Customizations and layouts take a big leap forward with this release! Put together, these improvements make beautiful diagrams like these possible: ![mono]( > [Playground link]( #### Features ๐Ÿš€ - New class of special themes, starting with `Terminal`, and `Terminal Grayscale`. See [docs]( [#1040](, [#1041]( - `style.font: mono` to use a monospaced font for the text/label. See [docs]( [#1010]( - `border-radius` is supported for both `class` and `sql_table` shapes. Thanks to second-time contributor @donglixiaoche ! [#982]( - Implements `style.fill-pattern`. See [docs]( [#1024](, [#1041]( #### Improvements ๐Ÿงน - `dagre` layouts that have a connection where one endpoint is a container is much improved. [#1011]( - `elk` layouts have less bends in the routes. [#1033]( - `elk` layouts center nodes better. [#1028]( - `elk` layouts have nicer margins between node boundaries and edges. [#1028]( - `elk` layouts container contents are centered within. [#1038]( - `elk` layouts container dimensions fit label. [#1038]( - `sketch` draws connections with less roughness, which especially improves look of corner bends in ELK. [#1014]( - CSS in SVGs are diagram-specific, which means you can embed multiple D2 diagrams on a web page without fear of style conflicts. [#1016]( #### Bugfixes โ›‘๏ธ - Fixes `d2` erroring on malformed user paths (`fdopendir` error). [util-go#10]( - Arrowhead labels being set without maps wasn't being picked up. [#1015]( - Fixes a `dagre` layout error with connections to a container shape with a blockstring label. [#1032](