package d2layouts import ( "context" "fmt" "math" "sort" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type DiagramType string // a grid diagram at a constant near is const ( DefaultGraphType DiagramType = "" ConstantNearGraph DiagramType = "constant-near" GridDiagram DiagramType = "grid-diagram" SequenceDiagram DiagramType = "sequence-diagram" ) type GraphInfo struct { IsConstantNear bool DiagramType DiagramType } func (gi GraphInfo) isDefault() bool { return !gi.IsConstantNear && gi.DiagramType == DefaultGraphType } func SaveChildrenOrder(container *d2graph.Object) (restoreOrder func()) { objectOrder := make(map[string]int, len(container.ChildrenArray)) for i, obj := range container.ChildrenArray { objectOrder[obj.AbsID()] = i } return func() { sort.SliceStable(container.ChildrenArray, func(i, j int) bool { return objectOrder[container.ChildrenArray[i].AbsID()] < objectOrder[container.ChildrenArray[j].AbsID()] }) } } func SaveOrder(g *d2graph.Graph) (restoreOrder func()) { objectOrder := make(map[string]int, len(g.Objects)) for i, obj := range g.Objects { objectOrder[obj.AbsID()] = i } edgeOrder := make(map[string]int, len(g.Edges)) for i, edge := range g.Edges { edgeOrder[edge.AbsID()] = i } restoreRootOrder := SaveChildrenOrder(g.Root) return func() { sort.SliceStable(g.Objects, func(i, j int) bool { return objectOrder[g.Objects[i].AbsID()] < objectOrder[g.Objects[j].AbsID()] }) sort.SliceStable(g.Edges, func(i, j int) bool { iIndex, iHas := edgeOrder[g.Edges[i].AbsID()] jIndex, jHas := edgeOrder[g.Edges[j].AbsID()] if iHas && jHas { return iIndex < jIndex } return iHas }) restoreRootOrder() } } func LayoutNested(ctx context.Context, g *d2graph.Graph, graphInfo GraphInfo, coreLayout d2graph.LayoutGraph, edgeRouter d2graph.RouteEdges) error { g.Root.Box = &geo.Box{} // Before we can layout these nodes, we need to handle all nested diagrams first. extracted := make(map[string]*d2graph.Graph) var extractedOrder []string var extractedEdges []*d2graph.Edge var extractedEdgeIDs []edgeIDs var constantNears []*d2graph.Graph restoreOrder := SaveOrder(g) defer restoreOrder() // Iterate top-down from Root so all nested diagrams can process their own contents queue := make([]*d2graph.Object, 0, len(g.Root.ChildrenArray)) queue = append(queue, g.Root.ChildrenArray...) for len(queue) > 0 { curr := queue[0] queue = queue[1:] isGridCellContainer := graphInfo.DiagramType == GridDiagram && curr.IsContainer() && curr.Parent == g.Root gi := NestedGraphInfo(curr) if isGridCellContainer && gi.isDefault() { // if we are in a grid diagram, and our children have descendants // we need to run layout on them first, even if they are not special diagram types // First we extract the grid cell container as a nested graph with includeSelf=true // resulting in externalEdges=[A, C] and nestedGraph.Edges=[B] // ┌grid(g.Root)───────────────────┐ ┌grid(g.Root)───────────────────┐ // │ ┌────┐ ┌curr───────────┐ │ │ ┌────┐ │ // │ │ │ │ ┌──┐ ┌──┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ // │ │ ├──A──►│ │ ├─B─►│ │ │ │ => │ │ │ │ // │ │ ├──────┼C─┼──┼───►│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ // │ │ │ │ └──┘ └──┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ // │ └────┘ └───────────────┘ │ │ └────┘ │ // └───────────────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────────────┘ nestedGraph, externalEdges, externalEdgeIDs := ExtractSubgraph(curr, true) // Then we layout curr as a nested graph and re-inject it id := curr.AbsID() err := LayoutNested(ctx, nestedGraph, GraphInfo{}, coreLayout, edgeRouter) if err != nil { return err } InjectNested(g.Root, nestedGraph, false) g.Edges = append(g.Edges, externalEdges...) restoreOrder() // layout can replace Objects so we need to update the references we are holding onto (curr + externalEdges) idToObj := make(map[string]*d2graph.Object) for _, o := range g.Objects { idToObj[o.AbsID()] = o } lookup := func(idStr string) (*d2graph.Object, error) { o, exists := idToObj[idStr] if !exists { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find object %#v after layout", idStr) } return o, nil } curr, err = lookup(id) if err != nil { return err } for i, e := range externalEdges { src, err := lookup(externalEdgeIDs[i].srcID) if err != nil { return err } e.Src = src dst, err := lookup(externalEdgeIDs[i].dstID) if err != nil { return err } e.Dst = dst } // position nested graph (excluding curr) relative to curr dx := 0 - curr.TopLeft.X dy := 0 - curr.TopLeft.Y for _, o := range nestedGraph.Objects { if o == curr { continue } o.TopLeft.X += dx o.TopLeft.Y += dy } for _, e := range nestedGraph.Edges { e.Move(dx, dy) } // Then after re-injecting everything, we extract curr with includeSelf=false, // and externalEdges=[C], nestedGraph.Edges=[B], and graph.Edges=[A]. // This will leave A in the graph to be routed by grid layout, and C will have cross-graph edge routing // Note: currently grid layout's cell-cell edge routing, and cross-graph edge routing behave the same, // but these are simple placeholder routings and they may be different in the future // ┌grid(g.Root)───────────────────┐ ┌grid(g.Root)───────────────────┐ // │ ┌────┐ ┌curr───────────┐ │ │ ┌────┐ ┌curr───────────┐ │ // │ │ │ │ ┌──┐ ┌──┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ // │ │ ├──A──►│ │ ├─B─►│ │ │ │ => │ │ ├──A──►│ │ │ // │ │ ├──────┼C─┼──┼───►│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ // │ │ │ │ └──┘ └──┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ // │ └────┘ └───────────────┘ │ │ └────┘ └───────────────┘ │ // └───────────────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────────────┘ nestedGraph, externalEdges, externalEdgeIDs = ExtractSubgraph(curr, false) extractedEdges = append(extractedEdges, externalEdges...) extractedEdgeIDs = append(extractedEdgeIDs, externalEdgeIDs...) extracted[id] = nestedGraph extractedOrder = append(extractedOrder, id) continue } if !gi.isDefault() { // empty grid or sequence can have 0 objects.. if !gi.IsConstantNear && len(curr.Children) == 0 { continue } // There is a nested diagram here, so extract its contents and process in the same way nestedGraph, externalEdges, externalEdgeIDs := ExtractSubgraph(curr, gi.IsConstantNear) extractedEdges = append(extractedEdges, externalEdges...) extractedEdgeIDs = append(extractedEdgeIDs, externalEdgeIDs...) log.Info(ctx, "layout nested", slog.F("level", curr.Level()), slog.F("child", curr.AbsID()), slog.F("gi", gi)) nestedInfo := gi nearKey := curr.NearKey if gi.IsConstantNear { // layout nested as a non-near nestedInfo = GraphInfo{} curr.NearKey = nil } err := LayoutNested(ctx, nestedGraph, nestedInfo, coreLayout, edgeRouter) if err != nil { return err } // coreLayout can overwrite graph contents with newly created *Object pointers // so we need to update `curr` with nestedGraph's value if gi.IsConstantNear { curr = nestedGraph.Root.ChildrenArray[0] } if gi.IsConstantNear { curr.NearKey = nearKey } else { FitToGraph(curr, nestedGraph, geo.Spacing{}) curr.TopLeft = geo.NewPoint(0, 0) } if gi.IsConstantNear { // near layout will inject these nestedGraphs constantNears = append(constantNears, nestedGraph) } else { // We will restore the contents after running layout with child as the placeholder // We need to reference using ID because there may be a new object to use after coreLayout id := curr.AbsID() extracted[id] = nestedGraph extractedOrder = append(extractedOrder, id) } } else if len(curr.ChildrenArray) > 0 { queue = append(queue, curr.ChildrenArray...) } } // We can now run layout with accurate sizes of nested layout containers // Layout according to the type of diagram var err error if len(g.Objects) > 0 { switch graphInfo.DiagramType { case GridDiagram: log.Debug(ctx, "layout grid", slog.F("rootlevel", g.RootLevel), slog.F("shapes", g.PrintString())) if err = d2grid.Layout(ctx, g); err != nil { return err } case SequenceDiagram: log.Debug(ctx, "layout sequence", slog.F("rootlevel", g.RootLevel), slog.F("shapes", g.PrintString())) err = d2sequence.Layout(ctx, g, coreLayout) if err != nil { return err } default: log.Debug(ctx, "default layout", slog.F("rootlevel", g.RootLevel), slog.F("shapes", g.PrintString())) err := coreLayout(ctx, g) if err != nil { return err } } } if len(constantNears) > 0 { err = d2near.Layout(ctx, g, constantNears) if err != nil { return err } } idToObj := make(map[string]*d2graph.Object) for _, o := range g.Objects { idToObj[o.AbsID()] = o } // With the layout set, inject all the extracted graphs for _, id := range extractedOrder { nestedGraph := extracted[id] // we have to find the object by ID because coreLayout can replace the Objects in graph obj, exists := idToObj[id] if !exists { return fmt.Errorf("could not find object %#v after layout", id) } InjectNested(obj, nestedGraph, true) PositionNested(obj, nestedGraph) } if len(extractedEdges) > 0 { // update map with injected objects for _, o := range g.Objects { idToObj[o.AbsID()] = o } // Restore cross-graph edges and route them g.Edges = append(g.Edges, extractedEdges...) for i, e := range extractedEdges { ids := extractedEdgeIDs[i] // update object references src, exists := idToObj[ids.srcID] if !exists { return fmt.Errorf("could not find object %#v after layout", ids.srcID) } e.Src = src dst, exists := idToObj[ids.dstID] if !exists { return fmt.Errorf("could not find object %#v after layout", ids.dstID) } e.Dst = dst } err = edgeRouter(ctx, g, extractedEdges) if err != nil { return err } // need to update pointers if plugin performs edge routing for i, e := range extractedEdges { ids := extractedEdgeIDs[i] src, exists := idToObj[ids.srcID] if !exists { return fmt.Errorf("could not find object %#v after routing", ids.srcID) } e.Src = src dst, exists := idToObj[ids.dstID] if !exists { return fmt.Errorf("could not find object %#v after routing", ids.dstID) } e.Dst = dst } } log.Debug(ctx, "done", slog.F("rootlevel", g.RootLevel), slog.F("shapes", g.PrintString())) return err } func DefaultRouter(ctx context.Context, graph *d2graph.Graph, edges []*d2graph.Edge) error { for _, e := range edges { // TODO replace simple straight line edge routing e.Route = []*geo.Point{e.Src.Center(), e.Dst.Center()} e.TraceToShape(e.Route, 0, 1) if e.Label.Value != "" { e.LabelPosition = go2.Pointer(label.InsideMiddleCenter.String()) } } return nil } func NestedGraphInfo(obj *d2graph.Object) (gi GraphInfo) { if obj.Graph.RootLevel == 0 && obj.IsConstantNear() { gi.IsConstantNear = true } if obj.IsSequenceDiagram() { gi.DiagramType = SequenceDiagram } else if obj.IsGridDiagram() { gi.DiagramType = GridDiagram } return gi } type edgeIDs struct { srcID, dstID string } func ExtractSubgraph(container *d2graph.Object, includeSelf bool) (nestedGraph *d2graph.Graph, externalEdges []*d2graph.Edge, externalEdgeIDs []edgeIDs) { // includeSelf: when we have a constant near or a grid cell that is a container, // we want to include itself in the nested graph, not just its descendants, nestedGraph = d2graph.NewGraph() nestedGraph.RootLevel = int(container.Level()) if includeSelf { nestedGraph.RootLevel-- } nestedGraph.Root.Attributes = container.Attributes nestedGraph.Root.Box = &geo.Box{} nestedGraph.Root.LabelPosition = container.LabelPosition nestedGraph.Root.IconPosition = container.IconPosition isNestedObject := func(obj *d2graph.Object) bool { if includeSelf { return obj.IsDescendantOf(container) } return obj.Parent.IsDescendantOf(container) } // separate out nested edges g := container.Graph remainingEdges := make([]*d2graph.Edge, 0, len(g.Edges)) for _, edge := range g.Edges { srcIsNested := isNestedObject(edge.Src) if d2sequence.IsLifelineEnd(edge.Dst) { // special handling for lifelines since their edge.Dst is a special Object if srcIsNested { nestedGraph.Edges = append(nestedGraph.Edges, edge) } else { remainingEdges = append(remainingEdges, edge) } continue } dstIsNested := isNestedObject(edge.Dst) if srcIsNested && dstIsNested { nestedGraph.Edges = append(nestedGraph.Edges, edge) } else if srcIsNested || dstIsNested { externalEdges = append(externalEdges, edge) // we need these AbsIDs when reconnecting since parent references may become stale externalEdgeIDs = append(externalEdgeIDs, edgeIDs{ srcID: edge.Src.AbsID(), dstID: edge.Dst.AbsID(), }) } else { remainingEdges = append(remainingEdges, edge) } } g.Edges = remainingEdges // separate out nested objects remainingObjects := make([]*d2graph.Object, 0, len(g.Objects)) for _, obj := range g.Objects { if isNestedObject(obj) { nestedGraph.Objects = append(nestedGraph.Objects, obj) } else { remainingObjects = append(remainingObjects, obj) } } g.Objects = remainingObjects // update object and new root references for _, o := range nestedGraph.Objects { o.Graph = nestedGraph } if includeSelf { // remove container parent's references if container.Parent != nil { container.Parent.RemoveChild(container) } // set root references nestedGraph.Root.ChildrenArray = []*d2graph.Object{container} container.Parent = nestedGraph.Root nestedGraph.Root.Children[strings.ToLower(container.ID)] = container } else { // set root references nestedGraph.Root.ChildrenArray = append(nestedGraph.Root.ChildrenArray, container.ChildrenArray...) for _, child := range container.ChildrenArray { child.Parent = nestedGraph.Root nestedGraph.Root.Children[strings.ToLower(child.ID)] = child } // remove container's references for k := range container.Children { delete(container.Children, k) } container.ChildrenArray = nil } return nestedGraph, externalEdges, externalEdgeIDs } func InjectNested(container *d2graph.Object, nestedGraph *d2graph.Graph, isRoot bool) { g := container.Graph for _, obj := range nestedGraph.Root.ChildrenArray { obj.Parent = container if container.Children == nil { container.Children = make(map[string]*d2graph.Object) } container.Children[strings.ToLower(obj.ID)] = obj container.ChildrenArray = append(container.ChildrenArray, obj) } for _, obj := range nestedGraph.Objects { obj.Graph = g } g.Objects = append(g.Objects, nestedGraph.Objects...) g.Edges = append(g.Edges, nestedGraph.Edges...) if isRoot { if nestedGraph.Root.LabelPosition != nil { container.LabelPosition = nestedGraph.Root.LabelPosition } if nestedGraph.Root.IconPosition != nil { container.IconPosition = nestedGraph.Root.IconPosition } container.Attributes = nestedGraph.Root.Attributes } } func PositionNested(container *d2graph.Object, nestedGraph *d2graph.Graph) { // tl, _ := boundingBox(nestedGraph) // Note: assumes nestedGraph's layout has contents positioned relative to 0,0 dx := container.TopLeft.X //- tl.X dy := container.TopLeft.Y //- tl.Y if dx == 0 && dy == 0 { return } for _, o := range nestedGraph.Objects { o.TopLeft.X += dx o.TopLeft.Y += dy } for _, e := range nestedGraph.Edges { e.Move(dx, dy) } } func boundingBox(g *d2graph.Graph) (tl, br *geo.Point) { if len(g.Objects) == 0 { return geo.NewPoint(0, 0), geo.NewPoint(0, 0) } tl = geo.NewPoint(math.Inf(1), math.Inf(1)) br = geo.NewPoint(math.Inf(-1), math.Inf(-1)) for _, obj := range g.Objects { if obj.TopLeft == nil { panic(obj.AbsID()) } tl.X = math.Min(tl.X, obj.TopLeft.X) tl.Y = math.Min(tl.Y, obj.TopLeft.Y) br.X = math.Max(br.X, obj.TopLeft.X+obj.Width) br.Y = math.Max(br.Y, obj.TopLeft.Y+obj.Height) } return tl, br } func FitToGraph(container *d2graph.Object, nestedGraph *d2graph.Graph, padding geo.Spacing) { var width, height float64 width = nestedGraph.Root.Width height = nestedGraph.Root.Height if width == 0 || height == 0 { tl, br := boundingBox(nestedGraph) width = br.X - tl.X height = br.Y - tl.Y } container.Width = padding.Left + width + padding.Right container.Height = padding.Top + height + padding.Bottom }