package d2compiler import ( "encoding/xml" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type CompileOptions struct { UTF16Pos bool // FS is the file system used for resolving imports in the d2 text. // It should correspond to the root path. FS fs.FS } func Compile(p string, r io.Reader, opts *CompileOptions) (*d2graph.Graph, *d2target.Config, error) { if opts == nil { opts = &CompileOptions{} } ast, err := d2parser.Parse(p, r, &d2parser.ParseOptions{ UTF16Pos: opts.UTF16Pos, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } ir, err := d2ir.Compile(ast, &d2ir.CompileOptions{ UTF16Pos: opts.UTF16Pos, FS: opts.FS, }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } g, err := compileIR(ast, ir) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } g.FS = opts.FS g.SortObjectsByAST() g.SortEdgesByAST() config, err := compileConfig(ir) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return g, config, nil } func compileIR(ast *d2ast.Map, m *d2ir.Map) (*d2graph.Graph, error) { c := &compiler{ err: &d2parser.ParseError{}, } g := d2graph.NewGraph() g.AST = ast c.compileBoard(g, m) if len(c.err.Errors) > 0 { return nil, c.err } c.validateBoardLinks(g) if len(c.err.Errors) > 0 { return nil, c.err } return g, nil } func (c *compiler) compileBoard(g *d2graph.Graph, ir *d2ir.Map) *d2graph.Graph { ir = ir.Copy(nil).(*d2ir.Map) // c.preprocessSeqDiagrams(ir) c.compileMap(g.Root, ir) if len(c.err.Errors) == 0 { c.validateKeys(g.Root, ir) } c.validateLabels(g) c.validateNear(g) c.validateEdges(g) c.compileBoardsField(g, ir, "layers") c.compileBoardsField(g, ir, "scenarios") c.compileBoardsField(g, ir, "steps") if d2ir.ParentMap(ir).CopyBase(nil).Equal(ir.CopyBase(nil)) { if len(g.Layers) > 0 || len(g.Scenarios) > 0 || len(g.Steps) > 0 { g.IsFolderOnly = true } } if len(g.Objects) == 0 { g.IsFolderOnly = true } return g } func (c *compiler) compileBoardsField(g *d2graph.Graph, ir *d2ir.Map, fieldName string) { layers := ir.GetField(fieldName) if layers.Map() == nil { return } for _, f := range layers.Map().Fields { if f.Map() == nil { continue } if g.GetBoard(f.Name) != nil { c.errorf(f.References[0].AST(), "board name %v already used by another board", f.Name) continue } g2 := d2graph.NewGraph() g2.Parent = g g2.AST = f.Map().AST().(*d2ast.Map) g2.BaseAST = findFieldAST(g.AST, f) c.compileBoard(g2, f.Map()) g2.Name = f.Name switch fieldName { case "layers": g.Layers = append(g.Layers, g2) case "scenarios": g.Scenarios = append(g.Scenarios, g2) case "steps": g.Steps = append(g.Steps, g2) } } } func findFieldAST(ast *d2ast.Map, f *d2ir.Field) *d2ast.Map { path := []string{} var curr *d2ir.Field = f for { path = append([]string{curr.Name}, path...) boardKind := d2ir.NodeBoardKind(curr) if boardKind == "" { break } curr = d2ir.ParentField(curr) } currAST := ast for len(path) > 0 { head := path[0] found := false for _, n := range currAST.Nodes { if n.MapKey == nil { continue } if n.MapKey.Key == nil { continue } if len(n.MapKey.Key.Path) != 1 { continue } head2 := n.MapKey.Key.Path[0].Unbox().ScalarString() if head == head2 { currAST = n.MapKey.Value.Map found = true break } } if !found { return nil } path = path[1:] } return currAST } type compiler struct { err *d2parser.ParseError } func (c *compiler) errorf(n d2ast.Node, f string, v ...interface{}) { err := d2parser.Errorf(n, f, v...).(d2ast.Error) if c.err.ErrorsLookup == nil { c.err.ErrorsLookup = make(map[d2ast.Error]struct{}) } if _, ok := c.err.ErrorsLookup[err]; !ok { c.err.Errors = append(c.err.Errors, err) c.err.ErrorsLookup[err] = struct{}{} } } func (c *compiler) compileMap(obj *d2graph.Object, m *d2ir.Map) { class := m.GetField("class") if class != nil { var classNames []string if class.Primary() != nil { classNames = append(classNames, class.Primary().String()) } else if class.Composite != nil { if arr, ok := class.Composite.(*d2ir.Array); ok { for _, class := range arr.Values { if scalar, ok := class.(*d2ir.Scalar); ok { classNames = append(classNames, scalar.Value.ScalarString()) } else { c.errorf(class.LastPrimaryKey(), "invalid value in array") } } } } else { c.errorf(class.LastRef().AST(), "class missing value") } for _, className := range classNames { classMap := m.GetClassMap(className) if classMap != nil { c.compileMap(obj, classMap) } else { if strings.Contains(className, ",") { split := strings.Split(className, ",") allFound := true for _, maybeClassName := range split { maybeClassName = strings.TrimSpace(maybeClassName) if m.GetClassMap(maybeClassName) == nil { allFound = false break } } if allFound { c.errorf(class.LastRef().AST(), `class "%s" not found. Did you mean to use ";" to separate array items?`, className) } } } } } shape := m.GetField("shape") if shape != nil { if shape.Composite != nil { c.errorf(shape.LastPrimaryKey(), "reserved field shape does not accept composite") } else { c.compileField(obj, shape) } } for _, f := range m.Fields { if f.Name == "shape" { continue } if _, ok := d2graph.BoardKeywords[f.Name]; ok { continue } c.compileField(obj, f) } if !m.IsClass() { switch obj.Shape.Value { case d2target.ShapeClass: c.compileClass(obj) case d2target.ShapeSQLTable: c.compileSQLTable(obj) } for _, e := range m.Edges { c.compileEdge(obj, e) } } } func (c *compiler) compileField(obj *d2graph.Object, f *d2ir.Field) { keyword := strings.ToLower(f.Name) _, isStyleReserved := d2graph.StyleKeywords[keyword] if isStyleReserved { c.errorf(f.LastRef().AST(), "%v must be style.%v", f.Name, f.Name) return } _, isReserved := d2graph.SimpleReservedKeywords[keyword] if f.Name == "classes" { if f.Map() != nil { if len(f.Map().Edges) > 0 { c.errorf(f.Map().Edges[0].LastRef().AST(), "classes cannot contain an edge") } for _, classesField := range f.Map().Fields { if classesField.Map() == nil { continue } for _, cf := range classesField.Map().Fields { if _, ok := d2graph.ReservedKeywords[cf.Name]; !ok { c.errorf(cf.LastRef().AST(), "%s is an invalid class field, must be reserved keyword", cf.Name) } if cf.Name == "class" { c.errorf(cf.LastRef().AST(), `"class" cannot appear within "classes"`) } } } } return } else if f.Name == "vars" { return } else if f.Name == "source-arrowhead" || f.Name == "target-arrowhead" { c.errorf(f.LastRef().AST(), `%#v can only be used on connections`, f.Name) return } else if isReserved { c.compileReserved(&obj.Attributes, f) return } else if f.Name == "style" { if f.Map() == nil || len(f.Map().Fields) == 0 { c.errorf(f.LastRef().AST(), `"style" expected to be set to a map of key-values, or contain an additional keyword like "style.opacity: 0.4"`) return } c.compileStyle(&obj.Attributes, f.Map()) if obj.Style.Animated != nil { c.errorf(obj.Style.Animated.MapKey, `key "animated" can only be applied to edges`) } return } if obj.Parent != nil { if obj.Parent.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeSQLTable { c.errorf(f.LastRef().AST(), "sql_table columns cannot have children") return } if obj.Parent.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeClass { c.errorf(f.LastRef().AST(), "class fields cannot have children") return } } obj = obj.EnsureChild(d2graphIDA([]string{f.Name})) if f.Primary() != nil { c.compileLabel(&obj.Attributes, f) } if f.Map() != nil { c.compileMap(obj, f.Map()) } if obj.Label.MapKey == nil { obj.Label.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() } for _, fr := range f.References { if fr.Primary() { if fr.Context_.Key.Value.Map != nil { obj.Map = fr.Context_.Key.Value.Map } } r := d2graph.Reference{ Key: fr.KeyPath, KeyPathIndex: fr.KeyPathIndex(), MapKey: fr.Context_.Key, MapKeyEdgeIndex: fr.Context_.EdgeIndex(), Scope: fr.Context_.Scope, ScopeAST: fr.Context_.ScopeAST, } if fr.Context_.ScopeMap != nil && !d2ir.IsVar(fr.Context_.ScopeMap) { scopeObjIDA := d2graphIDA(d2ir.BoardIDA(fr.Context_.ScopeMap)) r.ScopeObj = obj.Graph.Root.EnsureChild(scopeObjIDA) } obj.References = append(obj.References, r) } } func (c *compiler) compileLabel(attrs *d2graph.Attributes, f d2ir.Node) { scalar := f.Primary().Value switch scalar := scalar.(type) { case *d2ast.BlockString: if strings.TrimSpace(scalar.ScalarString()) == "" { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), "block string cannot be empty") } attrs.Language = scalar.Tag fullTag, ok := ShortToFullLanguageAliases[scalar.Tag] if ok { attrs.Language = fullTag } switch attrs.Language { case "latex": attrs.Shape.Value = d2target.ShapeText case "markdown": rendered, err := textmeasure.RenderMarkdown(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), "malformed Markdown") } rendered = "
" + rendered + "
" var xmlParsed interface{} err = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(rendered), &xmlParsed) if err != nil { switch xmlErr := err.(type) { case *xml.SyntaxError: c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), "malformed Markdown: %s", xmlErr.Msg) default: c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), "malformed Markdown: %s", err.Error()) } } attrs.Shape.Value = d2target.ShapeText default: attrs.Shape.Value = d2target.ShapeCode } attrs.Label.Value = scalar.ScalarString() default: attrs.Label.Value = scalar.ScalarString() } attrs.Label.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() } func (c *compiler) compilePosition(attrs *d2graph.Attributes, f *d2ir.Field) { name := f.Name if f.Map() != nil { for _, f := range f.Map().Fields { if f.Name == "near" { if f.Primary() == nil { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), `invalid "near" field`) } else { scalar := f.Primary().Value switch scalar := scalar.(type) { case *d2ast.Null: attrs.LabelPosition = nil default: if _, ok := d2graph.LabelPositions[scalar.ScalarString()]; !ok { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), `invalid "near" field`) } else { switch name { case "label": attrs.LabelPosition = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.LabelPosition.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.LabelPosition.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "icon": attrs.IconPosition = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.IconPosition.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.IconPosition.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() } } } } } else { if f.LastPrimaryKey() != nil { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), `unexpected field %s`, f.Name) } } } if len(f.Map().Edges) > 0 { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), "unexpected edges in map") } } } func (c *compiler) compileReserved(attrs *d2graph.Attributes, f *d2ir.Field) { if f.Primary() == nil { if f.Composite != nil { switch f.Name { case "class": if arr, ok := f.Composite.(*d2ir.Array); ok { for _, class := range arr.Values { if scalar, ok := class.(*d2ir.Scalar); ok { attrs.Classes = append(attrs.Classes, scalar.Value.ScalarString()) } } } case "constraint": if arr, ok := f.Composite.(*d2ir.Array); ok { for _, constraint := range arr.Values { if scalar, ok := constraint.(*d2ir.Scalar); ok { switch scalar.Value.(type) { case *d2ast.Null: attrs.Constraint = append(attrs.Constraint, "null") default: attrs.Constraint = append(attrs.Constraint, scalar.Value.ScalarString()) } } } } case "label", "icon": c.compilePosition(attrs, f) default: c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), "reserved field %v does not accept composite", f.Name) } } return } scalar := f.Primary().Value switch f.Name { case "label": c.compileLabel(attrs, f) c.compilePosition(attrs, f) case "shape": in := d2target.IsShape(scalar.ScalarString()) _, isArrowhead := d2target.Arrowheads[scalar.ScalarString()] if !in && !isArrowhead { c.errorf(scalar, "unknown shape %q", scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.Shape.Value = scalar.ScalarString() if attrs.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeCode { // Explicit code shape is plaintext. attrs.Language = d2target.ShapeText } attrs.Shape.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "icon": iconURL, err := url.Parse(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "bad icon url %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } attrs.Icon = iconURL c.compilePosition(attrs, f) case "near": nearKey, err := d2parser.ParseKey(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "bad near key %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } nearKey.Range = scalar.GetRange() attrs.NearKey = nearKey case "tooltip": attrs.Tooltip = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.Tooltip.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.Tooltip.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "width": _, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer width %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } attrs.WidthAttr = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.WidthAttr.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.WidthAttr.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "height": _, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer height %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } attrs.HeightAttr = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.HeightAttr.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.HeightAttr.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "top": v, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer top %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } if v < 0 { c.errorf(scalar, "top must be a non-negative integer: %#v", scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.Top = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.Top.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.Top.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "left": v, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer left %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } if v < 0 { c.errorf(scalar, "left must be a non-negative integer: %#v", scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.Left = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.Left.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.Left.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "link": attrs.Link = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.Link.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.Link.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "direction": dirs := []string{"up", "down", "right", "left"} if !go2.Contains(dirs, scalar.ScalarString()) { c.errorf(scalar, `direction must be one of %v, got %q`, strings.Join(dirs, ", "), scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.Direction.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.Direction.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "constraint": if _, ok := scalar.(d2ast.String); !ok { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), "constraint value must be a string") return } attrs.Constraint = append(attrs.Constraint, scalar.ScalarString()) case "grid-rows": v, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer grid-rows %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } if v <= 0 { c.errorf(scalar, "grid-rows must be a positive integer: %#v", scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.GridRows = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.GridRows.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.GridRows.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "grid-columns": v, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer grid-columns %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } if v <= 0 { c.errorf(scalar, "grid-columns must be a positive integer: %#v", scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.GridColumns = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.GridColumns.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.GridColumns.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "grid-gap": v, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer grid-gap %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } if v < 0 { c.errorf(scalar, "grid-gap must be a non-negative integer: %#v", scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.GridGap = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.GridGap.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.GridGap.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "vertical-gap": v, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer vertical-gap %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } if v < 0 { c.errorf(scalar, "vertical-gap must be a non-negative integer: %#v", scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.VerticalGap = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.VerticalGap.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.VerticalGap.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "horizontal-gap": v, err := strconv.Atoi(scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, "non-integer horizontal-gap %#v: %s", scalar.ScalarString(), err) return } if v < 0 { c.errorf(scalar, "horizontal-gap must be a non-negative integer: %#v", scalar.ScalarString()) return } attrs.HorizontalGap = &d2graph.Scalar{} attrs.HorizontalGap.Value = scalar.ScalarString() attrs.HorizontalGap.MapKey = f.LastPrimaryKey() case "class": attrs.Classes = append(attrs.Classes, scalar.ScalarString()) case "classes": } if attrs.Link != nil && attrs.Tooltip != nil { u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(attrs.Tooltip.Value) if err == nil && u.Host != "" { c.errorf(scalar, "Tooltip cannot be set to URL when link is also set (for security)") } } } func (c *compiler) compileStyle(attrs *d2graph.Attributes, m *d2ir.Map) { for _, f := range m.Fields { c.compileStyleField(attrs, f) } } func (c *compiler) compileStyleField(attrs *d2graph.Attributes, f *d2ir.Field) { if _, ok := d2graph.StyleKeywords[strings.ToLower(f.Name)]; !ok { c.errorf(f.LastRef().AST(), `invalid style keyword: "%s"`, f.Name) return } if f.Primary() == nil { return } compileStyleFieldInit(attrs, f) scalar := f.Primary().Value err := attrs.Style.Apply(f.Name, scalar.ScalarString()) if err != nil { c.errorf(scalar, err.Error()) return } } func compileStyleFieldInit(attrs *d2graph.Attributes, f *d2ir.Field) { switch f.Name { case "opacity": attrs.Style.Opacity = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "stroke": attrs.Style.Stroke = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "fill": attrs.Style.Fill = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "fill-pattern": attrs.Style.FillPattern = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "stroke-width": attrs.Style.StrokeWidth = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "stroke-dash": attrs.Style.StrokeDash = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "border-radius": attrs.Style.BorderRadius = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "shadow": attrs.Style.Shadow = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "3d": attrs.Style.ThreeDee = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "multiple": attrs.Style.Multiple = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "font": attrs.Style.Font = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "font-size": attrs.Style.FontSize = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "font-color": attrs.Style.FontColor = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "animated": attrs.Style.Animated = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "bold": attrs.Style.Bold = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "italic": attrs.Style.Italic = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "underline": attrs.Style.Underline = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "filled": attrs.Style.Filled = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "width": attrs.WidthAttr = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "height": attrs.HeightAttr = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "top": attrs.Top = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "left": attrs.Left = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "double-border": attrs.Style.DoubleBorder = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} case "text-transform": attrs.Style.TextTransform = &d2graph.Scalar{MapKey: f.LastPrimaryKey()} } } func (c *compiler) compileEdge(obj *d2graph.Object, e *d2ir.Edge) { edge, err := obj.Connect(d2graphIDA(e.ID.SrcPath), d2graphIDA(e.ID.DstPath), e.ID.SrcArrow, e.ID.DstArrow, "") if err != nil { c.errorf(e.References[0].AST(), err.Error()) return } if e.Primary() != nil { c.compileLabel(&edge.Attributes, e) } if e.Map() != nil { c.compileEdgeMap(edge, e.Map()) } edge.Label.MapKey = e.LastPrimaryKey() for _, er := range e.References { r := d2graph.EdgeReference{ Edge: er.Context_.Edge, MapKey: er.Context_.Key, MapKeyEdgeIndex: er.Context_.EdgeIndex(), Scope: er.Context_.Scope, ScopeAST: er.Context_.ScopeAST, } if er.Context_.ScopeMap != nil && !d2ir.IsVar(er.Context_.ScopeMap) { scopeObjIDA := d2graphIDA(d2ir.BoardIDA(er.Context_.ScopeMap)) r.ScopeObj = edge.Src.Graph.Root.EnsureChild(scopeObjIDA) } edge.References = append(edge.References, r) } } func (c *compiler) compileEdgeMap(edge *d2graph.Edge, m *d2ir.Map) { class := m.GetField("class") if class != nil { var classNames []string if class.Primary() != nil { classNames = append(classNames, class.Primary().String()) } else if class.Composite != nil { if arr, ok := class.Composite.(*d2ir.Array); ok { for _, class := range arr.Values { if scalar, ok := class.(*d2ir.Scalar); ok { classNames = append(classNames, scalar.Value.ScalarString()) } else { c.errorf(class.LastPrimaryKey(), "invalid value in array") } } } } else { c.errorf(class.LastRef().AST(), "class missing value") } for _, className := range classNames { classMap := m.GetClassMap(className) if classMap != nil { c.compileEdgeMap(edge, classMap) } } } for _, f := range m.Fields { _, ok := d2graph.ReservedKeywords[f.Name] if !ok { c.errorf(f.References[0].AST(), `edge map keys must be reserved keywords`) continue } c.compileEdgeField(edge, f) } } func (c *compiler) compileEdgeField(edge *d2graph.Edge, f *d2ir.Field) { keyword := strings.ToLower(f.Name) _, isStyleReserved := d2graph.StyleKeywords[keyword] if isStyleReserved { c.errorf(f.LastRef().AST(), "%v must be style.%v", f.Name, f.Name) return } _, isReserved := d2graph.SimpleReservedKeywords[keyword] if isReserved { c.compileReserved(&edge.Attributes, f) return } else if f.Name == "style" { if f.Map() == nil { return } c.compileStyle(&edge.Attributes, f.Map()) return } if f.Name == "source-arrowhead" || f.Name == "target-arrowhead" { c.compileArrowheads(edge, f) } } func (c *compiler) compileArrowheads(edge *d2graph.Edge, f *d2ir.Field) { var attrs *d2graph.Attributes if f.Name == "source-arrowhead" { if edge.SrcArrowhead == nil { edge.SrcArrowhead = &d2graph.Attributes{} } attrs = edge.SrcArrowhead } else { if edge.DstArrowhead == nil { edge.DstArrowhead = &d2graph.Attributes{} } attrs = edge.DstArrowhead } if f.Primary() != nil { c.compileLabel(attrs, f) } if f.Map() != nil { for _, f2 := range f.Map().Fields { keyword := strings.ToLower(f2.Name) _, isReserved := d2graph.SimpleReservedKeywords[keyword] if isReserved { c.compileReserved(attrs, f2) continue } else if f2.Name == "style" { if f2.Map() == nil { continue } c.compileStyle(attrs, f2.Map()) continue } else { c.errorf(f2.LastRef().AST(), `source-arrowhead/target-arrowhead map keys must be reserved keywords`) continue } } } } // TODO add more, e.g. C, bash var ShortToFullLanguageAliases = map[string]string{ "md": "markdown", "tex": "latex", "js": "javascript", "go": "golang", "py": "python", "rb": "ruby", "ts": "typescript", } var FullToShortLanguageAliases map[string]string func (c *compiler) compileClass(obj *d2graph.Object) { obj.Class = &d2target.Class{} for _, f := range obj.ChildrenArray { visibility := "public" name := f.IDVal // See if name != "" { switch name[0] { case '+': name = name[1:] case '-': visibility = "private" name = name[1:] case '#': visibility = "protected" name = name[1:] } } if !strings.Contains(f.IDVal, "(") { typ := f.Label.Value if typ == f.IDVal { typ = "" } obj.Class.Fields = append(obj.Class.Fields, d2target.ClassField{ Name: name, Type: typ, Visibility: visibility, }) } else { // TODO: Not great, AST should easily allow specifying alternate primary field // as an explicit label should change the name. returnType := f.Label.Value if returnType == f.IDVal { returnType = "void" } obj.Class.Methods = append(obj.Class.Methods, d2target.ClassMethod{ Name: name, Return: returnType, Visibility: visibility, }) } } for _, ch := range obj.ChildrenArray { for i := 0; i < len(obj.Graph.Objects); i++ { if obj.Graph.Objects[i] == ch { obj.Graph.Objects = append(obj.Graph.Objects[:i], obj.Graph.Objects[i+1:]...) i-- } } } obj.Children = nil obj.ChildrenArray = nil } func (c *compiler) compileSQLTable(obj *d2graph.Object) { obj.SQLTable = &d2target.SQLTable{} for _, col := range obj.ChildrenArray { typ := col.Label.Value if typ == col.IDVal { // Not great, AST should easily allow specifying alternate primary field // as an explicit label should change the name. typ = "" } d2Col := d2target.SQLColumn{ Name: d2target.Text{Label: col.IDVal}, Type: d2target.Text{Label: typ}, Constraint: col.Constraint, } obj.SQLTable.Columns = append(obj.SQLTable.Columns, d2Col) } for _, ch := range obj.ChildrenArray { for i := 0; i < len(obj.Graph.Objects); i++ { if obj.Graph.Objects[i] == ch { obj.Graph.Objects = append(obj.Graph.Objects[:i], obj.Graph.Objects[i+1:]...) i-- } } } obj.Children = nil obj.ChildrenArray = nil } func (c *compiler) validateKeys(obj *d2graph.Object, m *d2ir.Map) { for _, f := range m.Fields { if _, ok := d2graph.BoardKeywords[f.Name]; ok { continue } c.validateKey(obj, f) } } func (c *compiler) validateKey(obj *d2graph.Object, f *d2ir.Field) { keyword := strings.ToLower(f.Name) _, isReserved := d2graph.ReservedKeywords[keyword] if isReserved { switch obj.Shape.Value { case d2target.ShapeCircle, d2target.ShapeSquare: checkEqual := (keyword == "width" && obj.HeightAttr != nil) || (keyword == "height" && obj.WidthAttr != nil) if checkEqual && obj.WidthAttr.Value != obj.HeightAttr.Value { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), "width and height must be equal for %s shapes", obj.Shape.Value) } } switch f.Name { case "style": if obj.Style.ThreeDee != nil { if !strings.EqualFold(obj.Shape.Value, d2target.ShapeSquare) && !strings.EqualFold(obj.Shape.Value, d2target.ShapeRectangle) && !strings.EqualFold(obj.Shape.Value, d2target.ShapeHexagon) { c.errorf(obj.Style.ThreeDee.MapKey, `key "3d" can only be applied to squares, rectangles, and hexagons`) } } if obj.Style.DoubleBorder != nil { if obj.Shape.Value != "" && obj.Shape.Value != d2target.ShapeSquare && obj.Shape.Value != d2target.ShapeRectangle && obj.Shape.Value != d2target.ShapeCircle && obj.Shape.Value != d2target.ShapeOval { c.errorf(obj.Style.DoubleBorder.MapKey, `key "double-border" can only be applied to squares, rectangles, circles, ovals`) } } case "shape": if obj.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeImage && obj.Icon == nil { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), `image shape must include an "icon" field`) } in := d2target.IsShape(obj.Shape.Value) _, arrowheadIn := d2target.Arrowheads[obj.Shape.Value] if !in && arrowheadIn { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), fmt.Sprintf(`invalid shape, can only set "%s" for arrowheads`, obj.Shape.Value)) } case "constraint": if obj.Shape.Value != d2target.ShapeSQLTable { c.errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), `"constraint" keyword can only be used in "sql_table" shapes`) } } return } if obj.Shape.Value == d2target.ShapeImage { c.errorf(f.LastRef().AST(), "image shapes cannot have children.") return } obj, ok := obj.HasChild([]string{f.Name}) if ok && f.Map() != nil { c.validateKeys(obj, f.Map()) } } func (c *compiler) validateLabels(g *d2graph.Graph) { for _, obj := range g.Objects { if obj.Shape.Value != d2target.ShapeText { continue } if obj.Attributes.Language != "" { // blockstrings have already been validated continue } if strings.TrimSpace(obj.Label.Value) == "" { c.errorf(obj.Label.MapKey, "shape text must have a non-empty label") continue } } } func (c *compiler) validateNear(g *d2graph.Graph) { for _, obj := range g.Objects { if obj.NearKey != nil { nearObj, isKey := g.Root.HasChild(d2graph.Key(obj.NearKey)) _, isConst := d2graph.NearConstants[d2graph.Key(obj.NearKey)[0]] if isKey { // Doesn't make sense to set near to an ancestor or descendant nearIsAncestor := false for curr := obj; curr != nil; curr = curr.Parent { if curr == nearObj { nearIsAncestor = true break } } if nearIsAncestor { c.errorf(obj.NearKey, "near keys cannot be set to an ancestor") continue } nearIsDescendant := false for curr := nearObj; curr != nil; curr = curr.Parent { if curr == obj { nearIsDescendant = true break } } if nearIsDescendant { c.errorf(obj.NearKey, "near keys cannot be set to an descendant") continue } if nearObj.OuterSequenceDiagram() != nil { c.errorf(obj.NearKey, "near keys cannot be set to an object within sequence diagrams") continue } if nearObj.NearKey != nil { _, nearObjNearIsConst := d2graph.NearConstants[d2graph.Key(nearObj.NearKey)[0]] if nearObjNearIsConst { c.errorf(obj.NearKey, "near keys cannot be set to an object with a constant near key") continue } } } else if isConst { if obj.Parent != g.Root { c.errorf(obj.NearKey, "constant near keys can only be set on root level shapes") continue } } else { c.errorf(obj.NearKey, "near key %#v must be the absolute path to a shape or one of the following constants: %s", d2format.Format(obj.NearKey), strings.Join(d2graph.NearConstantsArray, ", ")) continue } } } for _, edge := range g.Edges { if edge.Src.IsConstantNear() && edge.Dst.IsDescendantOf(edge.Src) { c.errorf(edge.GetAstEdge(), "edge from constant near %#v cannot enter itself", edge.Src.AbsID()) continue } if edge.Dst.IsConstantNear() && edge.Src.IsDescendantOf(edge.Dst) { c.errorf(edge.GetAstEdge(), "edge from constant near %#v cannot enter itself", edge.Dst.AbsID()) continue } } } func (c *compiler) validateEdges(g *d2graph.Graph) { for _, edge := range g.Edges { // edges from a grid to something outside is ok // grid -> outside : ok // grid -> grid.cell : not ok // grid -> grid.cell.inner : not ok if edge.Src.IsGridDiagram() && edge.Dst.IsDescendantOf(edge.Src) { c.errorf(edge.GetAstEdge(), "edge from grid diagram %#v cannot enter itself", edge.Src.AbsID()) continue } if edge.Dst.IsGridDiagram() && edge.Src.IsDescendantOf(edge.Dst) { c.errorf(edge.GetAstEdge(), "edge from grid diagram %#v cannot enter itself", edge.Dst.AbsID()) continue } if edge.Src.Parent.IsGridDiagram() && edge.Dst.IsDescendantOf(edge.Src) { c.errorf(edge.GetAstEdge(), "edge from grid cell %#v cannot enter itself", edge.Src.AbsID()) continue } if edge.Dst.Parent.IsGridDiagram() && edge.Src.IsDescendantOf(edge.Dst) { c.errorf(edge.GetAstEdge(), "edge from grid cell %#v cannot enter itself", edge.Dst.AbsID()) continue } if edge.Src.IsSequenceDiagram() && edge.Dst.IsDescendantOf(edge.Src) { c.errorf(edge.GetAstEdge(), "edge from sequence diagram %#v cannot enter itself", edge.Src.AbsID()) continue } if edge.Dst.IsSequenceDiagram() && edge.Src.IsDescendantOf(edge.Dst) { c.errorf(edge.GetAstEdge(), "edge from sequence diagram %#v cannot enter itself", edge.Dst.AbsID()) continue } } } func (c *compiler) validateBoardLinks(g *d2graph.Graph) { for _, obj := range g.Objects { if obj.Link == nil { continue } linkKey, err := d2parser.ParseKey(obj.Link.Value) if err != nil { continue } if linkKey.Path[0].Unbox().ScalarString() != "root" { continue } if !hasBoard(g.RootBoard(), linkKey.IDA()) { c.errorf(obj.Link.MapKey, "linked board not found") continue } } for _, b := range g.Layers { c.validateBoardLinks(b) } for _, b := range g.Scenarios { c.validateBoardLinks(b) } for _, b := range g.Steps { c.validateBoardLinks(b) } } func hasBoard(root *d2graph.Graph, ida []string) bool { if len(ida) == 0 { return true } if ida[0] == "root" { return hasBoard(root, ida[1:]) } id := ida[0] if len(ida) == 1 { return root.Name == id } nextID := ida[1] switch id { case "layers": for _, b := range root.Layers { if b.Name == nextID { return hasBoard(b, ida[2:]) } } case "scenarios": for _, b := range root.Scenarios { if b.Name == nextID { return hasBoard(b, ida[2:]) } } case "steps": for _, b := range root.Steps { if b.Name == nextID { return hasBoard(b, ida[2:]) } } } return false } func init() { FullToShortLanguageAliases = make(map[string]string, len(ShortToFullLanguageAliases)) for k, v := range ShortToFullLanguageAliases { FullToShortLanguageAliases[v] = k } } func d2graphIDA(irIDA []string) (ida []string) { for _, el := range irIDA { n := &d2ast.KeyPath{ Path: []*d2ast.StringBox{d2ast.MakeValueBox(d2ast.RawString(el, true)).StringBox()}, } ida = append(ida, d2format.Format(n)) } return ida } // Unused for now until shape: edge_group func (c *compiler) preprocessSeqDiagrams(m *d2ir.Map) { for _, f := range m.Fields { if f.Name == "shape" && f.Primary_.Value.ScalarString() == d2target.ShapeSequenceDiagram { c.preprocessEdgeGroup(m, m) return } if f.Map() != nil { c.preprocessSeqDiagrams(f.Map()) } } } func (c *compiler) preprocessEdgeGroup(seqDiagram, m *d2ir.Map) { // Any child of a sequence diagram can be either an actor, edge group or a span. // 1. Actors are shapes without edges inside them defined at the top level scope of a // sequence diagram. // 2. Spans are the children of actors. For our purposes we can ignore them. // 3. Edge groups are defined as having at least one connection within them and also not // being connected to anything. All direct children of an edge group are either edge // groups or top level actors. // Go through all the fields and hoist actors from edge groups while also processing // the edge groups recursively. for _, f := range m.Fields { if isEdgeGroup(f) { if f.Map() != nil { c.preprocessEdgeGroup(seqDiagram, f.Map()) } } else { if m == seqDiagram { // Ignore for root. continue } hoistActor(seqDiagram, f) } } // We need to adjust all edges recursively to point to actual actors instead. for _, e := range m.Edges { if isCrossEdgeGroupEdge(m, e) { c.errorf(e.References[0].AST(), "illegal edge between edge groups") continue } if m == seqDiagram { // Root edges between actors directly do not require hoisting. continue } srcParent := seqDiagram for i, el := range e.ID.SrcPath { f := srcParent.GetField(el) if !isEdgeGroup(f) { for j := 0; j < i+1; j++ { e.ID.SrcPath = append([]string{"_"}, e.ID.SrcPath...) e.ID.DstPath = append([]string{"_"}, e.ID.DstPath...) } break } srcParent = f.Map() } } } func hoistActor(seqDiagram *d2ir.Map, f *d2ir.Field) { f2 := seqDiagram.GetField(f.Name) if f2 == nil { seqDiagram.Fields = append(seqDiagram.Fields, f.Copy(seqDiagram).(*d2ir.Field)) } else { d2ir.OverlayField(f2, f) d2ir.ParentMap(f).DeleteField(f.Name) } } func isCrossEdgeGroupEdge(m *d2ir.Map, e *d2ir.Edge) bool { srcParent := m for _, el := range e.ID.SrcPath { f := srcParent.GetField(el) if f == nil { // Hoisted already. break } if isEdgeGroup(f) { return true } srcParent = f.Map() } dstParent := m for _, el := range e.ID.DstPath { f := dstParent.GetField(el) if f == nil { // Hoisted already. break } if isEdgeGroup(f) { return true } dstParent = f.Map() } return false } func isEdgeGroup(n d2ir.Node) bool { return n.Map().EdgeCountRecursive() > 0 } func parentSeqDiagram(n d2ir.Node) *d2ir.Map { for { m := d2ir.ParentMap(n) if m == nil { return nil } for _, f := range m.Fields { if f.Name == "shape" && f.Primary_.Value.ScalarString() == d2target.ShapeSequenceDiagram { return m } } n = m } } func compileConfig(ir *d2ir.Map) (*d2target.Config, error) { f := ir.GetField("vars", "d2-config") if f == nil || f.Map() == nil { return nil, nil } configMap := f.Map() config := &d2target.Config{} f = configMap.GetField("sketch") if f != nil { val, _ := strconv.ParseBool(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) config.Sketch = &val } f = configMap.GetField("theme-id") if f != nil { val, _ := strconv.Atoi(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) config.ThemeID = go2.Pointer(int64(val)) } f = configMap.GetField("dark-theme-id") if f != nil { val, _ := strconv.Atoi(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) config.DarkThemeID = go2.Pointer(int64(val)) } f = configMap.GetField("pad") if f != nil { val, _ := strconv.Atoi(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) config.Pad = go2.Pointer(int64(val)) } f = configMap.GetField("layout-engine") if f != nil { config.LayoutEngine = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) } f = configMap.GetField("theme-overrides") if f != nil { overrides, err := compileThemeOverrides(f.Map()) if err != nil { return nil, err } config.ThemeOverrides = overrides } f = configMap.GetField("dark-theme-overrides") if f != nil { overrides, err := compileThemeOverrides(f.Map()) if err != nil { return nil, err } config.DarkThemeOverrides = overrides } return config, nil } func compileThemeOverrides(m *d2ir.Map) (*d2target.ThemeOverrides, error) { if m == nil { return nil, nil } themeOverrides := d2target.ThemeOverrides{} err := &d2parser.ParseError{} FOR: for _, f := range m.Fields { switch strings.ToUpper(f.Name) { case "N1": themeOverrides.N1 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "N2": themeOverrides.N2 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "N3": themeOverrides.N3 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "N4": themeOverrides.N4 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "N5": themeOverrides.N5 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "N6": themeOverrides.N6 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "N7": themeOverrides.N7 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "B1": themeOverrides.B1 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "B2": themeOverrides.B2 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "B3": themeOverrides.B3 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "B4": themeOverrides.B4 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "B5": themeOverrides.B5 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "B6": themeOverrides.B6 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "AA2": themeOverrides.AA2 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "AA4": themeOverrides.AA4 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "AA5": themeOverrides.AA5 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "AB4": themeOverrides.AB4 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) case "AB5": themeOverrides.AB5 = go2.Pointer(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) default: err.Errors = append(err.Errors, d2parser.Errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" is not a valid theme code`, f.Name)).(d2ast.Error)) continue FOR } if !go2.Contains(color.NamedColors, strings.ToLower(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString())) && !color.ColorHexRegex.MatchString(f.Primary().Value.ScalarString()) { err.Errors = append(err.Errors, d2parser.Errorf(f.LastPrimaryKey(), fmt.Sprintf(`expected "%s" to be a valid named color ("orange") or a hex code ("#f0ff3a")`, f.Name)).(d2ast.Error)) } } if !err.Empty() { return nil, err } if themeOverrides != (d2target.ThemeOverrides{}) { return &themeOverrides, nil } return nil, nil }