getOffsetLabelPosition(basePoint, route[index], route[index+1], false) default: return nil, -1 } // convert from center to top left labelCenter.X = chopPrecision(labelCenter.X - width/2) labelCenter.Y = chopPrecision(labelCenter.Y - height/2) return labelCenter, index } // TODO probably use math.Big func chopPrecision(f float64) float64 { // bring down to float32 precision before rounding for consistency across architectures return math.Round(float64(float32(f*10000)) / 10000) }