package d2sequence import ( "errors" "fmt" "math" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type sequenceDiagram struct { root *d2graph.Object messages []*d2graph.Edge lifelines []*d2graph.Edge actors []*d2graph.Object groups []*d2graph.Object spans []*d2graph.Object notes []*d2graph.Object // can be either actors or spans // rank: left to right position of actors/spans (spans have the same rank as their parents) objectRank map[*d2graph.Object]int // keep track of the first and last message of a given actor/span firstMessage map[*d2graph.Object]*d2graph.Edge lastMessage map[*d2graph.Object]*d2graph.Edge // the distance from actor[i] center to actor[i+1] center // every neighbor actors need different distances depending on the message labels between them actorXStep []float64 yStep float64 maxActorHeight float64 verticalIndices map[string]int } func getObjEarliestLineNum(o *d2graph.Object) int { min := int(math.MaxInt32) for _, ref := range o.References { if ref.MapKey == nil { continue } min = go2.IntMin(min, ref.MapKey.Range.Start.Line) } return min } func getEdgeEarliestLineNum(e *d2graph.Edge) int { min := int(math.MaxInt32) for _, ref := range e.References { if ref.MapKey == nil { continue } min = go2.IntMin(min, ref.MapKey.Range.Start.Line) } return min } func newSequenceDiagram(objects []*d2graph.Object, messages []*d2graph.Edge) (*sequenceDiagram, error) { var actors []*d2graph.Object var groups []*d2graph.Object for _, obj := range objects { if obj.IsSequenceDiagramGroup() { queue := []*d2graph.Object{obj} // Groups may have more nested groups for len(queue) > 0 { curr := queue[0] curr.LabelPosition = go2.Pointer(label.InsideTopLeft.String()) groups = append(groups, curr) queue = queue[1:] queue = append(queue, curr.ChildrenArray...) } } else { actors = append(actors, obj) } } if len(actors) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("no actors declared in sequence diagram") } sd := &sequenceDiagram{ messages: messages, actors: actors, groups: groups, spans: nil, notes: nil, lifelines: nil, objectRank: make(map[*d2graph.Object]int), firstMessage: make(map[*d2graph.Object]*d2graph.Edge), lastMessage: make(map[*d2graph.Object]*d2graph.Edge), actorXStep: make([]float64, len(actors)-1), yStep: MIN_MESSAGE_DISTANCE, maxActorHeight: 0., verticalIndices: make(map[string]int), } for rank, actor := range actors { sd.root = actor.Parent sd.objectRank[actor] = rank if actor.Width < MIN_ACTOR_WIDTH { dslShape := strings.ToLower(actor.Shape.Value) switch dslShape { case d2target.ShapePerson, d2target.ShapeOval, d2target.ShapeSquare, d2target.ShapeCircle: // scale shape up to min width uniformly actor.Height *= MIN_ACTOR_WIDTH / actor.Width } actor.Width = MIN_ACTOR_WIDTH } sd.maxActorHeight = math.Max(sd.maxActorHeight, actor.Height) queue := make([]*d2graph.Object, len(actor.ChildrenArray)) copy(queue, actor.ChildrenArray) maxNoteWidth := 0. for len(queue) > 0 { child := queue[0] queue = queue[1:] // spans are children of actors that have edges // edge groups are children of actors with no edges and children edges if child.IsSequenceDiagramNote() { sd.verticalIndices[child.AbsID()] = getObjEarliestLineNum(child) child.Shape = d2graph.Scalar{Value: shape.PAGE_TYPE} sd.notes = append(sd.notes, child) sd.objectRank[child] = rank child.LabelPosition = go2.Pointer(label.InsideMiddleCenter.String()) maxNoteWidth = math.Max(maxNoteWidth, child.Width) } else { // spans have no labels // TODO why not? Spans should be able to child.Label = d2graph.Scalar{Value: ""} child.Shape = d2graph.Scalar{Value: shape.SQUARE_TYPE} sd.spans = append(sd.spans, child) sd.objectRank[child] = rank } queue = append(queue, child.ChildrenArray...) } if rank != len(actors)-1 { actorHW := actor.Width / 2. nextActorHW := actors[rank+1].Width / 2. sd.actorXStep[rank] = math.Max(actorHW+nextActorHW+HORIZONTAL_PAD, MIN_ACTOR_DISTANCE) sd.actorXStep[rank] = math.Max(maxNoteWidth/2.+HORIZONTAL_PAD, sd.actorXStep[rank]) if rank > 0 { sd.actorXStep[rank-1] = math.Max(maxNoteWidth/2.+HORIZONTAL_PAD, sd.actorXStep[rank-1]) } } } for _, message := range sd.messages { sd.verticalIndices[message.AbsID()] = getEdgeEarliestLineNum(message) // TODO this should not be global yStep, only affect the neighbors sd.yStep = math.Max(sd.yStep, float64(message.LabelDimensions.Height)) // ensures that long labels, spanning over multiple actors, don't make for large gaps between actors // by distributing the label length across the actors rank difference rankDiff := math.Abs(float64(sd.objectRank[message.Src]) - float64(sd.objectRank[message.Dst])) if rankDiff != 0 { // rankDiff = 0 for self edges distributedLabelWidth := float64(message.LabelDimensions.Width) / rankDiff for rank := go2.IntMin(sd.objectRank[message.Src], sd.objectRank[message.Dst]); rank <= go2.IntMax(sd.objectRank[message.Src], sd.objectRank[message.Dst])-1; rank++ { sd.actorXStep[rank] = math.Max(sd.actorXStep[rank], distributedLabelWidth+HORIZONTAL_PAD) } } sd.lastMessage[message.Src] = message if _, exists := sd.firstMessage[message.Src]; !exists { sd.firstMessage[message.Src] = message } sd.lastMessage[message.Dst] = message if _, exists := sd.firstMessage[message.Dst]; !exists { sd.firstMessage[message.Dst] = message } } sd.yStep += VERTICAL_PAD sd.maxActorHeight += VERTICAL_PAD if sd.root.HasLabel() { sd.maxActorHeight += float64(sd.root.LabelDimensions.Height) } return sd, nil } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) layout() error { sd.placeActors() sd.placeNotes() if err := sd.routeMessages(); err != nil { return err } sd.placeSpans() sd.adjustRouteEndpoints() sd.placeGroups() sd.addLifelineEdges() return nil } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) placeGroups() { sort.SliceStable(sd.groups, func(i, j int) bool { return sd.groups[i].Level() > sd.groups[j].Level() }) for _, group := range sd.groups { group.ZIndex = GROUP_Z_INDEX sd.placeGroup(group) } for _, group := range sd.groups { sd.adjustGroupLabel(group) } } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) placeGroup(group *d2graph.Object) { minX := math.Inf(1) minY := math.Inf(1) maxX := math.Inf(-1) maxY := math.Inf(-1) for _, m := range sd.messages { if m.ContainedBy(group) { for _, p := range m.Route { minX = math.Min(minX, p.X-HORIZONTAL_PAD) minY = math.Min(minY, p.Y-MIN_MESSAGE_DISTANCE/2.) maxX = math.Max(maxX, p.X+HORIZONTAL_PAD) maxY = math.Max(maxY, p.Y+MIN_MESSAGE_DISTANCE/2.) } } } // Groups should horizontally encompass all notes of the actor for _, n := range sd.notes { inGroup := false for _, ref := range n.References { curr := ref.ScopeObj for curr != nil { if curr == group { inGroup = true break } curr = curr.Parent } if inGroup { break } } if inGroup { minX = math.Min(minX, n.TopLeft.X-HORIZONTAL_PAD) minY = math.Min(minY, n.TopLeft.Y-MIN_MESSAGE_DISTANCE/2.) maxX = math.Max(maxX, n.TopLeft.X+n.Width+HORIZONTAL_PAD) maxY = math.Max(maxY, n.TopLeft.Y+n.Height+MIN_MESSAGE_DISTANCE/2.) } } for _, ch := range group.ChildrenArray { for _, g := range sd.groups { if ch == g { minX = math.Min(minX, ch.TopLeft.X-GROUP_CONTAINER_PADDING) minY = math.Min(minY, ch.TopLeft.Y-GROUP_CONTAINER_PADDING) maxX = math.Max(maxX, ch.TopLeft.X+ch.Width+GROUP_CONTAINER_PADDING) maxY = math.Max(maxY, ch.TopLeft.Y+ch.Height+GROUP_CONTAINER_PADDING) break } } } group.Box = geo.NewBox( geo.NewPoint( minX, minY, ), maxX-minX, maxY-minY, ) } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) adjustGroupLabel(group *d2graph.Object) { if !group.HasLabel() { return } heightAdd := (group.LabelDimensions.Height + EDGE_GROUP_LABEL_PADDING) - GROUP_CONTAINER_PADDING if heightAdd < 0 { return } group.Height += float64(heightAdd) // Extend stuff within this group for _, g := range sd.groups { if g.TopLeft.Y < group.TopLeft.Y && g.TopLeft.Y+g.Height > group.TopLeft.Y { g.Height += float64(heightAdd) } } for _, s := range sd.spans { if s.TopLeft.Y < group.TopLeft.Y && s.TopLeft.Y+s.Height > group.TopLeft.Y { s.Height += float64(heightAdd) } } // Move stuff down for _, m := range sd.messages { if go2.Min(m.Route[0].Y, m.Route[len(m.Route)-1].Y) > group.TopLeft.Y { for _, p := range m.Route { p.Y += float64(heightAdd) } } } for _, s := range sd.spans { if s.TopLeft.Y > group.TopLeft.Y { s.TopLeft.Y += float64(heightAdd) } } for _, g := range sd.groups { if g.TopLeft.Y > group.TopLeft.Y { g.TopLeft.Y += float64(heightAdd) } } for _, n := range sd.notes { if n.TopLeft.Y > group.TopLeft.Y { n.TopLeft.Y += float64(heightAdd) } } } // placeActors places actors bottom aligned, side by side with centers spaced by sd.actorXStep func (sd *sequenceDiagram) placeActors() { centerX := sd.actors[0].Width / 2. for rank, actor := range sd.actors { var yOffset float64 if actor.HasOutsideBottomLabel() { actor.LabelPosition = go2.Pointer(label.OutsideBottomCenter.String()) yOffset = sd.maxActorHeight - actor.Height if actor.HasLabel() { yOffset -= float64(actor.LabelDimensions.Height) } } else { actor.LabelPosition = go2.Pointer(label.InsideMiddleCenter.String()) yOffset = sd.maxActorHeight - actor.Height } halfWidth := actor.Width / 2. actor.TopLeft = geo.NewPoint(math.Round(centerX-halfWidth), yOffset) if rank != len(sd.actors)-1 { centerX += sd.actorXStep[rank] } } } // addLifelineEdges adds a new edge for each actor in the graph that represents the its lifeline // . ┌──────────────┐ // . │ actor │ // . └──────┬───────┘ // . │ // . │ lifeline // . │ // . │ func (sd *sequenceDiagram) addLifelineEdges() { endY := 0. if len(sd.messages) > 0 { lastRoute := sd.messages[len(sd.messages)-1].Route for _, p := range lastRoute { endY = math.Max(endY, p.Y) } } for _, note := range sd.notes { endY = math.Max(endY, note.TopLeft.Y+note.Height) } for _, actor := range sd.actors { endY = math.Max(endY, actor.TopLeft.Y+actor.Height) } endY += sd.yStep for _, actor := range sd.actors { actorBottom := actor.Center() actorBottom.Y = actor.TopLeft.Y + actor.Height if *actor.LabelPosition == label.OutsideBottomCenter.String() && actor.HasLabel() { actorBottom.Y += float64(actor.LabelDimensions.Height) + LIFELINE_LABEL_PAD } actorLifelineEnd := actor.Center() actorLifelineEnd.Y = endY style := d2graph.Style{ StrokeDash: &d2graph.Scalar{Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", LIFELINE_STROKE_DASH)}, StrokeWidth: &d2graph.Scalar{Value: fmt.Sprintf("%d", LIFELINE_STROKE_WIDTH)}, } if actor.Style.StrokeDash != nil { style.StrokeDash = &d2graph.Scalar{Value: actor.Style.StrokeDash.Value} } if actor.Style.Stroke != nil { style.Stroke = &d2graph.Scalar{Value: actor.Style.Stroke.Value} } sd.lifelines = append(sd.lifelines, &d2graph.Edge{ Attributes: d2graph.Attributes{Style: style}, Src: actor, SrcArrow: false, Dst: &d2graph.Object{ ID: actor.ID + fmt.Sprintf("-lifeline-end-%d", go2.StringToIntHash(actor.ID+"-lifeline-end")), }, DstArrow: false, Route: []*geo.Point{actorBottom, actorLifelineEnd}, ZIndex: LIFELINE_Z_INDEX, }) } } func IsLifelineEnd(obj *d2graph.Object) bool { // lifeline ends only have ID and no graph parent or box set if obj.Graph != nil || obj.Parent != nil || obj.Box != nil { return false } if !strings.Contains(obj.ID, "-lifeline-end-") { return false } parts := strings.Split(obj.ID, "-lifeline-end-") if len(parts) > 1 { hash := parts[len(parts)-1] actorID := strings.Join(parts[:len(parts)-1], "-lifeline-end-") if strconv.Itoa(go2.StringToIntHash(actorID+"-lifeline-end")) == hash { return true } } return false } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) placeNotes() { rankToX := make(map[int]float64) for _, actor := range sd.actors { rankToX[sd.objectRank[actor]] = actor.Center().X } for _, note := range sd.notes { verticalIndex := sd.verticalIndices[note.AbsID()] y := sd.maxActorHeight + sd.yStep for _, msg := range sd.messages { if sd.verticalIndices[msg.AbsID()] < verticalIndex { y += sd.yStep } } for _, otherNote := range sd.notes { if sd.verticalIndices[otherNote.AbsID()] < verticalIndex { y += otherNote.Height + sd.yStep } } x := rankToX[sd.objectRank[note]] - (note.Width / 2.) note.Box.TopLeft = geo.NewPoint(x, y) note.ZIndex = NOTE_Z_INDEX } } // placeSpans places spans over the object lifeline // . ┌──────────┐ // . │ actor │ // . └────┬─────┘ // . ┌─┴──┐ // . │ │ // . |span| // . │ │ // . └─┬──┘ // . │ // . lifeline // . │ func (sd *sequenceDiagram) placeSpans() { // quickly find the span center X rankToX := make(map[int]float64) for _, actor := range sd.actors { rankToX[sd.objectRank[actor]] = actor.Center().X } // places spans from most to least nested // the order is important because the only way a child span exists is if there's a message to it // however, the parent span might not have a message to it and then its position is based on the child position // or, there can be a message to it, but it comes after the child one meaning the top left position is still based on the child // and not on its own message spanFromMostNested := make([]*d2graph.Object, len(sd.spans)) copy(spanFromMostNested, sd.spans) sort.SliceStable(spanFromMostNested, func(i, j int) bool { return spanFromMostNested[i].Level() > spanFromMostNested[j].Level() }) for _, span := range spanFromMostNested { // finds the position based on children minChildY := math.Inf(1) maxChildY := math.Inf(-1) for _, child := range span.ChildrenArray { minChildY = math.Min(minChildY, child.TopLeft.Y) maxChildY = math.Max(maxChildY, child.TopLeft.Y+child.Height) } // finds the position if there are messages to this span minMessageY := math.Inf(1) if firstMessage, exists := sd.firstMessage[span]; exists { if firstMessage.Src == firstMessage.Dst || span == firstMessage.Src { minMessageY = firstMessage.Route[0].Y } else { minMessageY = firstMessage.Route[len(firstMessage.Route)-1].Y } } maxMessageY := math.Inf(-1) if lastMessage, exists := sd.lastMessage[span]; exists { if lastMessage.Src == lastMessage.Dst || span == lastMessage.Dst { maxMessageY = lastMessage.Route[len(lastMessage.Route)-1].Y } else { maxMessageY = lastMessage.Route[0].Y } } // if it is the same as the child top left, add some padding minY := math.Min(minMessageY, minChildY) if minY == minChildY || minY == minMessageY { minY -= SPAN_MESSAGE_PAD } maxY := math.Max(maxMessageY, maxChildY) if maxY == maxChildY || maxY == maxMessageY { maxY += SPAN_MESSAGE_PAD } height := math.Max(maxY-minY, MIN_SPAN_HEIGHT) // -1 because the actors count as 1 level width := SPAN_BASE_WIDTH + (float64(span.Level()-sd.root.Level()-2) * SPAN_DEPTH_GROWTH_FACTOR) x := rankToX[sd.objectRank[span]] - (width / 2.) span.Box = geo.NewBox(geo.NewPoint(x, minY), width, height) span.ZIndex = SPAN_Z_INDEX } } // routeMessages routes horizontal edges (messages) from Src to Dst lifeline (actor/span center) // in another step, routes are adjusted to spans borders when necessary func (sd *sequenceDiagram) routeMessages() error { var prevIsLoop bool var prevGroup *d2graph.Object messageOffset := sd.maxActorHeight + sd.yStep for _, message := range sd.messages { message.ZIndex = MESSAGE_Z_INDEX noteOffset := 0. for _, note := range sd.notes { if sd.verticalIndices[note.AbsID()] < sd.verticalIndices[message.AbsID()] { noteOffset += note.Height + sd.yStep } } // we need extra space if the previous message is a loop in a different group group := message.GetGroup() if prevIsLoop && prevGroup != group { messageOffset += MIN_MESSAGE_DISTANCE } prevGroup = group startY := messageOffset + noteOffset var startX, endX float64 if startCenter := getCenter(message.Src); startCenter != nil { startX = startCenter.X } else { return fmt.Errorf("could not find center of %s. Is it declared as an actor?", message.Src.ID) } if endCenter := getCenter(message.Dst); endCenter != nil { endX = endCenter.X } else { return fmt.Errorf("could not find center of %s. Is it declared as an actor?", message.Dst.ID) } isToDescendant := strings.HasPrefix(message.Dst.AbsID(), message.Src.AbsID()+".") isFromDescendant := strings.HasPrefix(message.Src.AbsID(), message.Dst.AbsID()+".") isSelfMessage := message.Src == message.Dst currSrc := message.Src for !currSrc.Parent.IsSequenceDiagram() { currSrc = currSrc.Parent } currDst := message.Dst for !currDst.Parent.IsSequenceDiagram() { currDst = currDst.Parent } isToSibling := currSrc == currDst if isSelfMessage || isToDescendant || isFromDescendant || isToSibling { midX := startX + SELF_MESSAGE_HORIZONTAL_TRAVEL endY := startY + MIN_MESSAGE_DISTANCE*1.5 message.Route = []*geo.Point{ geo.NewPoint(startX, startY), geo.NewPoint(midX, startY), geo.NewPoint(midX, endY), geo.NewPoint(endX, endY), } prevIsLoop = true } else { message.Route = []*geo.Point{ geo.NewPoint(startX, startY), geo.NewPoint(endX, startY), } prevIsLoop = false } messageOffset += sd.yStep if message.Label.Value != "" { message.LabelPosition = go2.Pointer(label.InsideMiddleCenter.String()) } } return nil } func getCenter(obj *d2graph.Object) *geo.Point { if obj == nil { return nil } else if obj.Box != nil && obj.Box.TopLeft != nil { return obj.Center() } return getCenter(obj.Parent) } // adjustRouteEndpoints adjust the first and last points of message routes when they are spans // routeMessages() will route to the actor lifelife as a reference point and this function // adjust to span width when necessary func (sd *sequenceDiagram) adjustRouteEndpoints() { for _, message := range sd.messages { route := message.Route if !sd.isActor(message.Src) { if sd.objectRank[message.Src] <= sd.objectRank[message.Dst] { route[0].X += message.Src.Width / 2. } else { route[0].X -= message.Src.Width / 2. } } if !sd.isActor(message.Dst) { if sd.objectRank[message.Src] < sd.objectRank[message.Dst] { route[len(route)-1].X -= message.Dst.Width / 2. } else { route[len(route)-1].X += message.Dst.Width / 2. } } } } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) isActor(obj *d2graph.Object) bool { return obj.Parent == sd.root } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) getWidth() float64 { // the layout is always placed starting at 0, so the width is just the last actor lastActor := sd.actors[len(sd.actors)-1] return lastActor.TopLeft.X + lastActor.Width } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) getHeight() float64 { return sd.lifelines[0].Route[1].Y } func (sd *sequenceDiagram) shift(tl *geo.Point) { allObjects := append([]*d2graph.Object{}, sd.actors...) allObjects = append(allObjects, sd.spans...) allObjects = append(allObjects, sd.groups...) allObjects = append(allObjects, sd.notes...) for _, obj := range allObjects { obj.TopLeft.X += tl.X obj.TopLeft.Y += tl.Y } allEdges := append([]*d2graph.Edge{}, sd.messages...) allEdges = append(allEdges, sd.lifelines...) for _, edge := range allEdges { for _, p := range edge.Route { p.X += tl.X p.Y += tl.Y } } }