package d2exporter import ( "context" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func Export(ctx context.Context, g *d2graph.Graph, fontFamily *d2fonts.FontFamily) (*d2target.Diagram, error) { diagram := d2target.NewDiagram() applyStyles(&diagram.Root, g.Root) if g.Root.Label.MapKey == nil { diagram.Root.Label = g.Name } else { diagram.Root.Label = g.Root.Label.Value } diagram.Name = g.Name diagram.IsFolderOnly = g.IsFolderOnly if fontFamily == nil { fontFamily = go2.Pointer(d2fonts.SourceSansPro) } if g.Theme != nil && g.Theme.SpecialRules.Mono { fontFamily = go2.Pointer(d2fonts.SourceCodePro) } diagram.FontFamily = fontFamily diagram.Shapes = make([]d2target.Shape, len(g.Objects)) for i := range g.Objects { diagram.Shapes[i] = toShape(g.Objects[i], g) } diagram.Connections = make([]d2target.Connection, len(g.Edges)) for i := range g.Edges { diagram.Connections[i] = toConnection(g.Edges[i], g.Theme) } return diagram, nil } func applyTheme(shape *d2target.Shape, obj *d2graph.Object, theme *d2themes.Theme) { shape.Stroke = obj.GetStroke(shape.StrokeDash) shape.Fill = obj.GetFill() if obj.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeText { shape.Color = color.N1 } if obj.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeSQLTable || obj.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeClass { shape.PrimaryAccentColor = color.B2 shape.SecondaryAccentColor = color.AA2 shape.NeutralAccentColor = color.N2 } // Theme options that change more than color if theme != nil { if theme.SpecialRules.OuterContainerDoubleBorder { if obj.Level() == 1 && len(obj.ChildrenArray) > 0 { shape.DoubleBorder = true } } if theme.SpecialRules.ContainerDots { if len(obj.ChildrenArray) > 0 { shape.FillPattern = "dots" } } else if theme.SpecialRules.AllPaper { shape.FillPattern = "paper" } if theme.SpecialRules.Mono { shape.FontFamily = "mono" } } } func applyStyles(shape *d2target.Shape, obj *d2graph.Object) { if obj.Style.Opacity != nil { shape.Opacity, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(obj.Style.Opacity.Value, 64) } if obj.Style.StrokeDash != nil { shape.StrokeDash, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(obj.Style.StrokeDash.Value, 64) } if obj.Style.Fill != nil { shape.Fill = obj.Style.Fill.Value } else if obj.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeText { shape.Fill = "transparent" } if obj.Style.FillPattern != nil { shape.FillPattern = obj.Style.FillPattern.Value } if obj.Style.Stroke != nil { shape.Stroke = obj.Style.Stroke.Value } if obj.Style.StrokeWidth != nil { shape.StrokeWidth, _ = strconv.Atoi(obj.Style.StrokeWidth.Value) } if obj.Style.Shadow != nil { shape.Shadow, _ = strconv.ParseBool(obj.Style.Shadow.Value) } if obj.Style.ThreeDee != nil { shape.ThreeDee, _ = strconv.ParseBool(obj.Style.ThreeDee.Value) } if obj.Style.Multiple != nil { shape.Multiple, _ = strconv.ParseBool(obj.Style.Multiple.Value) } if obj.Style.BorderRadius != nil { shape.BorderRadius, _ = strconv.Atoi(obj.Style.BorderRadius.Value) } if obj.Style.FontColor != nil { shape.Color = obj.Style.FontColor.Value } if obj.Style.Italic != nil { shape.Italic, _ = strconv.ParseBool(obj.Style.Italic.Value) } if obj.Style.Bold != nil { shape.Bold, _ = strconv.ParseBool(obj.Style.Bold.Value) } if obj.Style.Underline != nil { shape.Underline, _ = strconv.ParseBool(obj.Style.Underline.Value) } if obj.Style.Font != nil { shape.FontFamily = obj.Style.Font.Value } if obj.Style.DoubleBorder != nil { shape.DoubleBorder, _ = strconv.ParseBool(obj.Style.DoubleBorder.Value) } } func toShape(obj *d2graph.Object, g *d2graph.Graph) d2target.Shape { shape := d2target.BaseShape() shape.SetType(obj.Shape.Value) shape.ID = obj.AbsID() shape.Classes = obj.Classes shape.ZIndex = obj.ZIndex shape.Level = int(obj.Level()) shape.Pos = d2target.NewPoint(int(obj.TopLeft.X), int(obj.TopLeft.Y)) shape.Width = int(obj.Width) shape.Height = int(obj.Height) text := obj.Text() shape.Bold = text.IsBold shape.Italic = text.IsItalic shape.FontSize = text.FontSize if obj.IsSequenceDiagram() { shape.StrokeWidth = 0 } if obj.IsSequenceDiagramGroup() { shape.StrokeWidth = 0 shape.Blend = true } applyStyles(shape, obj) applyTheme(shape, obj, g.Theme) shape.Color = text.GetColor(shape.Italic) applyStyles(shape, obj) switch obj.Shape.Value { case d2target.ShapeCode, d2target.ShapeText: shape.Language = obj.Language shape.Label = obj.Label.Value case d2target.ShapeClass: shape.Class = *obj.Class // The label is the header for classes and tables, which is set in client to be 4 px larger than the object's set font size shape.FontSize -= d2target.HeaderFontAdd case d2target.ShapeSQLTable: shape.SQLTable = *obj.SQLTable shape.FontSize -= d2target.HeaderFontAdd case d2target.ShapeCloud: if obj.ContentAspectRatio != nil { shape.ContentAspectRatio = go2.Pointer(*obj.ContentAspectRatio) } } shape.Label = text.Text shape.LabelWidth = text.Dimensions.Width shape.LabelHeight = text.Dimensions.Height if obj.LabelPosition != nil { shape.LabelPosition = *obj.LabelPosition if obj.IsSequenceDiagramGroup() { shape.LabelFill = shape.Fill } } if obj.Tooltip != nil { shape.Tooltip = obj.Tooltip.Value } if obj.Link != nil { shape.Link = obj.Link.Value shape.PrettyLink = toPrettyLink(g, obj.Link.Value) } shape.Icon = obj.Icon if obj.IconPosition != nil { shape.IconPosition = *obj.IconPosition } return *shape } func toPrettyLink(g *d2graph.Graph, link string) string { u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(link) if err == nil && u.Host != "" && len(u.RawPath) > 30 { return u.Scheme + "://" + u.Host + u.RawPath[:10] + "..." + u.RawPath[len(u.RawPath)-10:] } else if err != nil { linkKey, err := d2parser.ParseKey(link) if err != nil { return link } rootG := g for rootG.Parent != nil { rootG = rootG.Parent } var prettyLink []string FOR: for i := 0; i < len(linkKey.Path); i++ { p := linkKey.Path[i].Unbox().ScalarString() if i > 0 { switch p { case "layers", "scenarios", "steps": continue FOR } rootG = rootG.GetBoard(p) if rootG == nil { return link } } if rootG.Root.Label.MapKey != nil { prettyLink = append(prettyLink, rootG.Root.Label.Value) } else { prettyLink = append(prettyLink, rootG.Name) } } for _, l := range prettyLink { // If any part of it is blank, "x > > y" looks stupid, so just use the last if l == "" { return prettyLink[len(prettyLink)-1] } } return strings.Join(prettyLink, " > ") } return link } func toConnection(edge *d2graph.Edge, theme *d2themes.Theme) d2target.Connection { connection := d2target.BaseConnection() connection.ID = edge.AbsID() connection.Classes = edge.Classes connection.ZIndex = edge.ZIndex text := edge.Text() if edge.SrcArrow { connection.SrcArrow = d2target.DefaultArrowhead if edge.SrcArrowhead != nil { connection.SrcArrow = edge.SrcArrowhead.ToArrowhead() } } if edge.SrcArrowhead != nil { if edge.SrcArrowhead.Label.Value != "" { connection.SrcLabel = &d2target.Text{ Label: edge.SrcArrowhead.Label.Value, LabelWidth: edge.SrcArrowhead.LabelDimensions.Width, LabelHeight: edge.SrcArrowhead.LabelDimensions.Height, } if edge.SrcArrowhead.Style.FontColor != nil { connection.SrcLabel.Color = edge.SrcArrowhead.Style.FontColor.Value } } } if edge.DstArrow { connection.DstArrow = d2target.DefaultArrowhead if edge.DstArrowhead != nil { connection.DstArrow = edge.DstArrowhead.ToArrowhead() } } if edge.DstArrowhead != nil { if edge.DstArrowhead.Label.Value != "" { connection.DstLabel = &d2target.Text{ Label: edge.DstArrowhead.Label.Value, LabelWidth: edge.DstArrowhead.LabelDimensions.Width, LabelHeight: edge.DstArrowhead.LabelDimensions.Height, } if edge.DstArrowhead.Style.FontColor != nil { connection.DstLabel.Color = edge.DstArrowhead.Style.FontColor.Value } } } if theme != nil && theme.SpecialRules.NoCornerRadius { connection.BorderRadius = 0 } if edge.Style.BorderRadius != nil { connection.BorderRadius, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(edge.Style.BorderRadius.Value, 64) } if edge.Style.Opacity != nil { connection.Opacity, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(edge.Style.Opacity.Value, 64) } if edge.Style.StrokeDash != nil { connection.StrokeDash, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(edge.Style.StrokeDash.Value, 64) } connection.Stroke = edge.GetStroke(connection.StrokeDash) if edge.Style.Stroke != nil { connection.Stroke = edge.Style.Stroke.Value } if edge.Style.StrokeWidth != nil { connection.StrokeWidth, _ = strconv.Atoi(edge.Style.StrokeWidth.Value) } if edge.Style.Fill != nil { connection.Fill = edge.Style.Fill.Value } connection.FontSize = text.FontSize if edge.Style.FontSize != nil { connection.FontSize, _ = strconv.Atoi(edge.Style.FontSize.Value) } if edge.Style.Animated != nil { connection.Animated, _ = strconv.ParseBool(edge.Style.Animated.Value) } if edge.Tooltip != nil { connection.Tooltip = edge.Tooltip.Value } connection.Icon = edge.Icon if edge.Style.Italic != nil { connection.Italic, _ = strconv.ParseBool(edge.Style.Italic.Value) } connection.Color = text.GetColor(connection.Italic) if edge.Style.FontColor != nil { connection.Color = edge.Style.FontColor.Value } if edge.Style.Bold != nil { connection.Bold, _ = strconv.ParseBool(edge.Style.Bold.Value) } if theme != nil && theme.SpecialRules.Mono { connection.FontFamily = "mono" } if edge.Style.Font != nil { connection.FontFamily = edge.Style.Font.Value } connection.Label = text.Text connection.LabelWidth = text.Dimensions.Width connection.LabelHeight = text.Dimensions.Height if edge.LabelPosition != nil { connection.LabelPosition = *edge.LabelPosition } if edge.LabelPercentage != nil { connection.LabelPercentage = float64(float32(*edge.LabelPercentage)) } connection.Route = make([]*geo.Point, 0, len(edge.Route)) for i := range edge.Route { p := edge.Route[i].Copy() p.TruncateDecimals() p.TruncateFloat32() connection.Route = append(connection.Route, p) } connection.IsCurve = edge.IsCurve connection.Src = edge.Src.AbsID() connection.Dst = edge.Dst.AbsID() return *connection }