
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e_node/summary_test.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e_node

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package e2enode
    19  import (
    20  	"context"
    21  	"fmt"
    22  	"os"
    23  	"strings"
    24  	"time"
    26  	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    27  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource"
    28  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    29  	kubeletstatsv1alpha1 "k8s.io/kubelet/pkg/apis/stats/v1alpha1"
    30  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework"
    31  	e2ekubectl "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/kubectl"
    32  	e2epod "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/pod"
    33  	e2evolume "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/volume"
    34  	admissionapi "k8s.io/pod-security-admission/api"
    36  	systemdutil "github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22/util"
    37  	"github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
    38  	"github.com/onsi/gomega"
    39  	"github.com/onsi/gomega/gstruct"
    40  	"github.com/onsi/gomega/types"
    41  )
    43  var _ = SIGDescribe("Summary API", framework.WithNodeConformance(), func() {
    44  	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("summary-test")
    45  	f.NamespacePodSecurityLevel = admissionapi.LevelPrivileged
    46  	ginkgo.Context("when querying /stats/summary", func() {
    47  		ginkgo.AfterEach(func(ctx context.Context) {
    48  			if !ginkgo.CurrentSpecReport().Failed() {
    49  				return
    50  			}
    51  			if framework.TestContext.DumpLogsOnFailure {
    52  				e2ekubectl.LogFailedContainers(ctx, f.ClientSet, f.Namespace.Name, framework.Logf)
    53  			}
    54  			ginkgo.By("Recording processes in system cgroups")
    55  			recordSystemCgroupProcesses(ctx)
    56  		})
    57  		ginkgo.It("should report resource usage through the stats api", func(ctx context.Context) {
    58  			const pod0 = "stats-busybox-0"
    59  			const pod1 = "stats-busybox-1"
    61  			ginkgo.By("Creating test pods")
    62  			numRestarts := int32(1)
    63  			pods := getSummaryTestPods(f, numRestarts, pod0, pod1)
    64  			e2epod.NewPodClient(f).CreateBatch(ctx, pods)
    66  			ginkgo.By("restarting the containers to ensure container metrics are still being gathered after a container is restarted")
    67  			gomega.Eventually(ctx, func() error {
    68  				for _, pod := range pods {
    69  					err := verifyPodRestartCount(ctx, f, pod.Name, len(pod.Spec.Containers), numRestarts)
    70  					if err != nil {
    71  						return err
    72  					}
    73  				}
    74  				return nil
    75  			}, time.Minute, 5*time.Second).Should(gomega.BeNil())
    77  			ginkgo.By("Waiting 15 seconds for cAdvisor to collect 2 stats points")
    78  			time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
    80  			// Setup expectations.
    81  			const (
    82  				maxStartAge = time.Hour * 24 * 365 // 1 year
    83  				maxStatsAge = time.Minute
    84  			)
    85  			ginkgo.By("Fetching node so we can match against an appropriate memory limit")
    86  			node := getLocalNode(ctx, f)
    87  			memoryCapacity := node.Status.Capacity["memory"]
    88  			memoryLimit := memoryCapacity.Value()
    89  			fsCapacityBounds := bounded(100*e2evolume.Mb, 10*e2evolume.Tb)
    90  			// Expectations for system containers.
    91  			sysContExpectations := func() types.GomegaMatcher {
    92  				return gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
    93  					"Name":      gstruct.Ignore(),
    94  					"StartTime": recent(maxStartAge),
    95  					"CPU": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
    96  						"Time": recent(maxStatsAge),
    97  						// CRI stats provider tries to estimate the value of UsageNanoCores. This value can be
    98  						// either 0 or between 10000 and 2e9.
    99  						// Please refer, https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/95345#discussion_r501630942
   100  						// for more information.
   101  						"UsageNanoCores":       gomega.SatisfyAny(gstruct.PointTo(gomega.BeZero()), bounded(10000, 2e9)),
   102  						"UsageCoreNanoSeconds": bounded(10000000, 1e15),
   103  					}),
   104  					"Memory": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   105  						"Time": recent(maxStatsAge),
   106  						// We don't limit system container memory.
   107  						"AvailableBytes":  gomega.BeNil(),
   108  						"UsageBytes":      bounded(1*e2evolume.Mb, memoryLimit),
   109  						"WorkingSetBytes": bounded(1*e2evolume.Mb, memoryLimit),
   110  						// this now returns /sys/fs/cgroup/memory.stat total_rss
   111  						"RSSBytes":        bounded(1*e2evolume.Mb, memoryLimit),
   112  						"PageFaults":      bounded(1000, 1e9),
   113  						"MajorPageFaults": bounded(0, 1e9),
   114  					}),
   115  					"Swap":               swapExpectation(memoryLimit),
   116  					"Accelerators":       gomega.BeEmpty(),
   117  					"Rootfs":             gomega.BeNil(),
   118  					"Logs":               gomega.BeNil(),
   119  					"UserDefinedMetrics": gomega.BeEmpty(),
   120  				})
   121  			}
   122  			expectedPageFaultsUpperBound := 1000000
   123  			expectedMajorPageFaultsUpperBound := 1e9
   124  			if IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() {
   125  				// On cgroupv2 these stats are recursive, so make sure they are at least like the value set
   126  				// above for the container.
   127  				expectedPageFaultsUpperBound = 1e9
   128  				expectedMajorPageFaultsUpperBound = 1e9
   129  			}
   131  			podsContExpectations := sysContExpectations().(*gstruct.FieldsMatcher)
   132  			podsContExpectations.Fields["Memory"] = ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   133  				"Time": recent(maxStatsAge),
   134  				// Pods are limited by Node Allocatable
   135  				"AvailableBytes":  bounded(1*e2evolume.Kb, memoryLimit),
   136  				"UsageBytes":      bounded(10*e2evolume.Kb, memoryLimit),
   137  				"WorkingSetBytes": bounded(10*e2evolume.Kb, memoryLimit),
   138  				"RSSBytes":        bounded(1*e2evolume.Kb, memoryLimit),
   139  				"PageFaults":      bounded(0, expectedPageFaultsUpperBound),
   140  				"MajorPageFaults": bounded(0, expectedMajorPageFaultsUpperBound),
   141  			})
   142  			runtimeContExpectations := sysContExpectations().(*gstruct.FieldsMatcher)
   143  			systemContainers := gstruct.Elements{
   144  				"kubelet": sysContExpectations(),
   145  				"runtime": runtimeContExpectations,
   146  				"pods":    podsContExpectations,
   147  			}
   148  			// The Kubelet only manages the 'misc' system container if the host is not running systemd.
   149  			if !systemdutil.IsRunningSystemd() {
   150  				framework.Logf("Host not running systemd; expecting 'misc' system container.")
   151  				miscContExpectations := sysContExpectations().(*gstruct.FieldsMatcher)
   152  				// Misc processes are system-dependent, so relax the memory constraints.
   153  				miscContExpectations.Fields["Memory"] = ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   154  					"Time": recent(maxStatsAge),
   155  					// We don't limit system container memory.
   156  					"AvailableBytes":  gomega.BeNil(),
   157  					"UsageBytes":      bounded(100*e2evolume.Kb, memoryLimit),
   158  					"WorkingSetBytes": bounded(100*e2evolume.Kb, memoryLimit),
   159  					"RSSBytes":        bounded(100*e2evolume.Kb, memoryLimit),
   160  					"PageFaults":      bounded(1000, 1e9),
   161  					"MajorPageFaults": bounded(0, 1e9),
   162  				})
   163  				systemContainers["misc"] = miscContExpectations
   164  			}
   165  			// Expectations for pods.
   166  			podExpectations := gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   167  				"PodRef":    gstruct.Ignore(),
   168  				"StartTime": recent(maxStartAge),
   169  				"Containers": gstruct.MatchAllElements(summaryObjectID, gstruct.Elements{
   170  					"busybox-container": gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   171  						"Name":      gomega.Equal("busybox-container"),
   172  						"StartTime": recent(maxStartAge),
   173  						"CPU": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   174  							"Time":                 recent(maxStatsAge),
   175  							"UsageNanoCores":       bounded(10000, 1e9),
   176  							"UsageCoreNanoSeconds": bounded(10000000, 1e11),
   177  						}),
   178  						"Memory": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   179  							"Time":            recent(maxStatsAge),
   180  							"AvailableBytes":  bounded(1*e2evolume.Kb, 80*e2evolume.Mb),
   181  							"UsageBytes":      bounded(10*e2evolume.Kb, 80*e2evolume.Mb),
   182  							"WorkingSetBytes": bounded(10*e2evolume.Kb, 80*e2evolume.Mb),
   183  							"RSSBytes":        bounded(1*e2evolume.Kb, 80*e2evolume.Mb),
   184  							"PageFaults":      bounded(100, expectedPageFaultsUpperBound),
   185  							"MajorPageFaults": bounded(0, expectedMajorPageFaultsUpperBound),
   186  						}),
   187  						"Swap":         swapExpectation(memoryLimit),
   188  						"Accelerators": gomega.BeEmpty(),
   189  						"Rootfs": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   190  							"Time":           recent(maxStatsAge),
   191  							"AvailableBytes": fsCapacityBounds,
   192  							"CapacityBytes":  fsCapacityBounds,
   193  							"UsedBytes":      bounded(e2evolume.Kb, 10*e2evolume.Mb),
   194  							"InodesFree":     bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   195  							"Inodes":         bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   196  							"InodesUsed":     bounded(0, 1e8),
   197  						}),
   198  						"Logs": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   199  							"Time":           recent(maxStatsAge),
   200  							"AvailableBytes": fsCapacityBounds,
   201  							"CapacityBytes":  fsCapacityBounds,
   202  							"UsedBytes":      bounded(e2evolume.Kb, 10*e2evolume.Mb),
   203  							"InodesFree":     bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   204  							"Inodes":         bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   205  							"InodesUsed":     bounded(0, 1e8),
   206  						}),
   207  						"UserDefinedMetrics": gomega.BeEmpty(),
   208  					}),
   209  				}),
   210  				"Network": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   211  					"Time": recent(maxStatsAge),
   212  					"InterfaceStats": gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   213  						"Name":     gomega.Equal("eth0"),
   214  						"RxBytes":  bounded(10, 10*e2evolume.Mb),
   215  						"RxErrors": bounded(0, 1000),
   216  						"TxBytes":  bounded(10, 10*e2evolume.Mb),
   217  						"TxErrors": bounded(0, 1000),
   218  					}),
   219  					"Interfaces": gomega.Not(gomega.BeNil()),
   220  				}),
   221  				"CPU": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   222  					"Time":                 recent(maxStatsAge),
   223  					"UsageNanoCores":       bounded(10000, 1e9),
   224  					"UsageCoreNanoSeconds": bounded(10000000, 1e11),
   225  				}),
   226  				"Memory": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   227  					"Time":            recent(maxStatsAge),
   228  					"AvailableBytes":  bounded(1*e2evolume.Kb, 80*e2evolume.Mb),
   229  					"UsageBytes":      bounded(10*e2evolume.Kb, 80*e2evolume.Mb),
   230  					"WorkingSetBytes": bounded(10*e2evolume.Kb, 80*e2evolume.Mb),
   231  					"RSSBytes":        bounded(1*e2evolume.Kb, 80*e2evolume.Mb),
   232  					"PageFaults":      bounded(0, expectedPageFaultsUpperBound),
   233  					"MajorPageFaults": bounded(0, expectedMajorPageFaultsUpperBound),
   234  				}),
   235  				"Swap": swapExpectation(memoryLimit),
   236  				"VolumeStats": gstruct.MatchAllElements(summaryObjectID, gstruct.Elements{
   237  					"test-empty-dir": gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   238  						"Name":              gomega.Equal("test-empty-dir"),
   239  						"PVCRef":            gomega.BeNil(),
   240  						"VolumeHealthStats": gomega.BeNil(),
   241  						"FsStats": gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   242  							"Time":           recent(maxStatsAge),
   243  							"AvailableBytes": fsCapacityBounds,
   244  							"CapacityBytes":  fsCapacityBounds,
   245  							"UsedBytes":      bounded(e2evolume.Kb, 1*e2evolume.Mb),
   246  							"InodesFree":     bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   247  							"Inodes":         bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   248  							"InodesUsed":     bounded(0, 1e8),
   249  						}),
   250  					}),
   251  				}),
   252  				"EphemeralStorage": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   253  					"Time":           recent(maxStatsAge),
   254  					"AvailableBytes": fsCapacityBounds,
   255  					"CapacityBytes":  fsCapacityBounds,
   256  					"UsedBytes":      bounded(e2evolume.Kb, 21*e2evolume.Mb),
   257  					"InodesFree":     bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   258  					"Inodes":         bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   259  					"InodesUsed":     bounded(0, 1e8),
   260  				}),
   261  				"ProcessStats": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   262  					"ProcessCount": bounded(0, 1e8),
   263  				}),
   264  			})
   266  			matchExpectations := ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   267  				"Node": gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   268  					"NodeName":         gomega.Equal(framework.TestContext.NodeName),
   269  					"StartTime":        recent(maxStartAge),
   270  					"SystemContainers": gstruct.MatchAllElements(summaryObjectID, systemContainers),
   271  					"CPU": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   272  						"Time":                 recent(maxStatsAge),
   273  						"UsageNanoCores":       bounded(100e3, 2e9),
   274  						"UsageCoreNanoSeconds": bounded(1e9, 1e15),
   275  					}),
   276  					"Memory": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   277  						"Time":            recent(maxStatsAge),
   278  						"AvailableBytes":  bounded(100*e2evolume.Mb, memoryLimit),
   279  						"UsageBytes":      bounded(10*e2evolume.Mb, memoryLimit),
   280  						"WorkingSetBytes": bounded(10*e2evolume.Mb, memoryLimit),
   281  						// this now returns /sys/fs/cgroup/memory.stat total_rss
   282  						"RSSBytes":        bounded(1*e2evolume.Kb, memoryLimit),
   283  						"PageFaults":      bounded(1000, 1e9),
   284  						"MajorPageFaults": bounded(0, 1e9),
   285  					}),
   286  					"Swap": swapExpectation(memoryLimit),
   287  					// TODO(#28407): Handle non-eth0 network interface names.
   288  					"Network": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   289  						"Time": recent(maxStatsAge),
   290  						"InterfaceStats": gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   291  							"Name":     gomega.Or(gomega.BeEmpty(), gomega.Equal("eth0")),
   292  							"RxBytes":  gomega.Or(gomega.BeNil(), bounded(1*e2evolume.Mb, 100*e2evolume.Gb)),
   293  							"RxErrors": gomega.Or(gomega.BeNil(), bounded(0, 100000)),
   294  							"TxBytes":  gomega.Or(gomega.BeNil(), bounded(10*e2evolume.Kb, 10*e2evolume.Gb)),
   295  							"TxErrors": gomega.Or(gomega.BeNil(), bounded(0, 100000)),
   296  						}),
   297  						"Interfaces": gomega.Not(gomega.BeNil()),
   298  					}),
   299  					"Fs": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   300  						"Time":           recent(maxStatsAge),
   301  						"AvailableBytes": fsCapacityBounds,
   302  						"CapacityBytes":  fsCapacityBounds,
   303  						// we assume we are not running tests on machines more than 10tb of disk
   304  						"UsedBytes":  bounded(e2evolume.Kb, 10*e2evolume.Tb),
   305  						"InodesFree": bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   306  						"Inodes":     bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   307  						"InodesUsed": bounded(0, 1e8),
   308  					}),
   309  					"Runtime": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   310  						"ImageFs": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   311  							"Time":           recent(maxStatsAge),
   312  							"AvailableBytes": fsCapacityBounds,
   313  							"CapacityBytes":  fsCapacityBounds,
   314  							// we assume we are not running tests on machines more than 10tb of disk
   315  							"UsedBytes":  bounded(e2evolume.Kb, 10*e2evolume.Tb),
   316  							"InodesFree": bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   317  							"Inodes":     bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   318  							"InodesUsed": bounded(0, 1e8),
   319  						}),
   320  						"ContainerFs": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   321  							"Time":           recent(maxStatsAge),
   322  							"AvailableBytes": fsCapacityBounds,
   323  							"CapacityBytes":  fsCapacityBounds,
   324  							// we assume we are not running tests on machines more than 10tb of disk
   325  							"UsedBytes":  bounded(e2evolume.Kb, 10*e2evolume.Tb),
   326  							"InodesFree": bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   327  							"Inodes":     bounded(1e4, 1e8),
   328  							"InodesUsed": bounded(0, 1e8),
   329  						}),
   330  					}),
   331  					"Rlimit": ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   332  						"Time":                  recent(maxStatsAge),
   333  						"MaxPID":                bounded(0, 1e8),
   334  						"NumOfRunningProcesses": bounded(0, 1e8),
   335  					}),
   336  				}),
   337  				// Ignore extra pods since the tests run in parallel.
   338  				"Pods": gstruct.MatchElements(summaryObjectID, gstruct.IgnoreExtras, gstruct.Elements{
   339  					fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s", f.Namespace.Name, pod0): podExpectations,
   340  					fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s", f.Namespace.Name, pod1): podExpectations,
   341  				}),
   342  			})
   344  			ginkgo.By("Validating /stats/summary")
   345  			// Give pods a minute to actually start up.
   346  			gomega.Eventually(ctx, getNodeSummary, 180*time.Second, 15*time.Second).Should(matchExpectations)
   347  			// Then the summary should match the expectations a few more times.
   348  			gomega.Consistently(ctx, getNodeSummary, 30*time.Second, 15*time.Second).Should(matchExpectations)
   349  		})
   350  	})
   351  })
   353  func getSummaryTestPods(f *framework.Framework, numRestarts int32, names ...string) []*v1.Pod {
   354  	pods := make([]*v1.Pod, 0, len(names))
   355  	for _, name := range names {
   356  		pods = append(pods, &v1.Pod{
   357  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   358  				Name: name,
   359  			},
   360  			Spec: v1.PodSpec{
   361  				RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyAlways,
   362  				Containers: []v1.Container{
   363  					{
   364  						Name:  "busybox-container",
   365  						Image: busyboxImage,
   366  						SecurityContext: &v1.SecurityContext{
   367  							Capabilities: &v1.Capabilities{
   368  								Add: []v1.Capability{"NET_RAW"},
   369  							},
   370  						},
   371  						Command: getRestartingContainerCommand("/test-empty-dir-mnt", 0, numRestarts, "echo 'some bytes' >/outside_the_volume.txt; ping -c 1 google.com; echo 'hello world' >> /test-empty-dir-mnt/file;"),
   372  						Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{
   373  							Limits: v1.ResourceList{
   374  								// Must set memory limit to get MemoryStats.AvailableBytes
   375  								v1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("80M"),
   376  							},
   377  						},
   378  						VolumeMounts: []v1.VolumeMount{
   379  							{MountPath: "/test-empty-dir-mnt", Name: "test-empty-dir"},
   380  						},
   381  					},
   382  				},
   383  				SecurityContext: &v1.PodSecurityContext{
   384  					SELinuxOptions: &v1.SELinuxOptions{
   385  						Level: "s0",
   386  					},
   387  				},
   388  				Volumes: []v1.Volume{
   389  					// TODO(#28393): Test secret volumes
   390  					// TODO(#28394): Test hostpath volumes
   391  					{Name: "test-empty-dir", VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &v1.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}},
   392  				},
   393  			},
   394  		})
   395  	}
   396  	return pods
   397  }
   399  // Mapping function for gstruct.MatchAllElements
   400  func summaryObjectID(element interface{}) string {
   401  	switch el := element.(type) {
   402  	case kubeletstatsv1alpha1.PodStats:
   403  		return fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s", el.PodRef.Namespace, el.PodRef.Name)
   404  	case kubeletstatsv1alpha1.ContainerStats:
   405  		return el.Name
   406  	case kubeletstatsv1alpha1.VolumeStats:
   407  		return el.Name
   408  	case kubeletstatsv1alpha1.UserDefinedMetric:
   409  		return el.Name
   410  	default:
   411  		framework.Failf("Unknown type: %T", el)
   412  		return "???"
   413  	}
   414  }
   416  // Convenience functions for common matcher combinations.
   417  func ptrMatchAllFields(fields gstruct.Fields) types.GomegaMatcher {
   418  	return gstruct.PointTo(gstruct.MatchAllFields(fields))
   419  }
   421  func bounded(lower, upper interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
   422  	return gstruct.PointTo(gomega.And(
   423  		gomega.BeNumerically(">=", lower),
   424  		gomega.BeNumerically("<=", upper)))
   425  }
   427  func swapExpectation(upper interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher {
   428  	// Size after which we consider memory to be "unlimited". This is not
   429  	// MaxInt64 due to rounding by the kernel.
   430  	const maxMemorySize = uint64(1 << 62)
   432  	swapBytesMatcher := gomega.Or(
   433  		gomega.BeNil(),
   434  		bounded(0, upper),
   435  		gstruct.PointTo(gomega.BeNumerically(">=", maxMemorySize)),
   436  	)
   438  	return gomega.Or(
   439  		gomega.BeNil(),
   440  		ptrMatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{
   441  			"Time":               recent(maxStatsAge),
   442  			"SwapUsageBytes":     swapBytesMatcher,
   443  			"SwapAvailableBytes": swapBytesMatcher,
   444  		}),
   445  	)
   446  }
   448  func recent(d time.Duration) types.GomegaMatcher {
   449  	return gomega.WithTransform(func(t metav1.Time) time.Time {
   450  		return t.Time
   451  	}, gomega.And(
   452  		gomega.BeTemporally(">=", time.Now().Add(-d)),
   453  		// Now() is the test start time, not the match time, so permit a few extra minutes.
   454  		gomega.BeTemporally("<", time.Now().Add(3*time.Minute))))
   455  }
   457  func recordSystemCgroupProcesses(ctx context.Context) {
   458  	cfg, err := getCurrentKubeletConfig(ctx)
   459  	if err != nil {
   460  		framework.Logf("Failed to read kubelet config: %v", err)
   461  		return
   462  	}
   463  	cgroups := map[string]string{
   464  		"kubelet": cfg.KubeletCgroups,
   465  		"misc":    cfg.SystemCgroups,
   466  	}
   467  	for name, cgroup := range cgroups {
   468  		if cgroup == "" {
   469  			framework.Logf("Skipping unconfigured cgroup %s", name)
   470  			continue
   471  		}
   473  		filePattern := "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/%s/cgroup.procs"
   474  		if IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() {
   475  			filePattern = "/sys/fs/cgroup/%s/cgroup.procs"
   476  		}
   477  		pids, err := os.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf(filePattern, cgroup))
   478  		if err != nil {
   479  			framework.Logf("Failed to read processes in cgroup %s: %v", name, err)
   480  			continue
   481  		}
   483  		framework.Logf("Processes in %s cgroup (%s):", name, cgroup)
   484  		for _, pid := range strings.Fields(string(pids)) {
   485  			path := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%s/cmdline", pid)
   486  			cmd, err := os.ReadFile(path)
   487  			if err != nil {
   488  				framework.Logf("  ginkgo.Failed to read %s: %v", path, err)
   489  			} else {
   490  				framework.Logf("  %s", cmd)
   491  			}
   492  		}
   493  	}
   494  }

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