Multi-board D2 compositions now get 2 more useful formats to export to: PowerPoint and GIFs. ## Powerpoint example Make sure you click present, and click around the links and navigations! - Download: [wcc.pptx]( - Google Slides: []( - Source code: []( ## GIF example This is the same diagram as one we shared when we announced animated SVGs, but in GIF form. ![animated]( #### Features ๐Ÿš€ - Export diagrams to `.pptx` (PowerPoint) [#1139]( - Export diagrams to `.gif` [#1200]( - Customize gap size in grid diagrams with `grid-gap`, `vertical-gap`, or `horizontal-gap` (see [docs]( [#1178]( - New dark theme "Dark Terrastruct Flagship" with the theme ID of `201` [#1150]( #### Improvements ๐Ÿงน - `font-size` works with Markdown text [#1191]( - SVG outputs for internal links use relative paths instead of absolute [#1197]( - Improves arrowhead label positioning [#1207]( #### Bugfixes โ›‘๏ธ - Fixes grid layouts not applying on objects with a constant near [#1173]( - Fixes Markdown header rendering in Firefox and Safari [#1177]( - Fixes a grid layout panic when there are fewer objects than rows/columns [#1189]( - Fixes an issue where PNG exports that were too large were crashing [#1093](