package e2etests import ( _ "embed" "testing" "" ) func testThemes(t *testing.T) { tcs := []testCase{ { name: "dark terrastruct flagship", themeID: &d2themescatalog.DarkFlagshipTerrastruct.ID, script: ` network: { cell tower: { style.text-transform: capitalize satellites: { shape: stored_data style.multiple: true } transmitter : { style.text-transform: uppercase } satellites -> transmitter: SEnD { style.text-transform: lowercase } satellites -> transmitter: send satellites -> transmitter: send } online portal: { ui: { shape: hexagon } } data processor: { storage: { shape: cylinder style.multiple: true } } cell tower.transmitter -> data phone logs } user: { shape: person width: 130 } user -> network.cell tower: make call user -> portal.ui: access { style.stroke-dash: 3 } api server -> portal.ui: display api server -> logs: persist logs: { shape: page; style.multiple: true } processor -> api server users: { shape: sql_table id: int name: string email: string password: string last_login: datetime } products: { shape: class id: int price: decimal sku: string name: string } markdown: |md # A tale - of - two cities | code: |go package main import ( "fmt" ) type City struct { Name string Population int } func tellTale(city1, city2 City) { fmt.Printf("There were two cities, %s and %s.\n", city1.Name, city2.Name) fmt.Printf("%s had a population of %d.\n", city1.Name, city1.Population) fmt.Printf("%s had a population of %d.\n", city2.Name, city2.Population) fmt.Println("Their tales were intertwined, and their people shared many adventures.") } func main() { city1 := City{Name: "CityA", Population: 1000000} city2 := City{Name: "CityB", Population: 1200000} tellTale(city1, city2) } | markdown -> code -> ex ex: |tex \\displaylines{x = a + b \\\\ y = b + c} \\sum_{k=1}^{n} h_{k} \\int_{0}^{1} \\bigl(\\partial_{k} f(x_{k-1}+t h_{k} e_{k}) -\\partial_{k} f(a)\\bigr) \\,dt | `, }, { name: "terminal", themeID: &d2themescatalog.Terminal.ID, script: ` network: { cell tower: { style.text-transform: capitalize satellites: { shape: stored_data style.multiple: true } transmitter : { style.text-transform: uppercase } satellites -> transmitter: SEnD { style.text-transform: lowercase } satellites -> transmitter: send satellites -> transmitter: send } online portal: { ui: { shape: hexagon } } data processor: { storage: { shape: cylinder style.multiple: true } } cell tower.transmitter -> data phone logs } user: { shape: person width: 130 } user -> network.cell tower: make call user -> portal.ui: access { style.stroke-dash: 3 } api server -> portal.ui: display api server -> logs: persist logs: { shape: page; style.multiple: true } processor -> api server users: { shape: sql_table id: int name: string email: string password: string last_login: datetime } products: { shape: class id: int price: decimal sku: string name: string } markdown: |md # A tale - of - two cities | code: |go package main import ( "fmt" ) type City struct { Name string Population int } func tellTale(city1, city2 City) { fmt.Printf("There were two cities, %s and %s.\n", city1.Name, city2.Name) fmt.Printf("%s had a population of %d.\n", city1.Name, city1.Population) fmt.Printf("%s had a population of %d.\n", city2.Name, city2.Population) fmt.Println("Their tales were intertwined, and their people shared many adventures.") } func main() { city1 := City{Name: "CityA", Population: 1000000} city2 := City{Name: "CityB", Population: 1200000} tellTale(city1, city2) } | markdown -> code -> ex ex: |tex \\displaylines{x = a + b \\\\ y = b + c} \\sum_{k=1}^{n} h_{k} \\int_{0}^{1} \\bigl(\\partial_{k} f(x_{k-1}+t h_{k} e_{k}) -\\partial_{k} f(a)\\bigr) \\,dt | `, }, { name: "terminal_grayscale", themeID: &d2themescatalog.TerminalGrayscale.ID, script: ` network: { cell tower: { style.text-transform: capitalize satellites: { shape: stored_data style.multiple: true } transmitter satellites -> transmitter: SEnD { style.text-transform: lowercase } satellites -> transmitter: send satellites -> transmitter: send } online portal: { ui: { shape: hexagon } } data processor: { storage: { shape: cylinder style.multiple: true } } cell tower.transmitter -> data phone logs { style.text-transform: none } } user: { shape: person width: 130 } user -> network.cell tower: make call user -> portal.ui: access { style.stroke-dash: 3 } api server -> portal.ui: display api server -> logs: persist logs: { shape: page; style.multiple: true } processor -> api server `, }, { name: "origami", themeID: &d2themescatalog.Origami.ID, script: ` network: 通信網 { cell tower: { style.text-transform: capitalize satellites: 衛星 { shape: stored_data style.multiple: true } transmitter: 送信機 satellites -> transmitter: SEnD { style.text-transform: lowercase } satellites -> transmitter: send { style.text-transform: uppercase } satellites -> transmitter: send } online portal: オンラインポータル { ui: { shape: hexagon } } data processor: データプロセッサ { storage: 保管所 { shape: cylinder style.multiple: true } } cell tower.transmitter -> data 電話ログ { style.text-transform: lowercase } } user: ユーザー { shape: person width: 130 style.text-transform: capitalize } other-user: { shape: person style.text-transform: uppercase } user -> network.cell tower: 電話をかける user -> portal.ui: アクセス { style.stroke-dash: 3 } api server: API サーバー { style.text-transform: lowercase } api server -> portal.ui: 画面 api server -> logs: 持続する logs: ログ { shape: page; style.multiple: true } processor -> api server `, }, } runa(t, tcs) }