# e2etests `e2etests` test the end-to-end flow of turning D2 scripts into a rendered diagram Tests fall under 1 of 3 categories: 1. **Stable**. Scripts which produce diagrams that never had issues this major release. 2. **Regressions**. Scripts which used to have issues but no longer do. Each one should be linked to the PR which fixed it. 3. **Todos**. Scripts which have an issue. If the issue prevents compile, `skip: true` can be set, otherwise the issue is visual. Each one should be linked to a Github Issue which describes it. Upon a major release, Regressions are carried over to Stable. If a change results in test diffs, you can run this script to generate a visual HTML report with the old vs new renders. ``` go run ./e2etests/report/main.go -delta open ./e2etests/out/e2e_report.html ```