// d2svg implements an SVG renderer for d2 diagrams.
// The input is d2exporter's output
package d2svg
import (
_ "embed"
const (
appendixIconRadius = 16
var multipleOffset = geo.NewVector(d2target.MULTIPLE_OFFSET, -d2target.MULTIPLE_OFFSET)
//go:embed tooltip.svg
var TooltipIcon string
//go:embed link.svg
var LinkIcon string
//go:embed style.css
var BaseStylesheet string
//go:embed github-markdown.css
var MarkdownCSS string
//go:embed dots.txt
var dots string
//go:embed lines.txt
var lines string
//go:embed grain.txt
var grain string
//go:embed paper.txt
var paper string
type RenderOpts struct {
Pad *int64
Sketch *bool
Center *bool
ThemeID *int64
DarkThemeID *int64
ThemeOverrides *d2target.ThemeOverrides
DarkThemeOverrides *d2target.ThemeOverrides
Font string
// the svg will be scaled by this factor, if unset the svg will fit to screen
Scale *float64
// MasterID is passed when the diagram should use something other than its own hash for unique targeting
// Currently, that's when multi-boards are collapsed
MasterID string
func dimensions(diagram *d2target.Diagram, pad int) (left, top, width, height int) {
tl, br := diagram.BoundingBox()
left = tl.X - pad
top = tl.Y - pad
width = br.X - tl.X + pad*2
height = br.Y - tl.Y + pad*2
return left, top, width, height
func arrowheadMarkerID(isTarget bool, connection d2target.Connection) string {
var arrowhead d2target.Arrowhead
if isTarget {
arrowhead = connection.DstArrow
} else {
arrowhead = connection.SrcArrow
return fmt.Sprintf("mk-%s", hash(fmt.Sprintf("%s,%t,%d,%s",
arrowhead, isTarget, connection.StrokeWidth, connection.Stroke,
func arrowheadMarker(isTarget bool, id string, connection d2target.Connection) string {
arrowhead := connection.DstArrow
if !isTarget {
arrowhead = connection.SrcArrow
strokeWidth := float64(connection.StrokeWidth)
width, height := arrowhead.Dimensions(strokeWidth)
var path string
switch arrowhead {
case d2target.ArrowArrowhead:
polygonEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polygon")
polygonEl.Fill = connection.Stroke
polygonEl.ClassName = "connection"
polygonEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
if isTarget {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
0., 0.,
width, height/2,
0., height,
width/4, height/2,
} else {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
0., height/2,
width, 0.,
width*3/4, height/2,
width, height,
path = polygonEl.Render()
case d2target.UnfilledTriangleArrowhead:
polygonEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polygon")
polygonEl.Fill = d2target.BG_COLOR
polygonEl.Stroke = connection.Stroke
polygonEl.ClassName = "connection"
polygonEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
inset := strokeWidth / 2
if isTarget {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
inset, inset,
width-inset, height/2.0,
inset, height-inset,
} else {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
width-inset, inset,
inset, height/2.0,
width-inset, height-inset,
path = polygonEl.Render()
case d2target.TriangleArrowhead:
polygonEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polygon")
polygonEl.Fill = connection.Stroke
polygonEl.ClassName = "connection"
polygonEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
if isTarget {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
0., 0.,
width, height/2.0,
0., height,
} else {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
width, 0.,
0., height/2.0,
width, height,
path = polygonEl.Render()
case d2target.LineArrowhead:
polylineEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polyline")
polylineEl.Fill = color.None
polylineEl.ClassName = "connection"
polylineEl.Stroke = connection.Stroke
polylineEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
if isTarget {
polylineEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
strokeWidth/2, strokeWidth/2,
width-strokeWidth/2, height/2,
strokeWidth/2, height-strokeWidth/2,
} else {
polylineEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
width-strokeWidth/2, strokeWidth/2,
strokeWidth/2, height/2,
width-strokeWidth/2, height-strokeWidth/2,
path = polylineEl.Render()
case d2target.FilledDiamondArrowhead:
polygonEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polygon")
polygonEl.ClassName = "connection"
polygonEl.Fill = connection.Stroke
polygonEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
if isTarget {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
0., height/2.0,
width/2.0, 0.,
width, height/2.0,
width/2.0, height,
} else {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
0., height/2.0,
width/2.0, 0.,
width, height/2.0,
width/2.0, height,
path = polygonEl.Render()
case d2target.DiamondArrowhead:
polygonEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polygon")
polygonEl.ClassName = "connection"
polygonEl.Fill = d2target.BG_COLOR
polygonEl.Stroke = connection.Stroke
polygonEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
if isTarget {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
0., height/2.0,
width/2, height/8,
width, height/2.0,
width/2.0, height*0.9,
} else {
polygonEl.Points = fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f",
width/8, height/2.0,
width*0.6, height/8,
width*1.1, height/2.0,
width*0.6, height*7/8,
path = polygonEl.Render()
case d2target.FilledCircleArrowhead:
radius := width / 2
circleEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("circle")
circleEl.Cy = radius
circleEl.R = radius - strokeWidth/2
circleEl.Fill = connection.Stroke
circleEl.ClassName = "connection"
circleEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
if isTarget {
circleEl.Cx = radius + strokeWidth/2
} else {
circleEl.Cx = radius - strokeWidth/2
path = circleEl.Render()
case d2target.CircleArrowhead:
radius := width / 2
circleEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("circle")
circleEl.Cy = radius
circleEl.R = radius - strokeWidth
circleEl.Fill = d2target.BG_COLOR
circleEl.Stroke = connection.Stroke
circleEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
if isTarget {
circleEl.Cx = radius + strokeWidth/2
} else {
circleEl.Cx = radius - strokeWidth/2
path = circleEl.Render()
case d2target.CfOne, d2target.CfMany, d2target.CfOneRequired, d2target.CfManyRequired:
offset := 3.0 + float64(connection.StrokeWidth)*1.8
var modifierEl *d2themes.ThemableElement
if arrowhead == d2target.CfOneRequired || arrowhead == d2target.CfManyRequired {
modifierEl = d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
modifierEl.D = fmt.Sprintf("M%f,%f %f,%f",
offset, 0.,
offset, height,
modifierEl.Fill = d2target.BG_COLOR
modifierEl.Stroke = connection.Stroke
modifierEl.ClassName = "connection"
modifierEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
} else {
modifierEl = d2themes.NewThemableElement("circle")
modifierEl.Cx = offset/2.0 + 2.0
modifierEl.Cy = height / 2.0
modifierEl.R = offset / 2.0
modifierEl.Fill = d2target.BG_COLOR
modifierEl.Stroke = connection.Stroke
modifierEl.ClassName = "connection"
modifierEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
childPathEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
if arrowhead == d2target.CfMany || arrowhead == d2target.CfManyRequired {
childPathEl.D = fmt.Sprintf("M%f,%f %f,%f M%f,%f %f,%f M%f,%f %f,%f",
width-3.0, height/2.0,
width+offset, height/2.0,
offset+3.0, height/2.0,
width+offset, 0.,
offset+3.0, height/2.0,
width+offset, height,
} else {
childPathEl.D = fmt.Sprintf("M%f,%f %f,%f M%f,%f %f,%f",
width-3.0, height/2.0,
width+offset, height/2.0,
offset*2.0, 0.,
offset*2.0, height,
gEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("g")
if !isTarget {
gEl.Transform = fmt.Sprintf("scale(-1) translate(-%f, -%f)", width, height)
gEl.Fill = d2target.BG_COLOR
gEl.Stroke = connection.Stroke
gEl.ClassName = "connection"
gEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, connection.StrokeWidth)
gEl.Content = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s",
modifierEl.Render(), childPathEl.Render(),
path = gEl.Render()
return ""
var refX float64
refY := height / 2
switch arrowhead {
case d2target.DiamondArrowhead:
if isTarget {
refX = width - 0.6*strokeWidth
} else {
refX = width/8 + 0.6*strokeWidth
width *= 1.1
if isTarget {
refX = width - 1.5*strokeWidth
} else {
refX = 1.5 * strokeWidth
return strings.Join([]string{
}, " ")
// compute the (dx, dy) adjustment to apply to get the arrowhead-adjusted end point
func arrowheadAdjustment(start, end *geo.Point, arrowhead d2target.Arrowhead, edgeStrokeWidth, shapeStrokeWidth int) *geo.Point {
distance := (float64(edgeStrokeWidth) + float64(shapeStrokeWidth)) / 2.0
if arrowhead != d2target.NoArrowhead {
distance += float64(edgeStrokeWidth)
v := geo.NewVector(end.X-start.X, end.Y-start.Y)
return v.Unit().Multiply(-distance).ToPoint()
func getArrowheadAdjustments(connection d2target.Connection, idToShape map[string]d2target.Shape) (srcAdj, dstAdj *geo.Point) {
route := connection.Route
srcShape := idToShape[connection.Src]
dstShape := idToShape[connection.Dst]
sourceAdjustment := arrowheadAdjustment(route[1], route[0], connection.SrcArrow, connection.StrokeWidth, srcShape.StrokeWidth)
targetAdjustment := arrowheadAdjustment(route[len(route)-2], route[len(route)-1], connection.DstArrow, connection.StrokeWidth, dstShape.StrokeWidth)
return sourceAdjustment, targetAdjustment
// returns the path's d attribute for the given connection
func pathData(connection d2target.Connection, srcAdj, dstAdj *geo.Point) string {
var path []string
route := connection.Route
path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("M %f %f",
if connection.IsCurve {
i := 1
for ; i < len(route)-3; i += 3 {
path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("C %f %f %f %f %f %f",
route[i].X, route[i].Y,
route[i+1].X, route[i+1].Y,
route[i+2].X, route[i+2].Y,
// final curve target adjustment
path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("C %f %f %f %f %f %f",
route[i].X, route[i].Y,
route[i+1].X, route[i+1].Y,
} else {
for i := 1; i < len(route)-1; i++ {
prevSource := route[i-1]
prevTarget := route[i]
currTarget := route[i+1]
prevVector := prevSource.VectorTo(prevTarget)
currVector := prevTarget.VectorTo(currTarget)
dist := geo.EuclideanDistance(prevTarget.X, prevTarget.Y, currTarget.X, currTarget.Y)
connectionBorderRadius := connection.BorderRadius
units := math.Min(connectionBorderRadius, dist/2)
prevTranslations := prevVector.Unit().Multiply(units).ToPoint()
currTranslations := currVector.Unit().Multiply(units).ToPoint()
path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("L %f %f",
// If the segment length is too small, instead of drawing 2 arcs, just skip this segment and bezier curve to the next one
if units < connectionBorderRadius && i < len(route)-2 {
nextTarget := route[i+2]
nextVector := geo.NewVector(nextTarget.X-currTarget.X, nextTarget.Y-currTarget.Y)
nextTranslations := nextVector.Unit().Multiply(units).ToPoint()
// These 2 bezier control points aren't just at the corner -- they are reflected at the corner, which causes the curve to be ~tangent to the corner,
// which matches how the two arcs look
path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("C %f %f %f %f %f %f",
// Control point
// Control point
// Where curve ends
} else {
path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("S %f %f %f %f",
lastPoint := route[len(route)-1]
path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("L %f %f",
return strings.Join(path, " ")
func makeLabelMask(labelTL *geo.Point, width, height int, opacity float64) string {
fill := "black"
if opacity != 1 {
fill = fmt.Sprintf("rgba(0,0,0,%.2f)", opacity)
return fmt.Sprintf(``,
labelTL.X, labelTL.Y,
func drawConnection(writer io.Writer, labelMaskID string, connection d2target.Connection, markers map[string]struct{}, idToShape map[string]d2target.Shape, sketchRunner *d2sketch.Runner) (labelMask string, _ error) {
opacityStyle := ""
if connection.Opacity != 1.0 {
opacityStyle = fmt.Sprintf(" style='opacity:%f'", connection.Opacity)
classStr := ""
if len(connection.Classes) > 0 {
classStr = fmt.Sprintf(` class="%s"`, strings.Join(connection.Classes, " "))
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``, svg.EscapeText(connection.ID), opacityStyle, classStr)
var markerStart string
if connection.SrcArrow != d2target.NoArrowhead {
id := arrowheadMarkerID(false, connection)
if _, in := markers[id]; !in {
marker := arrowheadMarker(false, id, connection)
if marker == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("received empty arrow head marker for: %#v", connection))
fmt.Fprint(writer, marker)
markers[id] = struct{}{}
markerStart = fmt.Sprintf(`marker-start="url(#%s)" `, id)
var markerEnd string
if connection.DstArrow != d2target.NoArrowhead {
id := arrowheadMarkerID(true, connection)
if _, in := markers[id]; !in {
marker := arrowheadMarker(true, id, connection)
if marker == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("received empty arrow head marker for: %#v", connection))
fmt.Fprint(writer, marker)
markers[id] = struct{}{}
markerEnd = fmt.Sprintf(`marker-end="url(#%s)" `, id)
var labelTL *geo.Point
if connection.Label != "" {
labelTL = connection.GetLabelTopLeft()
labelTL.X = math.Round(labelTL.X)
labelTL.Y = math.Round(labelTL.Y)
if label.FromString(connection.LabelPosition).IsOnEdge() {
labelMask = makeLabelMask(labelTL, connection.LabelWidth, connection.LabelHeight, 1)
} else {
labelMask = makeLabelMask(labelTL, connection.LabelWidth, connection.LabelHeight, 0.75)
srcAdj, dstAdj := getArrowheadAdjustments(connection, idToShape)
path := pathData(connection, srcAdj, dstAdj)
mask := fmt.Sprintf(`mask="url(#%s)"`, labelMaskID)
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.Connection(sketchRunner, connection, path, mask)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
// render sketch arrowheads separately
arrowPaths, err := d2sketch.Arrowheads(sketchRunner, connection, srcAdj, dstAdj)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, arrowPaths)
} else {
animatedClass := ""
if connection.Animated {
animatedClass = " animated-connection"
pathEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
pathEl.D = path
pathEl.Fill = color.None
pathEl.Stroke = connection.Stroke
pathEl.ClassName = fmt.Sprintf("connection%s", animatedClass)
pathEl.Style = connection.CSSStyle()
pathEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", markerStart, markerEnd, mask)
fmt.Fprint(writer, pathEl.Render())
if connection.Label != "" {
fontClass := "text"
if connection.FontFamily == "mono" {
fontClass = "text-mono"
if connection.Bold {
fontClass += "-bold"
} else if connection.Italic {
fontClass += "-italic"
if connection.Fill != color.Empty {
rectEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
rectEl.X, rectEl.Y = labelTL.X, labelTL.Y
rectEl.Width, rectEl.Height = float64(connection.LabelWidth), float64(connection.LabelHeight)
rectEl.Fill = connection.Fill
fmt.Fprint(writer, rectEl.Render())
textEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("text")
textEl.X = labelTL.X + float64(connection.LabelWidth)/2
textEl.Y = labelTL.Y + float64(connection.FontSize)
textEl.Fill = connection.GetFontColor()
textEl.ClassName = fontClass
textEl.Style = fmt.Sprintf("text-anchor:%s;font-size:%vpx", "middle", connection.FontSize)
textEl.Content = RenderText(connection.Label, textEl.X, float64(connection.LabelHeight))
fmt.Fprint(writer, textEl.Render())
if connection.SrcLabel != nil && connection.SrcLabel.Label != "" {
fmt.Fprint(writer, renderArrowheadLabel(connection, connection.SrcLabel.Label, false))
if connection.DstLabel != nil && connection.DstLabel.Label != "" {
fmt.Fprint(writer, renderArrowheadLabel(connection, connection.DstLabel.Label, true))
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``)
func renderArrowheadLabel(connection d2target.Connection, text string, isDst bool) string {
var width, height float64
if isDst {
width = float64(connection.DstLabel.LabelWidth)
height = float64(connection.DstLabel.LabelHeight)
} else {
width = float64(connection.SrcLabel.LabelWidth)
height = float64(connection.SrcLabel.LabelHeight)
labelTL := connection.GetArrowheadLabelPosition(isDst)
// svg text is positioned with the center of its baseline
baselineCenter := geo.Point{
X: labelTL.X + width/2.,
Y: labelTL.Y + float64(connection.FontSize),
textEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("text")
textEl.X = baselineCenter.X
textEl.Y = baselineCenter.Y
textEl.Fill = d2target.FG_COLOR
if isDst {
if connection.DstLabel.Color != "" {
textEl.Fill = connection.DstLabel.Color
} else {
if connection.SrcLabel.Color != "" {
textEl.Fill = connection.SrcLabel.Color
textEl.ClassName = "text-italic"
textEl.Style = fmt.Sprintf("text-anchor:middle;font-size:%vpx", connection.FontSize)
textEl.Content = RenderText(text, textEl.X, height)
return textEl.Render()
func renderOval(tl *geo.Point, width, height float64, fill, fillPattern, stroke, style string) string {
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("ellipse")
el.Rx = width / 2
el.Ry = height / 2
el.Cx = tl.X + el.Rx
el.Cy = tl.Y + el.Ry
el.Fill, el.Stroke = fill, stroke
el.FillPattern = fillPattern
el.ClassName = "shape"
el.Style = style
return el.Render()
func renderDoubleOval(tl *geo.Point, width, height float64, fill, fillStroke, stroke, style string) string {
var innerTL *geo.Point = tl.AddVector(geo.NewVector(d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET, d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET))
return renderOval(tl, width, height, fill, fillStroke, stroke, style) + renderOval(innerTL, width-10, height-10, fill, "", stroke, style)
func defineShadowFilter(writer io.Writer) {
fmt.Fprint(writer, `
func render3DRect(targetShape d2target.Shape) string {
moveTo := func(p d2target.Point) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("M%d,%d", p.X+targetShape.Pos.X, p.Y+targetShape.Pos.Y)
lineTo := func(p d2target.Point) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("L%d,%d", p.X+targetShape.Pos.X, p.Y+targetShape.Pos.Y)
// draw border all in one path to prevent overlapping sections
var borderSegments []string
borderSegments = append(borderSegments,
moveTo(d2target.Point{X: 0, Y: 0}),
for _, v := range []d2target.Point{
{X: d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET},
{X: targetShape.Width + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET},
{X: targetShape.Width + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: targetShape.Height - d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: targetShape.Height},
{X: 0, Y: targetShape.Height},
{X: 0, Y: 0},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: 0},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: targetShape.Height},
} {
borderSegments = append(borderSegments, lineTo(v))
// move to top right to draw last segment without overlapping
borderSegments = append(borderSegments,
moveTo(d2target.Point{X: targetShape.Width, Y: 0}),
borderSegments = append(borderSegments,
lineTo(d2target.Point{X: targetShape.Width + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET}),
border := d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
border.D = strings.Join(borderSegments, " ")
border.Fill = color.None
_, borderStroke := d2themes.ShapeTheme(targetShape)
border.Stroke = borderStroke
borderStyle := targetShape.CSSStyle()
border.Style = borderStyle
renderedBorder := border.Render()
// create mask from border stroke, to cut away from the shape fills
maskID := fmt.Sprintf("border-mask-%v", svg.EscapeText(targetShape.ID))
borderMask := strings.Join([]string{
maskID, targetShape.Pos.X, targetShape.Pos.Y-d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, targetShape.Width+d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, targetShape.Height+d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET,
targetShape.Pos.X, targetShape.Pos.Y-d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, targetShape.Width+d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, targetShape.Height+d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET,
strings.Join(borderSegments, ""), borderStyle),
}, "\n")
// render the main rectangle without stroke and the border mask
mainShape := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
mainShape.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X)
mainShape.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y)
mainShape.Width = float64(targetShape.Width)
mainShape.Height = float64(targetShape.Height)
mainShapeFill, _ := d2themes.ShapeTheme(targetShape)
mainShape.Fill = mainShapeFill
mainShape.FillPattern = targetShape.FillPattern
mainShape.Stroke = color.None
mainShape.Style = targetShape.CSSStyle()
mainShapeRendered := mainShape.Render()
// render the side shapes in the darkened color without stroke and the border mask
var sidePoints []string
for _, v := range []d2target.Point{
{X: 0, Y: 0},
{X: d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET},
{X: targetShape.Width + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET},
{X: targetShape.Width + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: targetShape.Height - d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: targetShape.Height},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: 0},
} {
sidePoints = append(sidePoints,
fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", v.X+targetShape.Pos.X, v.Y+targetShape.Pos.Y),
darkerColor, err := color.Darken(targetShape.Fill)
if err != nil {
darkerColor = targetShape.Fill
sideShape := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polygon")
sideShape.Fill = darkerColor
sideShape.Points = strings.Join(sidePoints, " ")
sideShape.Style = targetShape.CSSStyle()
renderedSides := sideShape.Render()
return borderMask + mainShapeRendered + renderedSides + renderedBorder
func render3DHexagon(targetShape d2target.Shape) string {
moveTo := func(p d2target.Point) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("M%d,%d", p.X+targetShape.Pos.X, p.Y+targetShape.Pos.Y)
lineTo := func(p d2target.Point) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("L%d,%d", p.X+targetShape.Pos.X, p.Y+targetShape.Pos.Y)
scale := func(n int, f float64) int {
return int(float64(n) * f)
halfYFactor := 43.6 / 87.3
// draw border all in one path to prevent overlapping sections
var borderSegments []string
// start from the top-left
borderSegments = append(borderSegments,
moveTo(d2target.Point{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.25), Y: 0}),
// The following iterates through the sidepoints in clockwise order from top-left, then the main points in clockwise order from bottom-right
for _, v := range []d2target.Point{
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.25) + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -Y_OFFSET},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75) + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -Y_OFFSET},
{X: targetShape.Width + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: scale(targetShape.Height, halfYFactor) - Y_OFFSET},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75) + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: targetShape.Height - Y_OFFSET},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: targetShape.Height},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.25), Y: targetShape.Height},
{X: 0, Y: scale(targetShape.Height, halfYFactor)},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.25), Y: 0},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: 0},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: scale(targetShape.Height, halfYFactor)},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: targetShape.Height},
} {
borderSegments = append(borderSegments, lineTo(v))
for _, v := range []d2target.Point{
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: 0},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: scale(targetShape.Height, halfYFactor)},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: targetShape.Height},
} {
borderSegments = append(borderSegments, moveTo(v))
borderSegments = append(borderSegments, lineTo(
d2target.Point{X: v.X + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: v.Y - Y_OFFSET},
border := d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
border.D = strings.Join(borderSegments, " ")
border.Fill = color.None
_, borderStroke := d2themes.ShapeTheme(targetShape)
border.Stroke = borderStroke
borderStyle := targetShape.CSSStyle()
border.Style = borderStyle
renderedBorder := border.Render()
var mainPoints []string
for _, v := range []d2target.Point{
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.25), Y: 0},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: 0},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: scale(targetShape.Height, halfYFactor)},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: targetShape.Height},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.25), Y: targetShape.Height},
{X: 0, Y: scale(targetShape.Height, halfYFactor)},
} {
mainPoints = append(mainPoints,
fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", v.X+targetShape.Pos.X, v.Y+targetShape.Pos.Y),
mainPointsPoly := strings.Join(mainPoints, " ")
// create mask from border stroke, to cut away from the shape fills
maskID := fmt.Sprintf("border-mask-%v", svg.EscapeText(targetShape.ID))
borderMask := strings.Join([]string{
maskID, targetShape.Pos.X, targetShape.Pos.Y-d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, targetShape.Width+d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, targetShape.Height+d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET,
targetShape.Pos.X, targetShape.Pos.Y-d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, targetShape.Width+d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, targetShape.Height+d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET,
strings.Join(borderSegments, ""), borderStyle),
}, "\n")
// render the main hexagon without stroke and the border mask
mainShape := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polygon")
mainShape.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X)
mainShape.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y)
mainShape.Points = mainPointsPoly
mainShapeFill, _ := d2themes.ShapeTheme(targetShape)
mainShape.FillPattern = targetShape.FillPattern
mainShape.Fill = mainShapeFill
mainShape.Stroke = color.None
mainShape.Style = targetShape.CSSStyle()
mainShapeRendered := mainShape.Render()
// render the side shapes in the darkened color without stroke and the border mask
var sidePoints []string
for _, v := range []d2target.Point{
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.25) + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -Y_OFFSET},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75) + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: -Y_OFFSET},
{X: targetShape.Width + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: scale(targetShape.Height, halfYFactor) - Y_OFFSET},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75) + d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET, Y: targetShape.Height - Y_OFFSET},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: targetShape.Height},
{X: targetShape.Width, Y: scale(targetShape.Height, halfYFactor)},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.75), Y: 0},
{X: scale(targetShape.Width, 0.25), Y: 0},
} {
sidePoints = append(sidePoints,
fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", v.X+targetShape.Pos.X, v.Y+targetShape.Pos.Y),
// TODO make darker color part of the theme? or just keep this bypass
darkerColor, err := color.Darken(targetShape.Fill)
if err != nil {
darkerColor = targetShape.Fill
sideShape := d2themes.NewThemableElement("polygon")
sideShape.Fill = darkerColor
sideShape.Points = strings.Join(sidePoints, " ")
sideShape.Style = targetShape.CSSStyle()
renderedSides := sideShape.Render()
return borderMask + mainShapeRendered + renderedSides + renderedBorder
func drawShape(writer, appendixWriter io.Writer, diagramHash string, targetShape d2target.Shape, sketchRunner *d2sketch.Runner) (labelMask string, err error) {
closingTag := ""
if targetShape.Link != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``, svg.EscapeText(targetShape.Link))
closingTag += ""
// Opacity is a unique style, it applies to everything for a shape
opacityStyle := ""
if targetShape.Opacity != 1.0 {
opacityStyle = fmt.Sprintf(" style='opacity:%f'", targetShape.Opacity)
// this clipPath must be defined outside `g` element
if targetShape.BorderRadius != 0 && (targetShape.Type == d2target.ShapeClass || targetShape.Type == d2target.ShapeSQLTable) {
fmt.Fprint(writer, clipPathForBorderRadius(diagramHash, targetShape))
classStr := ""
if len(targetShape.Classes) > 0 {
classStr = fmt.Sprintf(` class="%s"`, strings.Join(targetShape.Classes, " "))
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``, svg.EscapeText(targetShape.ID), opacityStyle, classStr)
tl := geo.NewPoint(float64(targetShape.Pos.X), float64(targetShape.Pos.Y))
width := float64(targetShape.Width)
height := float64(targetShape.Height)
fill, stroke := d2themes.ShapeTheme(targetShape)
style := targetShape.CSSStyle()
shapeType := d2target.DSL_SHAPE_TO_SHAPE_TYPE[targetShape.Type]
s := shape.NewShape(shapeType, geo.NewBox(tl, width, height))
if shapeType == shape.CLOUD_TYPE && targetShape.ContentAspectRatio != nil {
var shadowAttr string
if targetShape.Shadow {
switch targetShape.Type {
case d2target.ShapeText,
shadowAttr = `filter="url(#shadow-filter)" `
var blendModeClass string
if targetShape.Blend {
blendModeClass = " blend"
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``, blendModeClass, shadowAttr)
var multipleTL *geo.Point
if targetShape.Multiple {
multipleTL = tl.AddVector(multipleOffset)
switch targetShape.Type {
case d2target.ShapeClass:
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.Class(sketchRunner, targetShape)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
} else {
drawClass(writer, diagramHash, targetShape)
addAppendixItems(appendixWriter, targetShape, s)
fmt.Fprint(writer, ``)
fmt.Fprint(writer, closingTag)
return labelMask, nil
case d2target.ShapeSQLTable:
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.Table(sketchRunner, targetShape)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
} else {
drawTable(writer, diagramHash, targetShape)
addAppendixItems(appendixWriter, targetShape, s)
fmt.Fprint(writer, ``)
fmt.Fprint(writer, closingTag)
return labelMask, nil
case d2target.ShapeOval:
if targetShape.DoubleBorder {
if targetShape.Multiple {
fmt.Fprint(writer, renderDoubleOval(multipleTL, width, height, fill, "", stroke, style))
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.DoubleOval(sketchRunner, targetShape)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(writer, renderDoubleOval(tl, width, height, fill, targetShape.FillPattern, stroke, style))
} else {
if targetShape.Multiple {
fmt.Fprint(writer, renderOval(multipleTL, width, height, fill, "", stroke, style))
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.Oval(sketchRunner, targetShape)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(writer, renderOval(tl, width, height, fill, targetShape.FillPattern, stroke, style))
case d2target.ShapeImage:
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("image")
el.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X)
el.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y)
el.Width = float64(targetShape.Width)
el.Height = float64(targetShape.Height)
el.Href = html.EscapeString(targetShape.Icon.String())
el.Fill = fill
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
// TODO should standardize "" to rectangle
case d2target.ShapeRectangle, d2target.ShapeSequenceDiagram, "":
borderRadius := math.MaxFloat64
if targetShape.BorderRadius != 0 {
borderRadius = float64(targetShape.BorderRadius)
if targetShape.ThreeDee {
fmt.Fprint(writer, render3DRect(targetShape))
} else {
if !targetShape.DoubleBorder {
if targetShape.Multiple {
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
el.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X + 10)
el.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y - 10)
el.Width = float64(targetShape.Width)
el.Height = float64(targetShape.Height)
el.Fill = fill
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
el.Rx = borderRadius
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.Rect(sketchRunner, targetShape)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
} else {
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
el.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X)
el.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y)
el.Width = float64(targetShape.Width)
el.Height = float64(targetShape.Height)
el.Fill = fill
el.FillPattern = targetShape.FillPattern
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
el.Rx = borderRadius
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
} else {
if targetShape.Multiple {
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
el.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X + 10)
el.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y - 10)
el.Width = float64(targetShape.Width)
el.Height = float64(targetShape.Height)
el.Fill = fill
el.FillPattern = targetShape.FillPattern
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
el.Rx = borderRadius
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
el = d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
el.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X + 10 + d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET)
el.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y - 10 + d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET)
el.Width = float64(targetShape.Width - 2*d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET)
el.Height = float64(targetShape.Height - 2*d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET)
el.Fill = fill
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
el.Rx = borderRadius
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.DoubleRect(sketchRunner, targetShape)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
} else {
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
el.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X)
el.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y)
el.Width = float64(targetShape.Width)
el.Height = float64(targetShape.Height)
el.Fill = fill
el.FillPattern = targetShape.FillPattern
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
el.Rx = borderRadius
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
el = d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
el.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X + d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET)
el.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y + d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET)
el.Width = float64(targetShape.Width - 2*d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET)
el.Height = float64(targetShape.Height - 2*d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET)
el.Fill = "transparent"
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
el.Rx = borderRadius
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
case d2target.ShapeHexagon:
if targetShape.ThreeDee {
fmt.Fprint(writer, render3DHexagon(targetShape))
} else {
if targetShape.Multiple {
multiplePathData := shape.NewShape(shapeType, geo.NewBox(multipleTL, width, height)).GetSVGPathData()
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
el.Fill = fill
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
for _, pathData := range multiplePathData {
el.D = pathData
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.Paths(sketchRunner, targetShape, s.GetSVGPathData())
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
} else {
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
el.Fill = fill
el.FillPattern = targetShape.FillPattern
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
for _, pathData := range s.GetSVGPathData() {
el.D = pathData
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
case d2target.ShapeText, d2target.ShapeCode:
if targetShape.Multiple {
multiplePathData := shape.NewShape(shapeType, geo.NewBox(multipleTL, width, height)).GetSVGPathData()
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
el.Fill = fill
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
for _, pathData := range multiplePathData {
el.D = pathData
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
if sketchRunner != nil {
out, err := d2sketch.Paths(sketchRunner, targetShape, s.GetSVGPathData())
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprint(writer, out)
} else {
el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("path")
el.Fill = fill
el.FillPattern = targetShape.FillPattern
el.Stroke = stroke
el.Style = style
for _, pathData := range s.GetSVGPathData() {
el.D = pathData
fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
// // to examine shape's innerBox
// innerBox := s.GetInnerBox()
// el := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
// el.X = float64(innerBox.TopLeft.X)
// el.Y = float64(innerBox.TopLeft.Y)
// el.Width = float64(innerBox.Width)
// el.Height = float64(innerBox.Height)
// el.Style = "fill:rgba(255,0,0,0.5);"
// fmt.Fprint(writer, el.Render())
// Closes the class=shape
fmt.Fprint(writer, ``)
if targetShape.Icon != nil && targetShape.Type != d2target.ShapeImage {
iconPosition := label.FromString(targetShape.IconPosition)
var box *geo.Box
if iconPosition.IsOutside() {
box = s.GetBox()
} else {
box = s.GetInnerBox()
iconSize := d2target.GetIconSize(box, targetShape.IconPosition)
tl := iconPosition.GetPointOnBox(box, label.PADDING, float64(iconSize), float64(iconSize))
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``,
if targetShape.Label != "" {
labelPosition := label.FromString(targetShape.LabelPosition)
var box *geo.Box
if labelPosition.IsOutside() {
box = s.GetBox().Copy()
// if it is 3d/multiple, place label using box around those
if targetShape.ThreeDee {
offsetY := d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET
if targetShape.Type == d2target.ShapeHexagon {
offsetY /= 2
box.TopLeft.Y -= float64(offsetY)
box.Height += float64(offsetY)
box.Width += d2target.THREE_DEE_OFFSET
} else if targetShape.Multiple {
box.TopLeft.Y -= d2target.MULTIPLE_OFFSET
box.Height += d2target.MULTIPLE_OFFSET
box.Width += d2target.MULTIPLE_OFFSET
} else {
box = s.GetInnerBox()
labelTL := labelPosition.GetPointOnBox(box, label.PADDING,
labelMask = makeLabelMask(labelTL, targetShape.LabelWidth, targetShape.LabelHeight, 0.75)
fontClass := "text"
if targetShape.FontFamily == "mono" {
fontClass = "text-mono"
if targetShape.Bold {
fontClass += "-bold"
} else if targetShape.Italic {
fontClass += "-italic"
if targetShape.Underline {
fontClass += " text-underline"
if targetShape.Type == d2target.ShapeCode {
lexer := lexers.Get(targetShape.Language)
if lexer == nil {
lexer = lexers.Fallback
for _, isLight := range []bool{true, false} {
theme := "github"
if !isLight {
theme = "catppuccin-mocha"
style := styles.Get(theme)
if style == nil {
return labelMask, errors.New(`code snippet style "github" not found`)
formatter := formatters.Get("svg")
if formatter == nil {
return labelMask, errors.New(`code snippet formatter "svg" not found`)
iterator, err := lexer.Tokenise(nil, targetShape.Label)
if err != nil {
return labelMask, err
svgStyles := styleToSVG(style)
class := "light-code"
if !isLight {
class = "dark-code"
var fontSize string
if targetShape.FontSize != d2fonts.FONT_SIZE_M {
fontSize = fmt.Sprintf(` style="font-size:%v"`, targetShape.FontSize)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``,
box.TopLeft.X, box.TopLeft.Y, class, fontSize,
rectEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
rectEl.Width = float64(targetShape.Width)
rectEl.Height = float64(targetShape.Height)
rectEl.Stroke = targetShape.Stroke
rectEl.ClassName = "shape"
rectEl.Style = fmt.Sprintf(`fill:%s;stroke-width:%d;`,
fmt.Fprint(writer, rectEl.Render())
// Padding = 0.5em
padding := float64(targetShape.FontSize) / 2.
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``, padding, padding)
lineHeight := textmeasure.CODE_LINE_HEIGHT
for index, tokens := range chroma.SplitTokensIntoLines(iterator.Tokens()) {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "", 1+float64(index)*lineHeight)
for _, token := range tokens {
text := svgEscaper.Replace(token.String())
attr := styleAttr(svgStyles, token.Type)
if attr != "" {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%s", attr, text)
fmt.Fprint(writer, text)
fmt.Fprint(writer, "")
fmt.Fprint(writer, "")
} else if targetShape.Type == d2target.ShapeText && targetShape.Language == "latex" {
render, err := d2latex.Render(targetShape.Label)
if err != nil {
return labelMask, err
gEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("g")
gEl.SetTranslate(float64(box.TopLeft.X), float64(box.TopLeft.Y))
gEl.Color = targetShape.Stroke
gEl.Content = render
fmt.Fprint(writer, gEl.Render())
} else if targetShape.Type == d2target.ShapeText && targetShape.Language != "" {
render, err := textmeasure.RenderMarkdown(targetShape.Label)
if err != nil {
return labelMask, err
fmt.Fprintf(writer, ``,
box.TopLeft.X, box.TopLeft.Y, targetShape.Width, targetShape.Height,
// we need the self closing form in this svg/xhtml context
render = strings.ReplaceAll(render, "
", "
mdEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("div")
mdEl.ClassName = "md"
mdEl.Content = render
// We have to set with styles since within foreignObject, we're in html
// land and not SVG attributes
var styles []string
if targetShape.FontSize != textmeasure.MarkdownFontSize {
styles = append(styles, fmt.Sprintf("font-size:%vpx", targetShape.FontSize))
if !color.IsThemeColor(targetShape.Color) {
styles = append(styles, fmt.Sprintf(`color:%s`, targetShape.Color))
mdEl.Style = strings.Join(styles, ";")
fmt.Fprint(writer, mdEl.Render())
fmt.Fprint(writer, ``)
} else {
if targetShape.LabelFill != "" {
rectEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
rectEl.X = labelTL.X
rectEl.Y = labelTL.Y
rectEl.Width = float64(targetShape.LabelWidth)
rectEl.Height = float64(targetShape.LabelHeight)
rectEl.Fill = targetShape.LabelFill
fmt.Fprint(writer, rectEl.Render())
textEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("text")
textEl.X = labelTL.X + float64(targetShape.LabelWidth)/2
// text is vertically positioned at its baseline which is at labelTL+FontSize
textEl.Y = labelTL.Y + float64(targetShape.FontSize)
textEl.Fill = targetShape.GetFontColor()
textEl.ClassName = fontClass
textEl.Style = fmt.Sprintf("text-anchor:%s;font-size:%vpx", "middle", targetShape.FontSize)
textEl.Content = RenderText(targetShape.Label, textEl.X, float64(targetShape.LabelHeight))
fmt.Fprint(writer, textEl.Render())
if targetShape.Blend {
labelMask = makeLabelMask(labelTL, targetShape.LabelWidth, targetShape.LabelHeight-d2graph.INNER_LABEL_PADDING, 1)
if targetShape.Tooltip != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, `
addAppendixItems(appendixWriter, targetShape, s)
fmt.Fprint(writer, closingTag)
return labelMask, nil
func addAppendixItems(writer io.Writer, targetShape d2target.Shape, s shape.Shape) {
var p1, p2 *geo.Point
if targetShape.Tooltip != "" || targetShape.Link != "" {
bothIcons := targetShape.Tooltip != "" && targetShape.Link != ""
corner := geo.NewPoint(float64(targetShape.Pos.X+targetShape.Width), float64(targetShape.Pos.Y))
center := geo.NewPoint(
offset := geo.Vector{-2 * appendixIconRadius, 0}
var leftOnShape bool
switch s.GetType() {
case shape.STEP_TYPE, shape.HEXAGON_TYPE, shape.QUEUE_TYPE, shape.PAGE_TYPE:
// trace straight left for these
center.Y = float64(targetShape.Pos.Y)
case shape.PACKAGE_TYPE:
// trace straight down
center.X = float64(targetShape.Pos.X + targetShape.Width)
case shape.CIRCLE_TYPE, shape.OVAL_TYPE, shape.DIAMOND_TYPE,
if bothIcons {
leftOnShape = true
corner = corner.AddVector(offset)
v1 := center.VectorTo(corner)
p1 = shape.TraceToShapeBorder(s, corner, corner.AddVector(v1))
if bothIcons {
if leftOnShape {
// these shapes should have p1 on shape border
p2 = p1.AddVector(offset.Reverse())
p1, p2 = p2, p1
} else {
p2 = p1.AddVector(offset)
if targetShape.Tooltip != "" {
x := int(math.Ceil(p1.X))
y := int(math.Ceil(p1.Y))
fmt.Fprintf(writer, `%s%s`,
if targetShape.Link != "" {
if p2 == nil {
p2 = p1
x := int(math.Ceil(p2.X))
y := int(math.Ceil(p2.Y))
fmt.Fprintf(writer, `%s`,
func RenderText(text string, x, height float64) string {
if !strings.Contains(text, "\n") {
return svg.EscapeText(text)
rendered := []string{}
lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
for i, line := range lines {
dy := height / float64(len(lines))
if i == 0 {
dy = 0
escaped := svg.EscapeText(line)
if escaped == "" {
// if there are multiple newlines in a row we still need text for the tspan to render
escaped = " "
rendered = append(rendered, fmt.Sprintf(`%s`, x, dy, escaped))
return strings.Join(rendered, "")
func EmbedFonts(buf *bytes.Buffer, diagramHash, source string, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily, corpus string) {
fmt.Fprint(buf, ``)
func appendOnTrigger(buf *bytes.Buffer, source string, triggers []string, newContent string) {
for _, trigger := range triggers {
if strings.Contains(source, trigger) {
fmt.Fprint(buf, newContent)
var DEFAULT_DARK_THEME *int64 = nil // no theme selected
func Render(diagram *d2target.Diagram, opts *RenderOpts) ([]byte, error) {
var sketchRunner *d2sketch.Runner
themeID := d2themescatalog.NeutralDefault.ID
var scale *float64
if opts != nil {
if opts.Pad != nil {
pad = int(*opts.Pad)
if opts.Sketch != nil && *opts.Sketch {
var err error
sketchRunner, err = d2sketch.InitSketchVM()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if opts.ThemeID != nil {
themeID = *opts.ThemeID
darkThemeID = opts.DarkThemeID
scale = opts.Scale
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
// only define shadow filter if a shape uses it
for _, s := range diagram.Shapes {
if s.Shadow {
// Apply hash on IDs for targeting, to be specific for this diagram
diagramHash, err := diagram.HashID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Some targeting is still per-board, like masks for connections
isolatedDiagramHash := diagramHash
if opts != nil && opts.MasterID != "" {
diagramHash = opts.MasterID
// SVG has no notion of z-index. The z-index is effectively the order it's drawn.
// So draw from the least nested to most nested
idToShape := make(map[string]d2target.Shape)
allObjects := make([]DiagramObject, 0, len(diagram.Shapes)+len(diagram.Connections))
for _, s := range diagram.Shapes {
idToShape[s.ID] = s
allObjects = append(allObjects, s)
for _, c := range diagram.Connections {
allObjects = append(allObjects, c)
appendixItemBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
var labelMasks []string
markers := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, obj := range allObjects {
if c, is := obj.(d2target.Connection); is {
labelMask, err := drawConnection(buf, isolatedDiagramHash, c, markers, idToShape, sketchRunner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if labelMask != "" {
labelMasks = append(labelMasks, labelMask)
} else if s, is := obj.(d2target.Shape); is {
labelMask, err := drawShape(buf, appendixItemBuf, diagramHash, s, sketchRunner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if labelMask != "" {
labelMasks = append(labelMasks, labelMask)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown object of type %T", obj)
// add all appendix items afterwards so they are always on top
fmt.Fprint(buf, appendixItemBuf)
// Note: we always want this since we reference it on connections even if there end up being no masked labels
left, top, w, h := dimensions(diagram, pad)
fmt.Fprint(buf, strings.Join([]string{
isolatedDiagramHash, left, top, w, h,
left, top, w, h,
strings.Join(labelMasks, "\n"),
}, "\n"))
// generate style elements that will be appended to the SVG tag
upperBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if opts.MasterID == "" {
EmbedFonts(upperBuf, diagramHash, buf.String(), diagram.FontFamily, diagram.GetCorpus()) // EmbedFonts *must* run before `d2sketch.DefineFillPatterns`, but after all elements are appended to `buf`
themeStylesheet, err := ThemeCSS(diagramHash, &themeID, darkThemeID, opts.ThemeOverrides, opts.DarkThemeOverrides)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(upperBuf, ``, BaseStylesheet, themeStylesheet)
hasMarkdown := false
for _, s := range diagram.Shapes {
if s.Label != "" && s.Type == d2target.ShapeText {
hasMarkdown = true
if hasMarkdown {
css := MarkdownCSS
css = strings.ReplaceAll(css, ".md", fmt.Sprintf(".%s .md", diagramHash))
css = strings.ReplaceAll(css, "font-italic", fmt.Sprintf("%s-font-italic", diagramHash))
css = strings.ReplaceAll(css, "font-bold", fmt.Sprintf("%s-font-bold", diagramHash))
css = strings.ReplaceAll(css, "font-mono", fmt.Sprintf("%s-font-mono", diagramHash))
css = strings.ReplaceAll(css, "font-regular", fmt.Sprintf("%s-font-regular", diagramHash))
css = strings.ReplaceAll(css, "font-semibold", fmt.Sprintf("%s-font-semibold", diagramHash))
fmt.Fprintf(upperBuf, ``, css)
if sketchRunner != nil {
// This shift is for background el to envelop the diagram
left -= int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth) / 2.))
top -= int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth) / 2.))
w += int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.) * 2.)
h += int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.) * 2.)
backgroundEl := d2themes.NewThemableElement("rect")
// We don't want to change the document viewbox, only the background el
backgroundEl.X = float64(left)
backgroundEl.Y = float64(top)
backgroundEl.Width = float64(w)
backgroundEl.Height = float64(h)
backgroundEl.Fill = diagram.Root.Fill
backgroundEl.Stroke = diagram.Root.Stroke
backgroundEl.FillPattern = diagram.Root.FillPattern
backgroundEl.Rx = float64(diagram.Root.BorderRadius)
if diagram.Root.StrokeDash != 0 {
dashSize, gapSize := svg.GetStrokeDashAttributes(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth), diagram.Root.StrokeDash)
backgroundEl.StrokeDashArray = fmt.Sprintf("%f, %f", dashSize, gapSize)
backgroundEl.Attributes = fmt.Sprintf(`stroke-width="%d"`, diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)
// This shift is for viewbox to envelop the background el
left -= int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth) / 2.))
top -= int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth) / 2.))
w += int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.) * 2.)
h += int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.) * 2.)
doubleBorderElStr := ""
if diagram.Root.DoubleBorder {
offset := d2target.INNER_BORDER_OFFSET
left -= int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.)) + offset
top -= int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.)) + offset
w += int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.)*2.) + 2*offset
h += int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.)*2.) + 2*offset
backgroundEl2 := backgroundEl.Copy()
// No need to double-paint
backgroundEl.Fill = "transparent"
backgroundEl2.X = float64(left)
backgroundEl2.Y = float64(top)
backgroundEl2.Width = float64(w)
backgroundEl2.Height = float64(h)
doubleBorderElStr = backgroundEl2.Render()
left -= int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth) / 2.))
top -= int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth) / 2.))
w += int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.) * 2.)
h += int(math.Ceil(float64(diagram.Root.StrokeWidth)/2.) * 2.)
bufStr := buf.String()
patternDefs := ""
for _, pattern := range d2graph.FillPatterns {
if strings.Contains(bufStr, fmt.Sprintf("%s-overlay", pattern)) || diagram.Root.FillPattern == pattern {
if patternDefs == "" {
fmt.Fprint(upperBuf, ``)
fmt.Fprint(upperBuf, "")
fmt.Fprint(upperBuf, patternDefs)
fmt.Fprint(upperBuf, "")
var dimensions string
if scale != nil {
dimensions = fmt.Sprintf(` width="%d" height="%d"`,
alignment := "xMinYMin"
if opts.Center != nil && *opts.Center {
alignment = "xMidYMid"
fitToScreenWrapperOpening := ""
xmlTag := ""
fitToScreenWrapperClosing := ""
idAttr := ""
tag := "g"
// Many things change when this is rendering for animation
if opts.MasterID == "" {
fitToScreenWrapperOpening = fmt.Sprintf(`"
idAttr = `id="d2-svg"`
tag = "svg"
// TODO minify
docRendered := fmt.Sprintf(`%s%s<%s %s class="%s" width="%d" height="%d" viewBox="%d %d %d %d">%s%s%s%s%s>%s`,
w, h, left, top, w, h,
return []byte(docRendered), nil
// TODO include only colors that are being used to reduce size
func ThemeCSS(diagramHash string, themeID *int64, darkThemeID *int64, overrides, darkOverrides *d2target.ThemeOverrides) (stylesheet string, err error) {
if themeID == nil {
themeID = &d2themescatalog.NeutralDefault.ID
out, err := singleThemeRulesets(diagramHash, *themeID, overrides)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if darkThemeID != nil {
darkOut, err := singleThemeRulesets(diagramHash, *darkThemeID, darkOverrides)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf("@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme:dark){%s}", darkOut)
return out, nil
func singleThemeRulesets(diagramHash string, themeID int64, overrides *d2target.ThemeOverrides) (rulesets string, err error) {
out := ""
theme := d2themescatalog.Find(themeID)
// Global theme colors
for _, property := range []string{"fill", "stroke", "background-color", "color"} {
out += fmt.Sprintf(`
.%s .%s-N1{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-N2{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-N3{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-N4{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-N5{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-N6{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-N7{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-B1{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-B2{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-B3{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-B4{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-B5{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-B6{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-AA2{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-AA4{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-AA5{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-AB4{%s:%s;}
.%s .%s-AB5{%s:%s;}`,
property, property, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N1,
property, property, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N2,
property, property, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N3,
property, property, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N4,
property, property, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N5,
property, property, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N6,
property, property, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N7,
property, property, theme.Colors.B1,
property, property, theme.Colors.B2,
property, property, theme.Colors.B3,
property, property, theme.Colors.B4,
property, property, theme.Colors.B5,
property, property, theme.Colors.B6,
property, property, theme.Colors.AA2,
property, property, theme.Colors.AA4,
property, property, theme.Colors.AA5,
property, property, theme.Colors.AB4,
property, property, theme.Colors.AB5,
// Appendix
out += fmt.Sprintf(".appendix text.text{fill:%s}", theme.Colors.Neutrals.N1)
// Markdown specific rulesets
out += fmt.Sprintf(".md{--color-fg-default:%s;--color-fg-muted:%s;--color-fg-subtle:%s;--color-canvas-default:%s;--color-canvas-subtle:%s;--color-border-default:%s;--color-border-muted:%s;--color-neutral-muted:%s;--color-accent-fg:%s;--color-accent-emphasis:%s;--color-attention-subtle:%s;--color-danger-fg:%s;}",
theme.Colors.Neutrals.N1, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N2, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N3,
theme.Colors.Neutrals.N7, theme.Colors.Neutrals.N6,
theme.Colors.B1, theme.Colors.B2,
theme.Colors.B2, theme.Colors.B2,
theme.Colors.Neutrals.N2, // TODO or N3 --color-attention-subtle
// Sketch style specific rulesets
// B
lc, err := color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.B1)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.B1, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.B2)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.B2, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.B3)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.B3, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.B4)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.B4, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.B5)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.B5, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.B6)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.B6, lc, blendMode(lc))
// AA
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.AA2)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.AA2, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.AA4)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.AA4, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.AA5)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.AA5, lc, blendMode(lc))
// AB
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.AB4)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.AB4, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.AB5)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.AB5, lc, blendMode(lc))
// Neutrals
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.Neutrals.N1)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.N1, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.Neutrals.N2)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.N2, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.Neutrals.N3)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.N3, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.Neutrals.N4)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.N4, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.Neutrals.N5)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.N5, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.Neutrals.N6)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.N6, lc, blendMode(lc))
lc, err = color.LuminanceCategory(theme.Colors.Neutrals.N7)
if err != nil {
return "", err
out += fmt.Sprintf(".sketch-overlay-%s{fill:url(#streaks-%s);mix-blend-mode:%s}", color.N7, lc, blendMode(lc))
if theme.IsDark() {
out += ".light-code{display: none}"
out += ".dark-code{display: block}"
} else {
out += ".light-code{display: block}"
out += ".dark-code{display: none}"
return out, nil
func blendMode(lc string) string {
switch lc {
case "bright":
return "darken"
case "normal":
return "color-burn"
case "dark":
return "overlay"
case "darker":
return "lighten"
panic("invalid luminance category")
type DiagramObject interface {
GetID() string
GetZIndex() int
// sortObjects sorts all diagrams objects (shapes and connections) in the desired drawing order
// the sorting criteria is:
// 1. zIndex, lower comes first
// 2. two shapes with the same zIndex are sorted by their level (container nesting), containers come first
// 3. two shapes with the same zIndex and same level, are sorted in the order they were exported
// 4. shape and edge, shapes come first
func sortObjects(allObjects []DiagramObject) {
sort.SliceStable(allObjects, func(i, j int) bool {
// first sort by zIndex
iZIndex := allObjects[i].GetZIndex()
jZIndex := allObjects[j].GetZIndex()
if iZIndex != jZIndex {
return iZIndex < jZIndex
// then, if both are shapes, parents come before their children
iShape, iIsShape := allObjects[i].(d2target.Shape)
jShape, jIsShape := allObjects[j].(d2target.Shape)
if iIsShape && jIsShape {
return iShape.Level < jShape.Level
// then, shapes come before connections
_, jIsConnection := allObjects[j].(d2target.Connection)
return iIsShape && jIsConnection
func hash(s string) string {
const secret = "lalalas"
h := fnv.New32a()
h.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", s, secret)))
return fmt.Sprint(h.Sum32())
func RenderMultiboard(diagram *d2target.Diagram, opts *RenderOpts) ([][]byte, error) {
var boards [][]byte
for _, dl := range diagram.Layers {
childrenBoards, err := RenderMultiboard(dl, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
boards = append(boards, childrenBoards...)
for _, dl := range diagram.Scenarios {
childrenBoards, err := RenderMultiboard(dl, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
boards = append(boards, childrenBoards...)
for _, dl := range diagram.Steps {
childrenBoards, err := RenderMultiboard(dl, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
boards = append(boards, childrenBoards...)
if !diagram.IsFolderOnly {
out, err := Render(diagram, opts)
if err != nil {
return boards, err
boards = append([][]byte{out}, boards...)
return boards, nil
return boards, nil