package d2cli import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) func help(ms *xmain.State) { fmt.Fprintf(ms.Stdout, `%[1]s %[2]s Usage: %[1]s [--watch=false] [--theme=0] file.d2 [file.svg | file.png] %[1]s layout [name] %[1]s fmt file.d2 ... %[1]s compiles and renders file.d2 to file.svg | file.png It defaults to file.svg if an output path is not provided. Use - to have d2 read from stdin or write to stdout. See man d2 for more detailed docs. Flags: %[3]s Subcommands: %[1]s layout - Lists available layout engine options with short help %[1]s layout [name] - Display long help for a particular layout engine, including its configuration options %[1]s themes - Lists available themes %[1]s fmt file.d2 ... - Format passed files See more docs and the source code at Hosted icons at Playground runner at `, filepath.Base(ms.Name), version.Version, ms.Opts.Defaults()) } func layoutCmd(ctx context.Context, ms *xmain.State, ps []d2plugin.Plugin) error { if len(ms.Opts.Flags.Args()) == 1 { return shortLayoutHelp(ctx, ms, ps) } else if len(ms.Opts.Flags.Args()) == 2 { return longLayoutHelp(ctx, ms, ps) } else { return pluginSubcommand(ctx, ms, ps) } } func themesCmd(ctx context.Context, ms *xmain.State) { fmt.Fprintf(ms.Stdout, "Available themes:\n%s", d2themescatalog.CLIString()) } func shortLayoutHelp(ctx context.Context, ms *xmain.State, ps []d2plugin.Plugin) error { var pluginLines []string pinfos, err := d2plugin.ListPluginInfos(ctx, ps) if err != nil { return err } for _, p := range pinfos { var l string if p.Type == "bundled" { l = fmt.Sprintf("%s (bundled) - %s", p.Name, p.ShortHelp) } else { l = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s) - %s", p.Name, humanPath(p.Path), p.ShortHelp) } pluginLines = append(pluginLines, l) } fmt.Fprintf(ms.Stdout, `Available layout engines found: %s Usage: To use a particular layout engine, set the environment variable D2_LAYOUT=[name] or flag --layout=[name]. Example: D2_LAYOUT=dagre d2 in.d2 out.svg Subcommands: %s layout [layout name] - Display long help for a particular layout engine, including its configuration options See more docs at `, strings.Join(pluginLines, "\n"), ms.Name) return nil } func longLayoutHelp(ctx context.Context, ms *xmain.State, ps []d2plugin.Plugin) error { layout := ms.Opts.Flags.Arg(1) plugin, err := d2plugin.FindPlugin(ctx, ps, layout) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, exec.ErrNotFound) { return layoutNotFound(ctx, ps, layout) } return err } pinfo, err := plugin.Info(ctx) if err != nil { return err } plocation := pinfo.Type if pinfo.Type == "binary" { plocation = fmt.Sprintf("executable plugin at %s", humanPath(pinfo.Path)) } if !strings.HasSuffix(pinfo.LongHelp, "\n") { pinfo.LongHelp += "\n" } fmt.Fprintf(ms.Stdout, `%s (%s): %s`, pinfo.Name, plocation, pinfo.LongHelp) return nil } func layoutNotFound(ctx context.Context, ps []d2plugin.Plugin, layout string) error { pinfos, err := d2plugin.ListPluginInfos(ctx, ps) if err != nil { return err } var names []string for _, p := range pinfos { names = append(names, p.Name) } return xmain.UsageErrorf(`D2_LAYOUT "%s" is not bundled and could not be found in your $PATH. The available options are: %s. For details on each option, run "d2 layout". For more information on setup, please visit`, layout, strings.Join(names, ", ")) } func pluginSubcommand(ctx context.Context, ms *xmain.State, ps []d2plugin.Plugin) error { layout := ms.Opts.Flags.Arg(1) plugin, err := d2plugin.FindPlugin(ctx, ps, layout) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, exec.ErrNotFound) { return layoutNotFound(ctx, ps, layout) } return err } ms.Opts.Args = ms.Opts.Flags.Args()[2:] return d2plugin.Serve(plugin)(ctx, ms) } func humanPath(fp string) string { if strings.HasPrefix(fp, os.Getenv("HOME")) { return filepath.Join("~", strings.TrimPrefix(fp, os.Getenv("HOME"))) } return fp }