1Many have asked how to get the diagram to look like the one on D2's [cheat sheet](https://d2lang.com/tour/cheat-sheet). With this release, now you can! See [https://d2lang.com/tour/themes](https://d2lang.com/tour/themes) for more.
5The Slack app for D2 has now hit production, so if you're looking for the quickest way to express a visual model without interrupting the conversation flow, go to [http://d2lang.com/tour/slack](http://d2lang.com/tour/slack) to install.
7Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays this week!
9#### Features ๐
11- `sketch` flag renders the diagram to look like it was sketched by hand. [#492](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/492)
12- `near` now takes constants like `top-center`, particularly useful for diagram titles. See [docs](https://d2lang.com/tour/text#near-a-constant) for more. [#525](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/525)
14#### Improvements ๐งน
16- Improved label placements for shapes with images and icons to avoid overlapping labels. [#474](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/474)
17- Themes are applied to `sql_table` and `class` shapes. [#521](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/521)
18- `class` shapes use monospaced font. [#521](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/521)
19- Sequence diagram edge group labels have more reasonable padding. [#512](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/512)
20- ELK layout engine preserves order of nodes. [#282](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/issues/282)
21- Non-markdown text (`shape: text` without language block) works with `bold`, `italic`, `underline`, and `font-size`. [#528](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/528)
22- Markdown headings set font-family explicitly, so that external stylesheets with more specific targeting don't override it. [#525](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/525)
24#### Bugfixes โ๏ธ
26- `d2 fmt` only rewrites if it has changes, instead of always rewriting. [#470](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/470)
27- Text no longer overflows in `sql_table` shapes. [#458](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/458)
28- ELK connection labels are now given the appropriate dimensions. [#483](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/483)
29- Dagre connection lengths make room for longer labels. [#484](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/484)
30- Icons with query parameters are escaped to valid SVG XML. [#438](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/issues/438)
31- Connections at the boundaries no longer get part of its stroke clipped. [#493](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/pull/493)
32- Fixes edge case where `style` being defined in same scope as `sql_table` causes compiler to skip compiling `sql_table`. [#506](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/issues/506)
33- Fixes panic passing a non-string value to `constraint`. [#248](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/issues/248)
34- Fixes edge case where the key `null` was compiling wrongly. [#507](https://github.com/terrastruct/d2/issues/507)
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