17 package admissionwebhook
19 import (
20 "context"
21 "crypto/tls"
22 "crypto/x509"
23 "encoding/json"
24 "fmt"
25 "io"
26 "net/http"
27 "net/http/httptest"
28 "sort"
29 "strings"
30 "sync"
31 "testing"
32 "time"
34 "k8s.io/api/admission/v1beta1"
35 admissionregistrationv1 "k8s.io/api/admissionregistration/v1"
36 corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
37 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
38 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
39 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets"
40 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"
41 clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
42 "k8s.io/client-go/rest"
43 kubeapiservertesting "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-apiserver/app/testing"
44 "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/integration/framework"
45 )
47 const (
48 testTimeoutClientUsername = "webhook-timeout-integration-client"
49 )
52 func TestWebhookTimeoutWithWatchCache(t *testing.T) {
53 testWebhookTimeout(t, true)
54 }
57 func TestWebhookTimeoutWithoutWatchCache(t *testing.T) {
58 testWebhookTimeout(t, false)
59 }
61 type invocation struct {
62 path string
63 timeoutSeconds int
64 }
67 func testWebhookTimeout(t *testing.T, watchCache bool) {
68 type testWebhook struct {
69 path string
70 timeoutSeconds int32
71 policy admissionregistrationv1.FailurePolicyType
72 objectSelector *metav1.LabelSelector
73 }
75 testCases := []struct {
76 name string
77 timeoutSeconds int32
78 mutatingWebhooks []testWebhook
79 validatingWebhooks []testWebhook
80 expectInvocations []invocation
81 expectError bool
82 errorContainsAnyOf []string
83 }{
84 {
85 name: "minimum of request timeout or webhook timeout propagated",
86 timeoutSeconds: 10,
87 mutatingWebhooks: []testWebhook{
88 {path: "/mutating/1/0s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 20},
89 {path: "/mutating/2/0s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 5},
90 },
91 validatingWebhooks: []testWebhook{
92 {path: "/validating/3/0s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 20},
93 {path: "/validating/4/0s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 5},
94 },
95 expectInvocations: []invocation{
96 {path: "/mutating/1/0s", timeoutSeconds: 10},
97 {path: "/mutating/2/0s", timeoutSeconds: 5},
98 {path: "/validating/3/0s", timeoutSeconds: 10},
99 {path: "/validating/4/0s", timeoutSeconds: 5},
100 },
101 },
102 {
103 name: "webhooks consume client timeout available, not webhook timeout",
104 timeoutSeconds: 10,
105 mutatingWebhooks: []testWebhook{
106 {path: "/mutating/1/1s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 20},
107 {path: "/mutating/2/1s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 5},
108 {path: "/mutating/3/1s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 20},
109 },
110 validatingWebhooks: []testWebhook{
111 {path: "/validating/4/1s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 5},
112 {path: "/validating/5/1s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 10},
113 {path: "/validating/6/1s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Fail, timeoutSeconds: 20},
114 },
115 expectInvocations: []invocation{
116 {path: "/mutating/1/1s", timeoutSeconds: 10},
117 {path: "/mutating/2/1s", timeoutSeconds: 5},
118 {path: "/mutating/3/1s", timeoutSeconds: 8},
119 {path: "/validating/4/1s", timeoutSeconds: 5},
120 {path: "/validating/5/1s", timeoutSeconds: 7},
121 {path: "/validating/6/1s", timeoutSeconds: 7},
122 },
123 },
124 {
125 name: "timed out client requests skip later mutating webhooks (regardless of failure policy) and fail",
126 timeoutSeconds: 3,
127 mutatingWebhooks: []testWebhook{
128 {path: "/mutating/1/5s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Ignore, timeoutSeconds: 4},
129 {path: "/mutating/2/1s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Ignore, timeoutSeconds: 5},
130 {path: "/mutating/3/1s", policy: admissionregistrationv1.Ignore, timeoutSeconds: 5},
131 },
132 expectInvocations: []invocation{
133 {path: "/mutating/1/5s", timeoutSeconds: 3},
134 },
135 expectError: true,
136 errorContainsAnyOf: []string{
139 "stream error",
140 "the server was unable to return a response in the time allotted",
141 },
142 },
143 }
145 roots := x509.NewCertPool()
146 if !roots.AppendCertsFromPEM(localhostCert) {
147 t.Fatal("Failed to append Cert from PEM")
148 }
149 cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(localhostCert, localhostKey)
150 if err != nil {
151 t.Fatalf("Failed to build cert with error: %+v", err)
152 }
154 recorder := &timeoutRecorder{invocations: []invocation{}, markers: sets.NewString()}
155 webhookServer := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(newTimeoutWebhookHandler(recorder))
156 webhookServer.TLS = &tls.Config{
158 RootCAs: roots,
159 Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
160 }
161 webhookServer.StartTLS()
162 defer webhookServer.Close()
164 s := kubeapiservertesting.StartTestServerOrDie(t, kubeapiservertesting.NewDefaultTestServerOptions(), []string{
165 "--disable-admission-plugins=ServiceAccount",
166 fmt.Sprintf("--watch-cache=%v", watchCache),
167 }, framework.SharedEtcd())
168 defer s.TearDownFn()
174 clientConfig := rest.CopyConfig(s.ClientConfig)
175 clientConfig.Timeout = 0
176 clientConfig.Impersonate.UserName = testTimeoutClientUsername
177 clientConfig.Impersonate.Groups = []string{"system:masters", "system:authenticated"}
178 client, err := clientset.NewForConfig(clientConfig)
179 if err != nil {
180 t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
181 }
183 _, err = client.CoreV1().Pods("default").Create(context.TODO(), timeoutMarkerFixture, metav1.CreateOptions{})
184 if err != nil {
185 t.Fatal(err)
186 }
188 for i, tt := range testCases {
189 t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
190 recorder.Reset()
191 ns := fmt.Sprintf("reinvoke-%d", i)
192 _, err = client.CoreV1().Namespaces().Create(context.TODO(), &corev1.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: ns}}, metav1.CreateOptions{})
193 if err != nil {
194 t.Fatal(err)
195 }
197 mutatingWebhooks := []admissionregistrationv1.MutatingWebhook{}
198 for j, webhook := range tt.mutatingWebhooks {
199 name := fmt.Sprintf("admission.integration.test.%d.%s", j, strings.Replace(strings.TrimPrefix(webhook.path, "/"), "/", "-", -1))
200 endpoint := webhookServer.URL + webhook.path
201 mutatingWebhooks = append(mutatingWebhooks, admissionregistrationv1.MutatingWebhook{
202 Name: name,
203 ClientConfig: admissionregistrationv1.WebhookClientConfig{
204 URL: &endpoint,
205 CABundle: localhostCert,
206 },
207 Rules: []admissionregistrationv1.RuleWithOperations{{
208 Operations: []admissionregistrationv1.OperationType{admissionregistrationv1.OperationAll},
209 Rule: admissionregistrationv1.Rule{APIGroups: []string{""}, APIVersions: []string{"v1"}, Resources: []string{"pods"}},
210 }},
211 ObjectSelector: webhook.objectSelector,
212 FailurePolicy: &tt.mutatingWebhooks[j].policy,
213 TimeoutSeconds: &tt.mutatingWebhooks[j].timeoutSeconds,
214 AdmissionReviewVersions: []string{"v1beta1"},
215 SideEffects: &noSideEffects,
216 })
217 }
218 mutatingCfg, err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1().MutatingWebhookConfigurations().Create(context.TODO(), &admissionregistrationv1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration{
219 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: fmt.Sprintf("admission.integration.test-%d", i)},
220 Webhooks: mutatingWebhooks,
221 }, metav1.CreateOptions{})
222 if err != nil {
223 t.Fatal(err)
224 }
225 defer func() {
226 err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1().MutatingWebhookConfigurations().Delete(context.TODO(), mutatingCfg.GetName(), metav1.DeleteOptions{})
227 if err != nil {
228 t.Fatal(err)
229 }
230 }()
232 validatingWebhooks := []admissionregistrationv1.ValidatingWebhook{}
233 for j, webhook := range tt.validatingWebhooks {
234 name := fmt.Sprintf("admission.integration.test.%d.%s", j, strings.Replace(strings.TrimPrefix(webhook.path, "/"), "/", "-", -1))
235 endpoint := webhookServer.URL + webhook.path
236 validatingWebhooks = append(validatingWebhooks, admissionregistrationv1.ValidatingWebhook{
237 Name: name,
238 ClientConfig: admissionregistrationv1.WebhookClientConfig{
239 URL: &endpoint,
240 CABundle: localhostCert,
241 },
242 Rules: []admissionregistrationv1.RuleWithOperations{{
243 Operations: []admissionregistrationv1.OperationType{admissionregistrationv1.OperationAll},
244 Rule: admissionregistrationv1.Rule{APIGroups: []string{""}, APIVersions: []string{"v1"}, Resources: []string{"pods"}},
245 }},
246 ObjectSelector: webhook.objectSelector,
247 FailurePolicy: &tt.validatingWebhooks[j].policy,
248 TimeoutSeconds: &tt.validatingWebhooks[j].timeoutSeconds,
249 AdmissionReviewVersions: []string{"v1beta1"},
250 SideEffects: &noSideEffects,
251 })
252 }
253 validatingCfg, err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().Create(context.TODO(), &admissionregistrationv1.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration{
254 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: fmt.Sprintf("admission.integration.test-%d", i)},
255 Webhooks: validatingWebhooks,
256 }, metav1.CreateOptions{})
257 if err != nil {
258 t.Fatal(err)
259 }
260 defer func() {
261 err := client.AdmissionregistrationV1().ValidatingWebhookConfigurations().Delete(context.TODO(), validatingCfg.GetName(), metav1.DeleteOptions{})
262 if err != nil {
263 t.Fatal(err)
264 }
265 }()
268 if err := wait.PollImmediate(time.Millisecond*5, wait.ForeverTestTimeout, func() (bool, error) {
269 _, err = client.CoreV1().Pods("default").Patch(context.TODO(), timeoutMarkerFixture.Name, types.JSONPatchType, []byte("[]"), metav1.PatchOptions{})
270 received := recorder.MarkerReceived()
271 if len(tt.mutatingWebhooks) > 0 && !received.Has("mutating") {
272 t.Logf("Waiting for mutating webhooks to become effective, getting marker object: %v", err)
273 return false, nil
274 }
275 if len(tt.validatingWebhooks) > 0 && !received.Has("validating") {
276 t.Logf("Waiting for validating webhooks to become effective, getting marker object: %v", err)
277 return false, nil
278 }
279 return true, nil
280 }); err != nil {
281 t.Fatal(err)
282 }
284 pod := &corev1.Pod{
285 TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Pod"},
286 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
287 Namespace: ns,
288 Name: "labeled",
289 Labels: map[string]string{"x": "true"},
290 },
291 Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
292 Containers: []corev1.Container{{
293 Name: "fake-name",
294 Image: "fakeimage",
295 }},
296 },
297 }
299 body, err := json.Marshal(pod)
300 if err != nil {
301 t.Fatal(err)
302 }
305 err = client.CoreV1().RESTClient().Post().Resource("pods").Namespace(ns).Body(body).Param("timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%ds", tt.timeoutSeconds)).Do(context.TODO()).Error()
308 if tt.expectError {
309 if err == nil {
310 t.Fatalf("expected error but got none")
311 }
313 expected := false
314 if len(tt.errorContainsAnyOf) != 0 {
315 for _, errStr := range tt.errorContainsAnyOf {
316 if strings.Contains(err.Error(), errStr) {
317 expected = true
318 break
319 }
320 }
321 }
322 if !expected {
323 t.Errorf("expected the error to be any of %q, but got: %v", tt.errorContainsAnyOf, err)
324 }
325 return
326 }
328 if err != nil {
329 t.Fatal(err)
330 }
332 if tt.expectInvocations != nil {
333 for i, invocation := range tt.expectInvocations {
334 if len(recorder.invocations) <= i {
335 t.Errorf("expected invocation of %s, got none", invocation.path)
336 continue
337 }
339 if recorder.invocations[i].path != invocation.path {
340 t.Errorf("expected invocation of %s, got %s", invocation.path, recorder.invocations[i].path)
341 continue
342 }
343 if recorder.invocations[i].timeoutSeconds != invocation.timeoutSeconds {
344 t.Errorf("expected invocation of %s with timeout %d, got %d", invocation.path, invocation.timeoutSeconds, recorder.invocations[i].timeoutSeconds)
345 continue
346 }
347 }
349 if len(recorder.invocations) > len(tt.expectInvocations) {
350 for _, invocation := range recorder.invocations[len(tt.expectInvocations):] {
351 t.Errorf("unexpected invocation of %s", invocation.path)
352 }
353 }
354 }
355 })
356 }
357 }
359 type timeoutRecorder struct {
360 mu sync.Mutex
361 markers sets.String
362 invocations []invocation
363 }
366 func (i *timeoutRecorder) Reset() {
367 i.mu.Lock()
368 defer i.mu.Unlock()
369 i.invocations = []invocation{}
370 i.markers = sets.NewString()
371 }
374 func (i *timeoutRecorder) MarkerReceived(markers ...string) sets.String {
375 i.mu.Lock()
376 defer i.mu.Unlock()
377 i.markers.Insert(markers...)
378 return i.markers.Union(nil)
379 }
381 func (i *timeoutRecorder) RecordInvocation(call invocation) {
382 i.mu.Lock()
383 defer i.mu.Unlock()
384 i.invocations = append(i.invocations, call)
385 sort.SliceStable(i.invocations, func(a, b int) bool {
386 aValidating := strings.Contains(i.invocations[a].path, "validating")
387 bValidating := strings.Contains(i.invocations[b].path, "validating")
388 switch {
389 case aValidating && bValidating:
391 return strings.Compare(i.invocations[a].path, i.invocations[b].path) < 0
392 case !aValidating && !bValidating:
394 return a < b
395 case aValidating && !bValidating:
397 return false
398 default:
399 return true
400 }
401 })
402 }
404 func newTimeoutWebhookHandler(recorder *timeoutRecorder) http.Handler {
405 allow := func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
406 w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
407 json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&v1beta1.AdmissionReview{
408 Response: &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
409 Allowed: true,
410 },
411 })
412 }
413 return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
414 defer r.Body.Close()
415 data, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
416 if err != nil {
417 http.Error(w, err.Error(), 400)
418 }
419 review := v1beta1.AdmissionReview{}
420 if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &review); err != nil {
421 http.Error(w, err.Error(), 400)
422 }
423 if review.Request.UserInfo.Username != testTimeoutClientUsername {
425 allow(w)
426 return
427 }
429 if len(review.Request.Object.Raw) == 0 {
430 http.Error(w, err.Error(), 400)
431 }
432 pod := &corev1.Pod{}
433 if err := json.Unmarshal(review.Request.Object.Raw, pod); err != nil {
434 http.Error(w, err.Error(), 400)
435 }
439 if pod.Namespace == timeoutMarkerFixture.Namespace && pod.Name == timeoutMarkerFixture.Name {
440 if strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/mutating/") {
441 recorder.MarkerReceived("mutating")
442 }
443 if strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/validating/") {
444 recorder.MarkerReceived("validating")
445 }
446 allow(w)
447 return
448 }
450 timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(r.URL.Query().Get("timeout"))
451 if err != nil {
452 http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
453 }
454 invocation := invocation{path: r.URL.Path, timeoutSeconds: int(timeout.Round(time.Second) / time.Second)}
455 recorder.RecordInvocation(invocation)
457 switch {
458 case strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/0s"):
459 allow(w)
460 case strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/1s"):
461 time.Sleep(time.Second)
462 allow(w)
463 case strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/5s"):
464 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
465 allow(w)
466 default:
467 http.NotFound(w, r)
468 }
469 })
470 }
472 var timeoutMarkerFixture = &corev1.Pod{
473 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
474 Namespace: "default",
475 Name: "marker",
476 },
477 Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
478 Containers: []corev1.Container{{
479 Name: "fake-name",
480 Image: "fakeimage",
481 }},
482 },
483 }
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